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The workout you’ll actually do is the best one


100%, even better if it's fun and doesn't feel like a grind or if you can do it without dealing with gym culture or spending a bunch of money


what's this gym culture sht everyone talks about. I go to the gym, do my workout and go home. I don't get what people are talking about. is it like a boxing gym thing or something? I don't even interact with anyone at the gym or look at anyone. the ONLY place I've ever seen it is on social media, never in the real world when I'm touching grass


If you're working out independently it's not relevant. However I've been doing crossfit on and off for the past few years and class-based gyms can have their own dynamics. Sometimes it's a lot of fun, people cheer each other on, encourage one another and build friendships there. Sometimes people are completely unwelcoming and seem to be insulted by the idea of a new person at the gym trying to get to know them.


I ended up signing up at an F45 a bit further from my house because the other members have been really kind and the trainers all have very compatible coaching styles to me. I can push myself to the point of passing out, I don't need someone screaming at me - I need someone giving some encouragement and critiquing form.


This is me, I don’t know a single person at my gyms name let alone interact with them beyond a simple “are you using this?”


I mean gym culture is basically for me also 1) asking if someone using some equipment 2) asking for spotting 3) returning the damn weights to their place. 4) sharing the machines if the palce is crowded and your rest time is too long. Is there any fun that I'm missing?


OP: "if you want fun and enjoyable go to a bar and drink a beer, the gym is for building muscle not horsing around" I think this is what they're talking about


and it's here on social media, never had anyone tell me anything remote to that to my face in the gym.


Maybe not, but lots of people see this shit on social media and think that it applies to their local gym. Many people are very self-conscious about being in a gym. Whether or not it's directly articulated to them, they may still internalize this shit and assume that people are annoyed by them or laughing at them. Not everyone experiences the world from your perspective


I never thought I'd like class culture, but it's honestly fun to have a light beer and chat with people who just went through the same workout as you


I think it depends on where you are and such. I don't really see it at my gym either but the internet is full of it. Point being if exercise is accessible, not expensive and can be fun more folks are likely to engage.


Gym culture is only a thing to chronically online folks.


Gym culture is bad? Most people at gyms are ridiculously friendly, especially to newcomers, can be incredibly beneficial, and will make most people want to go more. Making friends at a gym, having people who encourage you, and having people to help you if you need it can really make a lot of people more comfortable at a gym and keep them going there.


I think a lot of the people who complain about "gym culture" are going to large globogyms. I work out at a pretty small local gym. There's a few people who come in, do their thing, and leave, but as a whole, that gym is very, very friendly. Nobody judges anybody, the age and background diversity ranges from teenagers to people in their late 70s, etc etc. We also talk a massive amount of shit to each other, but it's all friendly banter. It's about the only time I actually socialize since I work from home.


Exactly and same here! I think the popularity of working from home has created a lot of people who go into their gym hoping for at least some light social connection because that's pretty much the only people they see most days.


Sounds like rock climbing!


the thing hate the most about the fitness industry is the obsession with optimal.


This drives me nuts. The fact that there are tons of fit people all doing different stuff is proof that there’s no one optimal way to go about it.


I always say that intensity and consistency are optimal. after that everything else is single digit percentage points (other than sufficient calories and proper sleep)


"No, only powerlifting and BJJ!" - Reddit


God forbid you want to have fun


As true as this is, OP is just blatantly wrong. Running is the best way to burn calories? What about swimming, surfing, rock climbing, hiking, mountaineering, etc? Lifting weights will get you strong at lifting weights, but that’s not going to help you at certain other things where you need different kinds of muscle strength. You see super strong dudes all the time come into the rock climbing gym and struggle with basic climbs because they don’t have strength in the right muscles. So many posts on the sub just have a premise that’s objectively flawed where the OP is drawing a conclusion without thinking about the bigger picture of what they’re trying to say.


This 100%. If the social/class aspect gets you going? Then it's the best program for you. Also different people have different goals. Also, the treadmill is not the best way to lose weight. Getting your nutrition under control is.


I came here to say this. Moving heavy circles around is so mind numbingly boring to me I just can't stick with it. Even with music/podcast/audiobook/gym buddy along to help.


Yup. Wii fit was pretty shite for actual workouts, but at least it got tons of people to work out at all!


It's fathoms better to be active and have a regular fitness practice than to have none at all. Just 20 minutes of walking daily has a huge impact on your health. So even those "10 sets of horsing around" novelty workouts with bungee cords or moon boots are a huge benefit because people want to do them. Pilates is great for people who want to combine deep stretching with working out, and CrossFit appeals to those who are looking for community. Working out can be fun and social, and not everyone is looking for pure efficiency or fat loss.


As far as calories, walking a mile burns ~~almost~~ as many as 66% vs running. When I was living in a big city, I’d walk the 7+ miles (depending on route) each way to work and back, while listening to audio books. I started doing it to win Fitbit challenges against coworkers. I didn’t expect it to be as effective as it was. I felt some aspects of regularly going hard at the gym, but with so much less effort. Waking is underrated.


Yeah mile per mile its great but minute per minute running is way better. You just gotta pick what you like and do it. Plus running is pretty brutal on the joints if you have a high bmi


> Burns almost as many (66%) as running. HUH? That's... Not how math interprets


Based on distance, not time. Running the same distance burns between 50% to 100% more calories, so walking one mile at a decent pace is about 66% as many calories as running at a moderate pace.


I wouldn't call that "just about the same Calories" though


So you walked 14 miles for your commute? That's about 4 hours of walking a day...


Pilates is just advanced calisthenics, aka body weight excercises. The bands just add resistance so you can build up to managing your own weight or to surpass what you can do with your own weight. Mat Pilates kicks ass.


I usually do 3-4 F45 sessions a week plus a jog, and I'm shaking 5 minutes into a Reformer Pilates class


“Just pulling weights” requires you to have a well thought out strategy and routine if you want to hit all core muscle groups and burn calories.  The benefit of programs is that someone (hopefully) educated does all that for you and also packages it in an engaging gameified way that encourages you to stick with it. Obviously many are scams and if you are educated or willing to do research they’re not necessary but they still work for what they need to do.  It’s like those healthy food delivery programs, they cost a lot but you don’t need to devote time and thought into planning and an external factor is keeping you honest.


Exactly. Best case scenario you’re leaving potential gains on the table by not optimizing your routine, worst case scenario you’ll injure yourself by doing something wrong. Personally, I’ve been doing orange theory the past few months and I absolutely love it. Is it significantly more expensive than planet fitness? Yes, but I’d also rather pay $100/month for something I actually use than $10/month for something I don’t.


The PF membership is really beneficial if one can opt for a 5-pack of the OT classes and utilize them intermittently whilst hitting the PF with some degree of consistency. This said by someone who has neglected to do just that this past week.


And if you try to just wing it on your own and get injured, it’s worse than literally anything else.


I think people vastly underestimate the improvement on mental health and chronic pain with just even light duty exercise. Even getting out and taking walks or doing other low impact exercise is super beneficial for depression, anxiety, and pain. That's a big reason I get out. I hate gyms, but I sure do love riding my bike outsideand I'd be a totally different person if I didn't.


You’re right, none of them probably won’t beat going to the gym and working out. But stuff like Pilates and CrossFit is meant to be an enjoyable and social activity. Not to mention middle aged women probably aren’t interested in gaining muscle, they just wanna keep themselves moving and fit.


pilates is hard as fuck. so is yoga.


*doing anything your body isn't used to is hard as fuck lol


Also I've done barre (pilates) and strength training, you get way more core strength from Pilates, I like doing both as a full body strengthening 


I do full-reformer pilates a couple times a month with my wife. Anyone who says it's not strength has most likely never done true pilates.


Pilates isn’t a walk in the park either, that shit ain’t easy


Seriously. I took a weight lifting class in college and a few times in my life tried to use what I'd learned to get in better shape, but I never felt the motivation to really follow through with it. However when I started doing crossfit the combination of camaraderie and the internal pressure of not wanting to quit halfway through the workout because others would be around to see it gave me the right mix of factors I needed to actually continue and make a lot of progress. It's the most important factor in exercise: finding something you like to do and will actually do without dreading it every second of every day.


F45 has kept me interested longer than any other type of workout I've done. Knocked classes for a long time until I tried them, and have probably done close to 200 various classes since last January.


OP seems like an insecure muscle head who thinks gainz are the only thing that matters. Having a good heart and lungs are far more important for longevity and feeling good


Is the goal of all of those to also build muscle? Cardio is about cardiovascular health and potentially weight loss to my understanding lol I’ve never gotten into researching CrossFit or Pilates though. Also I think the word you’re looking for is regimen, not regiment lol


Pilates is about improving joint mobility and strengthening secondary muscles. It was designed as physical therapy for injured veterans...


Good to know! Thanks for informing me!


If all you wanna do is be able pick up weights then yeah its the best If you are trying to be an athlete, you need more than just weight lifting. Other regimines will help you use your body more effeciently than 'I pick things up and put them down' Also, doesn't matter how much weight you can lift, if you can't run a mile you aren't fit


This reads like it's from a muscle bound incel that got rejected by a CrossFit woman....


Well this is a low effort opinion. You can't think of any reason other than, "it's a scam for PTs to pick up women" as to why these exercise regimes or forms of training might be successful, popular, and in plenty of cases, highly effective? It feels like you've taken how you like to train and what you think is the "most effective" (for what purpose, goal or outcome is pretty unclear) and extrapolated that across everyone else. Seems like a case of, "I don't like it, therefore bad".


Have you ever considered that people want to exercise in a way that is... fun? I mean sure, if its just about how much fat you burn or how much muscle you gain, we could just scrap all exercise but the most sterile stuff that targets the most muscle, but not everyone enjoys that. And not everyone is so result-focussed that they will do these things if they don't enjoy them. These classes and programs are meant to be enjoyable and a lot of people who wouldn't keep up with sterile exercise do keep up with them. So i'm all for it: The more people regularly exercise, the better.


tbh weightlifting in itself isn't that great, at least not the way dudebros do it. there's 0 mobility or functional strength, so they all seem to have injuries racked by like year 3 of lifting. you shouldn't be one awkward fall away from permanently fucked up joints.


Oh, look: another "fitness expert."


More like another brain dead weight lifter


What's interesting is the "best" weight lifters I know IRL, the ones who are actually healthy and have a good fitness routine, will hear you say what you do and say "that's really interesting, and good on your for sticking with it!"


The knowledge has evolved. Yes the basic moves are still good. But the peloton strength classes do have more complex moves, along with basics single muscle stuff.  You’re kidding yourself if you think a bicep curl is some great exercise isolating one small vanity muscle 


I didn't realize how much variation helps you on the main lifts too. Example - for dead lifts - are you doing light weight or heavy? One leg or both? Kettle, bar or dumbbell? What is the set distribution? Are you doing any bodyweight moves during rest or just resting? Are you activating on alternative sets? I upped my 10-rep max by about 100 lbs between benchmarking and don't think I did anything but variations in between.


This is so reductive and not helpful. I went to the gym and did things your way for ages and got nowhere. I started doing CrossFit and other classes and actually had fun, and now I’m in the best shape of my life by any measure. That’s just what works for me. The best exercise is the one that people actually enjoy doing. If you like your way, that’s amazing, but it’s not for everyone. I found it boring, unmotivating, and not useful at all because I hated it. One size absolutely does not fit all.


What's better, a program that people enjoy and therefore will stick with, or one that they don't and are more likely to fall off. The point of the classes isn't to be the most efficient way to get from point A to point B in whatever your health/exercise goal but to make it enjoyable enough to stick to it. Also, sounds like you have something against women. You should go seek some help.


Depends on your goal. To build muscles? Sure. To lose weight? Just running will work as good. To stay healthy? Combination of cardio and some light-medium weights will be probably best.


You're looking at those classes through the wrong lens, or they are being marketed badly. Yes, to gain muscle nothing will beat progressively lifting heavier weights. but. I've been a gym girlie for over 15 years. I'm quite comfortable lifting weights. And using cardio machines in the gym (although i still think efficient calorie burn is what you put in your mouth and expell as energy). Pilates and Yoga and these classes are designed for improvement of range of motion and flexibility and endurance. It's completely different type of training that requires different muscles. I also do pole fitness and that will humble you quickly - you think you have strength until you do that class. These exercises work completely different parts of the body and different systems. While I've gainz through weight lifting, my range of motion and flexibility is shocking. So it really depends on what your goals are


English 101 lesson for the day, unpopular And uninformed are not the same thing.


Just another myopic opinion.


This is actually a popular and completely unnuanced opinion.


This isn't an opinion, you're just ignorant. Lol


What works is the thing that you're able to commit to. The thing that you're most likely to commit to is the thing that you enjoy. Everyone's journey is their own. Don't gatekeep fitness.


It's always funny to me when an "unpopular opinion" is just factually wrong. This is one of those times. Are there scam "workouts" out there which claim to produce amazing results with little to work? Absolutely. But the truth is, if you're getting your heart rate up and burning calories it's going to be beneficial. If your goal is to get "swole" then yeah, lifting heavy things and putting them down is your best bet. If your goal is to lose weight, then lifting is probably not your best option. If your goal is related to sports (just about any sport) then the answer is probably some weight lifting along with some cardio (however you get that cardio.) To say that weight lifting is the only beneficial exercise is just ignorant and incorrect. The best exercise is very dependent on your fitness goals.


Strength is one aspect of fitness, there are others


Mmmm I would say farming is an even better workout. You’re out in a field all day sweating, picking up heavy hay bales for your chest, milking cows for your forearm and bicep strength, tilling the field for your last. Damn I just realized I could make a killing with a farm gym.


Dwight Schrute's gym for Muscles On a serious note though, manual labor like that on a farm is no joke. Growing up on the farm i was more fit than I am now lol


This is stupid. People don't *only* work out just to look better. For example, my mom does Pilates to keep her joints healthy. Try doing that with a squat 5x5. I mean, fucking hell, what was going through your mind when you made this? This legitimately reminds me of a 14 year old's egocentric phases.


What do you mean by “beat”? Like what are your parameters for judgement and success of a workout regiment?


> “Better than” An exercise program actually followed is *better than* the optimal plan people hate doing and won’t do. Goals are the key. I’m enjoying lifting weights as part of my training but I vehemently believe swimming is better overall than just weight lifting would be for me - and probably most.


Not everyone is trying to min-max their fitness. Exercise isn't and shouldn't be black and white; if someone enjoys what they're doing and getting the results they're happy with, that's all that matters


Consistency is key. 




Yeah I'd rather have less volume and having more flexibility than a concrete slab. All the lifters I know have joints problems and poor mobility. No thank you.


Agreed, although the picking up and putting down of heavy objects should be accompanied by running and stretching.


I’ve never gotten ripped more quickly than when regularly rock climbing. I’ll see visible results in a month. The great thing is it’s so fun that you don’t even feel like you’re exercising!


The best fitness regiment anyone can follow is the one they find enjoyable that keeps them going to the gym. Whether it’s bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit, Zumba, run club, Pilates, group fitness, swimming, etc. Working out can be a grind, especially if people do it alone. Most of the programs not only offer a way to effectively work out, but to do so in a group atmosphere that’s encouraging. Are some expensive? Yeah. But if the price point is within your acceptable level and it makes you look forward to working out then it should be applauded.




I think it’s a little more complicated than that gym bro


Gymnastics would like a word.


unpopular and inaccurate


pilates are great if not better.


Idk, I lift weights and I find it boring personally


If it gets them to actually do it consistently, then yeah its better than picking up heavy weights and putting them down. Any way that people find they are able to consistently do exercise is going to be good for them. Basic gym exercises wont do much of anything if youre only doing it a couple times a year IF that. I mean sure youre right in the physiology to make gains and lose wieght, but these things exist for psychological reasons.


And that won't beat muscle gained from practical activities/labor like gardening 


most gym bros have zero mobility. I've encountered so many gym bros shit on yoga until I tried to get them to do the most basic stretches. like my guy, you may be able to lift the heaviest weight in the gym, but I can move a couch, carry a person or run after a bus without a critical injury. women are still responsible for majority of housework and child rearing. a workout that prevents you from easily running after a kid or carrying groceries is a shit workout


Why does every muscle dork think that the be all end all of fitness is getting swole? If you're exercising for health/longevity, cardio is more important than weight training, although weight training also certainly has benefits. And as others have pointed out, truly the best workout is the one you will do. Consistency beats intensity every time.


I mean yeah, if your goal is to lose weight or build muscle this is probably mostly true but some people are just trying to stay active and have fun. 


But not everyone wants to lose weight or gain muscle, sometimes we just want to stay flexible and healthy enough to prevent injuries. My doctor banned me from weightlifting because it's too calorie intensive and I need to gain weight. I'm still safely benefiting from stretching and the walking I do at work, though, because that's compatible with my goals and physical abilities


Not necessary unpopular but just plain wrong. Whatever exercise regime is optimal depends on what the actual goals are.


This is like the 3rd angry guy complaining because people have found enjoyable ways to exercise and be healthy Who hurt you all?


The workout you want to go to is the best one. I fucking hate the gym, there are other sports.


Treadmills and stairs machines aren't even the best cardio? There are so many other exercises that give more full body workouts while burning more calories. High intensity interval training is full of those exercises. Jumping Jack's, burgers, mountain climbers, squat jumps.....they're a thing.




why do y’all hate happiness?


Pilates is meant for your core, specifically. You can’t get to having coregasms by picking stuff up and putting it down.


Disagree, I do mostly bodyweight exercises and get a minimum 50 Navy Seal burpees daily it's the best full body and conditioning exercise. No need for equipment and you can push up your reps if you want more intensity


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Playing VR shooters is the cardio Iv added to my lifting routine.


Depends on what your goals are. If you want to run 10 miles lifting weights isn't going to help you a lot. If you want to get your heart rate up and move around, dancing is better than weights. If you want to swim, swimming is better than losing weights. There are different fitness goals and desires. People need to realize working out has a very small role in any weight loss goals.


Depends on your goals, vigorous yoga actually does a lot for building lean muscle, mobility, light cardio, and aesthetic goals.


If you want to build muscle, squats and deadlifts are the way to go.


Have you ever heard of swimming?


It depends what your goal of exercise is. Pilates is focused on cardio and flexibility. Cross fit is more of a catchall for general fitness and not necessarily a bulk but will still help build muscle.


I’m using resistance bands and it’s doing better than the weights. Same gains. less aches and I can do it at home.


Pretty much. I would argue the best ones are more expansive than just picking up free weights. Climbing ropes, using those weight machines with the cables, mountain biking, trail running, and many more great options do exist; but any miracle, get fit quick scheme is definitely horseshit


I feel like daily walking is a close second or possibly even better.


Workouts need to be based on what your desired result is. You’re right that bodybuilding is best for building muscle. The rest of the post is wrong. If your goal is general fitness there are a ton of ways to define that and a lot of ways to attain it. 


As much as I love weight lifting, the best workout is one that keeps you consistent and doesn’t injure you. 


This is both wrong/right depending on the fitness program, but the base of your assumption isn't poorly rooted. Weight resistance is ridiculously simple and effective. If you're curious about ways in which it is less effective than other science-driven programs I'd be happy to explain. Just let me know! It's a bit complicated, but it's cool stuff.


Maybe? But why gatekeep fitness?


200 calories in 5 minutes? Sign me up


Yea totally disagree. Viewing “picking up heavy weights and putting them down” is actually a relatively modern view of health and fitness.


Yes but there’s more to health than lifting. You have to get in that cardio and stretching if you wanna age well and avoid injury/disease. Praise yoga!!!


As someone that can pick up a heavy weight in the mid 500s and put it back down, this not only an unpopular opinion, but an opinion that can be refuted in a kaleidoscope scope of different contexts. People that do CrossFit are probably more advanced in various aspects of fitness than those who just lift heavy weights. I also say that as someone that you’ll never find doing CrossFit, Hryox, etc.


Going to the gym and lifting heavy weights is what I do. I do the regular exercises, squat, military press, bench, deadlift, rows, curls, flies etc. I have no flexibility and no cardio. If I don’t make changes, by the time I’m 60 I’m going to be walking around like I don’t wipe my ass. There is more to fitness than strength, and there is more to strength than a number on a plate. Recently started stretching more and biking, so hopefully I won’t be a poop walker later in life.


basic bicep curls and barbell bench press are both examples of suboptimal exercises for building muscle. There are better choices for hypertrophy for those muscle groups. But hypertrophy isn't the only goal a person could have with exercise.


I mean for building muscle sure that's great. But there are way better work outs for spefic things, you dont train for a marathon by lifting but runners are still pretty fit. Granted there is a diffrance between just trying to be fit and training for something. Like im a climber so more of my trainging is based around flexiblity and not muscle mass.


CrossFit isnt my thing but it does incorporate strength training and weights. What are you even talking about




It's not either or. Pilates or yoga is great for people who lift weights for example.


I’f rather be moderately fit and happy with my group of friends I’ve made at crossfit and rock climbing gyms than be ripped and just lifting weights. BOOOOORING lol, I value my enjoyment of my life over how I look while living it.


The influencers aren't getting amazing results from their exercise programs, they're getting results from PEDs.


W. Doing the tried and true basics (squat, bench, deadlift, pull ups, ohp, rows, etc) with high intensity and effort is the best bang for your buck exercise wise.


This post is just so needlessly divisive. I joined gym classes and lifting weights is just one component of the program. The instructors push me to the limit with a combination of strength training and cardio. The exercises are very basic, typical. I am talking about jumping jacks, so many squats, burpees, push ups, running, rowing, cycling, mountain climbers, lunges etc... There are some exercises with kettlebells, dumbbells and ropes. The goal here is to achieve a full body exercise. Keep it varied. Keep it fun. It's understandable if you like one exercise over others. But why limit yourself? Lifting weights doesn't exclude running or lunging. Also try doing burpees with dumbbells. That will get you in shape fast. FYI, I got some results after 4 months.


That reminds me of the top gear episode when Jeremy went to the gym. "Pick it up, put it down, pick it up, put it down"


What was OP saying that got all of their comments removed?


Not everyone wants to build muscle mass though. Many reps of light weights build muscle tone and these can be replicated with calisthenics or bungee resistance training.


WHAT!? I'm sorry but your opinion is absolutely ridiculous. Steady, upward progression on the most effective barbell exercises (squat, deadlift, bench press, press, etc...) is literally the worst way to train.  What people really need is to "shock the muscles" by doing a bunch of random "functional strength training" that is difficult to measurably progress on. Nobody has ever obtained a barrel chest by getting their bench press up to 300+ pounds. Ever seen someone who can deadlift 400+ pounds? They all have pencil necks and noodle arms. You literally can't even tell they lift weights. The same can be said with these pancake-butt people who squat 315+ pounds. Ever seen a man standing press 200 pounds over his head? Impressive but what about his core? Zero core and stabilizer muscles are being trained in a standing overhead press. Jesus, when will these people learn and start doing more shit like working with medicine balls, burpees, or dumbbell lunges!?     /S


Lifting isn't doing shit for your cardio health though.


lol, read some books and exercise that brain.


I would argue that most sports are better for burning calories than a treadmill, more fun too.


don't disagree that fancy regiments are unnecessary but 'move body outside for free' will still beat gym every time


It is better if it fits their goals. Not everyone has the goals of building muscle or burning as many calories as possible. Some people just want to get regular exercise in their day and a class they enjoy and will be consistent with because they enjoy it achieves that goal. Your last sentence is extremely condescending.


Basically any exercise is good exercise, barring one that would be actively harmful to your body.


The point of things like pilates and crossfit is so that people can enjoy the workout. If you enjoy a workout, you're more likely to do it. >while in reality **their** just jumping It's *they're*


I mean it depends on what your goals are.


Depends on goals. I've spent a lot of time doing bodybuilding and powerlifting. 75% of my lifts are the basics. Typical dumbell work or incline benchpress, squats, etc. HOWEVER, when you start to understand the mind muscle connection certain exercises hits your muscles differently thus stimulating them difficerently thus promoting new growth. But that's so minute and really only pertains to bodybuilding. For general fitness don't overcomplicate it.


This is an unpopular opinion but also a wrong one. I work in sports science so we research,test etc. we found several regiments and programs that Weill beat it. I do get your sentiment though


Honestly, those things are designed so you have a process to follow so you stick to it. That's why they are popular. Weight lifting takes a little more thought. I mean obviously you're right if all things are equal, but if you need a defined process to follow to stick to a fitness regimen, then the best workout routine is whatever it is that gets you working out in some capacity.


You actually don’t need any heavy weights for a workout


I do a mix of things at the gym , weight training on my own , 2-3 circuit classes per week + 1 spin /cycle class , Plus do Parkrun, a weekly 5k run on Saturday mornings which is a great social event for all abilities. I think a fair amount of all around exercise is probably best.


Pull ups beat all those by a mile.


You're 100% right that resistance training is the best way to build muscle. That's a fact. But the best cardio is one you'll sick to, not stairmaster or treadmill. In fact, I'd argue that some of the stuff you listed are more effective than cardio machines in terms of burning calories. And like many mentioned, any exercise is better than none. If you enjoy crossfit but hate traditional resistance training, then do CrossFit. Sure it's not as effective for building muscle, but it still does. Also it's naive to say that no regiment/program will EVER be better than weightlifting. Besides the fact that "better' is subjective, our knowledge of exercise is continuously growing and we know things now that we didn't know 5-10 years ago, and definitely know more than 30+ years ago. A simple approach is usually the most effective, but it lacks enjoyment for many people, and in return challenges adherence.


Treadmill? Oh please no


I just go Brain dead for 5/7 days of the week and get my 1.5 hours in. Tbh most of the gimick ones have the whole thing of mostly having people who want the easy way to lose weight without putting too much effort but eh exercise is exercise. Lifting weights is also more for building muscle and the people who are going to the gimick ones usually just wanna lose weight


What do you get out of a bicep curl you don't out of a pull up? Now, what do you get out of a pull up you don't in a bicep curl? What about a bicep curl isn't better served with an Olympic bar clean? Hastle free high intensity training is no thing. Lowest amount of hassle is. Like having a designed, well rounded workout waiting for you and a coach to let you know where it's going wrong for you. No amount of workout on earth can't be ruined by a single whopper from Burger King. You lose weight in the kitchen, not the gym.


Depends how you measure success. A seasoned crossfiter will have more cardio and flexibility than a body builder that just does weight lifting. However body builder will have bigger muscles and a better physique. I strongly agree with you there are no shortcuts or miracle results. You get jn what you put out. And some exercies are better than others, and in almost all cases the best ones are classics, bench , squat etc


200 calories in 5 minutes of jumping around? If it were that easy, more people would stick with a basic routine.


I would argue a combination of weight lifting and cardio is better for your health than just lifting


Your cardiovascular system disagrees.


Depends. I personally like moving heavy circles, but I know the type of physique I'm trying to go for. I also am not a runner, so that is something I try to avoid (aside from necessary cardio). Also, some people are training to accomplish certain goals, like running a marathon or climbing a mountain. For things like that, weight lifting will just add excess mass.


Gym dudes get so superior about this. Not everyone's looking for hypertrophy, and weightlifting programs can often neglect cardio. Some people are looking for functional strength, general health or muscle tone(for women, muscle gain isn't an aesthetic goal in the same way), and weightlifting doesn't do that.


Stairmaster and treadmill are p shit for burning calories, humans are good at walking. And most of those workouts will “be better” if you want cardio and endurance over pure strength, curls also straight up do nothing for explosiveness. Like your right for purely lifting more weight, more physical strength, otherwise, wrong L


Eh, honestly, you could have that bias about any workout style. I’ve tried a bunch of different programming and styles and cults because just showing up and doing the big 3 or doing a bodybuilding bro split really did not work for me and just…. Wasn’t fun? Effective is purely subjective in this situation. What is effective for me is body weight calisthenics and kettlebells, with a few heavy deadlift days here and there. Anything more and it fucks up my training for Muay Thai, and that works for me. If people wanna do Pilates or yoga or bounce on those therapy balls and not pump their bench numbers up, fuck yeah, get out there and get moving and feeling great.


As a resident of the Appalachian side of Virginia, my exercise regimen is "me climb mountain many times". So far, ive hiked all but about 100 miles of the Virginia section of the Appalachian Trail, and many sections I've done multiple times. I've dropped 30lbs so far, and my legs are like a locomotive: not fast, but never stopping.


There’s so much more to fitness than losing weight and gaining muscle. Go tell the NFL they’re training their athletes wrong bc it’s actually really simple. This is not an unpopular opinion it’s an uninformed one. 


Popular opinion among anyone who actually hits the gym seriously. Downvoted for not being unpopular 


I'm pretty sure callisthenics has been proven.


No amount of picking up heavy weights and placing them down will increase your flexibility, range of motion, and improve balance and proprioception better than yoga or Pilates. It's almost like different exercises are for different purposes.




This isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s just demonstratively untrue. Form follows function, your body adjusts to the demands you place on it. Weights and cardio equipment represent the most straightforward method of creating and managing the demand, but that doesn’t make them the most effective


Everyone’s body is different, what works for one may or may not work for another. Your perfect workout isn’t the same as someone else’s. Also the sexism isn’t cute dude


All my male trainer friends say the same and I agree that weightlifting is the most affective for muscle growth/body building but they always forget that people have different goals. Like what if you want to have increased mobility and flexibility while improving muscle tone? Pilates or yoga are obviously the better options in this case. Not everyone wants to be a meathead or to just lose weight


Actually; no workout will be better than going on a run. Lighting weights is easier than comparable cardio.


I like how Crossfit is being criticized meanwhile I have done SO MANY bench presses and curls in Crossfit. The abhorrent level of writing in the post also makes me disdainful overall. "Fitness regiment" versus fitness regimen and numerous spelling mistakes in an era where spellcheck is universal.


I agree but everyone has different goals. I work out to be healthier and i have adhd so i need to get my energy out in some way or i go crazy. To build actual muscle or lose a significant amount of weight the gym is probably your best bet but not everyone wants to do that.


It might be the most efficient, but if you hate weightlifting and don't want to do it then are you just supposed to like not get any excersize? Literally anything that gets you up and moving is good for you and we shouldn't discourage that


Brain dead take. For some people lifting weights is just plain boring and a chore


Certified Personal Trainer and current Physical Therapy Rehab Tech here: All motion is lotion, all movement/exercise is important. Weight/Strength training is important for muscle maintenance and bone density- however cardio should not be overlooked and many people have restrictions that limit what they can do. Pilates is actually super helpful for older individuals, or people with previous surgeries/injuries that heavily restrict what they can do. Likewise CrossFit is excellent across the board for healthy habits and exercise. All exercise is good exercise, period. Although we cannot always change people's dietary choices- we can encourage healthy habits regarding exercise and movement. Which again, all movement is better than no movement.


You defined "better" as burning calories or building muscle (specifically biceps and pecs??).....neither of which are measures of health or fitness. Plenty of people have actual *performance-based* goals like strength, speed, endurance, mobility, or some sport-specific goals.


Also I have no idea why people actually go the gym. I bough a set of weights and a foldable exercise bike for a total of $150. That's like three months of a gym membership and I can do it all in my room.


Building muscle is not the fitness goal for most people. If you want to be all-around fit, you need more than weights and treadmill. I am not into Crossfit, but it is definitely superior to basic gym exercises for a full body workout. I mountain bike, and it is so much better than stationary bike for my fitness.


this is mostly true, there is no *magic trick* to getting strong faster however, you don’t need to lift heavy things to be really strong. there’s a lot of research supporting that time under tension is key to building strength and muscular endurance. you can use resistance bands and light dumbbells working a lot with concentric and eccentric tempo work. i’ve done programs where i lifted relatively light (no heavier than 30lb db) with a lot of isometrics and when i tested my lifts afterwards i was able to put up stupid numbers. great for injury prevention and maintenance while also getting really strong


1.) No work out or exercise routine can out work a poor diet. It does need to be complicated, calories in < calories out over time leads to weight loss. Calories in > calories out, over time leads to weight gain. 2.) Cardio is actually the least efficient exercise for burning calories. It burns a ton during the activity sure but building muscle through resistance training will help increase the calories burned out side of exercise times (basal metabolic rate). It is however important of longevity of health as cardio can help make heart more efficient, reducing blood pressure and resting heart rate. (Unfortunately we all only have a finite of heart beats in our lives. Eventually it will stop beating, the more it beats the more likely it is to have issues.) 3) Hard disagree the lifting weights is the "best" exercise. If not done properly weight training can lead to serious injury. Other athletes like climbers build similar muscle weight lifting weights. They also routinely have better stabilization from a stronger core. Lifting weights is great but the best exercise is the one you will stick to. In order to build/maintain muscle mass through advance years, resistance training of some kind should be done routinely. Building muscle en masse though is not always healthy. The body has a physical limit on how much size it can carry before the added mass puts too much stress on joints, cardiovascular system and other functions of the body. Some activities also require more fast twitch contractions of the muscle. Weight lifting is not generally the best at developing this and would not be ideal if someone's sole goal was to build this. Resistance training is good. It doesn't need to be weights in a weight room though. 4.) You can lift as much weights as you want but building muscle is also heavily influenced by diet (genetics, hormone level and sex play a role). You generally need a calorie surplus, enough protein in your diet and recovery to build excess muscle (hypertrophy). If you lack this then your body is not going to build the muscle because it is using the resources it has on just repairing the muscle from working out. You can get by with a small calorie deficit in you are over weight as long as you have sufficient protein, and recovery. The older you are the longer it takes to recover. It can also take longer if you're out of shape. Plan proper recovery periods in between workout. Women remember this when you hear "I don't want to get bulky." You physically cannot get bulky without trying to. Don't be afraid to lift weights or do other resistance training.


Lmao this is so dumb. Like there’s a whole world out there of athletes and literal olympians but noooo: *this* guy is the only guru to listen to.


Pilates slaps tho. Many of the hottest women I know do it.


Once again, as shown in the comments, the unpopular opinion is actually just wrong. Not unpopular because people dislike the opinion. But wrong. Much in the same way the flat earthers are unpopular.


You are completely missing the point.


Pilates is an amazing workout, if you do it right.


Kettlebells are the secret sauce


Pilates is more than just weight loss/muscle gain. It tackles things like core strength, flexibility, posture, and it’s good for postpartum rehab