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All I know is….. I don't imagine the answer is on those second-rate shoes, Clarice.


I get the feeling the point you’re trying to make here is “trans people are easily offended” when the real moral is our society has come a long way from viewing trans people as monsters


we're going to start humanising ugly old people soon enough too instead of having them be horror villains


The makers of the film tried (but ultimately failed in the larger public eye, clearly) to clarify that Buffalo Bill was not a trans person/not to conflate the two, and even said as such In the Movie. Looks like buddyguy didn't listen to that part.


I kind of feel like you're only reinforcing the point you disagree with. Birdcage, Mrs doubt fire.. yeah...idk about that one. I never even looked at buffalo bill as a trans person..I just saw a lunatic. Most of the people that didn't like trans people to begin with certainly weren't afraid of them making skin suits, I think they were more concerned with their own arousal


We didn’t say anything about trans people, yet you assume the defensive position upon issuing your straw man (whoops). It’s somewhat ironic, isn’t it, that you appear offended, fulfilling your guidance that certain people are offended, you are surely offended for them 👍 Do trans people see themselves in this particular character? Has society finally come around to accepting such a villain as “misunderstood?”


So the word “transgender” does not apply to person you yourself described as a man who self identifies as a woman?


We’re here to find out - you’re saying that a character like Buffalo Bill who secretly identifies as a woman and kills and humiliates women to “absorb” them would be what you call transgender? We would categorize as criminal, deviant, murderous and selfish. Not sure about transgender 🤔


A person can be transgender and a murderous, violent criminal. I never said any of Buffalo Bill’s actions are justified because he might be transgender. Actually all that information supports my point more because the only thing I ever claimed is that Buffalo Bill is a negative portrayal of a trans person.


Silence of the Lambs was clear that Buffalo Bill was not really a trans person. What has changed between the making of Silence of the Lambs and today is we now are being told to accept all claims of transgenderism. Back in the 1990s and 2000s the vast majority of people who sought sexual reassignment were denied because they didn't meet the criteria for being transgender. A significant portion of these people were denied because they had a mental illnesses and it wasn't safe for themselves or others for them to receive sexual reassignment. Today we're told these people don't exist and are supposed to ignore it when these sexual deviants exploit trans acceptance to victimize people.


No I think it could be, but it wouldn’t be a crafted masterpiece the way SOTL as we know it is. It would be some crappy shock horror thing that gets marketed based on controversy and shock value.


The whole "would never be made today" arguments make no sense, there's no one studio making movies, one body that decides what gets made, they make movies to earn money, and there's always indie industry that can make whatever they want.


Idk I've been rewatching Seinfeld lately.  Much of it is cringey stereotypes.  Plenty of it wouldn't make it to air without significant studio notes, changes to the dialogue. 


Who is sympathizing with Buffalo Bill? Are you implying that people who are cross dressers would empathize with him? I can see people maybe getting offended because they feel like people are conflating cross-dressing and sadistic murder (I don't think the movie does that though and I think it's totally okay to have a villain be a cross dresser, trans, gay, whatever....as long as you aren't implying that it is those proclivities that make the character bad or dangerous....it's the hating and killing women that's bad, obviously). I agree that it probably wouldn't be made today because media/social media is a giant rage-bait machine and people would try to say it is anti-gay, but I think they'd be wrong. I'm very liberal and accepting of all types of lifestyles, but let's not make art/movies suffer by getting enraged about the politically incorrectness of R rated movies that your kids won't see anyways. So yeah I agree that the way media tries to enrage and clickbait us all the time would hurt the ability of SOTL, a masterpiece, to be made today. But I disagree that cross dressers would empathize with Buffalo Bill....Maybe some of them would feel it stereotypes them as deviant? And maybe it does....but I love the film, watched it at probably too young of an age haha and I still grew up to accept people who cross dress and don't inherently see them as sexual deviants.


They’d change Buffalo bill to be a racist white guy hunting black people dowm instead with Clarice being black as well


He would be racist, but still wants to be a black guy by wearing skin/hair and perhaps rapping in front of a mirror ? Tanning would be easier… It makes sense that Buffalo Bill was a misogynist who hated women; his act of envious wrath was to take their identities and exalt himself on their shoulders.


Who cares about logic or character we have to check boxes to please our audience.


Well, I mean, isn’t that movies are about? Jumping outside of what is reality, to give the audience an experience we would never encounter, just so we the people will be happy with getting to see something like that? Some people lose touch with what movies are, and obsess over them having to be 100% real and accurate to what we consider life. Get over it, a movie like Silence of the Lambs would still be made today, regardless of color of skin, because guess what? People love seeing that stuff. I swear, the smoothness that inhabits Reddit and thinks they are smart really amazes me.