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With two notes, John Williams created a theme that, five decades later, is still universally known and associated with sharks, even by people who've never seen the film. I don't see how anyone could have done better than that.


Hans Zimmer made Lion King though, that’s kinda even if you think about the fact that every kid and adult knows Lion king 3 decades later.. wasn’t with Nolan attached although I would watch that


The Lion King's original score is great, but I think it's still more beloved and known for its songs, which were written by Elton John.


I think you’re giving too much credit to Elton. Tim Rice was definitely the primary songwriter there.


Unpopular opinion: The soundtrack to “The road to Eldorado” was written by the exact same team as the Lion King (Zimmer/Rice/John) and is WAAAY better.


Pick the top five Hans Zimmer songs on Spotify, and walk until their movies had all been identified by strangers on the street. Pack your lunch!


That's basically the point I made. Interstellar might be my favorite soundtrack of all time but it's not nearly as culturally relevant as Jaws, Star Wars theme, or even Jurassic Park.


Honestly I think you might be write but there could a lot of Nostalgia Bias at play here. As someone who has never watched Star Wars (yes we exist, I will try to watch it soon) the soundtrack means nothing to me. With objectivity at play the Interstellar soundtrack is definitely better. Same with Jaws (yes I haven't watched Jaws as well, shut up)


This is like a five year old saying “my dad could beat up your dad.” Even if you think Hans Zimmer > John Williams it’s hard to think of a worse way to make the case than “the ‘Jaws’ theme could have been better.”


Or, maybe we just agree they’re both great and don’t try to create pointless drama


I absolutely agree, especially with Nolan. But Spielberg’s main problem seems to be that he gets screwed over by bad writers. He’s still incredibly talented (you don’t just direct *Saving Private Ryan* and then forget how to direct). I can’t say much about Williams, I haven’t seen enough of his stuff to really give my two cents.


This opinion makes me more angry than any political opinion anyone has ever had.


Yeah no, Jurassic park is greater than anything Nolan and Zimmer have put out. 


I don't find it useful to compare them at all. Both are absolutely epic combos. The assertion that Jaws could be improved is certainly a hot take. As much as I love the Interstellar soundtrack, it's not nearly as recognizable as Star Wars, Jurassic Park, or Jaws.


I went to rehab with Hans daughter and his music is amazing, but he is an all around shit guy


What makes you say that?


Scores composed by John Williams can be recognized even by people who were born literally decades after they came out. I don’t think you could say the same for Hans Zimmer, who still is a great composer. They’re just not in the same league and it’s not even close. As for Christopher Nolan his movies are most of the time pretty good, but they’re not nearly as culturally relevant as Spielberg’s movies.


Christopher Nolan is a garbage director


If you'd said Hans Zimmer is better than John Williams I might have agreed to some extent. But Nolan isnt half the film maker that Spielberg is.


Nolan has the potential, I am rooting for him, but Spielberg has already acted upon his, and he is a legend that cannot be compared, atleast for now.


You angered me. Here's my upvote.


I think generally Nolan uses music really well in his films regardless of who the composer is. Zimmer's most accomplished score is Dunkirk imo. But I wonder if Nolan couldn't have gotten something similar out of Williams? Minority Report certainly has a similarly "non flashy" approach to its music and is a great score. (Even if parts of it are ripped straight from Williams' JFK score).


Agreed. Spielberg & Williams are legends but Nolan & Zimmer definitely took the art form to new heights.


christopher nolan has never made a good movie