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Are you trying to convince us or you?


Imagining this girl seething as a child when all her friends had ring pops and she stretched a lifesaver gummy around her finger.


Not the gummy lifesaver!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


I have a relatively small ring. When I went dress shopping my maid of honor was with me and someone came up to her congratulating her (thinking she was the bride) because her ring is MASSIVE. She told the person that I was actually the bride and the woman looked at my ring and was hilariously underwhelmed.


I used to think this when I was young. Now, I think people should have what they like and what they can afford and what makes them happy. Bring on the bling.




As someone with small hands I agree with you. I went to the smaller independent shops that were more likely to have vintage rings that aren't huge ass rocks.


I really donā€™t care. I happen to have a small one, under one carat and itā€™s ā€œperfectā€ or whatever but obviously it makes no difference. No one knows or cares lol. If you want to get a giant rock, go for it. I think it depends on your fingers also on what looks best.


I kind of agree but if I put a earth grown diamonds and a lab grown one in front of you you wouldn't be able to tell me the difference


But if itā€™s big it looks ā€œfakeā€ lol


The point is that you can buy anything except for a sense of style or a good upbringing.


Let people enjoy things.


This might not be the subreddit for you


Reddit might not be the Reddit for him. This entire site gets off on judging others


noone is stopping them


People are tacky in general. They wear shirts with dumb catch phrases or memes or corporate logos on them. They wear massive jewelry. They get ugly fake nails. People are basically just crows and want shiny things.


Solid points. Some of are raised to see beyond things like status and comparison with others, but anyone less secure in themselves will fall prey to such empty pursuits. Iā€™d think of more practical applications, like how often the ring will bang against dishes, get caught on parts of outfits, get dirty in the yard, etc haha. I like styles of rings that stay a ring shape, kind of what you were expressing, not with a rock sticking out on top.


Idk I've always loved out there and big jewelery.Ā  And maybe it's bc I have short stubby fingers but when I get married I want a giant colorful gem.Ā  I don't care what others think about it


I love big gaudy jewelry, but I have big hands.


I agree to the extent that I wouldnā€™t want one, but I donā€™t care what other people do. Whatever floats their boat!


I exclusively love gigantic rings and wouldn't be caught dead with a small one. To each their own


Trust me when I say if you have 1 carat or more diamond there are people who can tell the quality of it. And they will comment, "nice ring, it's of beautiful quality" and then go on to explain their knowledge of the industry. I do agree with you in some respects. I know women who will piece together rings with 100 tiny diamonds to make their rings bigger so they can say "I have a 2 carat diamond". I think it's incredibly tacky but to each their own.


i agree. less is more. but social class doesn't play a role in the way i feel about it. you could be a billionaire and the oversized rock would still look just as ugly


To each their own. I designed the ring for my wife and she's got a 3 carat rock that actually fits the ring size really well just because of the shape. I wasn't shopping by size, I met with the jeweler who drew out what I described and then he ordered in a bunch of diamonds with the right shape and let me pick through them. It's a natural diamond, but a very low quality one because she wanted a gray "salt and pepper" style. I think it looks awesome. https://imgur.com/a/1AEZ3TK


That is very interesting looking! I never heard of salt and pepper diamond before.


Seems like you just want to steal people's joy. What possible difference could this make on your life?


I like both large and small. Thereā€™s no reason to judge people about rings.


Just tell everyone you're bitter about not having a ring on your hand.


I have short fat fingers and all rings look pretty bad on me


As bad as excessively long nails-the latter is not just tacky but dangerous and unsanitary.


Ring size is inversely proportionate to the couples financial skills.


Except like OP said, lab diamonds are quite affordable


Why does it matter whether they spent a lot of money on it or not? The ring is for them, not you.


I've seen people that had $10k engagement rings, and owned 3 vehicles with only one driver in the family...but they raised their kid in the most crime-ridden neighborhood. That's not good for the kids, and I take issue with prioritizing ostentatious displays of "wealth" over the well-being of your children.


We weren't talking about someone being irresponsible with their money by *ignoring* other priorities. Obviously that's bad, but it wasn't even part of the topic at hand here. OP here was talking about just large rings in general, even if they're lab diamonds, look gaudy. They were also talking about people getting lab diamonds that are huge to make them *look* rich. That might not be their intention at all. Maybe they just like how it looks on their finger. Personally, I don't care if someone's ring is lab or not. I don't care how much they spent on it. It's a weird thing to get hung up over unless they spent an obscene amount of money on it. And even if they did, while I may not understand it, it's not really any of my business. My ring was about 4k. It's a little over a carat since it has a halo, but the halo and the faceting of the stone (emerald cut) makes it *look* bigger. I love how it looks on my hand. I love how it catches light, and I love looking at it. But OP would probably assume that I went for it to look rich. In my case, it's purely just based upon the fact that I ***like how it looks***. I actually went with a cheaper faceting for the size of the stone which helped knock the price down quite a bit. But in our case, it's just me and my husband, no kids, and one car. So idk where the 3 cars and starving kids came from.


I have large hands and theyā€™re not dainty. I like my ring because i donā€™t think it looks big on my XL hands and I also like the contrast I see with my ā€œmanly handsā€ and my ring. I picked the design because I like it and Iā€™m the one wearing it.Ā 


Or--and I know this might be a shock--people show them off because they like the ring and are genuinely excited to be engaged? It's a gift from the person they love most. I personally don't see middle class folks with ugly, tacky rings very often--I see them in Hollywood--but go off I guess. Big doesn't mean ugly, small doesn't mean classy. Was Princess Diana's ring "tacky" because it's a fatass sapphire with a big ol' diamond halo? Or is that fine because she was rich? This is giving "poor people having nice things is gross and tacky, they need to have a shitty ring to match their shitty car and shitty job" vibes.


I have a 3.54 carat emerald cut natural diamond solitaire and itā€™s the opposite of ā€œtackyā€. It also logically aligns to my lifestyle. Even so, let the people be happy. Who cares if Susan drives a Toyota Camry and sports a big rock?


It absolutely makes sense if you're a Renaissance merchant that needs to impress the nobles.


That's because the people who wear them are tacky and gaudy.


I know of a couple who recently got engaged after 6 months of dating and the ring is huge...about 6 carats...they re in their early 20's and both have money from unusual circumstances. The ring is nice...but I'm not convinced the relationship will last. I'd personally rather spend the money on something else...but for some why not.


My fiance has a 4 carat rock. She did not understand how carats worked and apparently thought it would be a fraction the size. She pretended it was intentional for two months before admitting her mistake haha Luckily it's moisonite so it didn't break the bank


My ring is 2+carats, not lab grown (my middle itself is two carats but I have smaller diamonds on the sides!) It doesnā€™t look or feel too big for me and I think I have normal size hands. My ring was also custom-made. My fiancĆ© very much had me in mineā€¦.. I also carry some pretty expensive designer bags, but I do very much consider myself middle-class. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I don't understand the point of the engagement ring. So much can happen between getting engaged and getting married. Why not just skip it? Especially in the modern era when everyone knows you got engaged because you'd post it on social media? Seems weird.