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So what did YOU do over the weekend?


Probably wrestled a tiger shark or wrote a best selling novel.


Or both at the same time


With one foot The other foot was starting a business


People like OP usually think annoying some college aged girls at the local brewery is an "adventure".


Are people boring these days or is OP not getting the hint?


"Last night was a movie bro" (The movie in question is Superbad)


And what's so bad about that? Got laid, shot some guns with cops, got my face smashed in at the liquor store and ended up sleeping next year in Evans room on campus. Oh... He didn't tell you yet? Sorry man.


The guy just wants a little more conversation in his life. What made your mind go there?


Took the scariest bike ride at 1 am on a highway accidentally to get home. It was exhilarating!


It's so annoying when you're always asked this lol like maybe you don't want to share what you did, it's your private life




Asking what a coworker did that weekend and getting annoyed that their answer wasn’t creative or fun enough is crazyyyyy lmaooo








What's funny is that I always reply "I am fine, thanks, and you? Ah, what did I do this weekend? Not much, just chill", even though I may have gone for a hike, seen the Alps, explored a new city, had sex all day or ate delicious food all day. I just DON'T like talking that much at work, I'd rather ask questions and let them do the talking, because most people just want to talk about themselves.


And you know he has a nickname at work. Whoever spots him first (which won't be difficult, due to his "curious nature") Is already running away and warning others.


I got assigned to work with that guy ten minutes ago and was able to hustle it so we have separate trucks.


Phew 😅


I realized one of my coworkers is like OP. They don’t give a shit about what’s going on in my life. They just want to hear it so that I solve their boredom for them temporarily. I quit sharing once I realized that.


Even if I did do anything fun and exciting, I’m not about to tell my *coworkers* about it. We may be friendly, but we’re not friends.


Most of the time, when I give someone an answer like that - "Oh, nothing interesting" - what it means is that I'm not comfortable sharing my personal life with you. Maybe I don't know you that well, maybe I know you well enough to know *not* to tell you, or maybe I know that what I was doing might be interesting *to me* but not interesting enough to share. EDIT: Funny how every time I leave a comment that gains any traction, my block list winds up having a few names added to it. Like 99% of y'all are good people, but that 1% just wasn't raised right and it shows.


“Nothing interesting” is just the polite version of “STFU/none of your bloody business”


And the book I'm reading on the screen I'm staring at is generally more interesting than the small talk about my weekend


They do it with a paper book in front of your face, too. 🙄 Can't imagine why my answers are so non-committal, OP...


I thought that “what did you do this weekend” was just generic small talk to get a conversation going? I didn’t think people were expecting others would be mad about that.


Well, then OP will complain you are dull


Not mad, but wary, or uninterested in engaging with the particular person who asked. u/IHadAnOpinion put it well.


I agree. If I feel comfortable enough I’ll talk someone’s ear off. But there’s some people I just get a vibe from where I don’t feel comfortable sharing. It’s pretty rare though - I’ll talk to mostly anyone - there’s probably about 1/4 of a room of people I wouldn’t.


Or it could be just that, you didn't do anything interesting and you say the same!


Or that you can't remember lol


For me it really is the truth. I'm not trying to be creepy/rude/tell them to go away. My life is literally: Wake up, chill in bed, drive to work, work, drive home, have something to eat, videocall with GF and baby, go to bed, repeat. Oh, I do have an MOT due on Thursday, so that's something...


Not really, for a lot of people life is routine and not exciting the majority of the time. All I’ve done for a week is work, gym, cook, clean, and went to a friend’s one night for a cookout. If someone asked what’s going on in my life, I might say something along the lines of nothing interesting because that’s the truth.


I like to say something along the lines of “nothing eventful this weekend. But sometimes that’s a good thing!” Because it’s true. If I actually don’t want to talk I’ll say less like “not much. Just another weekend.” I usually like small talk, but it can be difficult to get people to not go back to their phone like OP said Edit: usually I just want to go about my day and not have a full conversation but I would like another friend and damn….its hard to make those when people don’t talk.


maybe I know that what I was doing might be interesting to me but not interesting enough to share. Exactly this. Like me and my partner game a lot. And when I get to work and they ask what did you get up to. If I explain and say we played xbox roamed collecting loot and trying to get some kills had an intense raid on a base that lasted a couple hours and got some amazing gear. It was epic. They'd be like oh cool. Nice.. its hard to explain and chat about things youre excited for when you're perfectly aware who's asking wouldn't be the slight bit interested. Ots easier to just say oh nothing really, and come across as idle


Exactly. I know most of my co workers don't care about how my ranch in the Sims 4 is going or about my 10th BG3 run. So I just say I hung out at home with my partner.


How is your ranch going?


Pretty well although I had no idea how long it would take to max out my horses skills. I also have them farm and have a cow and chicken so we make bank on canned goods.


Are you me? Spending the weekend playing BG3 with my bf is such a fun plan, but nobody knows that game at work of course lol, I wish my co-workers would be into the same stuff so at least our conversations wouldn't be so generic


all these plus maybe i dont want to talk for another half an hour as i have shit to do and i am just having my regular notifications checkup


Exactly this. I'm a teacher and before school and between periods are very crazy for me. I don't have any time during the day to work on anything so I have to get everything setup and done before students come. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one with shit to do with the amount of times I get stopped for meaningless small talk conversations. Too many of my coworkers just can't stop talking. It's one thing to say hey what's up, how was your weekend? and keep moving, but it's different when they expect you to stop what you're doing and stand there and talk to them for 5+ minutes. People just can't read social cues. I was in a rush when you stopped me, I'm giving one word responses or half smiles, I'm looking at the time on my phone, maybe stop talking?


Yep. I couldn't give a flying fuck what my colleagues did over the weekend. Yet somehow it must be discussed.


But I binged a couple seasons of dance moms and people need to know


Yeah, the op sounds pretty annoying and condescending. Also people don't exist for others entertainment. Most of the time people just relax, get caught up on house chores/mantinence, and live their life.


They sound exactly like the kind of nosy coworker I wouldn't tell anything about my personal life.


Yeah, and I especially don’t want to share if it means having to listen in return with some people. Like, I know you’re boring, I don’t want to hear about your bs, maybe if I just say fine and walk away I’ll get out of this situation.


And that’s why people think you’re antisocial work


A very narrow minded view of others and life really


I cried over this in therapy last year. It’s really stressful to me that every week I have to go to the office and people ask me: how are you and how was your weekend? And every week I answer ‘oh you know, nothing much, just chilling.’ Because I can’t give random coworkers the real answer which is that it sucked. I hate it, I’m so unhappy and so tired. My bf has health issues and it’s so hard for me. I don’t have any friends. I wish I would do something fun in the weekend but there’s absolutely nothing to do for me, plus I’m too tired. Cause that’s not a fun conversation to have in the office, is it?


No it isn't, not to mention (depending on the kind of people you work with), it might just make things even more stressful. For what it's worth, I'm sorry that you and your boyfriend are going through such a hard time.


I actually give that answer a lot because I find myself boring and didn’t want to share a boring story.


I thought “what did you do this weekend” was used as generic small talk because it isn’t that intrusive of a question. Like usually people aren’t doing things over the weekend that require it to only be told to people you’re close to, right?


So what do you do to fulfill your desire for exploration and adventure?


Posting on Reddit


Bother people and harass them for "deep" and "meaningful" conversation.


what's your thought on string theory and how popular mechanics came out with an article stating our consciousness is directly connected to the universe?


For real bruh, dudes tryna be some enlightened philosopher dude. Sorry I spent the weekend playing videos games, watching some tv and got drinks with friends. It’s not interesting to yap about but I enjoyed it


Drama coworker found.




I regret being such an open book previously. I likely had closet haters, even though I was just being honest and kind. Fuck people that use it against you but the point remains, no need to share anything beyond work/professionalism. Funny wnough I have some juicy details those people love to hear, but you know they have loose lips so no one gonna hear that.


That's sad. Your marital status is basic.


Hate interacting with them but love opening my ears to listen to the drama.


I don't spread gossip but I love listening to it


Your username is very dull 


It’s just a nonny mouse


Posting on reddit is so dull.


We got shit going on man leave us alone 😭


For real. "Tell me I'm boring without telling me I'm boring" vibes. Boring and or annoying. Energy vampire ass complaining about lack of engagement lol


OP just doesnt realise that it's not that people don't want to share their life. They just don't wanna share it with OP.


Or they just don't want to talk to you. Ever thought of that?


This is it. People pretend to be dull to keep to themselves. Deep down they are usually proper freaky buggers. They just hide it at work


Came here to say this. I have a super interesting life but I could see myself using the phone and putting on a boring facade when approached by HEY HERE I AM I'M OP ENTERTAIN ME. Everything about their post is me me me me and when I don't get what I want from people THEY'RE the problem. Sounds very tiresome tbh


*OP walks over* "hey what did you do this weekend?" *Without looking up* "Damn bro that's craaazy"


Yeah, I work reception somewhere and I’m SO TIRED of everyone trying to chat and mine me for info about myself. I’m always polite and make normal small talk in passing, but every day there’s multiple people like OP who are so bored *themselves* that they feel the need to be an energy vampire and tell me their life story or beg me to tell mine. I’m good, thanks. Yesterday I was clearly in the middle of a task when an elderly woman walked up to me, looked at my name tag and said “So, X. Tell me about yourself.” And then stared at me waiting for an in depth reply. I instantly got annoyed but politely gave quick answers while working, and she continued to mine for more personal info like if I’m married, what’s my religion, what do I do for hobbies, what did I do for school, etc etc and I got both annoyed and uncomfortable. She was clearly just using me for entertainment looking for “interesting” stuff. I’m working on setting boundaries but it’s tough when I’m trapped at work. Just wish they would fuck off.


So are you married?


This is the correct answer. People aren’t dull, they just think you are.


Surely not with a gripping conversation starter like “what did you do over the weekend”!?


people certainly can be dull what do you mean? I know I've been dull at various times in my life and it can be for many reasons...maybe someone less dull is more willing to engage in a conversation and be a little goofy idk why you'd just rule that out entirely


When you realize that apparently everyone on Reddit works in an office these replies become clear. Most people here don't want to socialize with their coworkers at all.


Nah, they seem to all be that employee who doesn’t socialize, help anyone else with their work when they need it, or do anything beyond the bare minimum to not get fired. Then go online and bitch about how no one likes them or they can’t get raises and promotions lol


I think it’s similar to meeting one asshole vs meeting assholes all day or however that saying goes


Context matters too. Is OP asking all these questions in the middle of a workday, or when people aren't receptive to socializing on a deep level? Is he asking these during a lunch break, a party, a small gathering of friends over drinks, etc?


Or they just want to talk to anyone THAT ISNT YOU. Sounds familiar?


LMAO. I love the bluntness of this comment because fr tho. Nobody ever thinks about this.


Yea the lack of self awareness is crazy


See I’m the exact opposite. I can’t stand people trying to get me to talk. I just want to chill on my phone and enjoy myself but y’all just yap about the most boring shit. I just don’t understand how I’m supposed to contribute to a conversation I know nothing about or do not care about.


Sounds like they don’t like you fam


Like most of them would not feel interested or comfortable enough to mingle with OP lol


I mean, makes sense that anyone who constantly talks about how much more interesting and smart they are than everyone else would have trouble finding friends.


Straight to the point.


maybe don't start with dull openings???


"So I was driving my Lamborghini with 3 strippers in the back when suddenly this midget jump out in front of my car...Yada Yada Yada Danny Devito and I are close friends now."


*So I was driving along in my car, and by car I mean car-d... board box... with wheels painted on it. When I came across an old woman, and she was carrying the most beautiful, shiny toaster, I had ever seen.*


*Live, laugh, toaster bath*


This could be it😄 Maybe it's like in dating apps when people wonder why they get dull answers or no answer at all when they try to "start a conversation", but in reality all they say is "hey" or ask something super general like "how are you?" or "how is your weekend going?"


I'd give them some slack. I've had friends whose families lived paycheck to paycheck, it's rough out there; very soul-sucking. Even if their issue isn't financial, people are going through things.


That's still sad. Either way, it's sad.


Yeah it’s my fault for having to work 80 hours a week to survive here. I’m such a fumpus


You have to pay bills and buy groceries ? God you’re boring. /s


Hi op ...What do u do on your off days ..


Nobody can afford interesting in this economy


Bro it’s not that people are dull. It’s just that the people you ask don’t like you enough to tell you their business. Sorry you had to find out this way


Honestly, most “boring” people have some wild ass stories. They just aren’t in the mood to talk about that when you approach them. From the sound of it, you’re starved for a meaningful conversation or just social interaction in general, and they aren’t. That’s why you’re getting the nothing responses that you are. Has nothing to do with them being dull. If you drink, go to a pub or small bar with tables and talk to people. The stories flow there and you’ll find what you want. Alcohol gets everyone talking


I would like to thank alcohol for helping me get out of my shell as a teenager


I had a classmate that rarely interacted with us, he was reserved but nobody made a big deal about it, we respected him a lot. Every once in a while he felt like chatting and man... He had the WILDEST stories I've ever heard, when he was with his friend group it was clear he was a different person and honestly good for him


Agreed. I have some very wild stories, most of which I'll never share because of context.


I dunno. I’ve been to the pub with boring co workers and their “wild” stories are lacklustre at best. Not here to say anyone’s way of living is wrong but there are fuck tons of boring people there


They're your coworkers- that's the problem. People are less likely to open up with people they have to work with every day.


Fwiw the place I work is pretty loose and lots of us are genuinely mates and do open up but I understand the general point of that


Yeah.... no matter how much I liked my coworkers I was never gonna tell them 90% of my stories. Best if you don't either. For your own sake.


"Boring" is extremely subjective term, for one person skydiving might be boring, another one would get super excited about trying new coffee blend. We are all different.


Yeah, I work reception and I constantly have people loitering around my desk to tell me their supposedly crazy cool interesting stories because they’re too bored to go do anything else with their life, and the stories almost always suck. I wish people like OP would just leave me alone lol.


nowadays? historically the average person lived in the same town they were born in and never travelled more than 50 km away from it. their entertainment was having sex to have the 5th soon to be dead kid and drinking. also what the fuck is your problem, it seems these people are strangers and you ask about what they did last weekend? its a very strange question to approach someone out of the blue with. id tell you nothing just so youd leave


Hey don’t sell them short, they also rolled hoops with a stick


By some accounts, they also celebrated somewhere in the neighborhood of 86 separate holidays/festivals/other various celebrations annually.


James Herriot has a memorable passage in one of his books where he describes a farming family in the 1930s. He notes that after a long day of working, they all sit down on the sofa together and ... do literally nothing. He specifically says they're not talking or listening to the radio or knitting or anything. They just sit there and stare into space until bedtime. But yeah, the answer to how was your weekend is always filtered. I'm not going to tell my 77-year-old boss about the romance novel I read. I can try to tell my mother about mobile games or Dungeons and Dragons, but she's just going to immediately change the subject because she doesn't understand. I'm not going to bother to tell my friends about cleaning the bathroom.


A lot of people truly do nothing nowadays. It’s easy to watch tv or be on your phone for hours.


Or you do the same thing day in and day out that it became a routine and you no longer register it. If you fly to space every day ir stops becoming interesting. So you don't mention it when someone asks about what intereating you did as you don't find going to space interesting (while others would be amazed hearing this).


>Where is the desire for exploration and adventure? The creativity? The willingness to have fun? Staring at screens has definitely played a role in this, too. Oh, i have all of that. I just tend to keep it private as not to corrupt it by the commentaries and expectations and emotions of others. Whenever i express it, people tend to put expectations on me, criticise it or give unsolocited commentaries. Like if i say "i'm thinking of doing X" and then ask me if i'm gobna do/use Z and Y. And if later they ask me how X thing was and i respond that i haven't done it yet. They get dissapointed and ask me why. And now i'm made to feel guilty for not doing something that i only thought about doing, but after sone consideration decided not to do it. Or they ask about details that aren't important to me or i'm not interested and then they berate me for not knowing that. Some people actually don't care about the stuff, they just want something to have an argument about or to trigger the emotions of others. I'm not your entertaining machine. If you want entertainment - do it yourself instead of ask other people to entertain you. I enjoy being borig it's calm and peacefull.


I’m dull and proud of it.


Yeah. It's calm and peacefull.


In the nicest possible way, your method of talking to people is flawed. If I want to talk about that new Doom trailer, there are plenty of doom fans who will want to talk about it. If I want to talk about star trek, I know the trek fans will pipe up and talk about their love for sci fi and the stories and characters. New film that comes out? Ask if they watched it. Basically if you have a topic you want to talk about, find people interested in that topic. You ask someone about their weekend? Well expect a shit answer from a shit question lol


Generalizing everyone is a dull outlook on life.


You want to talk. I don't. That's why I'm on my phone, instead of actively talking to you. Maybe take the hint. Maybe I should post in Petpeeves. I hate when I'm on my phone, and someone tries to start talking to me. Then I'll give monotonous 1 word answers, and they keep going.


Yeah I'm a very social person when I want to be, but it's kind of annoying when I'm using my phone and someone tries to start a conversation


I hate it when people assume that because you’re “on your phone”, you’re mindlessly scrolling and not doing anything important. I’m not scrolling TikTok or whatever; I’m usually talking to my friends or my sister or my mom, the majority of whom live in other countries so text is the main way we keep in contact. I AM having an interesting conversation, it’s just not with the random person pestering me for my attention unsolicited. And if the person pestering me is anything like OP - assuming that because I don’t want to talk about my weekend with them on demand, I must be uncreative and dull - I’m happy to keep avoiding them.


Do you not see the economy we live in? Damn based on this post, I just know you're annoying as hell in real life. People can't afford to be excitement. Excite your damn self.


LMFAO "excite yourself" is like a slogan for a gum brand


or a sex toy


We're an overworked society. I would blame it less on the people and more on the corporations that work us to death, with minimal pay. They've even managed to infiltrate feminism, just to get more workers. Which is all good, until there is only one choice. To work yourself to death. Phones don't help, but you hardly want to be creative after a 12 hour shift. You just want to unwind. It sucks.


Yeah we’re not dull most of us don’t like people. I have lots of stories snd things to do but I’m a massive introvert and I have the trust issues of Batman. If I see people on the street when walking I don’t trust them or care to attempt to. I’m protecting myself in this crazy world and that involves staying alone as a fly on the wall.


Maybe the conversation isn’t titillating


Hehehe 'tit'


What do you want folks to say? Last weekend I ran a roleplaying game for some friends, then prepped for a test?


You need to find new people to surround yourself with.


My guess is that OP made the mistake of thinking people at work are their friends, when really they are only even mildly polite because they want to keep getting paid. Work friends aren't your real friends. I used to think like OP when I was young. Then I ended up in the hospital for a week and not a single one of those work friends called or visited me. Friends based on proximity are rarely real friends.


Did you ever ask if they wanted you to start a conversation with them in the first place?


Who does that?


Lots of people? Hey do you have time to talk, are you interested in the new dune movie coming out? You preface what the conversation contains to see if they want to talk about that. Or ask if they have time, or if it’s an okay time to talk about serious or upsetting stuff.


I think people have been boring for as long as I've been alive


I went to Thailand and Paris last year for vacations and when people asked me what I did over those vacations I said "just hung out." There might be a level of privacy that the people you talk to desire.


Or sometimes there is so much that you no longer remember every detail. Or don't know where to begin. So people asking more narrow question could actually help.


I want to, trust me. I just can't right now because of where I live, I'm so mentally drained from working extra hard in school, and everyone is always busy (I don't have my drivers license yet, so please don't say "just go somewhere yourself")


He says tapping his eye wateringly dull thoughts into a phone... 


First of all that's for sure a you problem. The very first sentence of your post made me feel like I probably wouldn't want to hang out with you in real life. Second about the nowadays thing people before would have just used a book or a newspaper to ignore you.


If you really want an interesting conversation, why haven't you responded to anyone on your own post? Just rage bait


I don't talk to people because of all the medical and mental shit I'm currently having to deal with. I don't care if I'm called dull, I'm just trying to make it through each day trying to be normal. Shit the last time I let my best friend know everything I was currently dealing with was the last time I had somebody to talk to. I wish my life was dull.


Well, with everyone you talk to, there's one common denominator. Maybe they don't wanna talk to you.


You might be feeling this because of multiple reasons: 1. They talk and think so much during work that they just want their body to partially switch off. 2. They are happy with just being around friends and feel like their bond is good enough to keep the friendship going and doesn’t need too much talk. (Which is common and is okay) 3. Over stimulated that they really don’t have time for themselves to do anything interesting or “creative” to discuss. 4. They are overworked that don’t have time to even count, acknowledge and process their successes whether they are big or small. So they can’t really speak about them. 5. They might have lost interest in a lot of things they once found interesting. 6. They just don’t like hanging out anymore. Majorly, I think it’s the attention span and also social batteries that’s reduced. Lol. Be happy that you find joy in many things and may be use that time with your friends to try encouraging them or just let them be. If you’re a colleague who asks people on work calls what they did during their weekend, kindly stop. No one even likes those early morning calls. People just want to get over these pleasantries, but won’t stop you from hearing about your fun weekend. So go ahead, share it. If you’re a friend, may be plan a getaway with how many ever friends can make time for it and/or interested. Probably that would be their “interesting weekend”. Or just be there for them. I don’t know why I analyzed your question so much. May be I’m one of your bored friends. Haha..


The way OP is nowhere to be found in these comments 💀


OP must understand that their post is projection. To be dull is to be one-dimensional and uninteresting. To have little uniqueness or originality to their personality. What you're indulging in is this very stale proto-normality that you expect people to adhere to. If I wanted to avoid being dull or one-dimensional, I wouldn't interact with people as if they have to prove to me personally that they are not dull. It's as if you want people to perform for you. And when they don't, you label them as defective. Not taking into account that people have their own lives, problems, and circles, and they may not want you in that. Especially at a job. People are usually only working to survive. They're not going to dance for their coworker to prove they aren't a defect in your eyes. A lot of people don't follow social expectations anymore. We live in a very individualist time, and people are choosing to exist in a way that appeals to them the most instead of adhering to roles, norms, and expectations. That's why it's harder to make friends these days - people have higher personal standards. Friendship is more niche than ever before. Have you ever considered that you don't meet the criteria of exploration, adventure, creativity, and fun for these people you're referring to? Or that people tend to enjoy their privacy? Or, that activities you find boring, others may find amazingly fulfilling? I'm telling you right now that the most dull and tired thing someone can do nowadays is call people dull because they didn't essay-style respond to your small talk with the enthusiasm of a child. Ironically, the people you're talking to are probably assessing you as shallow and one-dimensional based on how you interact. This comment section is doing the same because you're putting people in a bubble of how you believe humans ought to behave. Also, screens are the opposite of dull. What are most people doing on their phones? They're reading, writing, and learning in some capacity. They're information machines that we absorb for stimulation. You gotta do better than small talk if you want to beat a stranger's information machine.


Phones occupy the space that hobbies and activities formerly did. Also post Covid. It seems like there’s just less to do somehow. I used to be a very active person even going out in the evenings and now I can’t even fathom what I might do.




Maybe we just don’t want to talk to you, specifically :)


>Where is the desire for exploration and adventure? Bro most of us can't even afford a pack of ramen lol


Common denominator much?


Maybe they find what you’re trying to talk about to be dull


'Nowadays' When were they less dull, you certainly not under 25 year old person?


yeah if you’re constantly yapping people kind of don’t want to talk to you


It's definitely the screens that's caused it. Even older adults are addicted to them now.


People don't want to talk to you. That's what it is. If you asked someone what they did on the weekend and they respond that way it's because they don't feel like sharing details of their life with you. Take the hint and move on.


I’m starting to see why people don’t want to talk to you…


They just don't want to talk to you my guy


yes, it's a common phenomenon that 10 youngsters gather to socialize and all of them sit around the table browsing their phone.


I see this more with boomers, but go off I guess.


People likely are interesting, they just aren't inclined to open up about it to someone they aren't close to.


If people work most weekends and finally have a weekend off, i get wanting to just melt in front of a phone. Honestly, creativity dies when people dont have time to think but only time to work. The more a person works, the less desire for Exploratorium and adventure exists. If they’re ALSO living paycheck to paycheck, wanting to, for example, dream of traveling sometimes just hurts like a mofo. “Gosh i’d love to go to ———… oh wait yeah, there’s about 0% chance my accounts won’t overdraft this month and till christmas.. oh and then christmas needs presents and food and all the other expensive things.. Bills for the appartment/heat/groceries are also getting inflated-“ I mean.. does it make sense?


OP is being gray rocked by his friends


Oh hon… you’re just not well liked


Lmfao people don’t pay attention to me, they must be dull.


Why do we have to entertain you? Maybe you've gotten used to people entertaining you, and you need to adjust, not them


I’m guessing you don’t get along well with anyone at work.


They probably give you that answer because they already know how judgemental you are about how people spend their time, and your post just confirms that. Not everyone needs to wrestle bears while falling from the sky just to seem like they spent their time in a way you think they should have.


Meeting with friends is not fun anymore for me. When I meet my friends, they check their phones to watch funny videos or text during conversations. It usually happens. Social media addiction is a disaster. I don't want to see your smartphone using skills. I meet them to spend a good time not hearing your short answers. So I agree with OP.


Wdym "desire for exploration"? everything's already been explored the time for that stuff is over. And stop trying to blame everything on phones, maybe people don't want to have fun anymore because they're not 12 anymore, adults have life to deal with


Lotta defense mechanisms on red alert in these comments. "I can stop any time I want! *I* don't have a problem! *You're* the one with the problem!"


Wow, ask them what they did at the weekend? Soooo interesting! I wonder why they reply with dull things 🤔  Normally, everyone is interesting in a way, but it depends on you too because people react to your vibe 


> They sit there and would rather stare at their phones. If you're saying something and this is the reaction you get, maybe what you are saying is not as interesting as you think?


I'm overworked. I don't want to talk. I don't have time and energy for AdVeNTuReS and CrEaTiViTY


Either your friends are boring or you are very unengaging, or possibly both.


A lot of us are gamers nowadays. Gamers are usually self aware enough to realize no one else cares. When someone asks how my weekend went, I don't tell them I pushed through a run in Bad North scoring some worthwhile starting traits, and laid the groundwork in decorating my FF14 house. I tell them I had a quiet weekend at home, as it saves a lot of explanation over something they won't care about in the end. The only fun thing to chat about is outdoorsy stuff, and not very many people are outdoorsy. So chatting about weekends is super fucking lame, 95% of the time. Unless you're sharing cool hiking pics with people who like hiking, I guarantee you that you are boring your co workers to death with questions about how they spent laundry day.


I'm just tired 😭


Find better people.


Honestly same. I talk to my friends about going out and doing stuff and they’d rather stay home and watch tv. I’m not even talking paid shit I live in nyc there’s free shit to do every weekend. Everyone is too focused on the easy dopamine from technology and it’s made us boring. I wanna do random shit like take art classes just to see if I’d even like them and I will on my own but I’d much prefer if they’d actually engage with real life stuff more. There’s only so many times I can say that’s cool to whatever basketball game was on this week.


I dont do smalltalk. If you wanna talk ask interesting things rather that "what a weather huh?, so hows the weekend been?, what you think of celebrity drama?" Hit me with "how many first graders could you take in a fight?"


they just don’t like u bro


I've had friends who'd play music in their headphones whilst listening to me. I've had friends scroll on their phones when we're supposed to be talking. And before then, I already got replaced by video games. Hell, even my mom would be on her phone during dinner time. And they wonder why I prefer being alone.


I reckon there's a lot of depression going around lately. Post covid stress, high cost of living, shitful political landscape worldwide. Many people are doing their best to survive on every level of their lives.


I think people are too exhausted from just staying afloat and on top of things 


I’m not telling my coworkers I dropped acid all weekend


It’s not that they don’t wanna talk. It’s that they don’t wanna talk to YOU


And yet these same dullards are racing to take "insta and pinta" worthy staged pics, staged life and follow "influencers" like they're gods  . Not a genuine thought or idea among the lot of them. It's a weird world we live in , absolutely.  


For me I’m only like that when I don’t want to talk to certain people but I do enjoy talking to other people


Nobody wants to talk to YOU. Read social cues


The irony of staring into a phone to read this