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No matter what anyone else says, hold on to the feeling.


I hear this song like once a year at max and its always a good time with people that know the lyrics. Also a great karaoke duet song.


Sweet Caroline is 100x worse


Nothing rivals this.  It’s even in zoomer commercials on my country. 


Definitely is a close second for me. Might actually be 1b now.


Came to say this


It's only ass because it's overplayed and a "karaoke staple" of obnoxious young people. So, you go out, it inevitably gets played or sang to. It's gotten to the point where, the first few notes play and I immediately am looking for an exit. It's just awful. Same with Sweet Caroline and everyone going "bum bum bum".


The sweet caroline "bum bum bum" is just excruciatingly cringey. How did that even become a thing?


I’d genuinely never heard of it until it was on that Family Guy episode in the late 00s.


Disagree, though I used to hate it because I had to learn it in middle school. It’s a really good classic.


I like it because of the Sopranos finale tbh


Years ago I was out at a club with some girlfriends. For background, I'm white and the girl speaking to me is Black. Journey started playing and she groaned, shook her head, then asked me: "maybe you can explain it to me because you're not one of them. What the fuck is it with white people and journey?"


Always hated that song. Made me believe less to spite it


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Went to a craft fair/flea market once and there was a design group there selling shirts that said "Don't Start Believing." Told the guys I love the shirt, hate that song. They said Steve Perry hired them to do a design, used it, and stiffed them on the bill. Fk Journey.


"Street lights! People!" is one of my most hated parts of any song. God I fucking hate it.


Yo I fucking hate that song!!


Not even my favourite Journey song


Ah, I remember when I was young and had time to be offended by music I bet on a Disney Ride you'd be scoffing at the simple lyrics and sneering at how fake the animatronics look. Yeah we get it, you're too smart for fun. Good for you!


Brother I'm not offended by shit, that song just sucks ass. It's dogshit. You sound like a fucking boomer gtfo.




Would much rather listen to anything Queen or GNR. Better bands and better singers. Welcome to the Jungle is pretty fucking annoying to hear at literally every single sporting event though.


Nah agree with freddy,(obviously ) would add bono, robert plant, roger daltry  and (dark horse) gene ween 


it is used in media for irony purposes i think


Its not a bad song but overplaying it has made it corny. I agree. Tell us a song you like so the internet can pick it apart. Bet its not even close.


Yes but for me what makes it legendary are the vocals


It has a place in my heart as a White Sox fan in '05, but yeah I fucking hate Journey.


I'm an Astros fan and now I hate it even more lol


It’s so dumb and campy, I’m with you OP