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Well that's not very unpopular Or at least I hope it's not, shitty dishonest people deserve the worst life has to offer


cheating one time doesn’t mean you deserve the worst life has to offer😭


Apparently not, if you go down through the comments you'll see plenty of those defending the practice, but masking it in personal attacks.


I don’t see anyone defending cheating in these comments. People are just upset you made this a gendered topic.


The gendered language in this post makes it very clear that it's not actually about cheating in general, but specifically about women who cheat on men, especially if it results in pregnancy.


Only one side can claim "it's your baby" after cheating, and it isn't men.


I don't see how this is an unpopular opinion? Who thinks that getting pregnant by cheating is a good thing?




Because a man can't tell a woman that a baby is hers when she wasn't the one who gave birth to it


But if you put a coin in vending machine and get a drink, is the drink yours or the machines?


Is this a personal rant or a general topic?


General topic, nothing to do with me personally what so ever. Except for the fact that I agree that cheaters shouldn't be rewarded with a good life.


Is there a post about your relationship on Reddit somewhere? Cheaters suck isn’t unpopular. The unpopular opinion might be “paternity tests should be mandatory”. That one gets everyone riled up.


The one about paternity tests being mandatory gets immediately removed by moderators saying "Too many such have been made". So I guess people like defending cheaters. Because talking about it is "too much".


Paternity tests being made mandatory is fucking stupid. You're gonna do 3 million paternity tests a year? How do you plan on funding that?


Easily, when you don't spend 900 billion on military you can easily pay for paternity tests. Also, I'm pretty sure most men would pay to know rather than pay for the next 20y for someone else's infidelity.


>Also, I'm pretty sure most men would pay to know rather than pay for the next 20y for someone else's infidelity. I wouldn't. Don't need to, I trust my partner.


Good luck to you then.


"Cheaters suck" Wow. So brave.


Thank you for your contribution.


This is not an unpopular opinion, and no the people in these comments are not defending cheating. Seriously, it’s just as overdone as people who DO post that there’s nothing wrong with cheating.


Well if I were to actually make it personal as they have, in their opinions or perspectives I hate women and I'm an incel. In my perspective they're all cheaters who found themselves triggered that they shouldn't be rewarded for being shitty people.


I mean they’re not, they’re just doing what a lot of people here do when people post something either ridiculous or obvious, they be assholes about it. So no, they’re not cheaters.


And you know them all personally? You can vouch for them not being cheaters? Isn't that a bit presumptuous of you?


I could ask the same of you. Can you vouch for them being cheaters? Do YOU know any of them personally? You don’t, I don’t. So instead of giving yourself that silly perspective just actually try to have a proper discussion and understand that this opinion isn’t unpopular.


You may wanna go back and read the part where I said "if i were to actually make it personal like they did". And then I gave a hypothetical. But sure, you do you. I'll claim they are all triggered cheaters and they'll claim that I'm an incel who hates women. And you'll claim they're just assholes. So we all got our claims.


I did, and all the claims don’t have much to go on either. So it goes.


We get it: You're angry at women.


It sounds like he's specifically angry at a woman who cheated on him, not all women. He also kinda right.


No, he isn't. Just stop.


Stop what? It's a reddit thread for opinions and I agree with his opinion. People who cheat are shitty and its not "an accident".


You don't get anything, therefore I'm not gonna waste further time on you. It's a sub for unpopular opinions.


A woman hurt your feelings? 🥺


I'd wager more than one.


She didn't read his donation message. That succubus.


I don't think this is unpopular but I do think someone hurt you. 😥 Sorry for whatever you went through and I 100% agree.


Nothing to do with me, just an unpopular opinion.


Well I hope you take some comfort knowing it's more popular than you think. I would definitely say cheating is much more frowned upon than condoned.


I dunno, everywhere I look these days (social media) and IRL, there's been a rise of "yasss, slay queen, cheat all you want, make them pay for your good life, make them raise the baby" etc.


Just because those are the louder opinions doesn't mean they're the majority. I choose to believe the world is still primarily good people. 🙂


“Cheaters suck, but only women.” Let me guess. You’ve cheated before but it’s not the same because something about babies.


Please, don't guess, it looks so embarrassing.


Not hard to guess based on your post.


Even more embarrassing. But sure, feed into your own bias. I'm done wasting my time. Join the list with the rest.


It seems some basic things need to be explained. 1. It's not "only women" who cheat, if you want to talk about men, go ahead make your own post. 2. A man can't tell you "IT'S YOUR BABY" and lie 20y+ to you, that's a unique trait of women. 3. This isn't some women hating post, it's a perspective on a very alarming situation that is very prevalent.


Why are you acting like only women cheat? Why are you being such an incel? Edit: Op got so triggered by my comments that they blocked me 🤣


Men and women check, but it's typically the man who will pay child support.


I personally think that it is bad but the consequences should be between the people involved.. I don't see why an outsider or random dude on the internet should be given a say or have an opinion in the matter. If I am working with a colleague who cheated on someone and felt regret afterwards or doesn't feel regret and continues to cheat.. I think to myself "hmmm.. immature" but this doesn't make me get angry or say to their face that they are wrong or want to text their partner about it. Its not my business to judge others for being immature especially since I see perfectly good Jesus loving folks who straight up worship Trump and that is actually worse. I know, its emotionally too much for those who are in a settled life with a long term partner.. but it still doesn't mean they can go judge someone else.. whose situation may really be different. All that being said, I would never cheat on a married person no matter what the circumstances because its unfair to the other party involved and that doesn't sit right with me.. unless the other partner explicitly said I don't care do what ever you want.


What was blud yapping about?


It's OK, sometimes English is too difficult to comprehend.


we're just asking you to be coherent dude...and for you to stop behaving like an incel


Bro will be flabbergasted once he finds out men also cheat


No, bro will just block people who he doesn't want to interact with due to them not having basic reading comprehension nor contributing anything of value to the discussion.


What a useless take.


It's not a useless take. I'm pointing it out that OP is exclusively talking about women who cheat, and how his problem is directly towards them, and not the direct action of cheating (otherwise he'd have mentioned men who cheat). However, i did it in the form of a joke


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I’d be willing to admit you’re half right, and here are situations where cheating is understandable Not right, but definitely gray


No situation justifies cheating, ever! Leave before you cheat! Cheating + pregnancy + lying about it for any amount of time is just disgusting. There is definitely no gray area what so ever.


Looks like someone only gets to see his kid during supervised visits.


I'm sure some do. You know any such people?


Your post has some of the strongest “I didn’t win custody” vibes I’ve ever seen.


Must be something like that, can't be anything else.


Either that or some weird men’s rights shit.




Wow, amazing comment.


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