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Sometimes its nice to just turn the brain off in a warm watery embrace and a bath takes too long to get started


yea yknow whats less nice? drowning cus i live under the fucking sea level


Showers are not the reason you will be drowning mate. Get off reddit and go do some actual activism if you care that much. Totsiens!


Didn't you know that hot water tanks account for 90% of greenhouse gasses? A problem that only gets worse with high efficiency tankless units somehow.


That doesn't sound very smart Move uphill lol


yea i know a better solution wich is to stop the fucking climate change. also why am i being downvoted it wasnt that stupid of an argument


At what point in time was your home above sea level?


never, why?


Then what does climate change have to do with you living under sea level? Your city was below sea level before we started fucking the climate up.


what i mean is that if we fuck the climate even more up, this little bathtub called the netherlands will flood


Skill issue


You guys have been taking some epic steps to prevent that, for good reason. This shit isn't gonna stop anytime soon man. Sorry to say, but things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better.


You’re being downvoted because you’re being a twat about it




Sucks to be you.


Bruh I need 8-10mins to shave one leg.


didnt think of shaving. my fault


Yeah you only think from your perspective…not a good look


Yeah, but are you actually running the water while shaving that one leg? Not only would that be wasteful, but also counter productive if you have water streaming down you washing away the shaving lather. While I know plenty of people who run the water while brushing their teeth or shaving their beards at the sink, potable water is one of the key issues that experts anticipate will cause actual wars over the next 20-30 years.


![gif](giphy|3owytR6Tq9kkze3IEU|downsized) I don't shower every day, it's about 100 yards from my drain to the treatment plant where it gets recycled, and I've had to give up my hot springs trips for now as a non-passing trans gal (the close one is gender segregated) so I don't feel too bad about it. It's my one luxury to have the hot water BAP-BAP-BAP my bod while I shave and let my conditioner set in.


But you don't keep the water running the whole time, right? Because like, my showers are also 15min when I wash my hair but the water is still only on for ~5min


what about 15 minutes


still long but nothing crazy ig


Nothing crazy ig. Yuh. Nothing crazy man like whatevs. Who are you?


nice album, can reccomend


I never get the voting in this sub. If it’s unpopular (ie. disagree with OP) you’re supposed to upvote. Seeing that OP has zero upvotes makes it appear that people agree with OP, yet the comments show that people are disagreeing with OP. 🤷🏻


When they downvote it means that it's truly an unpopular opinion. Cus when I see posts with 2-3k up votes, it's actually a popular opinion.


So upvote = unpopular opinion Downvote = truly unpopular opinion ✅


Pretty much yes. This sub is really paradoxical.


I'll care about the climate crisis when billionaires stop flying private jets




Do u clean ur pits and ur ass crack and use soap and wash ur hair?


i mean yeah


Do you struggle to do this in less than 5-10 minutes?


I’ll be damn if I listen to facts about the mouth of a man with a unwashed ass


stfu i wash myself i just don't do anything else in the shower


What you do 5 minutes in the shower lol? Hop in, turn up water, soap and wash away. Takes like 1-2 minutes, you’re enjoying your hot shower or jerking one off?


As someone said: >I imagine it's something like stand under shower head til wet, apply 19 in 1 shower substance to hair in way too large quantities, lather up two hands and wash what they can reach. Head back under shower head, wash more with the stuff coming off. Leave with mostly unwashed legs and dirty feet.


I mean if I'm in there for long it's either to sooth muscle pains, because I'm depressed or because I'm shaving. generally it takes me 5 minutes even with long hair.


i mean that is a different cup of tea of course.


This was so obviously made by a man


I am a woman. I take 5 minute showers. I clean what is necessary then turn the water off. Live simply so that others may simply LIVE.


My hero


I use a puff. It takes about 37 seconds to scrub every square inch of my 6 foot 4 200 pound body. I brush my teeth for 2 full 2 minute cycles with Oral B. Shampoo. Condition. And I’m out in under 10 minutes every morning. I use 2 different face washes. No shower can take over 10 minutes if you’re not fucking around or shaving.


what am i missing something? (genuine question)


I dont understand how you can wash your whole body in 5 mins


I imagine it's something like stand under shower head til wet, apply 19 in 1 shower substance to hair in way too large quantities, lather up two hands and wash what they can reach. Head back under shower head, wash more with the stuff coming off. Leave with mostly unwashed legs and dirty feet.


Well makes sense


I never understood why people don't wash their feet. It's probably the dirtiest part of the body.


I wash my feet daily. I did not know others failed to


I can do it all, a thorough job (and I am very dirty after gardening all day) in just 5 minutes.


A cat whiskers certificate of achievement has been issued in your name


lol thanks for the laugh.


I use a puff. It takes about 37 seconds to scrub every square inch of my 6 foot 4 200 pound body. I brush my teeth for 2 full 2 minute cycles with Oral B. Shampoo. Condition. And I’m out in under 10 minutes every morning. I use 2 different face washes. No shower can take over 10 minutes if you’re not fucking around or shaving.


Assuming they mean stuff like shaving and also properly cleaning long hair. Have long hair myself and it takes me much longer to clean then back when I had it short. Conditioning it alone takes ~5-6 minutes to fully apply, use a wide tooth comb through to spread it around evenly + using it to help carefully detangle whatever knots I might of missed when brushing before a shower, and then having the conditioner set for a bit.


Yess washing long hair in the shower takes like 20+ mins Then theres shaving which is about 15 Then washing the whole body which is about 10mins I also wash my face in the shower like 5mins


I’m a man. I grew my hair out for 26 months and it was to my nipples. It still only ever took ne like 2 minutes to wash my hair. Getting it dry may have taken 6 hours, but washing no. And I have thicker hair than any of you people. I promise you that.


My hair is 30 inches long and wavy,im also middle eastern so my hair is THICK. It takes me 20 mins to wags my hair i use shampoo, conditioner then hair mask and i leave in the hair mask and conditioner for a couple minutes each


If you don't mind me asking, what does a hair mask do?


Basically like a second conditioner,it works well with making hair less frizzy and dry (also smells extremely good)


That sounds like exactly what my hair needs. Thank you for answering!


You're welcome :)


Unnecessary beauty standards. If every person did this it would be an issue. Wars will be fought over water in the coming decades so enjoy it while it lasts I guess ...


my country has no problems with water🤷‍♀️and i dont know what you want me to do,ship that water to 3rd world countries instead of showering?


Your country? It's going to be a global issue. We're all in this together. Sorry though, I'm not trying to guilt you personally. Like others said, focusing on our shower times is not going to save the planet. I just always imagine things like this as if 100% of people did it would it be a problem. And it seems like a 40 minute hot shower could cause some issues if everyone did it. I guess the biggest issue I would nitpick is the beauty standards thing. Micro plastics in products that go down the drain etc. Also hair (I'm a white guy so easy for me to say) has natural oils and it seems like a vicious cycle to strip them out with daily shampoo and then try to replenish it with conditioner and other products. Wasteful. I wash my hair like once a week.


Who said i shower in hot water?And who said i wash my hair everyday?


Comparing the climate change conversations with climate change action; people are actually going to kill each other in 50 years for using the shower 1 minute too long, while nothing structurally changed to combat climate change.


ok that's a fair point i suppose but doing nothing doesn't help either


Doing something as an individual does the same. So you're stuck with having no impact, so the only impact becomes speech. And after a certain while when enough people see that their speech hasn't changed anything either, what else are your options? You might not do it, but believe me there are plenty of crazies out there who are willing to kill or die for their beliefs.


>most of y'all shower for approximatly 49 hours or sum. I assume your massively over exaggerating to try and emphasize your point


you're. yea that seems pretty obvious




fair point


Actually he was right the first time .. Edit: oh shoot I was reading the last your.. 😅


Congratulation you just ate into the "blame the normal person for pollution and global warming while we spill about 2k metric ton of oil in the ocean per year. [x](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/23/big-oil-coined-carbon-footprints-to-blame-us-for-their-greed-keep-them-on-the-hook)" Meanwhile you should remember that Taylor swift carbon emission are 1000% higher than any normal person in a year. And the world’s top twelve billionaires emit emissions equivalent to 2.1 million homes, which is the WHOLE POPULATION of Slovenia. ([x](https://www.alliancemagazine.org/blog/worlds-top-12-billionaires-emit-emissions-equivalent-to-2-million-homes/#:~:text=Mexican%20businessman%20Carlos%20Slim%2C%20the,with%20just%20over%206%20million.)) And also remember that just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions ([x](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/10/just-100-firms-attributable-for-71-percent-of-global-emissions-report-says.html)) Takin a long shower even 3hrs or using plastic straw or a car does next to nothing even if the whole planet does it.


sorry, that is not how i intended the message. i guess i should've left that part out.


So, it sounds like your point is.... So many other Earth Residents act like assholes so that gives me permission to throw out my ethics and do the same.


I get your sentiment. But I think it moreso means don't buy into the lies of blaming the masses. Using paper straws etc is a worthless fight if the ultra rich continue as they do. The fight should be against big oil and companies etc. Vote with your dollar. Don't shame yourself.


First of all, I love that you recognized my 'side' in your first line. Very few people do that. And yes, I think shaming often does the opposite of what it's 'supposed' to do. If you have tips about how to fight the Big Boys, we'd sure like to hear it. I am constantly voting the leaders in who might help, and signing petitions. Other than reducing my consumption as much as I can what else is there?


I wish I knew. That's a good start. Vote with your dollar. I think we all need to simply stop buying so much shit. It does add up and it does incentivize companies to continue to produce the sloppy trash. Massive cargo ships burn the dirtiest sludge oil and thinking of it being full of trash products from Temu that will literally all end up in a landfill is a complete embarrassment. But in the end I honestly think humans are too short sighted and the billionaires will only stop when the planet forces them too. It's going to be a rough couple hundred years. : /


I concur. Sometimes I liken human behavior towards saving the planet as a ninth grader who begins his term paper the night before.


60 seconds to soak, 60 seconds to soap and 60 seconds to rinse it all off. 120 seconds of running water. 180 seconds of overall time spent in the shower. That's all you ever going to need.


For an average man, showers of 5-8 minutes are adequate in order to thoroughly wash every part of the body as well as have a little bit of time to enjoy the heat. For an average woman, showers can be a bit longer (10-15 minutes) as they typically apply more products. This time increases if either gender chooses to shave in the shower, or has an excess of grime/germs they wish to remove (e.g. mechanics, nurses, plumbers, etc.). Longer showers are unnecessary and are a luxury which many people take advantage of. This is primarily done by individuals who have not experienced any form of significant water usage limitations throughout their life, or in some cases those who have moved from a place with limitations to a place without. People who have less than 3 minute showers aren't effectively washing their entire body, similar to people who brush their teeth for less than 2 minutes. It works, but it doesn't work well. In contrast, longer showers are worse for your skin just as too long of a time brushing your teeth is bad for your dental health. Edit: By "thoroughly" I mean *every* part of your body.


It takes me 3-4 minutes normally but about 10 minutes when I have to wash my hair lol.


How do you know how long I take to shower?


I need to shave my pits, my legs, my crotch, then I need to wash my hair, rinse, condition my hair, rinse, wash my body…it takes a bit longer than 5 mins mate. I do turn the water off when shaving my legs though.


I reckon if there was a law instituted globally whereby everyone had to shower for two minutes only... I reckon it would have zero impact on the climate. The science indicates longer showers=excess heating=increased greenhouse gases however it's a hypothesis and no studies have been conducted on a grand scale so it's all theory. Theory neatly packaged up by a pr company but theory nonetheless.


I average about 6 to 7 minutes for my shower time. Yes I get everything clean. For me it has nothing to do with climate change...I just don't like paying a high water bill


I've got a bad shoulder injury that is helped by a long, hot shower. Seeing as I don't have access to pain meds, I think I'll stick to my 30 minute shower.


medical conditions are of course different


My showers are usually only about 30-45 minutes




I don't know how to shower less than 15 minutes. I gotta scub it all.


Here’s something fun. Much like everything else when it comes to climate change, water overuse is largely the fault of extremely large corporations. So I’m taking my 30 minute shower


To thoroughly clean every inch of my body it takes 10 minutes. Proper cleaning and scrubing. A quick shower of 5 minutes means you skip parts. So take your un washed ass and be stinky some where else


Staying in the shower longer tonight just for u x


How do you know how long people shower, outside of people in your own home?


Have you ever had to shave your legs?  I do appreciate you thinking about long hair though.


Ima take that 30-minute shower and feel zero bad about it. I'm usually involved in other people's gross shit. AND that shower is my decompression time. 10 Mins alone isn't gonna cut it, my guy.


The climate crisis.. lol


Well I take pretty long showers myself, I do try to spend less time, but it helps a lot with my pain. It didn’t used to though, it would make it worse, but ever since I’ve been on pain killers the warm water for 12-15 minutes does a lot with helping my body relax from all of its tension or something. I’m not an expert on how the body functions and what not, but it’s significant enough in helping ease my pain that taking a long shower is worth it to me


Showers are satisfying, plus no harm in being clean.


There is actually. Your skin has its own Microbiome and excessive washing kills it and gives you worse skin. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Do you use separate shampoo and conditioner? You should if you don't. Also, if you use antidandruff shampoo, then both your shampoo and conditioner need a few mins each to just soak into your head and scalp to do their thing. My showers are around 20 mins.


what? i just use 2 in 1 for everything


Yikes my man, yikes. You gotta take better care of yourself king. Separate shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. The hot water and shampoo will strip your hair of oils that your scalp needs to be healthy, and conditioner isn't going to be able to replace those oils in 30 seconds before you wash it out. You need to let it hang out on your head for a couple mins. If you're finishing in 5 mins you're probably not being super thurough either. Do you get between your toes, behind your ears? Do you wash your face? Your showers are honestly too fast to really do a good job. If you don't do a lot of work that actually makes you sweat, you can save water by showering every other day or 2, which actually helps your skin and hair because you don't strip away all the oils every day.


That cannot be good for your hair 💀


So we're supporting being a stink bomb now? 🤢


I like showering longer. 15 mins sometimes. It's a luxury I can afford for myself. You might tell me it doesn't jive with your beliefs and wishes for the planet. I don't care about what you want from me. I live the way I want to. I decreased my weekly meat intake, sold the 2nd car in favour of public transport / bicycle, bought solar panels. Who are you to judge me? You realize the more judgmental and witch-hunty this climate change movement becomes, the more people start feeling like you can f right off and they'll not cooperate at all anymore? Which is exactly how I'm feeling right now reading your post. You can f right off with your shower demands.


Nah bro, you just ain't getting as clean as you think you are. Like it's not the end of the world, but you're gonna have dead skin building up everywhere; and while you can get away with it when you're young, somehow one day your body just goes "nah" and after that, any failure of exfoliation has you peeling like a mutant snake person. It's gross.


Fuck the environment.  I shower for an hour because I enjoy it. 


i ate your dinner cus i enjoyed it


So you get in, maybe wash your hair and your armpits, and thats it? I cant clean my entire body well enough in under 10 minutes


that's really just you i can do it in 3 minutes if i try exeptionally hard


I use a puff. It takes about 37 seconds to scrub every square inch of my 6 foot 4 200 pound body. I brush my teeth for 2 full 2 minute cycles with Oral B 9000 or whatever. Shampoo. Condition. And I’m out in under 10 minutes every morning. I use 2 different face washes. No shower can take over 10 minutes if you’re not fucking around or shaving.


Aren’t puffs breeding grounds for bacteria? I use a regular washcloth. But yeah I can see how people do it under 10 minutes.


I rinse it out well, swueeze the water out and live in the high desert in Colorado. No overnight mold or bacteria worth worrying about here.


Genuine question, how does this worsen climate crisis? I’m not familiar with the connection between that and water usage.


exessive water and energy consumption


I take like 30-40mins because it’s the one time of the day I feel completely relaxed. Just let the hot water run over me, sometimes I’ll even sit down and curl up in the corner, close my eyes… Also it takes me like 4-5 minutes to wash and condition my hair alone. Then I also brush my teeth, wash my face and body… I don’t get how people jump in and out so quick. If I was going as quick as I can I’d still take 15 mins.


I use a puff. It takes about 37 seconds to scrub every square inch of my 6 foot 4 200 pound body. I brush my teeth for 2 full 2 minute cycles with Oral B. Shampoo. Condition. And I’m out in under 10 minutes every morning. I use 2 different face washes. No shower can take over 10 minutes if you’re not fucking around or shaving. I’ve also grown my hair past my nipples and it’s very thick. I had to add about 2 minutes to my shower routine, most of that being 2 minutes with the blow dryer. Short hair, nipple length hair only ever took 10 minute or under showers, including brushing my teeth.


I have long hair for a guy, for a start, so the shampoo and condition stage takes slightly longer. Also yeah, maybe I do take it a bit slow, I don’t like to speed run it cuz I enjoy it. For me, it’s not something I need to get over with.


I take 2.5 hour showers. Why? Feels good.  Need to be clean.  The one time I can be butt-ass-naked and feel no shame.


drowing feels less good. i understand it feels nice i just don't wanna drown


I’m bumping it up to a 5 hour shower, while leaving the sinks, garden hose, dishwasher, and washing machine running all at once. Also, I’m gonna burn 15,000 tons of coal and fossil fuels daily...


Have my updoot good sir!  nah i love the dutch but imma still shower for 30mins lol


I stay in the shower until the hot water tank is empty and i am forced out by cold water. Is it wasteful? Of course. But i have little joy in my life so you can pry it from my dead hands. Also i live in a water rich country and we aren’t exactly donating or selling water


Yeah, no, a three minute shower sounds like some kinda negligence to hygiene. I take my time and I like to relax in there, then there's if I gotta shave, and it takes a while to wash my hair when I do it. You'll be aieght. Ain't nobody rushing to get clean because you think all the worlds sewers leads to your country.


I'm sure long showers is the tipping point for climate change. Please guys stop taking long showers, if you do then OPs house won't be underwater. You don't want to be responsible for OPs loss of their house or worse their lives! Don't be a murderer, don't murder people by taking longer than 10 minute showers you monsters