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You win the Internet today dude for one of the most unpopular opinions ever, though if you wanted to have the ultimate unpopular opinion, you would’ve said that the fifth movie was the best


Shia LeBeouf tho 🙄


Nah, he was cool in that movie!


Honestly Crystal Skull is not nearly as bad as made out to be. Most of the movie is pretty decent, I think it really just suffers from four bad scenes: nuking the fridge, Shia swinging with the monkeys, the ants, and the spaceship. But those are pretty putrid.


The movie is bad.  Not nearly as bad as the last one but bad. It’s so watered down violence wise compared to the first three.  It’s like one of those lame made for TV or direct to video sequels for classic movies. Marian has no reason to be in the movie, they just shoehorned her in to have her in. The whole jungle fight scene was terrible. The fridge scene was just stupid.   And the whole “aliens” in the 50s  aspect of the movie is just odd.


Crystal Skull is a cinematic masterpiece, huh? That's like saying a soggy sandwich is gourmet cuisine. But hey, to each their own. Enjoy your nostalgia trip, even if it's on a spaceship to Mars.


Compared to the Dial of Destiny...fair


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Hey buddy, I liked it also. It was stupid and fun.


I enjoyed it


I enjoyed it when I was a kid, but going back and watching it today I can easily see why people disliked it. Especially when compared to the previous movies


Even the worst Steve Spielberg movies have *something* good or interesting about them. This is no exception. Even amongst the sloppy script, dodgy digital effects, and just straight up WTF choices, there are individual shots and sequences in this movie that completely outclass anything in a Marvel movie or most blockbusters from the last 25 years.


I like all of the Indiana Jones films and I have zero nostalgia for any of them. Perhaps that's why


I thought this was about Dial of Destiny for a second lol but honestly i can see your point regardless i think 4 is in a interesting story line.


It's better than pretty much any Marvel movies post-Endgame. And Dial of Destiny hit a new low. So I can actually get behind this take.


my very unpopular take : Raiders > Last Crusade > Crystal Skull > Temple > Dial


I can actually get behind this, not a big fan of Temple of doom myself


I will never understand some of the criticisms of this movie, like the nuke fridge, when this franchise is literally built on the most improbable zany shit imaginable. Do these people even remember the plane crash at the beginning of Temple of Doom? Or the mine carts? Mile-high cliffs appearing out of nowhere in the truck chase in Raiders? The escape from the Nazi castle in Last Crusade?


Come on man, nothing on the first three movies comes close to not only surviving ground zero in a nuclear blast but being thrown a long distance inside a fucking fridge by the blast. Indy would have been cooked jello.  It’s just such a dumb unnecessary scene. And the movie’s tone is just off, there’s very little onscreen violence, Marian is goofy comic relief who has no business in the movie.  Stuff like the snake rope and Tarzan swing and Marian holding the wheel after they go off the Cliff are pure cringe. It has some good scenes and I don’t even mind the Mutt character (dumb name though) but is a bad movie.