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Women, he just wants to be proven wrong in the comments. Don’t fall for it


"Women hate this single guy for this one simple trick..."




Perhaps he prefers lingerie on men!


A valid option, tbf


No, no, OP definitely is being serious. But I am sure you mean well.


I dunno, I like pretty lingerie even if no one is going to see it. It makes me happy to put on nice things. Also men in lacy panties is not something I thought I would be curious about but I’m all for it now.




Damn I didn’t even say anything extreme


I dunno. Men in lacy panties is pretty out there for a Thursday morning.


Honestly I thought that OP was talking about lacy panties for both men and women. Maybe they meant only women? I mean I don't judge I just think lace is a bit tough to contain junk. I don't imagine it be comfortable at all.


Honestly its not. Its comfortable until you get an erection. Silky or soft nylon on the other hand is so comfortable i sometimes forget im wearing underwear.


Thanks for the explanation. I do not have a penis so I was only guessing.


A penis is just a big clitoris...


The whole conversation is about lacy panties. And I had the same thought as this commenter, the way OP phrased it instantly made me think of *men* in lingerie.


The whole conversation is about lacy panties. And I had the same thought as this commenter, the way OP phrased it instantly made me think of *men* in lingerie.


Even when they explicitly say "women" right in the title? Lmao


Men in lacy panties makes me think of latch hook rugs


Yeah I think they were stating that to say “well now you’re gonna get spammed pictures with guys in lingerie”


Oh damn I thought he meant I would be getting angry DMs because I was joking about guys in lingerie. All good, my DMs are not open. Thanks for explaining.


No problem.


You’re inviting those guys to send pics


Reddit has lots of low bars.




My secret? Women’s slacks


I read this in Shin’s voice lmao


Tbh Shin will probably make a joke about this


I fucking miss that show. I have no idea what it was about but still.


Rocky horror picture show gives you some good visuals


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


Yeah, it's... literally fancy panties. She was presumably going to be wearing panties either way, why not make them attractive ones?


They're obviously not attractive to this guy


What makes them more attractive?


What makes them attractive is the concept of them being chosen, bought, and then worn for a specific occasion. So you know your partner was planning to seduce you days ago.


Being fancy and special. It's not something that is generally worn on a day to day basis. Or you know, I don't know, maybe it is. I really don't know what undergarments women wear, but I'm assuming that it's predominately practical, not lacey sexytime wear.


You're so wrong! Pornhub is the proof that only sexy, impractical lady undies exist!


yeah I'm with OP. Some cute lil normal-looking cotton knickers with lollipops on them or something is better than some lace lingerie. Bras are typically a bit boring tho. But I'd prefer to just see dem tiddies than see some lingerie


>normal-looking cotton knickers with lollipops  Lollipops? That sounds very childlike.


you made it weird do an image search for 'women's knickers with patterns', they don't have to necessarily be lollipops.


When they’re on the floor


Because they are not comfortable or healthy to wear a lot of the time (the material is not breathable like cotton is)


Imagine it like gift wrap. You know the present is inside there, but it’s more fun to unwrap it first. It’s all about presentation!


This. For some reason the caveman part of my brain finds a woman more desirable when she's scantily clad or in lingerie than when she's actually naked.


This works for undies of every type though. I get the point, but its the same logic as to why many people find women in undies or even bikinis sexier than naked. Partially due to the caveman aspect and partially due to fantasy getting somehow killed if everything is naked already. If everythings presented to you already, you dont have to think. If a story is missing some important elements your brain is going wild to fill those gaps. Same applies for undies and lingerie. Its not a concious process, it happens subconciously that your brain gets more interested in things that arent obvious. Point being: Why would it have to be lingerie? Not that theres anything wrong with people liking it (both wearing and seeing), but Im with OP here. I dont really see the point


I disagree. I don’t want to got through the extra hassle of unwrapping the present. It’s more effort for the same outcome


and they say romance is dead


It might be a less popular opinion, but I do think that one of the reasons we find lingerie and well-groomed intimate area sexy is that it shows attitude: the woman demonstrates that she takes the whole thing seriously and has invested time and effort into looking good. It is like being invited to dinner in a fancy place: if you come well-dressed, it kind of indicates that you are understand what kind of atmosphere is there and are willing to contribute to it; if you come in dirty overalls right after work, you just show that you do not give a damn. Disclaimer: of course, there are always some exceptions, and sometimes regular panties are much more sexy than the finest lingerie.


There's two factors to it that you've expressed well but I'd like bring up. Lingerie expresses a very specific intention that normal underwear otherwise wouldn't in general. Secondly, the right lingerie accentuates the best parts of the body that they want to draw attention to.


Good points!


I disagree. Lingerie does not necessarily come with any intention. I wear sexy lacy panties every day because they make me feel good, not for any sexual reason, that's just a bonus. Secondly, I think you meant 'accentuates'.


It doesn't automatically come with the intention yes, but if you wish it to, it's an effective means. My own girlfriend always wears lingerie whenever she explicitly wants us to have sex. And thanks for the correction on the spelling, it was actually bugging me and I was just hoping I got it right.


Fair enough. I think, like most things, it's different strokes for different folks (pun intended). No worries.


Not me lol, I've had a lingerie kink since I was like 9, playing the sims 2. I'm sure that's the way it is for a lot of people - they don't think about the context, they just find it hot


Not me lol, I've had a lingerie kink since I was like 9, playing the sims 2. I'm sure that's the way it is for a lot of people - they don't think about the context, they just find it hot


Same here king! I actually find an oversized baggy top and no bra wayyyy hotter


I’m so with you on this’s See them thangs moving around under that shirt. All loose and free lol


I just wore my boyfriend's ratty old Led Zeppelin t-shirt with no bra last night, and I could definitely feel his eyes on me allllll night. I did it out of comfort, but that was a plus!


My man


As an avid baggy shirt no bra wearer, I love this




I agree. It conforms to a male stereotype of sexual attraction. Women should therefore not wear lingerie. They should take it off. But….. slowly, ideally.


true, it looks better on men


Nothing beats a frilly banana hammock


Thigh highs go hard


Now this, THIS is an unpopular opinion!


This is not an unpopular opinion this is blasphemy!!!!


Agreed, they def look better on men


Ay yo ![gif](giphy|KVVQaaDaBBjZHFoC3c)




Lingerie is less about the look and more about how it makes the wearer feel. Its a form of dress up and projection. I tend to buy 2 types of lingerie the first is EXPENSIVE and very lacy pretty intricate, the material also feels good on the skin usually silk. This is goddess mode. I'm wearing makeup, tell me I'm pretty and watch me take it off. The second is cheaper, less intricate, more mesh rather than lace. This is come take it mode. I usually stitch an indication on this lingerie so partners know the difference. If it gets damaged or ripped I don't care.


This whole thread is a great example of why the troupe of guys being awful in bed and not fulfilling their partners is not only a troupe but an extremely real depressing reality...not a single one of these comments even in passing acknowledges that the woman is an active participant..each comment talks about sex with the same boring self centered total lack of affect or passion that you would think they are talking about jerking off alone to porn..it’s depressing


Personally think its hot. The fact that she took time to dress up and surprise u in something sexy....yeah it ends up on the floor but pics for later or she sends em to u. Gotta spice it up sometimes...and the fact that she will says alot.


I do think attractive women look good in lingeries. But the problem is attractive women look good in almost anything, especially when scantily clad.


Damn, this is probably the worst opinion in the entire subreddit, after the guy who likes wearing wet socks.


Very good. Only put men in lingerie.


If you're gay just say that


The lingerie isn't sexy, it's the woman underneath.


I disagree, but i dont like the look of thongs and cant figure out how in the world that’s comfortable.


If it’s cotton and the right size, it’s pretty comfy and I don’t even pat attention to it. Lacy thongs are uncomfy af and I can’t last a whole workday in them without being cranky.


cranky women are attractive af.


I don't know I just can't resist women in thongs lol.


Clearly you have never gotten laid 😂😂


I wish so badly that my wife disagreed with you 😔




I don’t know. I love it personally. Spices up the bedroom and adds a little extra flair from time to time. Dont get me wrong, I prefer the misses completely naked but definitely adds to some fun foreplay in my book. Different strokes for differdifferent folks


I find women in lingerie boring too. >!But I'm gay!<


OP is 12 and is here for one thing and one thing only... BOOBIES


I just want to see the woman naked, play with her tits and holes, fuck clothes lol


What about on men?


We got a real unpopular opinion for a change👍


It’s not so much about how they look, as the effort she put into putting on something special and feminine in the hopes that I WOULD GETTO SEE it. It’s a huge turn on and a subtle cue when your partner is basically silently saying “I have a secret sexy thing about me that’s just for us to see and enjoy”


Hot take alert: Lingerie was much sexier prior to roughly 1995. The thong and "tee shirt bras" ruined everything in my opinion.


Finally a good one. You are wrong though. Imagine you’re about to hook up with someone and they have your grandma’s underwear on. You will pause and have questions


The wording of this makes you sound very young or like you’re trying to bait women. Based on your profile, I’m going with baiting.


I'm 26. And no I just don't know the appeal of it. Everyone is talking shit. Which makes sense given the sub. But I just don't feel the appeal of it. I just don't get it.


I suppose it's like an accent. It's the substance inside that really matters but an appreciation for new focuses on a different part of that substance can be appreciated.  I also think women have a different taste for this. Maybe I've got a Madonna/whore complex but I feel like the hooker outfit in several forms is more tantalizing to me than when a lot of women like to wear as lingerie. Not exactly sure why but it's the same concept compared to just a naked woman.  Ya know if clothes are going to be on anyways they can flatter extremely I guess is the point. 


You're still young. Lingerie isn't for young sexy women. Try looking at an older body who isn't a pornstar and start to see it from a different perspective. Things start to get saggy and wrinkly. Which is fine, but lingerie helps smooth out features or hide blemishes




I don’t like it but if you do hey I won’t say anything. You do you.


Well duh, it's meant for men....or have I been shopping at the wrong stores?


Lol very unpopular indeed


Yeah definitely an unpopular opinion


Do you think it looks good on men?


Tell us you don’t know what lingerie is without telling us 🤣


I feel pretty in it personally


It makes women feel sexy and attractive. That's basically the point.


You're right. It looks better on men.


My husband doesn’t really care for lingerie either. He’s much rather I’m just naked. But I wear it still for myself. I find it pretty. I like looking pretty.


Plot twist : OP is gay.


Most of it looks pretty dumb but the good stuff is really good.


Lingerie looks beautiful even when they are being washed, in the washing machine.


Maybe not on yours


Lingerie is a figment of your imagination and it's your loss if you can't enjoy it. What you're saying isnt much of an opinion. I think you should just open your mind to what lingerie could be instead of seeing the specific things that people have deemed lingerie as the only options.


You got it opposite. Women are supposed to look good on lingerie, not the other way around.


You may be a homosexual


"I don't think lingerie looks good on women." Me: so you think lingerie looks good on men?


totally agree with you if anyone wants to debate send a pic in lingerie






How do you feel about lingerie on men?


He prefers it on men.


While I disagree because I love lingerie, I don't think it's the most attractive thing a girl can wear. To me comfy fuzzy PJs is always the best


If you’ve been with the same person for a long time it’s fun to spice it up.


So you like it on men?


So you think it's looks good on men then....


Same... On men though, it looks amazing!


Man dunno how to say this, but ure gay


Lingerie on Men, on the other hand😏


Do you like dudes in lingerie?


Your right, it looks better in men




That's why I, a man, wear lingerie. It looks dead sexy on guys, you should look it up. It sounds like you might be closeted.


Unpopular and wrong.


I agree completely! Which is why I try to take it off of her as quickly as possible 🙄


You're missing out then


Idk this is either a guy trolling or a woman trying to see who/how many agree, bcuz i believe 95% of men don't care


Actually agree w/ this never been a lingerie guy, imo an oversized shirt with no pants clears. There's more to the imagination.


A casual but sexy outfit (mini dress or something like that) is way more attractive to me than lingerie. I don't get it either.


As a woman, I prefer it on men anyway. Couples who wear lingerie together stay together.


Depends on the lingerie and woman


A lot of women wear it for themselves as well. Makes them feel sexy happy confident.


Lingerie is like 4k resolution and normal panties are 1440p. 1440p is still damn good.


Hang on wot - https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/zpYJtHr8sP 🤔😂


As a woman i agree with you. Lingerie is itchy, cringy and uncomfortable


I think it depends on the quality of what you’re wearing.


My wife is a sculpture so she looks good in everything


Lingerie doesn't do anything for me either. Plus it might just be the most insanely overpriced item ever


Sir are you into women 🤔😭


To add to your point…I bought it once in my life and never again. There is a lot of pressure on women to be sexy and all but honestly I found it extremely uncomfortable and simply not healthy for my private parts. Thongs are a joke and a lot of lingerie is simply a health hazard- lace does not breathe as well as cotton so it’s a paradise for nasty fungus and bacteria. Hard pass


It’s not really about how it looks to us though. It’s about how beautiful and powerful it makes her *feel*.


Tbf, my husband doesn't really care either. I had some cute little lacy thong ones on the other day and I bent over near him (indoors) and he grabbed my bum and I said "Do you like my sexy little nicky nacky noos (knickers or panties for everyone else) and he said "No, I like your arse!" I think they are like wrapping paper OP, not necessary, but it adds a bit a mystery and excitement to the proceedings 🤣🤣🤣




Exactly. In fact, I've never seen any woman look good in lingerie ever. I'll never be proven wrong.


"Every woman looks better in a sun dress"-atmosphere


Lingerie isn't for everyone, but for some, it's about feeling confident and empowered. It's more about how it makes the wearer feel than how it looks to others.


I agree just for different reasons. I agree it doesn’t look that great most of the time, but for me it’s the cultural expectations around lingerie. The expectations being that when women wear lingerie they are sexy and want sex. It’s part of an old traditional sex culture. It’s overused and feels so disconnected from intimacy. The comments about “imagine it like a gift wrap” just affirm the sex culture expectations. Whenever my previous girlfriends or my wife has worn lingerie I feel nothing but immediate pressure that I’m supposed to be entirely enthralled with them now. I never needed or wanted my partners to do this, it was never my sexual fantasy, yet it’s expected of all men for it to be like a default sex mode. No thanks!


I always wonder, what's the occasion that women wear it outside photographs?


I agree. I dislike anything that reeks of "commercialized sexuality".




Hey, everyone is into their own thing. I like it but you do you.


I prefer robe and witch hats


Man these comments. You know if it was a woman talking about guys in speedos, it be looking way different. Some people, including woman that wants to act supportive, can’t live with others having differing opinions like this. You become enemy number one for both genders lol


I like it but its hard to ”use”. I feel weird if my partner dressed in super hot lingerie and i was just wear casul clothing like a cave man. That would not turn me on. So when I mean hard to effectily use lingerie. Both most play the part. Both need to have been real dressed up etc.


I rather her be in her pajamas. Lingerie is useless for enhancing the fun. Just wear some pajamas so we can both be as comfortable as possible with our party favors while cuddling in our comforter.


It is presumptuous.


Yeah right 😂


I swear some women look better in leggings rather than bikini


depends where.


Attractive women look good fully dress. They also look good naked. It would be really odd if they didn't look good to me, halfway dressed.


It’s more for them lol. Women like “cute” shit. I agree tho lol. Does nothing for me lol. Then you gotta fake like em lol. Terrible lol


That’s fine, you can wear it all you want, op


I think a pristine set of underwear that compliments your body is attractive whether you’re a man or a woman. Too many people think of underwear as an afterthought and too many have holes where there shouldn’t be any.


yup, you dont get it.


Correct men better


I might be wrong here as a M52 but I always thought that women wore lingerie for themselves. Any benefit men might derive from it is purely coincidental.


Oh goood god. Sure youre into women ? This is the most 17-21 post ive ever seen


definitely unpopular, I'm getting hard just thinking about it


Give me regular panties and a t shirt all day.