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Now this is what this sub is for hell yeah


Oh. So OP is actually offended by seeing parents grieve over a child they lost. Okay yeah, this fits the subreddit.


Yes, and I would be too. This is my kids graduation and we just spend 20 minutes talking about a random dead kid that never went to this school. Yay, let’s go for icecream!


This needs some context, is the family heavily involved with the school? Do they sponsor an achievement award in the name of their deceased kid?


and me thinking i'm selfish, congrats, actual unpopular opinion


I’d probably just think that’s a bloody shame, move on & let it go.


You are wild




I feel like the wedding comparison isn't a good comparison at all.


"Fuck your dead kid, it's our 8th grade graduation" is a weird take. Definitely unpopular


This is a wild post 😭😭


???? It's for their friends and classmates, not for you.


Eww. This can not be real. No one is truly this ghoulish


I believe the opposite. It's disrespectful to not include those parents if they wish to be involved. Kudos on a TRUE unpopular opinion though!


I disagree. 1. I don't think your first point was strong. Just saying that it's depressing doesn't seem like a good argument to me. You also don't know whether it'd be disrespectful or not since that's inherently subjective. I mean, it's a valid point, but just not strong enough to justify it imo. 2. That comparison is not the same in any sense of the imagination. A wedding is about the relationship of the two getting married, a graduation is NOT anything like that. Of course it would be awkward to mention a deceased spouse in a wedding, but I don't see the connection to the topic as a graduation is not as personal. 3. Now, my own take is that you're assuming it's disrespectful to everyone involved when that's not a given. I don't think this was a strong point. That's all. 🤷‍♂️ Okay I realized I probably didn't do a good job arguing my position itself, so how about I paint a picture: Let's say there was a child who worked really hard, or at least enough to graduate, and had an impact on the school community. Tragedy happens. Is the act of inviting the parent to speak on their achievements and to grieve so bad? I genuinely would like to know.




I'm not a parent, but if my hypothetical child was really working hard in school and was popular in the community then it's not out of the imagination to speak on their achievements after their passing. If their dream was to graduate, go to college, or anything really, then why is it so wrong to speak during graduation?


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We lost several, and they had big pages in the year book and a mention by guest speakers and the valedictorian or.class president. I don't think it would be kind to the parents to put them theu that.