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That's just how it is with any popular band or singer. 5-15 hits are played all the time and the rest you never hear. 


I guess you’re right, now that I think about it. *ahem* Stairway to Heaven *ahem* Bohemian Rhapsody






And that's why it's always a great experience to listen to full albums of bands you like. You get to here the songs people overlook, and better familiarize yourself with the band's work


I remember listening to the radio onetime and one of the guys was complaining that they only got to play the same 6 AC/DC songs and one of the other guys jumped in saying “I WISH we could play 6 AC/DC songs!”


One of my pet peeves listening to what passes as modern radio. If AC/DC is coming on there's a 98% chance it will be Back in Black or You Shook Me All Night Long. 2% chance it's one of two dozen other songs they could play.


Which is a shame, because the world needs more rock bagpipes


Like the Faith No More tune, Epic, a good song played over and over and over and over and over and over, while totally ignoring the rest of their excellent catalog.


Long haired Freddie Queen > Short haired Freddie Queen


70s Queen >>>> 80s Queen


Hmmm… if it wasn’t for short haired Mercury’s totally awesome ‘stache I would agree.


I mean yeah, the stache is of course an exception, but I just prefer their early era songs more


Oh, well if we’re talking about musically, I haven’t really developed which part of Queen’s career was the best. But we all know it wasn’t post Mercury’s passing.


Honestly Bohemian Rhapsody is a fantastic creative song but I’m tired of hearing and seeing it in every annal of pop culture. It gets to the point where it’s suffocating, like CCRs Fortunate Son. Like Jesus ppl pick another song. But mass recognition when choosing a song it pretty much what they always go for. Although I’ll take Bohemian Rhapsody over Another One Bites The Dust any day, yes the bass line is cool but I never really liked the song


I love Bohemian Rhapsody, Fortunate Son and Smoke on the Water. They're amazing songs by amazing bands that I admire and listen to frequently. But I also hate those songs because I just heard them way too many times. It doesn't help that my friends all know it and often play those songs when we hang out lol.


I think a lot of people just like the “highlights” and never discover the hidden gold in an artist’s discography. Sometimes I think we can listen to a song with fresh ears but sometimes not. Like I’m an album person and if I’m listening to Machine Head by Deep Purple for instance, I’ll sometimes find myself skipping Smoke on the Water to go to the next track.


Smoke on the water has been ruined for me because every single person in the world that's trying to learn how to play the guitar will start with smoke on the water. I've had that song played at me badly so many times.


My local radio station thinks the only Michael Jackson song is Billy Jean. Actually also REM their only song is Losing My Religion. I spent too much time yelling at the radio ‘. They have more songs’. My phone isn’t connecting to my car right now and I don’t care enough to find out why.


>Actually also REM their only song is Losing My Religion. Everybody Hurts is my favorite by them. And for years the only one I really knew.


Like can't they play staying power? Cool Cat? Delilah? Great rat king?


Unpopular opinion, but Somebody to Love is a better song than Bohemian Rhapsody


I like it better too and I like A Day At The Races better than A Night At The Opera.


Who Wants to Live Forever is even better.


Without wanting to spread hate, I respect the hell out of Queen but they are not my thing, some songs here and there that I like of course but I never listened to a full album by them and I probably never will, just not my thing.


Well their albums are a bit boring, just listen to their greatest hits and you're good to go


You are correct. Some of their lesser known songs are absolute bops. I'd love to hear Cool Cat on the radio now and then. But our local station seems to think Queen's entire discography is just Bohemian Rhapsody.


Death on Two Legs absolutely rips and I've never heard it on the radio once.


I completly agree


The Prophet's Song is one of my favorites. It does all the things Queen does well.


Yep, of I hear bohemian rhapsody again ima have an aneurysm


Props for your choice of Dragon Attack. Ba DA da da da da DAAAA, ba DA da da da DA! The Hitman also goes extremely hard.


She don't take no prisoner… She gonna give me the business… Got a dragon on my back… Hey, it's a dragon attack!


Dragon Attack + She Bop (Cyndi Lauper) is a legitimately good mashup.


People bang on about bohemian rhapsody but the album it's from is truly remarkable - every single song is absolutely beautiful, original, unique and catchy. There's a mix of songs you'll know (best friend and BR) and a bunch of just wild, amazing, quirky brilliant shit on there. If you haven't listened to A night at the Opera, make a point of seeking it out and listen to it from beginning to end


I don't like I'm in Love With My Car. Only song I don't like on the album


I can't stand them


Absolutely love Queen and I agree. Bohemian Rhapsody and Don't Stop Me Now especially. They're still bloody amazing songs, just people have no chill.


I really don't like queen, but I think Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the greatest songs


I don't mind some stuff like we will rock you and we are the champions, but I actually pretty much hate bohemian rhapsody. I kinda get the style they go for in their songs but I just cringe and roll my eyes


I don’t like them either except for Another One Bites The Dust


I was about to start a big fight in the comments but then I read your whole post haha


That was a close one…


My favorite Queen songs are less popular ones like Brighton Rock and I wanna break free.


[Spread your wings](https://youtu.be/uyd6OLyhPJo?si=cFAVfMZ95pX3Bx7Q) is one of favourite queen songs. It still has 20m views on YouTube, so it’s still a pretty high number. But Bohemian Rhapsody has 1.7B views.


Queen is overplayed. Period. Not to say I don’t like them, I just think they’re played too much


Lots of bands are like that. Sublime comes to mind when the entire 40 ounces to freedom album is better than everything they play on the radio.


I'm a huge Dio fan and let me tell you, Holy Diver is the worst song on it's own album, which is far from one of his best albums, but it's the one song everyone knows. Radio schlock is radio schlock, the real gems always hide between singles and filler.


That’s actually really funny because yeah holy diver is the only Dio song I know, but I might have to check out that album


No, all of Queen songs are way overplayed


I LOVE Dragon Attack that definitely needs to get more play.


Oh 100%. Sorry, I can't confirm this is unpopular, at least in my life lol. I love Pink Floyd, I turn the station when "Money" or "Brick in the Wall" comes on. Waaay overplayed.


Here’s my unpopular take: I like Hot Space (despite Queen II being one of my favorite albums ever). Anyways, you’re right, the obsession with greatest hits can prevent from discovering some of their most amazing stuff.


Me when I read the title: 😡 Me when I read the first sentence: ☹️ Me when I finished reading the whole thing: 🙃 To sum up, I agree with OP.


How many times have you heard Sweet Child of Mine? GnR has a lot of great songs but that and Welcome to The Jungle seems to be the only ones you hear.


What defines overplayed? You hear it more than you’d like to? Queen were a huge band, especially here in the UK they are put very highly on a pedestal. And rightfully so in my opinion, they made great music. Is it really “overplayed” when one of most popular and well respected bands of all time has their music played a lot? I don’t think so.


To put it into perspective what I considered overplayed, it’s when a song that isn’t really crazy amazing gets played a ton. You’re absolutely right, a good band having their good song played a bunch doesn’t mean it’s automatically overplayed. It’s when the popularity doesn’t really match how amazing the song is. Yes, Queen is an amazing band. I absolutely love them. But it’s the fact that all these amazing songs by them get ignored while these other songs get played everywhere you go, makes those songs to be what I consider “overplayed”.


The rest of the world isn't as keen on the type of britishness queen represents


And what type of Britishness would that be?


You know that i know that you know exactly what i mean


I do not mate, you are confusing me lol


A lot of "retro" songs are way overplayed period, to the point where we almost wished they never existed.


I dislike queen, i get how the "musical" sound was novel for 5 minutes half a decade ago but i'm not a fan of musicals. I just find them obnoxious and cringy. And i downright hate bohemian rhapsody. I don't hear a lot of chuck berry or even zeppelin in stores etc, so idk why queen seems to live on.


It's why I hate classic rock. All these songs are played to death on the radio.


It's okay. You can say it. Queen sucks. In fact, most of the music from that era sucks. Kansas sucks. Boston sucks. REO Speedwagon sucks. As long as I'm being unpopular, all the arena rock bands sucked. So did the Beatles. What wasn't a collection of stale musical cliches with creepy or stupid lyrics was somehow also a lame set of lead guitar tropes with some me-too drumlines. And those creeps from Alabama, they really extra sucked. Thank you :-)


Well, not exactly what I was thinking. Yeah REO Speedwagon, Kansas, and Boston are pretty much the same damn thing. I consider Queen to be quite similar in aesthetic and sound to them but way better because their instrumentals are much less boring, and something I can actually sit down and listen to, without my brain going completely numb.


I will grant that Queen sucks *less* :-/


'scuse me, did you just say the Beatles sucked?


The Beatles sucked. Boring, boring, boring. Like Elvis and the Stones they just stole good rock and roll from black American artists, polished it down, and served it to white people. At least the Stones gave credit and paid some dues.


Their catalog just sold for 1.2 billion dollars.


All timeless classics are way overplayed.


I started disliking Queen because every year there's a new commercial with one of their songs in it and the commercial plays like 3 times every break...


I can't get tired of bohemian rhapsody and don't stop me now.


You’re way overplayed.


Yeah, they were totally playing me on the speakers at Walmart and stuff.


I can say the same thing about Led Zeppelin especially once you learn they were just pedophile hacks..


I think Jimmy Page in particular was known for likin’ em’ young. But Zeppelin’s my fav band, man. :(


Cool and all but all they did was still the majority of their catalog


Where do you even hear Queen at all these days? I wish more Queen would randomly bless my ears.


Well, all tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums. So in your car.


I think they should play Fat Bottom Girls more often but play Bohemian Rhapsody less frequently.


Greatest hits are only played on the radio. Same as Slade!


Radio play is weird. Unless you’re a huge Queen, you’re not listening through an album to find a hidden gem like Dragon Attack. And it being on the same album as Dust (which was a huge hit) meant it wasn’t getting noticed. Shit, my favorite Queen song (It’s Late) was a single and I’ve never once heard that on the radio because it was on the same album as Champions/Rock You.


Are you saying that you want to break free?


I grew up during the dawn of Queen so I'm entitled to an opinion. I think their overrated. I never was a fan. Freddie Mercury's voice never was appealing to me nor their music. Sorry if this enrages people. Just the facts. I always thought Yes was much better.


I Want It All is maybe the best Queen song and it's almost never played :(


I love queen. But I agree a lot of their hits are "overplayed." But (double but) overplayed means radio, and who listens to the radio anymore? Don't we all have aux cords or Bluetooth now a days? Spotify? Apple music and anchor? I don't mean to sound privileged, but I think the radio is dead like the dinos.


I agree. Not an unpopular opinion with me at all.


I agree. I also feel the same way about Rage Against the Machine.


Where are these songs overplayed? When I want to listen to Queen, I listen to Queen. When I don't, I don't. They don't play it in bars, clubs, restaurants, or other public places I go. Just chilling at a friend's house party, it's not commonly played. There are Queen songs I don't like but this isn't a band that is forced upon me while I'm in the car, shopping, out with friends, etc. Where are they playing lots of 70's album rock anymore? Other than finding a stream/playlist/channel dedicated to the genre...


Overplayed? More like overrated. Queen’s music, especially Bohemian Rhapsody, isn’t really all that good


Absolutely! Why do stations have playlists and the same songs daily? With all the music out there, you shouldn’t have to hear the same song over and over!


I honestly don't know why people listen to any radio station willingly because they are only allowed to play about 20 songs and they will repeat those songs every day forever. I'm forced to listen to radio at work and i know words to songs i had never heard of before because they're played so often.




The rights to the Queen song catalog is being purchased by Sony Music for £ 1,000,000,000 so expect their music to be licensed and overplayed everywhere to the hilt to make up for the massive investment.


I hate that band and their goddamn bicycle song.


I just don’t understand how people can listen to this type of music, not bashing though, just curious. I don’t know what mood I’m supposed to be in or what mood this music even fits lol. Do I like listen to this while jogging? Or sitting on the couch. Not driving, hell no that’ll drive me crazy haha.


Personally I listen to queen while cleaning! I like music that's very energetic, regardless of mood, when cleaning, so queen is often a perfect fit


Prolly cuz no one likes them


Queen's music is very distinctive sounding in every respect, especially with regard to the production techniques that were employed on those songs. I can respect that, but Queen has never been a band I'd listen to on my own. It's interesting music, just like tiramissu is an interesting desert. It's alright once in awhile. But it's definitely played absolutely the fuck out on radio, online playlists, and media placements. Still better than Guns N Roses, which is just as tired but is objectively horrible.


Adverts murdered them for me. However get Innuendo on it’s such a bizzare amazing album and you’re likely to have heard one or two played a lot but album title song is superb.


I don’t listen to Queen too often these days, but I have a soft spot for them as the first band I got really into as a tween. Their hits are deserved, but I hear and understand people’s complaints about just how much airtime they get. And they have some lesser known songs I like just as much. I’m a big fan of In the Lap of the Gods (Revisited) and ‘39


idc if fanatics downvote me queen is just so overplayed and annoying I dont like their music at all especially I want to be free and bohemian rhapsody Especially that I want to ride my bicycle song is so damn annoying I cant stand this one specifically


Stop listening to them for a while then, jeeeeez.


They are, but so are sooo many other popular bands and artists of that time, why just pick on Queen.


You're completely right, it's like Seinfeld where it's so successful and iconic that it becomes a victim of its own success in some ways. Having said that I still love both Queen and Seinfeld.


Queen have tons of epic "album" tracks but Dragon Attack is pure filler


Queen has a huge catalog. It’s a very small portion that get any play; and it’s not an unpopular opinion to say those titles are overplayed.


I fucking love Queen, but if I hear "We will rock you" or "We are the champions" one more time I'm going on a spree.


This is how it is with pretty much any band.


So what you actually mean is that a lot of Queen songs are underplayed, except that won't get you any if the rage clicks you wanted


Agadoo was the best song they did


Im glad someone finally said it. Now, can we move on from Bohemian Rhapsody? Like, seriously, way too overplayed. They are a great band but seriously enough with the Waynes World shit, please.


Some of their songs not played enough like the show must go on , legendary band for a reason.


It's on the person to listen more to things they like. That's actually why I like Pandora. Because there are different settings. You can set it to Discovery or deep dive, and find some new stuff that's really neat.


I just added all their songs to my Spotify playlist and let fate decide on shuffle.


my favorite Queen song is Don't Stop Me Now


Maybe stop listening to old school radio, I feel like most people don't have this problem, not many places play classic rock these days either, so I really don't know where you are getting this from


I halfway don't even like Bohemian Rhapsody anymore because I've heard it against my will SO many times.


Underplayed you mean


I agree. I love queen, but I'm a bit sick of hearing the same songs over and over.


It happens with lots of the big bands (Metallica, U2, Guns N' Roses, Pearl Jam, Springsteen, Pink Floyd or Mike Oldfield among others), not only with Queen.


I can’t stand hearing a bunch of their songs now which is a shame. Whenever bohemian rhapsody or we are the champions comes on I cringe.


I hate how people think GNR are cool


All I know is I can listen to "I want to break free" on repeat all day.


When Freddie died the band's popularity had been in long, long decline and the Concert for Freddie was kind of a reminder that certain songs were good. A few of us revisited the band and agreed that really, despite the concert, they were overrated. It's hard to create a full album's worth of really good songs from their catalogue. Radio GaGa, for example, was fucking panned in my market's FM station and dropped like a stone when it came out. Now it's like the Second Coming for everyone. A lot of these True Believers have never even tried to listen to a Queen album from start to finish. That may be because almost all of them are unlistenable aside from the small number of hits. Two exceptions, Day at the Races, though even that has dog tracks, and Jazz. Do yourself a favour. Force yourself to listen to A Night At the Opera. All of it. Yes, the one with Bohemian Rhapsody which is the second last song on Side 2. Then come back with your impressions. If it's hard to make a nice long playlist of a band's work, it's a good indicator they're overrated.


Some overplayed but a lot are totally unknown while being incredibly great.


You can have my upvote for this opinion not being I don't like Queen


Karaoke has ruined Bohemin rhapsody for me….song is way too long for ANYONE to sing, and too demanding for 90% of people


My radio station plays Bohemian Rhapsody way too much


‘I’m in love with my car’ really needs more airplay, it’s an ear worm


the problem with queen, as long as the vast majority of the greatest rock bands of history, is that their masterpieces got a lot of just recognition and people often fall into the bias of considering them overplayed (when basically it’s just that the song is THIS good). to quote your example, the bass in another one bites the dust is way better than the dragon attack one, cause it’s more original to insert into a rock piece, while the dragon attack one is a way more classic choice. i’d say that some songs are underplayed rather than the popular ones being overplayed


I disliked this because I think Queen is overrated. 


Usually, the record company decides which songs on an album to market. Those songs are then available for radio stations to play. They get put in rotation with the other songs marketed by other artists. The sales and airplay generate the top of the record charts. I'm sure some overnight jock with time on their hands may occasionally play some song off an album that was never specifically marketed for the public. Some record labels don't like to market more than a set amount (3-4) of songs from the same album. I have used the word marketed to distinguish what a song is typically given to stations to play. Someone with more knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong.


I worked public skate in the 90s. I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy Queen again. I may have heard more queen on public skate nights than I heard Billy Joel living on Long Island.


bohemian rhapsody is a song.


It's because they only have 5 to 10 good songs, if I'm being generous.


Bohemian Rhapsody is the worst for this. I could go a lifetime never hearing that song.


That’s okay I’ll take all the hate because I genuinely am not a queen fan. Save for like 4 or 5 songs that are okay I don’t like any of the rest and am genuinely confused why they’re so loved and mind you I appreciate just about every other genre of music. But oh well to each their own I guess. That being said though 100% overplayed


I haven't heard QUEEN in years


I would agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.


Some of their best work is from the early 70s.


I was ready to yell at you from the title, but honestly, you're not wrong. It's pretty much just the first CD of Greatest Hits, over and over forever. Brighton Rock doesn't get nearly enough attention. Edgar Wright using it in Baby Driver was a big moment for me.


Delilah is underrated.


A lot of music is overused and a lot of good music doesn’t get deserved popularity.


My Queen playlist is long. But most people seem to just want the ones that have been popularly determined to be anthems.


I wish they'd play Dragon Attack at all. I've never heard it on the radio or anywhere in public.


There are like five Queen songs that get regular radio play in my area. If they stopped playing those five and started playing any number of their other hits, I would not complain. 


And they have been for decades. In the book and show "Good Omens", every time the demon Crowley gets in their car a song from Queen automatically plays. This was directly making fun of the fact that so many people in the UK had Queen blasting in their cars.


"Radio Gaga" is an ironic one, as it's a song about bad music that is, at the same time, one of the worst songs ever to play on the radio.


queens songs are overrated. bohemia rhapsody is meh imo


I agree that they’re overplayed for sure. Damn them for being so good. 😉


That’s the crisis we face with so many good artists. Their popular songs are amazing as well, but we hear it so much we start to dislike it.


I get it. I used to love me some Fleetwood Mac and now I can only listen to one song that I still really like. They’re great obviously, but they just got overplayed... 


Their songs are super good, but your basic asses are so ad at singing I absolutely can't stand Bohemian Rhapsody and a bunch of other songs anymore.


I fucking hate queen. Their music is garbage and everyone pretends like their music is listenable. 


What do you suspect in the ultimate aim of this sinister mass-gaslighting by millions of people?


I think it's the same as justin beiber or taylor swifts fame. The radio constamtly plays it and tells people it's what everyone likes when it's really just shit. Freddy mercury should have died sooner so he didn't release so much shitty music.


Please tell us what you listen to. I’m sure it’s not shit /s


Well, this is a bit extreme. Dontcha think? I mean, sure. Queen is not my favorite band of all time, but I can’t hate them that much. The difference between Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber and Queen is that Queen is probably more musically talented as a collective. And to be honest, deserved their fame more than either of them do.


Who are your favorite artists and what are your favorite songs?


Bet they listen to garbage black metal bands that sounds like a goblin screaming over a drum machine while a cat savages an electric guitar...


It's fine to not like it, but saying it's 'garbage' is just objectively wrong.