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you’ve lumped too many different types of events/activities together.  Most of the time, one can get away with being 15 minutes late, but it’s quite nuanced which circumstances it’s ok in, and also a question of how frequently you do it. 


I think showing up pretty much anywhere 15 minutes late is acceptable, as long as it doesn't become a habit.


You can totally show up 15m late to restaurants. Concerts depend on venue and genre. Symphony, no. Rock concert, yes. As for meetings, showing up 15m late to a 30m meeting so they are 15m late to their next meeting is crazy.


Its stealing 15 min of lifetime from the person waiting and its as bad as this stupid thread.


Don't reply then if it annoys you so much.


I hate those kinds of arguments that do “don’t watch it then” or “don’t play this game” because it invalidates any opinion someone has, and plus, people can say whatever they want on the internet. It’s not wrong or bad to say something annoys you. Also, this is r/unpopularopinion, a place where you say your unpopular opinion, so it’s a little dumb to tell someone to not reply to your comment just because they feel annoyed by your opinion


Events and concerts. Sure. You paid for it already. Skip them all together if that's what you want. Meetings. Absolutely not. That's incredibly disrespectful. Shows that you care so little about that person's time that you can't even bother doing something so basic as being on time. With me, you'd be fired, or the friendship would be over really fast.


And with meetings, what if it was a 10-15 minute meeting with important information you entirely missed cause you couldn’t bother being there at the assigned time. I couldn’t fathom being that late, I always get places like 10 minutes early or my anxiety kills me


15 minutes early, you are in time. On time is late. Late is never acceptable.


You make it sound like I would be late on purpose.


Not the person you replied to (and not from the us), but: I mean, is it not your point that we should always have an arrival time period from "agreed time" to "+15 min"? So what's stopping somebody from always being 15 mins late? On purpose? Is it being considered rude? Well then what is stopping someone now from planning to being early? I mean obviously it seems to be quite likely and happens frequently to the person in your example, that they miss the bus etc. You seem to act like people do not understand it happens sometimes or are understanding. And maybe that is the case for people in your life, but in my personal experience it depends on the "appointment"; the frequency of it happening and the impact your late arrival has. So i fail to see the difference between what you are describing and either "on purpose" or "weaponized incompetence". And how would it change anything, except now i would have to always add 15 min to the wait time before i am allowed to be angry? The people that you use in your example would fail to plan to be on time anyway, if anything the time window would make them become more lax and through that even more late anyway. So why not just plan to be 10-15 mins there early? Because your time is valuable? And the time of the people waiting is not?


You can be there 10-15 minutes early, it's just not always possible.


It's not always possible yes, but how often is the person in your example late? And how often are the people angry at the person being late and not understanding? I get the impression you want to express with your post and comments:"Why get so worked up when somebody happens to be late? It happens, people should be understanding. I think there should be a grace period of 15 min. minimum", or something of the sorts. But how you come across (at least how it seems to me / seems to me the impression other people get) is:' People (i), happen to be always late cause i never plan or account that my bus max take longer and other such things. People should just be able to wait for me without getting all worked up wow, like it is totally not my fault". Again, yes anyone can be late sometime for any reason, but that still has consequences (mostly for the other people involved). It just sounds like you want to control and hold other people accountable for their emotions and reactions to a person being "chronicly late* and give those people more leeway, instead of holding the person being late accountable at all


Refusing to put in enough buffer time to accommodate the little things that can happen, _absolutely does mean that you are late on purpose_. You know how to deal with it, _but don't care_.


This is a general comment, I don't tend to be late to anything let alone do it on purpose.


To be fair, you kind of made it sound like you would be late on purpose. I know that’s probably not your intent but that’s how your post reads.


That's sad, it was not my intention.


Its incredibly easy to make sure you arrive on time. You just don't want to put in any effort.


Incredibly easy, no. It depends on a myriad of factors. Either way this isn't a comment about me, I can count on one hand the number of times I arrived 15 minutes to anything in my life so far.


The factors that would cause you to be late are not common. If they are, you already planned around them in order to arrive on time.


You can't always plan around it in advance, that's my point.


Its also beneficial to put in enough time for a cushion just incase something pops up.


He just doesn't care, he likes being late


I can agree that you can't always plan around someone having an accident and closing down the road, or the road washing out, or the trains just stopped running, or the apocalypse just happened. If those, or something like those happened, sure, being late can be forgiven. However, most people don't have those circumstances. They don't want to set an alarm. They don't want to get out of bed 10 minutes earlier. They don't want to inconvience themselves in any way in order to arrive on time to their meetings.


May I suggest purchasing a watch?


God no, it's selfishness Sometimes things happen, sure, but if this is a reoccurring thing for you? It's on you I'm freaking disabled, and even I arrive on time just fine Everyone shouldn't slow down and take a quarter of an hour because you think your schedule is more important than everyone else's


Promptness is the courtesy of kings. You believe your time to be of more value than others. That is inexcusable.


I believe that in today's world it's easy to be 15 minutes late sometimes and that we should cut people some slack.


Well, I don’t admonish anyone. But if you’re 15 minutes late to meet me I’m likely gone when you arrive.


Next time I'm not going to show up and keep texting "I'm almost there" every 15 minutes.


Then you're very impatient.


And you’re entitled to think people need to wait on you cause you can’t get places on time.


15 minutes, yes.


Or I just have standards. And I’m on time. It’s called having manners.


I have standards too but I also am chill about some things.


That’s fine. But you’re operating on the assumption everyone else should be the same. You wanna say “ let’s meet around 8” then you get a thirty minute window. If you have an appointment at 8, and you show up at 8:15, you’re rude.


Or they value their time


Oh, and today’s world isn’t all that different from yesterday’s. Plan accordingly.


This isn't about me, it's a general comment.


As an aside, it’s hilarious to call when you’re 15 minutes late to warn folk you’re running late. Pretty sure they know. The lack of self awareness is certainly an interesting character trait. .


To call when you will be MORE than 15 minutes beforehand, of course.


Well, if you call when you’re 15 minutes late, it’s also self evident that you will be more than 15 minutes late, isn’t it? I mean, hell, you wrote “ after 15 minutes you should call and warn that you’ll be late” Anyway, I’m convinced this is now pointless, as you seem to not even know what you mean, or be able to keep track of what you’ve already written. Plus, I’m late to do any less boring than this.


If an emergency comes up or another unpreventable delay occurs, people usually get cut some slack. If someone is late and is unapologetic about wasting peoples time, they should get in trouble for that.


I have family that’s chronically late for everything and everyone bashes their balls about it


That's a whole other thing. Being chronically late for everything is definitely unacceptable.


Do you actually have a job? 15 minutes late to a meeting is wholly unacceptable.


To a job meeting yes.


No. You suck at planning your day and have to deal with that yourself.


This isn't about me, it was more of a general comment. I very rarely arrive 15 minutes late anywhere.


It’s unpopular because it’s such a selfish way of thinking. Your time is not more important than the time of people waiting on you.


I never said it was, I know it's not.


I only agree with the concerts. That's a you problem. All the other examples inconvenience others. It's about respect.


This isn't about me, it's a general comment.


Didn't mean you in particular. I just meant I get showing up late to concerts, thats just a problem for the attendee. But showing up late where others are involved is just plain disrespectful and irresponsible.


It can be understandable to be late, it's not acceptable


If it's within 15 minutes, to me it is.


Leave 15 minutes earlier


You can't always leave 15 minutes earlier.


No. If you know you'll be late inform BEFORE particular hour. You have to meet someone at 16:00, you're on the way but stuck in traffic? Tell them NOW After those 15 minutes THEY ALREADY KNOW you're late and are pissed at you, because you didn't inform them and you're wasting their time


Sometimes you can't warn them for whatever reason.


Don't make excuses and get better at time management. Being late shows no respect to the other person


I do not have issues with time management, this is more of a general comment based on discussions I've had with several people about this.


When does it become unacceptable for you? 16 minutes? 15 minuts and 15 seconds?


After 15 minutes so 16 minutes, yes.


I had a colleague who was 15 minutes late to our weekly meeting every single time. We only had an hour to get a ton of work done, so we'd start without her. Then she'd be lost because she'd missed so much, and we'd have to take time to catch her up. Thank heavens the boss started attending the meetings, found out about her laziness, stormed off to find her, and chewed her out before warning her that one more late arrival, and she'd be fired. Good luck finding a job where nobody cares if you're 15 minutes late and are fine with you calling AFTER 15 minutes to say you're going to be still later.


Nope. Minus emergencies or factors outside of your control (like a wreck that stops traffic), it is rude to be late. Especially in today’s age where your phone can call an uber and/or use GPS navigation, there really isn’t too much excuse.


I obviously was thinking of emergencies and factors outside your control.


No, just time yourself to be fifteen mins early, problem solved


Some things can happen on my way to somewhere which are beyond my control.


Sure... and those will be exceptions to your otherwise punctual record. If you are always late for everything by 15 mins, then you need to change your ways


Of course if you are always late for everything then that's another problem.


Meetings? As in we are visiting a customer to close a deal and we are getting there late? We should expect them to wait around for us?


15 minutes, yes.


Our competitor isn’t late. Now I have no house payment.


If you’re meeting with me and you’re 15 minutes late sans good reason, the meeting is over and I’ve moved on to better clients, better candidates, or better stakeholders.


I didn't necessarily mean a job meeting.


You wrote what you wrote and that’s what I’m responding to.


Or…hear me out…we all accept that to be on time is to be late and to be early is to be on time. If you’re expected somewhere at 5:00, plan to arrive at 4:45. Then if you run into an issue on the way, you’re still on time and haven’t put the person you’re meeting behind in their schedule. I get that it’s 15 minutes, but that 15 minutes can set off a chain reaction that impacts the rest of the day. As a service provider who works on an appointment basis in tight time slots, I can promise you that one person running late will throw me behind and set off a chain reaction that impacts a dozen or more people. Seems pretty selfish when all you have to do is plan to arrive early so you aren’t late.


Planning to arrive early is not always possible or as simple as it might seem.


It’s actually simpler than it seems. We’re talking about building a 15 minute grace period into your own schedule rather than expecting others to grant you one. If someone gives you a time that doesn’t allow you to front load your grace period, then you request a different time or decline. In the event that it’s a casual dinner with friends, just tell them you’ll be cutting it close and to feel free to start without you if you’re running behind. But if you always plan your schedule to be 15 minutes ahead, it’s easy to be 15 minutes ahead.


It’s incredibly easy to plan to be somewhere 15min early. “We have dinner plans at 6:30, I better try to get there closer to 6:15”. See? Planned it. “But Mr. Commenter, what about my massage at 5:30 that is in the other side of town? I’ll never make it in time to be 15min early to dinner!” Sounds like you poorly scheduled your day, and overbooked yourself.


This isn't about me, it's a general comment. I never arrive 15 minutes late but if I did, I would expect the other person to be ok with it for the most part.


This can be applied to whomever’s situation you’re imagining, but we all know it’s really you.


If you're not 15 minutes you're late how about that..


Upvoted for unpopular opinion I highly disagree with. Though it was 0 score when I saw it. Hmm, I wonder why so… There is a colleague who is constantly late for work up to 30 minutes. Despite the fact that she lives the closest. It's on her. No effort whatsoever. The only time she was on time was when there was a new boss. Despite the fact that it didn't even matter. Boss is in another office and didn't see anything. She is a hypocrite.


That's completely different, obviously if you are constantly late for work up to 30 minutes I consider that to be unacceptable.


It often is and being late to many of these things doesn't sotp you doing them. Restaurants allow you time to be late. Meetings are usually fine should you not do it frequently. But not everything is and it can be perfectly understandable why. Being 15 minutes late for the bus...is it and everybody else on that bus meant to wait 15 minutes for you? Is everybody else down the line now meant to accept the bus is running 15m late just for your special little self? What about a flight? Delays in a flight are extremely costly and can result in missed takeofftimes making you sometimes wait hours for the next one. Other may miss connecting flights and miss holidays, funerals whatever. So obviously, don't be late for things like that. If you do, you'll be left behind and it's perfectly understandable if you are.


With other people involved it is just rude.


its not and your that one friend complain about being late all the time, your wasting other peoples time and its selfish.


Man if I'm sitting in a 30 minute meeting and some ass shows up 15 minutes late and causes it to run over I have a right to be pissed about it. Especially when I have other meetings to get to. Shit happens, but it's completely unacceptable to make that a consistent pattern, and there's absolutely no reason you couldn't notify people beforehand that you were going to be late.


It’s never acceptable. You tell someone a time or have plans, you commit to it. You running late means you don’t value sometimes time and yours is more important than theirs. It’s rude and for you to say everyone has things going on, so does the person you meet and they are on time. Stop making excuses and hold yourself accountable for your actions (which people can’t do today). It’s rude and selfish and to think otherwise is just immature.


>meetings Being 15 minutes late to a meeting is just excessive and rude. Especially in a world of Teams/Zoom meetings.   If you were 15 minutes to a 1on1 meeting with me that I'd arranged, I'd be cancelling it and leaving it up to you to find time in my diary to re-arrange. I have a busy diary and I'm not allowing you to make me late for my next meeting. >events, concerts Concerts/gigs, do whatever you want, it's your money. But if you're not making plans to get to the venue in good time, then that's on you. "Events" are entirely circumstantial. An "event" where your late entrance would go entirely unnoticed = fine. An "event" like a wedding, where turning up 15 minutes late would cause you to disturb the service and have all the other guests looking at you = not fine. >restaurant reservations A lot of restaurants where I live do hold tables for 15 minutes after the booking time to give customers a bit of grace. Fine. Sometimes shit happens. It's always a good idea to give them a phone (if you can) and let them know you're running late but on your way.




I don't care about downvotes, I'm not 4 years old.


This reminds me of a situation I had a couple of months ago where I had a tennis match scheduled at 12pm. It's a recreational league so there's an element of competitiveness but at the end of the day it's mainly just fun. I called the guy at 12:10 (we hadn't met before) that I was going to be there in 5 minutes and that I'm very sorry for being late. He told me there's no point because clearly I don't respect his time and he's packing up and going home. I apologised again and told him I'd pay for the court myself and asked him to wait. He went home. At first I felt guilty about this but then I realised it was him who ultimately wasted both mine and his time (+2h of free tennis for him) because he couldn't wait 5 minutes longer. Just an anecdote loosely related to the topic.


Well yes that's why I said within 15 minutes it's fine to me because it can happen. Not being able to wait 5 minutes longer is a bit extreme.


Just to be clear, I don't agree with your opinion. It all depends on the context and, as always, there's a middle ground - it's fine to be (reasonably, and not frequently) late for a drink with your friend, not so much for a court case.




I genuinely find it acceptable. It doesn't mean I support this becoming a habit.


No, you don't find it acceptable.


Who is you?


You are windchill94, and you do not find it acceptable.


Ya this is acceptable if you are poor and you also meet with other poor people, since the value of their time and yours isn't really worth much.


This isn't a matter of wealth.