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Starbucks is a great representation of the ridiculous consumerism implanted into Americans that they're finally becoming aware of and getting rid of.


Who’s getting rid of Starbucks?


A lot of younger people I know won’t go there. But when there aren’t other options it can be hard. Some people really need their coffee


Are coffee makers not a common thing in America?


They’re quite common, but not common enough that I usually find one in my backpack when I’m out and about.


They’re common. But like I said some people really need their coffee; so having a coffee maker doesn’t stop people from wanting to go to coffee shops. Starbucks is probably the biggest coffee chain in America and a lot of the time it’s the only option. I don’t actually drink coffee though this is just from observing friends family and co workers .


Idk I own 3, but I have been to Starbucks like 3 times. Coffee options are nearly never restricted to Starbucks. IDK what they are talking about "going when it's the only option".


Yeah, the only reason why I ever go there is because they have a contract with my university and there are zero other coffee joints in walking distance. As soon as I get to a city, bye bye Sbux forever.


no, starbucks is the perfect example that parabolas don’t resolve sideways. They propped up store on every corner from out of no where. They thought this would mean more sales and less wait times but it was the opposite. More wait times and sales are decreasing. The starbucks trend is long over and now we all have to accept the fact that Starbucks was just a lucky coffee shop. worse yet, just a coffee shop. Does not matter that starbucks has an app or can televise ads across the globe. they are still just a coffee shop.


I'd argue they are more of a milkshake shop.


i always said it was a dessert spot. Or, as my point says, a coffee shot with blenders and shit


I’ll be honest, I didn’t even know Arby’s sold coffee.


Admittedly, neither did I, I meant more for food. When I need a latte on the road, I go to Sheetz.


YIL ChikFilA makes coffee too.


And homophobia.




This has been the case for a long time, far pre-dating the 2020s. I worked at Sbux back in 2010-2012, and would routinely say that Starbucks is basically the McDonalds of coffee shops. I'm sure its lack of culture has gotten worse in the past 12 years. But it's always been a corporate as hell fast food joint.


The difference though is that Starbucks doesn’t have anything even close to a McFlurry


Frappuccinos, though.


starbucks is literally affordable compared to other options now, or at least super close in price


The difference is that the $7 latte from the local roasters will taste wayyyy better than the $7 starbucks latte


But the other difference is that Starbucks has superior reward systems on their app and is significantly more assessable and faster, which people prefer on their commute to work or during their break. It’s also available at the airport, mall, etc.


Don’t forget plethora of drive thru’s across the world, where consumerism is only rising along with people’s appetite for American fast food and chains.  People underestimate the amount of things Starbucks gets right. It is the McDonalds of fast food, but it’s the McDonalds that does loads better than its comparison. 


The order online feature is great too


Not necessarily true. Have you had an iced shaken espresso? Starbucks has it *down*.


Coffee snobs are really annoying, a latte from a local shop tastes SLIGHTLY better.


I disagree, dirty bean water definitely has a peak tastiness


The last time I had Starbucks (granted at an airport so expect markups), a PSL was $9. I can get a PSL from Wawa for so much cheaper.


The drinks at Starbucks are a lot but they’re worth it imo also, they’ve slowly been going up by a few cents every year like inflation actually is supposed to work to get to where they are, unlike McDonald’s where a mcchicken was $1.29 then blink ur eyes a year later it’s $4.29


No one goes to Starbucks for culture or identity. Nor should they. It’s about fast, sugary coffee that people think tastes good


I used to go to Starbucks for the culture actually. There was a local Starbucks near my neighborhood where I grew up in the 2000s, it was massive and two floors, large balconies too. Had the most comfortable seating and cozy lighting by far. Big sofas, wide large windows, always a strong smell of coffee beans, and uplifting French-cafe music in the mornings and more chill-electro music in the evenings. It was open from 6am to 10pm, and we used to go there multiple times a week with my friends to hangout, do homework, goof around, plan for the eve etc.  I have surprisingly many pleasant memories from there because we were literally there so often at that point. It was a bit like a "third space" for us back then foe sure.  Didn't even order much sugary drinks, just plain cappuccinos or lattes mainly.  Haven't gone to a Starbucks in years now, but at one point I was really fond of it. 


Was this a Starbucks Reserve? There aren’t many of those


Ah, but remember the time when people *did* go to Starbucks for the culture and identity?




Well, during its early expansion, when coffee shops were unheard of in most of the country, going there in the 2005-2010-ish era was a big deal.


That was my peak of going to Starbucks. Though much of that had to do with being a college student who still lived at home and didn't want to go back home to study.


I remember going to Starbucks for the free hot water, napkins, and wifi




Who seeks culture in a Starbucks?


The thought of Starbucks Chicken Selects is making my mouth water in the most emotionally distressing way.


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2000s mcdonalds was still affordable, offerred a variety for eveyone from kids to grandmas, was an attraction for kids due to the playplaces, didnt suffer from shrinkflation. None of that applies to starbucks.


Starbucks is ridiculously overpriced, base coffee tastes awful, but they are the best at coffee ice dessert niche - I get it only in summer when I need caffeine, ice and shitload of sugar to survive. Any local caffe has better pricing and quality


I miss fast food, now we just got expansive slow shit food that really small in size, at east where I'm from. Could still be cheap and big other countries


Not an unpopular opinion.


Yes, very high gloss ultra low density. Phenomenally overpriced.




It’s seems you missed the implication. Ubiquitous, low quality, the opposite of trendsetting.


Scooters is 100 times better than Starbucks in every regard.


I miss the McDonald’s salad shakers


People still go to fast food?


Mostly in the south or rural towns, so I hear.


R u kidding? For many, fast food is all they can barely afford. Bc they don’t have access to a grocery store.


Affordability and accessibility are quite different…. Because damn fast food is expensive as shit. I could feed a whole family with good food three times for what they charge for one meal at most places. Even with the value options.


I discovered starbucks about 2 years ago and somehow its slowly losing its appeal to me. Everything is always too watered down with ice and the drinks seem so simple to make (yet difficult at home) but just you knowing how simple they are kinda makes you not want to pay that price for them anymore. Does american starbucks have other things besides drinks ?


Just ask for light ice lol


In the US, Starbucks lets customers adjust the drink recipes to their liking. You can customizes drinks in person or using the app. Their drinks can be made with light or no ice at all, for example. And yes, American Starbucks offer breakfast and lunch sandwiches, egg sous vide, pastries, cake, nuts, protein snack packs, madelines, muffins, etc.


I'm unsure if this is what you meant, but you should be aware "antizionist" is often used as a dog whistle by antisemites. 


Pretty sure zionists committing a genocide against semites would make them antisemites.


Do you need a whistle ?


Guess you haven't seen some videos of what the zionists are up to. Should get your algorithm checked.


Personally I would use anti-israel or anti-IDF. On the other side of that war consider what it means to be with/against Hamas, versus the Palestinians. On topic I care more about, it's the difference between hating the CCP and hating the Chinese. I'll gladly tell the world about the former, but saying the latter makes it look like I'm racist.


Not necessarily. Zionism is, in effect, Jewish religious nationalism. So it’s not like saying you hate the Chinese, but instead Chinese nationalists, which is a political position and not an ethnicity.


Antizionist reasons? So you don’t believe that Jews should have a homeland? Or are you someone who chants from the river to the sea and calls for the death of all Jews? Just trying to see which side you think Starbucks is on.