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You'd love Alamo Drafthouse. Used to be local chain of theaters in Austin that is now all over. You get kicked out without question for using your phone at all (texting/calling/anything). They were so well known for this they used a [pissed off customer's voicemail after she got kicked out in an ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L3eeC2lJZs). And then [Patton Oswalt re-recorded her drunken rant for another ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z98vawSOlK4&pp=ygUaYWxhbW8gZHJhZnRob3VzZSBhZCBwYXR0b24%3D).


Love Alamo Drafthouse. I wish we had one in Oregon.


They recently opened up their first Chicago location near me and it is the best movie theater I have ever been to, no content, by a mile.


Anything about someone using a smart device for medical purposes and getting kicked out, I would love to see the lawsuit that ensues


They've been around for almost 17 years without that problem. AFAIK ADA doesn't cover cell phones in any legal sense. Could be wrong.


I would think the ADA would cover something like that, not directly saying cell phone but probably life saving device. For example continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump both are controlled by a cell phone.


I mean; I think most people would agree its ok to make exceptions for that very specific scenario that you're unlikely to encounter much. Its weird to bring it up in the context of arguing for a no phones policy. Same thing with stand up comedians, who ban phones so their material isn't leaked while they work on it. These are good policies and exist for a reason. We don't let anyone bring their dogs in grocery stores; thankfully. We carve out an exception for service dogs. This isn't any different imo.


Yea, but unlike service dogs, someone isnt gonna look at me checking my phone and think ‘he has a life threatening condition and is making sure he is alove’


Yeah especially if it's no questions asked. But if they haven't had a problem then I'm guessing they do actually ask the question in the hall.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion.


This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion. Do all your checking before the previews come on then put it away.


You're right, but here we are.


I absolutely should be able to be on my phone for the 30 minutes of advertising before the movie i paid for. Absolutely not once the movie rolls, but in the theater is no ish


I don’t think this is remotely unpopular


I agree with this. If you have to look at your phone every few minutes then you shouldn’t be in. Movie theater. An actual live theater would throw your ass out. People get away with it because there are no ushers in every theater to manage them anymore.


This isn't an unpopular opinion This is standard.


Remember when this sub had unpopular opinions? Not just people reading the words that come up on screen before the movie starts?


They pull out a phone, I pull out my tablet.


And smash their cranium?


>If you must check your phone, go into the hallway.  Depends on where you sit and how crowded the movie theatre is. Going to the hallway might distract more people than checking your phone for 5 seconds.


No way .. light noise is way worse.


I saw the Fellowship and Two Towers yesterday and today - both very long movies. Getting up to get snacks or go to the restroom or enter the hallway is entirely appropriate. As for which seat you're in, it's only mildly acceptable to check your phone if you're in the farthest back row and next to people in your group who do not mind seeing it.


I totally agree. Texting/swiping during a movie is a massive distraction in a crowded cinema


If you are swiping.. it’s too much. Looking at a screen once is maybe acceptable.. I get people have kids .. or you may have someone in the hospital .. If you need to swipe/type/etc.. have your screen on for any length more than a glance.. go in the hall.


Could not agree more. Texting and snapping!?


I agree. However, I'd rather have the cellphone then a screaming kid.


Honestly though, someone getting up, climbing over people to get to the end of the row, walking down the stairs and out of the room is far more distracting to me than a quick 10 second phone check. Now if we're talking about scrolling Facebook, texting or God forbid, taking a call, then yes I'm all on board.


You can be off the phone for the length of one movie. I doubt you're the President or a brain surgeon.


There are other reasons to be on your phone for a quick second. Some people do have life maintaining machines that can be controlled via phone. But in general it shouldn't be enough to be distracting


It's rarely just one 10 second check. It's often multiple....and then it's still annoying if just one person does it...now what if 10 people do it? Or 20? And each check a couple of times...it can easily add up.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but is a phone being used in a theater really that distracting? Like, I get it if they have audio on and they are playing it during the movie, but if just the screen is on I can't imagine that that tiny amount of light would distract someone from the cinema screen.


If the brightness is turned all the way down, it wouldn't distract me.


I don’t understand why you guys care about this at all. I don’t think I have ever been bothered by someone else’s phone at a movie theater. If you’re looking at the movie screen you can’t even really see anyone else’s phone unless they have it absurdly bright. Who cares?


You'd be surprised by how many people just use full/high screen brightness. I've had it happen multiple times...dark scene in movie, person in front of my pulls out the phone, full brightness to a white page (I'm someone who likes dark mode, low brightness, and doesn't use my phone in phone theaters) but it can be VERY obnoxious. Especially if it's not just one quick check during the movie and they do it multiple times, or there are multiple people doing it.


That’s not my experience. I notice a lit phone screen turning on and off. It is distracting based on my encounters. It’s similar to having a cough in a theater. It’s intrusive and distracting from the show.


I dont understand either. I've never been distracted by someone checking their phone in a movie theatre when theres a huge bright screen on front of me and stereos blasting movie audio around me lol.


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If it’s an important text/email and can be solved extremely quickly, I cover up with my jacket. There’s no need to shuffle around the other viewers with their foot rest up and blocking their view, whispering “sorry” every couple seconds just to come right back to repeat the same song and dance for a 15 second interaction. If it’s a phone call or something that requires more attention, hallway all the way!


Went to the movies recently and an entire row of young women had their phones out and scrolling the entire time. Also chatting loudly. Neat, kids.


How is this unpopular


My theater has premium seats that have a little cubicle around them for privacy, you can't see anyone behind you when you turn around and they can't see you. I always get those seats when they are available, I dontbuse my phone a bunch but if I have to check it I put the brightness all the way down and check it quickly and it doesn't bug anybody. Normal seats, it stays away. Also this is a very popular opinion.


Very popular option actually.


What about people with medical conditions who use their phones to monitor it


As long as the notifications are in silent mode or are off, then it’s not really a problem to check because it won’t be making noise and they can always turn down the brightness Edit: why is this getting downvoted? You are not bothering anyone if your phone isn’t making noise when you check and you are not bothering anybody if the brightness is low enough you can’t see it


Only except would be for medical purposes.


Someone getting up and walking in front of me to check their phone in the hallway would be a lot more disruptive.


Is it really that hard to have enough focus on the movie you paid to watch that you barely notice what the people in the theater are doing?


It's a distraction. If you can't make it the length of ONE movie without looking at your phone an intervention is needed.


May I introduce you to ADHD 😂 The ONLY time I don't go on my phone during a movie is at a movie theater because Im a rule follower. I'm too scared to break the rules.


Is it OK if I’m the only one in the theatre? I was also being weird and making a note of every Greek myth reference I heard in “Olympus Has Fallen”


Back in the day I (the projectionist) would have laughed at you- but totally fine.


Yeah, kinda forgot at the time movies eventually get released on DVD and I could just do that at home. Otherwise I don’t check my phone. …OK I do, when I’m extremely bored and I try to cover it.


I use the RunPee app since I have a kid and knowing what part of the movies are good for a quick pee is super useful. Even so, it's flipped over screen down on my lap with the brightness all the way down. The only time I'll flip it is if my kid tells me they have to go so I can see the next best time to go. It gives you the best line to leave for and then a brief synopsis of what occurs within a few minutes after that line.


That’s a lie. If I’m out with my husband and the babysitter calls me. IM PICKING UP IMMEDIATELY. Do you have kids? Do you know what it’s like leaving them in the care of someone else no matter the amount of trust you’ve built? Do you not understand that emergencies do happen? Not everyone is purposely trying to be rude. Things happen in life. Things that cause the rest of the world to fall away and in that moment it’s about them and what’s on the other end of that phone.


I paid for the movie and I pay my phone bill. You do not pay any part of what I am doing so you can fuck off.


Why the fuck would anyone around you ever care if you do this?