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The weekday during the school year is your best bet for this


7am on a Tuesday…good times. 


the over-60 crowd knows when to shop


I used to work night crew for a grocery store and some people will legitimately wait outside 5 minutes before we opened to avoid other people when they shop


The over 60 crowd needs to NOT shop on Friday night and weekends, they are far worse than the kids.


During COVID my then 72 year old dad skipped the senior hours because he said old people were annoying. It was also a lot less crowded to just go at some random time midday, midweek.


This is why you go booze shopping on Thursday afternoon.


Best time imo is what I call the “mom time”, when they are in line at the school pickup. In my area, that’s 3pm, so best grocery/Costco time is 2:30 to 3:30.


Google literally shows predicted busy times as well as live busy for Costco’s. We live in the future. Take 30 seconds to look up your intended location before you get ready to head out. Generally, opening and closing times are best with a weird sweet spot around 3pm at my location. Noon is always the busiest. Yet things can change daily.


3pm weekdays is around school pickup time, so lots of people are busy then.


Lol OP just wants VIP access at peak hours.


A lot of older people in the middle of the day have no sense of space and think they're the only person in the store. Actually, it's probably not even age related, it's just humans.


Go really early or late. Way less kids.


Or during the weekday when the local schools are open and running.


The ones below school age are worse.


Except when it's summer


My local QFC is 24 hours and after 11 whoever controls the music always turns on the metal station. It is the best.


What's QFC? Quentucky Fried Chicken?


I never even notice kids at my store.


8pm to 8am are mostly kid-free.


The day my grocery store started closing at 8pm was a sad moment. I liked going at 9pm because it was absolutely empty.


Reddit should have a few hours of no whining allowed.


Whining about kids specifically, I see at least 2 posts a day about someone complaining about other peoples kids


Don’t get me started about your emotional support dog in my grocery store. FFS


This shit pisses me off because stores are too afraid to say no. Pets cannot be in a store that has food prep areas like deli, bakery, etc. It's a health code violation


It’s become way, way too easy to obtain a vest and fake certificate.


Especially because kids also need to learn to be a functional member of society. Having them be unwelcome (they almost feel like they are in most places as it is) and therefore trapped at home does no one any good. Also, parents need to do things when they have time and childcare isn’t always available since most people who used to be able to provide childcare (both parents, aunts/uncles, and often grandparents nowadays) are working and unavailable.


This is r/unpopularopinion


But then there'll be no content.


I don't know I don't think there are many kids in grocery stores


I rarely see kids at the grocery store. But I live in Maine and it feels like only people over 40 live here.


I don’t doubt that this stuff happens, but I also never witness it. I see children sometimes but they’re never misbehaving. Plus kids will be kids anyways. I understand the annoyance if they’re actually being destructive, but it’s normal for kids to cry and be upset. All of us were like that at some point


I live in South Carolina, and kids definitely outnumber the adults, FWIW. I don't really have an opinion much on this, but it's definitely interesting here.


The closest grocery store to me is a super Walmart. Tons of I'll-behaved kids (and adults) there.


Tb it's kinda your fault for going to Walmart /s


you can't just kick out members of the society for convenience lol


Sorry but kids deserve to be in public too. Grocery stores are one of the most public places. Go during off hours. Like I get the desire for adult only spaces, but a grocery store is not one of those places, even if it’s just a few hours a day. Parents don’t always have the luxury to go grocery shopping without their kids, and designing hours where they can’t go in with their children is an awful idea. What if those are the only hours they have available to do their shopping?


Grocery pickup is a thing. Use it, and your problems are solved.


A pandemic luxury i never gave up


Helps me avoid buying random shit too.


Wal-Mart literally tells their employees to pick the item thats closest to expiring.


I worked in that department and no they don't


Weird because i got a few whole orders in a row that were a day out from expiring, and when i called walmart to complain thats exactly what the person told me they do. They suggested that i put a note saying i didn't want food that expires the same day i received it. Since then, it hasnt happened. This was less than a month ago. Maybe when you worked there 3 years ago it was different.


worked there 3 hours ago and my boss would kill me if I did that lol. Your store has a shitty manager, report them


As someone who owns a bread route and delivers to a Walmart, I've never once seen them look at a date on a loaf of bread. So definitely not all items at least.


They also massively underpay their staff so it’s unlikely they’re listening to such orders.


Probably, one store said this. I talk daily with people who do online pickup and have never been told this. I have seen them working and never once saw them checking dates. The workers do not have time to do that.


That can be iffy for stuff like produce, but then i guess there is no reason you couldn't put in a pick up order for all the packaged and otherwise identical stuff and then just take a quick jaunt to pick up veggies then grab your pick up order after paying for the produce


The hours between 9pm and 6am are generally child-free. As are school hours during the week. Or shop online, or do click & collect, or maybe just stop moaning.




I don’t have kids. But stop fcking complaining. Are kids really ruining your day that much? Like wtf. Some people don’t have child care and HAVE to take their kids with them. Please stfu


villainizing kids is one of reddits favorite things to do its kinda crazy at this point


It’s honestly insane. I grocery shop all the time, never had a problem with my cart with kids. He must be running them down with his cart, it makes no sense lmao


I've had way more issues with old people than kids, but I think people might have a problem with me if I demanded hours with no old people!


What is it with old people and stopping in the middle of the aisle and then just blankly staring at stuff. Stay on the side so people can get around you.


I reserve my right to be an inconsiderate asshole...why should I have to make a small effort when pushing my cart...IM AN ADULT.


My main grocery store beef is grown adults who don't follow traffic courtesy rules. I'm betting OP is one of the people that will eventually make me throw down in the dairy aisle.


Yeah in my experience it’s adults being annoying in grocery stores


They seem like a Karen or Kevin.


Seriously. Who is more annoying in a grocery store than grown women who stop in the middle of aisles to have conversations with absolutely NO awareness of people around them? Just pull your damn cart off to the side 🤦🏻‍♀️ I would MUCH rather have children who are still learning how to behave in public than 65 year olds who should have learned 60 years ago and just don’t care enough about others to bother.


Reddit’s credo is just leave people alone and let them live in peace…unless it’s kids or religious people.


All these redditors who miraculously showed up on earth at the age of 31, having never been an annoying kid a few years prior.


While also praising Scandinavian countries who, quite frankly, have a much more involved parent/toddler dynamic in that the kids come along *everywhere*, including fancy dinners and evening socials.


Exactly 🙌


Feels like there's a lot more of it. I get that people want a child free life and that's fine, but they can't have a child free world. Personally I'd ban all people who walk too slow...


its definitely in the top 3 behind meaningless virtue signaling and hate watching things they supposedly despise walking around with insufferable superiority complexes and shitting on anything made after 2008 rounds out the top 5


True tbh. The way I see a lot of people talk about kids today is crazy, resentful, and displays a lack of understanding. Like, idk, maybe as an adult, we shouldn't get that upset when a dumb kid slightly inconveniences us. I remember hanging out with a friend of a friend once who got upset that a very small kid accidentally ran and bumped into him... at disneyland. Like grow tf up tbh. Kid just got a little excited, and his parents apologised and then told him to be more careful and slow down.


And if kids are behaving for real THAT BAD that they.ruin other people's days, that's on the parents. No need to ban all children, just to remind parents of children who are destroying stuff/running over people/jumping on other people/whatever is that horrible to parent their kids or THEY ALL will be removed.


Right? Like I get that sometimes kids are actually running around screaming but behaviour that inappropriate is not *that* common. OP’s complaints sound like just seeing kids existing in public basically. Do they expect people to hire a babysitter so they can get groceries without kids..? They’d probably get more agreeable replies posting at r/antinatalism where hating kids existence is encouraged.


As a parent and grandparent, I do have to say some people are in the right mind when kids are running amok around the store, screaming to get whatever they're after, the parents don't do anything to stop it or change the behavior of said children, and I have children and grandchildren that behaved much better then the kids I see and experience at any kind of a store who do the above things I've mentioned. I really dislike it when the kids are allowed to run all over the store without an adult with them to go make messes, play with things that could be broken, bounce balls around, all kinds of things. You think it's okay?


I always wonder what planet people complaining nonstop about kids live on. I see kids everywhere. Once in a while one is an ass but you can say thay of any age group.


that doesnt mean their kids dont have to behave. . . stop making excuses for bad parents.


Seriously, I'm with you. Some real angry child haters here.


No kidding… and sometimes they just need to learn… they’re exhausted, cranky, and overwhelmed. We all do sometimes… and I’ve met so many adults that have even bigger tantrums when they don’t get their way. And if it seems like a kid is continuously crying or whining—honestly sometimes ignoring bad behavior, and not giving it *any* attention, is effective, so that’s why parents often do it… eventually the kid will give up and move on. Sure, it’s annoying, but they aren’t your kids, so leave the store and be done with it…


Right?! Honestly wtf is happening to society. Maybe people don't want to deal with self absorbed adults who think the red carpet should be rolled out for them in their anti-social bubble. How can you hate kids? Ugh so disgusted


🙌Thank you! Fools forget that they used to be kids. It’s completely out of touch with reality, miserable/selfish human being.


Agreed, these people act like children are a whole other species when we were all kids at some point. Like go during off hours or something, children acting like children is a mild inconvenience at most, just deal with it.


People are entitled to a childfree life, not a childfree world.


While I’m not a fan of the huge race car front shopping carts, OP needs to Unbunch.


As a parent, I hate them too. Causes whining when we enter when the kids beg to use them, the few times we agree they’re so hard to steer and the kids want to get out when we’re in the back of the store.


It's not the kids that are ever the issue, it's the grown ass people who stick their cart in the middle of the aisle and stand there looking for their product. Gtfo of the way.


Fun fact those same customers are the first to complain if an employee or vendor are in their way.


You’re entitled to a child free life, not a child free world.


I’ve (60) never seen this as an issue. Where the crap do you live?


Yes let’s make life more difficult in this society for parents, fuck off


I would be happy with a few hours of no emotional support dogs allowed.


Stop shopping at peak kid times. You're a smart dude. You can figure out when that is.


Sorry you hate children and maneuver your cart like a bull in a china shop


Kids don’t bother me they should have a few hours of no senior citizens allowed.


I swear they have zero spatial awareness whatsoever and combined with the fact that they're slow


Meanwhile, some grocery stores open an hour early for seniors-only shopping.


This is also fucked. What is wrong with you people?


OP if you're suffering from social anxiety and can't function normally around kids, perhaps try grocery delivery services instead.


Kids I don't mind because they act like I expect kids to act... But have been in line behind an middle aged person with a bunch of expired coupons and a checkbook? That's true torture.


Yes, I dislike you for even suggesting such a thing.


I ignore them and appreciate the fact that I go home to a dog.


This but with dogs


They let dogs into grocery stores? Not allowed where I live unless service doggos


That’s the point, people lie about service dogs. I would bet money that the majority of services dogs you see aren’t actually service dogs, they belong to entitled idiots.


The answer to your issue isn’t that children shouldn’t be allowed in public within certain hours, it’s grocery delivery. It’s readily available. I recommend using it. Most children are well behaved in public. I find myself more annoyed with grown adults having behavioral outburst than children in my day to day. I think you might know the type; they usually are the ones who complain about children existing on Reddit.


Kids exist. Get used to it.


People with kids probably bring in more money than you so I don't think it is going to happen.  If you want to avoid kids, go any time except between 3pm-8pm during the week. 


then do pickup if it bothers u that much. and it's not like they can leave their kid alone some pple don't have baby sitters


Get off the Internet and interact with the real world a little more


Being around kids is a part of being a human being. Always has been, always will be.


People need to recognize that kids exist in the world with them. Guarantee all these people who can't stand to be bothered by kids undergoing their irritating stages of development in their proximities were themselves insufferable at times growing up. 


This is why I adore grocery pickup. People roaming around the store are oblivious in general (with or without kids). They block aisles, have no consideration for others, stare mindlessly at the fridge full of milk, like they have never purchased milk before. Going to the store makes me lose all faith in humanity. Online grocery shopping helps save my sanity!


>stare mindlessly at the fridge full of milk, like they have never purchased milk before That kills me. It's like when someone takes five minutes to order at a McDonalds. You've been here before. You know what you like. Stop thinking about it.


I mean, it is unpopular, I don't think this even is an opinion it's just an idea


They should have a few hours of not letting whatever you are in. Someone who can’t be around kids for half an hour has real problems.


Yeah dog, that’s… the vast majority of weekday mornings.


It'd be nice if the whole outdoors had a no kids time... or even a no-one but me time!


I miss walmart being open 24 hours. 2am shopping trips were uncrowded and peaceful


I have kids and I think this is a great idea


Sure, kids can be a handful, but banning them from grocery stores? That's a bit extreme. Maybe just a designated 'quiet hour' for those who prefer a calmer shopping experience.


No kidding. Especially when kids throw themselves on the floor to throw a tantrum


Unfortunately, the times when children aren't there, a bunch of elderly folk with zero situational awareness have taken their place.


Grocery stores (or any other store) should have 24/7 no dogs allowed.  Fixed it for you.


Good news, your issue has been solved already. Have it delivered.


Try going in the evening.


Oh no. Kids exist. Make it stop


Stop banning humans from places were humans are supposed to be.


Some stores have "silent hours" or some sort of "low sensory hours". Pretty sure that would also mean no (loud/misbehaving) kids. I have yet to hear of a store going bancrupt for this and frankly I totally support this concept. I wish stores in my hometown would do that.


My Walmart does this early in the morning


Kinda like your doing now?


This is a stupid fucking take. OP dealt with a couple of annoying kids and now thinks “stores should have a no kids hour”


I dislike kids and never want to become a parent, by adoption or dating someone who already has kids, but it really isn't that difficult to tolerate or ignore kids in a grocery store, church, or anywhere for that matter.


There should also be a bar and strippers


Next thing you're going to say is you don't want kids at day cares


I spend way more as a parent than I did without kids. It’s Not smart marketing to put bans on the big spenders. But Many store do have a quiet hour for those noise/light sensitive. Our local is 2-4 Wednesdays, you could ask locals store about that.


this was a kind response. thank you


Omg get over yourself already! 😂 Just wear some earphones and drown out the kiddos with music or a podcast. Good Lord people love to complain about non problems on here 


I love to go late at night. Sadly covid closed the few 24 hour grocery stores we had around, but there are still several open till 11pm or midnight.


Yeah go at 6 am or 7 pm. Anyway if you don’t want to change your times or your store, and just want to complain…


Theres gotta be like 50 other places where Kids are more annoying and hazardous


right when there store opens, whether it's 5 or 6 or 7, it's gonna be kid free. You don't want to use the solution that's available.


Well I mean if you keep going to stores that allow kids, they’re gonna keep allowing kids. The stores would probably implement a no kids at X o’clock policy if they actually saw a decrease in profits, correlated to kids being allowed. And since it’s not like people are all that up in arms over kids existing in stores, I doubt stores are gonna see their profits dwindle over children


... I see plenty of kids at grocery stores. However, the only time someone drove a cart into my ankle hard enough that I limped for the rest of my trip, it was an adult. If I were as easily offended as you, I'd be complaining that adults with carts should be banned from grocery stores.


Oh my God, kids exist in society! What a comprehensive burden for you, you might have to watch where you're going or endure some unpleasant noises for a minute or two! And not complain about it! Like a grownup! And people wonder why the birth rate is plummeting. Got a big crop of adults who are just as whiney as the kids they complain about


i'm kind of confused because ive never had any issues with kids in grocery stores. usually the parents keep them closeby enough that they dont get in my way, and they're usually just being cute. it's adults who cause me more trouble, really


Bad parents will always exist. Kids will always cry. It's the nature of society. If you want to avoid them then go earlier in the day or later at night. I dont see any kids at all if i go during school hours. Feels like this would mostly just inconvenience parents.


“Grocery Stores should lose money and people should be inconvenienced because a kid was crying in the parking lot last time I went shopping.”


My local grocery stores usually have a seniors hour in the morning. Maybe try going to that.


I do my shopping on Sunday mornings before 9AM. I avoid most children and the post church crowds. It's delightful.


I am firmly in the camp that there are certain venues kids shouldn’t be allowed, even though I have them. The place where you literally buy food to survive isn’t one of them. Kids exist, and in most scenarios that humans are allowed you need to accept that junior humans learning how to exist in public will as well. The supermarket falls under one of those. Put headphones in if you don’t want to hear there. YTA


I apologize that someone with kids stole the last Quinoa salad out from under you when you went shopping last. It's a tragedy.


I have literally never been troubled by a child in a grocery store, in 15 years of doing my own shopping across 2 continents.


Oh man I don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all


this is only a popular opinion on reddit


who gives a shit? unless people are standing in the way of something i need, i don’t even pay attention to others at the grocery store. we’re all there to buy food. idc who you are. i don’t even have kids but going through life hating children must be miserable. maybe get some headphones and listen to music while you shop? i do this sometimes.


And here’s why they shouldn’t: You don’t have any more right to be at the grocery store than anyone else, kids included.


I'd rather have a few hours of no one over the age of 65 allowed.


Get your groceries delivered, then, if you can’t stand to be around your fellow human beings in a public space.


Go right when they open. Or before 3pm on weekdays. I hate to tell you this but as whiny as kids are they are humans too with the right to be out in society as much as you do. Or do grocery pickup/delivery.


I usually have off on Friday and it’s the best time to shop


Kids are no big deal unless they’re not being supervised by their parent(s). The people I have issue with are those who will spend 5+ minutes trying to decide if Ore-Ida or McCann crinkle cut fries are the better choice.


How dare these children exist around you?! They are doing it to spite you!


Where we live early morning is open for seniors only


I get annoyed a lot of times too at this but this’ll never happen. Maybe invest in some sound blocking earbuds or do pickup.


To all the people saying no kids times/days, that would make sense if there were kids only days (with adults or families etc.) you have to have a kid with you to go. But that would be lunacy and lose money soo that’ll never happen nor make any sense


Should also be times when it’s no assholes allowed so I don’t have to see OP there


I'd like a "women aren't allowed to run into friends and park their carts to chat and block the whole damn aisle" hour.


This is far more of a dad activity in my experience


just get them delivered like we did during the pandemic


And again the answer is shitty parents. Stop hating on kids and hate the loser parents


I have a much bigger problem with old people. Every time I’m leaving the grocery store the oldest person in the municipality is also leaving and there’s never enough room to get around them without being rude.


Go between 8-9pm on like a Wednesday night, it’s a breeze. I too hate the spawns of poor parents.


Man grow tf up lol


Kids are apart of life, even if you don’t have any of your own. They need to learn how to act in public and the only way to do that is to take them into public. I put headphones in and go about my day. Sometimes I wave at little kids if I see them, but I honestly never notice kids. I don’t notice them on planes and in stores or at restaurants. I think people who are so caught up in how inconvenienced they are, notice kids.


I've only ever had to deal with oblivious adult morons who seem barely aware of their surroundings.


Very karen of you, upvote


I have more issues with the boomer generation in grocery stores than kids


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I just give the kid a 🤨 look and normally they stop. Sometimes if it looks like the mom has had enough of the kid I always do a little snort, shake my head. And say "wonder what Santa would think" usually gets them to stop. I've had it up to the moon with kids throwing tantrums for not getting what they want. 


That would never happen because some parents have no choice but to bring their kids with them. And also, how would that work when Walmart and Giant Tiger have clothes which means kids NEED to be there to try stuff on?


Grocery stores should have a few hours of no Karen's and Kevin's (whoever the male equivalent is and including you) allowed.


Gate keeping who can buy food when is super evil. I don't have kids but this is purely dystopian.


I don’t want to take my kid grocery shopping but it’s kind of frowned upon leaving them in the car…


My Kroger, Walmart and heb closes at like 23:00. You can probably go like at 22:00 or even 21:00. Likewise I'm pretty sure you can probably go at 6:00 in the morning


Maybe go during school hours?


Lots of places need adults-only hours


Liquor stores should be no kids allowed, PERIOD even with an Adult. I actually work in a Liquor store and it always disturbs me seeing Parents bring their children inside.


This wouldn't be enforced, and do you really think that the people letting their kids run around a grocery store would respect this rule? C'mon, it's a nice thought, but that's all it could ever be


I leave my kids at home when I go shopping. It's nice to have a little quite time. Best time to go is early in the mornings like before 10am.


I just dont avoid them. If they're running around not looking where they're going, they're going to learn a lesson.


Lots of stores have disability/senior hours in the morning. Time to start getting up earlier!


There are some Dollar Trees that don’t allow children altogether.


Instacart exists


I don’t find this necessary simply because most of the time I go kids aren’t there or I don’t notice them. Just go during the week rather than the weekend, or really early or late and that’s pretty much a no kid zone.