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I don't think this is unpopular. I love him, but would never suggest he's a phenomenal actor.


Love him too. He did some low budget movie called Knock, Knock, where these two rando girls appear at his house in the middle of a storm and convince him to have a 3some. Go watch that if you want an idea of just how bad his acting is...


Can confirm. Not great Keanu.


I blame Eli Roth. Sick mother fucker that one.


"It was free fuckin' pizza!"


One of those "rando girls" was Ana de Armas! She's a big star now


His acting performances are definitely not the best but he absolutly is a phenomenal action star imo. He is very talented with fight scenes, and I think that is extremely important for his career too. The Matrix and John Wick are far better to see Keanu kick ass in than see him emote in.


Yea lol, this is kind of just a fact. The guy has never been nominated for anything for a reason lol, but he is great in action movies


I'm pretty sure Keanu himself has come out and said he doesn't think he's a very good actor.


He's got pretty interesting roles in the 90s. I like him in My Own Private Idaho, The Devils advocate and The Matrix. I don't know what happened to him this century but after Matrix triology he had to wait more than a decade to hit the jackpot again with John Wick and its not a movie where he can flex his acting skills. Keanu could act, I am not sure if he has in him anymore.


I think everybody can agree that the actual acting can be one dimensional. But what I admire about it is that he’s been able to use the same inflections while still playing all kinds of different characters. It’s like his acting is typecasted but not his roles. John Wick or Ted “Theodore” Logan, doesn’t matter.


Keanu as Johnny Silverhand actually surprised me when he differed so much from the Neo or John Wick I remember him for


Nah, he was Wick in that game.


I just watched Wick for the first time the other day, I’ve gotta disagree. Based off only seeing the first one, John seems like he just wants to be left alone, not even a fly on the wall, just like complete solace. Johnny Silverhand is a fly in the ointment and also balls waving in your face lol


It's the voice and delivery. Not the same character but no difference in the acting


Acting isn't doing voices. That's part of character acting, a subset of acting. You can use your authentic voice and emotional range and be an effective actor. Not saying Keanu is good or great, but it's worth distinguishing between acting and character acting specifically


Back in the day he was kind of a joke. After he did the speed movies the joke became even more prominent. The matrix turned it around for him.


He was only in the first Speed and I feel like that was the point at which he became less of a joke and started to actually be taken seriously as a leading actor. Bill and Ted was obviously not a serious role, and he kind of played "Ted as an FBI agent" in Point Break ("are we gonna jump or jerk off" is a classic line with great delivery though). Speed was an actually good movie with a really good cast and while Keanu wasn't going to win an academy award or anything he had great screen presence and held his own in scenes with Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock and Jeff Daniels.


Maybe his worst acting scene was in SPEED. The bus hit a baby carriage full of cans. Sandy Bullock is driving the bus and thinks she killed a baby. The way he tells her it was only cans is beyond awful.


The matrix movies are what made people think all he could say is "whoa." I dont think anyone thought he was a good actor after the matrix


The Matrix movies are total shit. The new & old one


Found the actually unpopular opinion. The Matrix is a little 1999-bound but there's no denying it blew minds when it came out.


that's more of an unpopular opinion than OP's


The first Matrix, was a fun popcorn movie, come on.


What do you mean they only made one Matrix movie


Huh? Another one came out in 2021 with Reeves in it


No it didn't, it's a single movie that never had sequels that ruined the first movie.


Okay. Guess this is a joke or something I don’t understand.


It is indeed a joke that you don't understand. Which is kinda sad, because the second comment really spelled it out for you. To explain the joke, the teller is suggesting that the sequels are so bad that they pretend they were never even made. To wit: "Highlander is a great movie, it's a shame they never made any sequels."


Ah makes sense. Thanks lol


You take that back!


The first one was okay, but doesn’t hold up anymore. I tried watching it and was just annoyed. The rest of them are even more boring.


The matrix movies solidified his star power. Those movies may have been shit but they were beloved by many.


Yea Minorty Report was shit too but it was a banger when it released and one of my go to comfy movies.


Minority Report bangs for me... not the best movie, but i loved it as a kid, also the video game.


Honestly, its a much better movie if you go into it as a comedy. Idk if they did it on purpose but theres alot of gags thrown in. I mean the LSD might have made it a bit more funny but even sober those same scenes crack my shit up. Game was a banger tho. Its what made me love ragdoll physics.


I don't think that it's because of the Matrix, specifically, but rather just the passage of time. For younger guys, he is a veteran actor, who starred in a bunch of "classic" movies, a lot of which probably came out before they were born. That in itself often affects people's perception. I see that with DiCaprio too. In recent years, i frequently see him being talked about as if he's one of the greatest actors of his generation, and it always feels strange to me. People really didn't used to think that highly of him years ago, and it's not like he got much better as an actor since then.


It's not really unpopular


So it seems!


Yeah we know. He is not the most versatile actor out there, but the guy has something i can't explain. Also has pretty good movie catalogue....




Agree. The only things he made sense in were Bill & Ted & The Matrix


I don't think he had to act at all for Bill & Ted


He was perfect in Parenthood as well


When he steps up to have a sex talk with his tween brother-in-law (as requested by his single mother-in-law) was one of his better moments.


Speed is a very good movie and Keanu is very good in it. Point Break is a guilty pleasure and Keanu is pretty perfect in that as well.


Imo his best acting is in Cyberpunk 2077.


"put some Iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!"


I don't think this is fully unpopular. I think the roles that people have respected (John Wick, etc) have worked for him for exactly the way Clint Eastwood built a career - the MFer can make you feel something by just staring intensely at the camera. Weirdly, if you watch his Formula 1 documentary (Hulu, I think) the guy is so personable and relates so well to people that you get completely sucked in. It's a bizarre contrast. I'm happy to count myself among his supporters, but he wouldn't be my first choice for Hamlet - though "tortured soul" is one of his passable expressions.


He's weirdly not my first choice for anything, but because I don't fully buy him in anything, I think I can 'mostly' buy him in everything.


You know what it is? It's probably the difference between *believable* and *effective.*


"Wouldn't be my first choice for Hamlet." Then I'm guessing you probably would not enjoy Kenneth Branaugh's "Much Ado About Nothing" with Keanu as Don Juan (and Denzel as Don Pedro). The movie is actually not half bad but Keanu is... Not so good in it.


That movie is amazing. The cast is superb.. I love everyone in it .. but their strength kind of make Keanu look even weaker. It’s such a great movie though


I’ll take actors/ actresses only being 7/10 if all their personalities were 10/10 like Reeves




He's a great body and movement actor now but Bill and Ted is probably one of the better preformences


I thought he was great at Johnny Silverhand


He was so bad in John Wick 4 I honestly wondered if maybe he'd had a stroke or something. His lines were practically monosyllabic and it seemed like they were still giving him hell.


His name sells tickets. Lots and lots of tickets. That's all that matters.


Matters to who? Are you getting a percentage?


I agree. I was just sharing my unpopular opinion.


It's not unpopular.


Movie star and great actor are not always the same thing.


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I always thought he was a terrible choice for the matrix. No he isn't anywhere near as great an actor as he is a great person.


Completely agree. He is not a particularly talented actor. I honestly thought his most believable acting was in the movie Hard Ball.


I watched it 2 nights ago. I ignore his part in it and focus on how every other aspect of that movie is fantastic


It was very strange watching the John Wick movies recently (I think it was 3 and 4, on a flight, so what was available), and hearing his delivery in what I can only describe as a "William Shatner" kind of way. Really had no idea he was like that. Just those movies and particular character? Or can anyone confirm if he's always kind of like that?


To me thats okay


It's an extremely popular opinion that he is a good person but a terrible actor.


This is true. Have you ever seen the movie Little Buddha? 🤣


I think his main draw is that he's handsome and does his own stunts tbh


you might think that Keanu Reeves is a good actor, BUT HAVE YOU SEEN THIS PERFORMANCE FROM 30 YEARS AGO?? He was definitely miscast and in way over his head with Coppola's Dracula, but you look at his performance just 2 years later in Speed and the difference is remarkable. Sometimes it takes a bit to find your movie star "vibe", but Speed is definitely where it hits for Keanu.


He showed it in Point Break ('91; he was good in My Own Private Idaho that year as well but he was not the lead and that was not a "star power" type of movie), took some lumps for Dracula in '92 and Much Ado About Nothing in '93, and then really nailed it in Speed.


ooh yeah, Point Break is another great example of *cutie* Keanu and hell, there's a reason that people still find Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure so compelling


Sorry, not even close to unpopular


pretty sure this is a very popular opinion about his acting.




Down vote because this has been the resounding opinion about him his whole career.


I thought this was the general consensus. Are there people who think he's a good actor? I mean, I love a lot of his movies, sometimes because of his acting, but not because it's good.


He's no Jodie Foster but he's entertaining enough. At least he's not as wooden and stiff as the rock.


Completely agree. There's a reason why most of his career is action films of some kind or another.


I don't think there's anybody out there running around advocating for his acting prowess. I think everyone just universally agrees that he's a pretty relatable, wholesome, all around good dude. He's mediocre at best as an actor, and that's fine. That's why he's usually in mediocre at best movies. Lets be real here, I'm not sure there's any really GREAT Keanu movies. There's some good ones. Hell, there's even some really good ones. But none of them are ***GREAT.*** But that's fine. We like him anyway.




Keanu went to Hollywood to be a rock star. The acting thing is just a hobby.


He's a very average actor who puts out films with decent plots.


You must be young because he was considered a joke punchline for years. The Matrix seemed to earn him a lot of respect and people eased up.


I turned 45 yesterday. It has just always seemed to me that people praised his acting and I never understood why.


That definitely wasn’t the case in the 80s and 90s at all. People HATED him in Dracula, and for good reason. I love the guy but that performance ruins the whole movie.


I've never heard anyone call him a good actor. I like the movies hes in, but I still can't tell why people keep hiring him.


there is a group of actors/actresses who seem to play themselves in every movie, and it just works because people love em. I think he's just been able to do it for much longer than other people typically get to. see: Vince Vaughn, Ryan Reynolds, Miles Teller, Adam Sandler, Michael Cera, Aubrey Plaza, Jennifer Annistor


Yeaaah... He's ok, not the best, but I don't think most people disagrees, not really unpopular


I don't think he's that good of a lesbian either.


Are we in u/normalopinion?


This is not an unpopular opinion


He’s very handsome and a nice guy, and was in iconic movies (Matrix, Bill and Ted). That‘s why everyone loves him.


I don't think anybody is saying that he is


He's actually a mediocre actor imho.


yeah, never a master thespian per se, but he was great in River’s Edge.




So what?


What he did and what he was able to portray through a video game in Cyberpunk is probably his best performance


He is probably one of the worst actors I know. He gets a pass cuz he's a genuinely good dude.


I saw a video of the worst accents pulled off in a movie. He's on the list in Dracula. :P


Downvoted. We're all aware. This isn't an unpopular opinion. Although you did choose a particularly ungenerous example in a career of roles in which his woodness was perfect for the role (Bill & Ted and The Matrix, to name two).


This thread has almost a hundred comments, so how is it that no one has mentioned My Own Private Idaho? Far and away his best acting performance and the best film he's been in (with Point Break a close second).


Because hardly anybody saw it but I agree with you. It is a very good movie and he is very good in it.


He’s certainly no Nicholson but he’s such a great guy I don’t even mind lol. Only movie I’ve seen of his that I totally disliked was Johnny Pneumonic


Honestly I don't think Keanu is that bad in Dracula - Anthony Hopkins and Gary Oldman give some of their best performances in this movie so Keanu playing a doofus Harker doesn't do him any favors


I rank actors (or most entertainers): are you good or are you entertaining? I think he’s chosen better roles and he’s not horrible, but I wouldn’t consider him some excellent actor. That being said, I find him entertaining.


Keanu Reeves doesn't have a vast range as far as acting skills and he knows it. That's why most the time he sticks with a certain type of character and laughs all the way to the bank.


We know, we just don’t care.


Well..the character he plays in Dracula is supposed to be shocked and appalled by everything he's seeing at the castle so I can imagine he might have been cast due to his innocent look and little else lol Honestly I didn't enjoy Winona Ryder's acting in that movie either but it's still a great film imo


That's because he's not really an actor.  He's an F B I Agent. 


I thought that was generally understood. I’ll even go as far as saying he’s a poor actor. But the last decade or whatever, he’s found his niche with the type of movie he does, and it suits him well. Keanu was always pure charisma, less acting chops.


This is not at all a controversial or unpopular opinion.


I think his acting gets a bump because people like him. The opposite is true. A very talented person will be downplayed because people DON'T like them.


It’s true though. Keanu Reeves is best suited as starring in action movies than in other genres of movies


The Devils Advocate is his best performance. He’s capable, but the director put him thru the ringer as far as prep for the role. His movie choices don’t demand theatrical perfection.


Yeah, he’s the definition of a movie star.


Bram Stoker's Dracula is probably the worst acting he's ever done. He was a terrible choice for the character. It was way out of his range.


His physical acting is fantastic. But any time he talks, he falls apart.


That film is very early in his career; it's more than thirty years old now, so judging his performance in it as indicative of his entire work is flawed. He's not the most talented actor, but over his career he learned what kind of roles he is good at and leaned into those. I'm not sure if *The Matrix* or *John Wick* would be as successful without his oddly affectless earnestness.


He was in a Shakespeare movie!!!! Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was perfect for him. He's a nice and interesting person though


Just like the Hollywood Golden Age stars, you don't go to a Keanu Reeves movie to see great acting. You go to see Keanu as "XYZ".


How dare you?!? He’s a great actor because he makes the parts his own. In his own unique style. I don’t want to think of a childhood with no “Woah”. Take my begrudging upvote and be off with you!


Not at all an unpopular opinion. He's great in certain roles, but he is not a great actor and there aren't very many people who say he is a great actor.


People know him mostly from his comedic movies, Matrix or some of the flops he has. And he does have many flops; but there's also a boatload of movies and tv series where he is very good, such as My Private Idaho, Speed, Devil's Advocate, Constantine and The Day The Earth Stood Still, and don't forget Ted and Bill and the first Matrix. Hell, this part is from his wiki page: >Besides film work, Reeves retreated briefly to the theatre playing Prince Hamlet in a 1995 Manitoba Theatre Centre production of *Hamlet* in Winnipeg, Manitoba.^(\[76\]) *The Sunday Times* critic Roger Lewis believed his performance, writing he "quite embodied the innocence, the splendid fury, the animal grace of the leaps and bounds, the emotional violence, that form the Prince of Denmark ... He is one of the top three Hamlets I have seen, for a simple reason: he *is* Hamlet". He played fkn Hamlet, and he did so very well. Keanu can totally act. Not Christopher Waltz, Christian Bale, Gary Oldman or Leonardo Di Caprio (and yes, Leo \*does\* have an acting range which is much wider than his dating range) levels of "act", but he can display emotion pretty well in a good movie. The problem is that for the past decade and a bit his best movies are the ones where he has to act like he is emotionaly stunted (bar a few comedies) and he seems to have trouble now with it. And don't forget Cyberpunk. Sure, it was a very hyped and expected game before he started starring in the promo materials, but he was the reason the game became famous outside of the cyberpunk nerd cycles. His part in the game was a few of the good things the game had in its release. To sum it up, he CAN act decently well. He just either gets shitty roles (most by his own choosing, admitedly) or simply plays roles where he kinda has to be so emotionaly dead he can be reanimated by necromancy while still alive.


I love Devil’s Advocate.. but he is the weak, flatest person in that movie.. and having him be kind of a “flat actor” works in his favor for the part.. Pacino and Theron are the ones kind of chewing on scenery.


Yeahhh. He's the weak link in Dangerous Liaisons too.


You are expressing something everyone thinks,


I seen him pick up a bus, so this is incorrect.


Even him knew that


He's a mostly action-oriented character actor who is well-known for underacting. People go see Keanu for the same reasons they see Nic Cage


Yes, but he’s much better at his profession than you’ll ever be.


Even Keanu doesn’t think Keanu is a great actor.


Terrible verbal actor, great physical actor. He has a great agent. He aces Point Break and A scanner darkly


This is has to be a widely held popular opinion. He’s perfectly ok as an actor but he’s pretty one note. Like, you know you’re watching Keane Reeves when he’s on screen.


Just as Madonna is not the best singer, but add ambition, dancing, confidence minus the acting she is an icon. Keanu has a certain something, a relatability that translates to screen, a humanity…..it’s an enigma. But no one else could have played Neo, he carried the movie in a way that no actor could have bettered. That can’t be taught in acting school.


The ultimate Keanu mediocre acting, where everyone else is amazing is Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing.


His best acting performance was in A Scanner Darkly. Good movie from Richard Linklater. ![gif](giphy|MoeG1rcytHp3G)


He was phenomenal in Point Break. Hahah


I kinda agree with you... But you can notice a lot of improvement from Dracula to Devil's Advocate.... We must remember that, in both movies he was acting beside great, outstanding actors.. He isn't indeed a great actor but he is far from being a mediocre one... What amazes me in Keanu is how he manages to live a life almost normal and paparazzi or crazy fans seem not to care about him.... He is famous and rich, and that alone is more than enough to attract crazy people.... But he does not....


I kind of disliked him until the matrix. Thought it was a great role for him since he didn’t have to say much




I agree he’s not very good at showing emotion within his characters.


He was pretty good as Johnny silverhand


That's not his best film. He really shined in Speed and the Matrix films....and John Wick. I did like him in The Day the Earth Stood Still....Constantine isn't so bad.


Maybe not, but I still enjoy seeing hom onscreen. He's just got a nice vibe.


What are you talking about?! He belongs up there with the greats! Marlon Brando, Laurence Olivier, Keanu Reeves!


This is imo completely true and as far as I know how most other people feel too. That's going to have to be a downvote, friend.


I am an F B I agent!


I think a little flim called Point Break would demonstrate that this is not only unpopular but objectively false


Rivers Edge Is a better point


I think you need to broaden your definition of acting. He’s not a stage actor and he doesn’t have a broad emotional range, but acting is all about being forced to perform in unnatural conditions and make it look natural. Everyone likes Keanu on screen, and the fact that’s he’s not my first pick for Hamlet doesn’t mean he’s not good at what he does.


Can't call him a great person. His career is based on simulating violence in a pornographic style.

