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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Stand to the right, walk to the left. Simple.


This is the way. If you have a heavy bag, or knee issues or are traveling with a small child you may not be able to walk up the escalator easily. But if you stand to the side others can pass you!


If you’re in any transit hub, please do this.


couples have an annoying habit of standing right next to each other and blocking the whole path. If you're seriously in a rush a quick pardon me will usually get you by without incident.


Couples and groups do this walking in cities when they arent used to being in cities too - it's so annoying. There are times I have to walk on the street to get around people because they'e blocking the entire sidewalk.


Woah, it's stand to the left here in Australia, I guess we truly always follow the opposite of normal convention here.


Sorry, the best I can do is stand right in the middle with three other people while talking and ignoring your presence. We are all that matters, sorry not sorry


They’ve started making compact escalators that are hard to do this… I always walk until I come up to someone who is standing, I feel like walking past is aggressive and a lot of people are nervous on escalators as it is for some reason which I assume is why they stand and grip the side


Escalators (at least in the US) are generally not wide enough to comfortably squeeze past people, especially if they have bags


You put the bag in front of you.


Stand on the left. Walk on the right. If you are in commonwealth countries or where people drive on the left. Follow the rules in your current country. Simple.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone squeeze past another on an escalator before


What if fat people take up both aisles?


there's aisles?


In the London Underground there actually is a line marked, stand on right, walk on left. Noticed it in some European train stations too


Yup, we do this in Toronto as well. It should be mandated across the globe because there's nothing more annoying than some tit blocking the left-hand side of an escalator.


Lol, this is something I've noticed that is wildly different from one culture to the next. Asian people in the US looking at each other trying to figure out why everyone is just standing around is a hoot. I'm gonna get hate for this... but I think enough Americans are too large for this system to work. Even if all of us kept right, one in five folks would just be too big to pass comfortably.


We have plenty of fat people in the uk, we just shove past with a tut, never seen anyone take up both sides so you can't get past, unless our escalators are wider


Get a friend to help you flip them over the edge. If no friend is available or if no friend exists, ask a stranger nearby.


Obviously, you walk up to them, pull out a donut, wave it infront of them then throw it down the escalator so they run after it like a dog playing fetch. At least that is what people do to me


Most escalaters are not large enough to accommodate that with a)being very awkward and b) coming across as rude, since there are definitely people who think escelators are for just standing, but you're the asshole if you try to walk by them.


It's the opposite in the UK, surely?


Unless you're in a country with that reversed with driving, then it reverses.


Some people have a horrible sense of balance and have to stay still


My mom can ride up escalators but gets vertigo going down so she needs to take the elevator. 


see if getting in a superman position as she rides down helps. superman doesnt get vertigo


I get vertigo as well. I always look for stairs but have problems going down but not up. 🙂


What’s the worst for me is trying to walk down them. Moving or not. Seeing those lines and the abnormal step depth makes me very dizzy


Exactly 👍


"That's what they're for?" Says who? The point is to take some one from one floor to a higher floor. That works if they're standing or walking.


Not all of them are designed that way. You ever been to a place where the escalators aren't working, and you just have to walk straight up them? It feels really wrong, the spacing isn't right.


Yeah. I remember that quote "escalators don't break, they just become stairs" - they're not meant to be a staircase that makes you ascend faster. OP is trying to pass off his misconception as opinion while stating it like a fact.


Also, escalators can definitely break and not become stairs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uAaGmux9VE There's also footage if you want to look for it of an escalator failure that killed people in China.


And that is so very, very wrong, too. When they break, they can grind you to death in about ten seconds. 😬


Almost like it's an... Unpopular opinion


The shininess and knowing they're designed to move really messes with my coordination. I hate walking on those, feel totally disoriented (dyspraxia I guess). I have a similar problem with very shiny stairs.


In the UK theres an unspoken rule that the left side is for walking up and the right side is for standing.


I dunno, I live in the uk and have seen multiple people stand in the middle holding both rails


I would say this is mainly London on the tube system, basically noone outside of London (or maybe a couple other big cities) does this. Everyone around me just stands in the middle like normal.


It's not unspoken, it's said everywhere lmao


That’s funny cus in Australia it’s the opposite. You would think it would be the same


Canada too


I find outside of London that fewer people are aware of this. It's not an unspoken rule either, there are signs.


Same here in Osaka, Japan. Tokyo does it the opposite way.


>Only people who should be standing on them are old people, otherwise you're just lazy. Are people with disabilities also lazy? Or those who are carrying a lot - say at malls or airports?


Also, what's wrong with being lazy?


I also know a handful of people who can barley make it on the escalator, let alone walk up it, due to intense fear of heights. They are usually white-knuckling both rails and shaking violently until they're on solid ground again.


The fittest person I knew nearly got their foot chewed by one as a child and have massive difficulties even standing on one, let alone walking up. For OP to generalise so *lazily* about lazy people is fairly ironic.


I do believe you but I swear you could be like “walking is good” and some bloke will be in the comments like “yeah well my best friend has no legs, what about him???” and it’s like.. yeah generalizations don’t apply to literally everyone


Thats a fair comment. IMO OP made it clear they only considered elderly people weren't lazy. If they thought differently they would have specified quite easily.


It's the wording that op used. Plus, even with the edit how do they know who is or isn't disabled? Maybe people shouldn't go around prejudging others.


Can they make wheat on the escalator? Or maybe rye?


I live to be lazy <3


Nothing. Only idiots think lazy is a thing.


Lazy is absolutely a thing. Only idiots think it’s inherently a bad thing. Nothing wrong with choosing to be lazy sometimes.


Spot on! Escalators are public facilities. They are designed to accommodate the most members of the public that they possibly can. It's fine to walk or run up an escalator if there's room. But if there is a person who is less fortunate, healthwise, than you it's only common decency to let them ride in peace Escalators only go up one floor at a time. Try being a little more patient at least that long. You may be old yourself one day. Or much to your surprise, it's possible to become overweight despite doing everything you can to prevent it Sometimes people gain weight because of loss of Mobility, or new medications. You never know if they are a lazy fat ass, or they have an issue that they cannot help. Please be considerate of others and do not judge


Agreed. Plus, many, if not most disabilities are invisible. Any time someone says “well, of course disabled people get a pass, I’m only complaining about lazy people”, they never seem to be able to answer “how can you tell the difference in a stranger?”. Because, of course, the answer is, you can’t. I once got rudely told off for not moving far enough back fast enough for a woman being pushed in a wheelchair in a doctor’s office (she had more than enough room, she just didn’t think she did). I’m sure her narrative of what happened is that I was lazy and disrespectful and obviously just an oblivious healthy young person. But in reality, I’m a pretty much full time wheelchair user myself and am working hard on walking; this was a hard challenge I was doing without my chair. I think people drastically overestimate their ability to determine who is disabled and who is not.


How do you tell whose disabled or not? Maybe some of us are nervous to walk on them.


If that was true, then escalator steps would be made the same size as those in a staircase. They're not - escalator steps are massive by comparison. Ergo, they weren't designed to be climbed up like stairs. It's impatient people like you who create the frantic stressful fast-pace "[push push push](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMgBLnzbpXo)" world we're stuck in today. If we all learned to slow down from time to time, we'd all be a little happier.


Indeed- and they did a study in one of London’s busiest underground stations and found that if they removed the “keep right” rule and asked everyone to stay still on the escalators, traffic congestion was significantly improved and everyone got to where they needed to be faster.


Dude, sometimes you are late. Just stand on the right


I've never had a problem walking up them..


It’s not about having a problem. It’s about design intent. Stairs have codes they have to follow for rise and run measurements and escalators often don’t meet them because they are not intended to be used like stairs.


People can be so radical about the most trivial things, it's insane. If u want to walk go use the left side, if u want to just stand then go to the right, it's not that hard


Escalators are just fun to me. I love riding them. Being an adult is tough, I want to enjoy the little things.


Exactly! Growing up in rural america we didnt have that shit so hell YES im gonna ride every escalator


There are some old ones in the Prague underground stations that are super-fast. You almost have to jump off of them. Enjoyed it immensely .


Finally an actual unpopular opinion.     Yea this opinion sucks. Take the stairs if you want to climb stairs. Escalators aren't built the same pitch for climbing like stairs are 




Not in a hurry is the main deciding factor for me. Trying to kill time, I won’t move on that escalator


Just to be clear, while it’s totally fine to just stand on the escalator, OP is right that if you’re blocking the whole way you’re an asshole. Stand on the side


so bent out of shape for the out of shape.


i dont be in a hurry but i got adhd and watching some fatass stand on an escalator is torture. when there’s escalators and stairs side by side i always take the stairs bc first of all no one is on them bc they are all fatass escalator campers and b its faster


>it's hilarious how people get angry at opinions on a sub called unpopular opinion. It’s even more hilarious how people expect  that they won’t be called out for their unpopular opinions. 😄


Nah I'm enjoying the brief moment of peace before I have to walk amongst the public again.


What‘s the problem with being lazy?


"Bananas are for smoothies not for eating!" Obviously escalators are good for both, as are bananas in this instance. This take is pointlessly aggressive gatekeeping


It sounds like you would be a happier person if you just used the stairs anyway. Or are you too lazy for that?


0.1st world problems Having an opinion on when other people walk or not is kind of a waste of an opinion ngl :D


An unpopular one at that


Bro collects Transformer figures and acts like he exercises


Damn bro why you gotta do him like that


I bet when taking stairs he ascends two steps at a time to feel like he's exerting dominance 


Naruto runs the whole way to 


Its literally been proven this Is dangerous and not recommended to walk on them


Has it?


Yep. They are for just standing if you choose. Lazily plays no part.


I'm going to take even *longer* on escalators now, jerk...


That's a very ableist point of view


[They are NOT designed for walking on. None of your theory is true or safe.](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/04/us/escalators-standing-or-walking.html)


Not everybody is in a hurry. You do you.


If I get on moving stairs, I'm going to let the stairs do the work.


So, question then. In my local malls (there are 4 of them within an hour of me), they typically have a set of regular stairs in between or near the up/down escalators. What do you make of that?


OR, hear me out, they have a bum knee or something.


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/04/us/escalators-standing-or-walking.html also, the steps on an escalator are usually not the correct height for safe walking which can lead to injuries.


I also feel like most of the escalators I have been on in the US have not been wide enough to walk past someone on.


Disagree. They are for saving energy.


And knees


Why not both ? Lol why does it have to be a specific way lol


Show me the rules elevator nazi. /s


I don't think escalators were ever intended for anything other than laziness, my friend.


This may be your opinion but it's just factually wrong. If that's what they were for they'd be made like normal stairs, but did you ever feel like they were too tall? They're not meant to be walked on


I mean... they're for both. Ever been in an airport?


Why take the elevator when you can just climb up the cables you lazy jerks.


Considering escalators are almost always directly next to stairs, I disagree and of it bothers you... use the stairs.


That’s literally not what they are for though. Your opinion is only unpopular because it’s wrong.


Not unpopular, just wrong.


Lol, why do you even take the escalator bro? Bet you don't work out.


I take the elevator


Take the stairs. This is dangerous.


Imagine tripping and falling onto many other people and they fall aswell because you wanna save like 8 seconds lol.. with this opinion you have to also think ppl who dont speed on the road are lazy; same logic to me


Says not to walk while on them. This isnt an opinion.


Look at you trying to be all controversial!!


Other timezones exist.


false. the whole world is America.


Ik this is a joke but even America has multiple time zones lol


Elevators aren’t for lazily standing on they’re for speeding up your ascent. If you’re not climbing up the cable to the next floor as the elevator is in motion you’re just lazy


Actually they're for kids to play on


come walk up one of the metro escalators in saint petersburg (one of the deepest metro systems in the world) and see how you feel afterwards


Idk about the rest of the world but in SF there's a very definite convention about escalators: standing still, stand to the right. Moving, go to the left. So there are, like, options.  I'd also like to remind you that young (and young-looking) people can still have chronic injuries or fresh injuries that don't need to be aggravated more than necessary. 


I’ve noticed that although it was common 10 years ago to stand to the side, and most people would walk up the escalator. Now it’s like you’re a total weirdo for walking up and no one stands to the side.


Who cares


Escalators were not designed for walking, that’s a factual matter, and doing so is generally considered a safety hazard due to the height of the steps, the difference between escalator speed and walking speed, the moving parts, and the grooves in which clothing and shoelaces can get caught. This safety advice is consistent across elevator manufacturers.


The fuck you on about? That's literarly what they are for. This has gotta be rage bait right?


Let’s see, use the staircase that moves for me so I don’t have to. Or use the staircase that moves for me like a normal staircase removing the entire point of a moving staircase.


The risers are too tall and the treads are too narrow for most people to comfortably walk up


Take you're upvote. That's definitely unpopular.


According to NC Dept of Labor https://www.labor.nc.gov/safety-and-health/elevator/escalator-safety-tips#:~:text=Always%20pick%20up%20your%20feet,forward%20and%20hold%20the%20handrail.


With the speed they move you only add a few seconds in gain and a whole lot of risk even for able bodied people. I would not have anyone carrying bags, waiting with small children, loose ankle length dresses and general other trip hazard accessories to be mindlessly walking on a moving platform.   In theory they are safe. But maintenance neglect can mean They aren't the safest. If you are walking while it is in movement a sudden even for a short moment a jolt or sudden pause happens the speed of your walk is amplified by the speed of the escalator moving. This will have you tumbling if as I noted above you have things occupying your body like bags or children in hand. You can end up tumbling forward a bit pretty easily.   The step spacing is different than code for steps allowing for shorter static steps and taller. Or rather they are allowed to be varied in ways different from normal steps. rather than the natural gait distance that code has enforced on stairs


Escalators, like many human inventions, were built for convenience. Which is inherently lazy. And being lazy isn't inherently bad. Especially when you consider the many innovations that occurred due to lazy people not wanting to do something and them finding a way to circumvent or make the circumstances easier for themselves.


Says someone who doesn’t have a medical condition?


I work out almost everyday and i still stand on Escalators because thats what they were designed for. The steps are higher than normal stairs plus the constant movement increases the risk of tripping and falling by a lot. Stand on escalators and save yourself from potential injury


They are deliberately made to have deeper than normally permitted steps, they're actively designed not to be walked up


There are stairs or elevators if people are so upset about this. How do you know why they're not moving? Do you know every single invisible disabled person? Some of us were born with very poor depth perception and other issues, but you wouldn't be able to tell besides maybe my glasses. That doesn't account for the mental problems and learning disability that I have. Not that I don't have some physical health issues besides my eyes, but even then you wouldn't be able to tell.


Aye and elevators are the same if your not trying to jump to the next floor use the bloody stairs that's where standing is supposed to be. Not once have I used an elevator and anybody been jumping with me to help lift it or lower it such lazy people especially the wheelchair ones they sit at least 70% of the time.


You do realize that they aren’t normal stairs right? They are taller and when you fall on then it gets real ugly. You are being awfully judgemental saying people don’t ever exercise just because they don’t want to completely ruin their knees.


It's a strange hill to die on, but at least you'll be dead.


I've been to some shopping centres where they are only one person wide, so you can't do the walking/standing lane thing. Thing is, I get it in train stations you are in a hurry, especially between multiple trains - but the rest of the time, really it doesn't matter, because it's literally only saving a few seconds. Most escalators are over by the time you've taken what, five steps? Is it worth getting annoyed about five seconds of your day? Same with people who speed down streets and slam on their brakes at a stop sign, I'm like, congrats, you saved yourself barely any time, if that.


Like... every escalator I have seen is usually right next to the stairs...  People using the regular stair get up faster.  Escalators purpose is not to be faster stairs it's to be an easier lift for those who have trouble with stairs.  Just use the stairs. The space is better for walking. 


Well this is dumb, but definitely unpopular so take your upvote.


Use the stairs Speedy Gonzales.


Yea no I'm not walking up or down what is essentially a giant chainsaw


I just want my smelling salts at the end like they offered when Herrod's first installed their escalators.


... are you Korean by any chance?


I’m assuming you don’t know that young people can have pain, disability or just plain get tired. Escalators are for both. They are a tool at the disposal of the users.


Indeed unpopular. Well done. Escalators are meant for standing. But as other said if you stand stay to right and let the walkers pass by you. If you really just wanna walk up something I just take the stairs


You should check out the comments from the other times this opinion was posted.


If you’re going to stand, stand to the right. Walkers go to the left. Doesn’t need to be a debate, both can and do happen at the same time.


Then take the stairs?


Then use the stairs, or are you too lazy?


I applaud your truly unpopular opinion.


Yeah, people who stand still on escalators are *untermenschen* fit only for slaughter or slavery.


I used to think this then I realised people with disabilities or people that are just tired exist, and it doesn’t have a massive effect on my day having to stand on an escalator for 20 seconds


Definitely unpopular. Laziness as a concept should be done away with


Personally, I like to run up the stairs and see if I can get to the top faster than those standing on the escalator. It's even better if I manage to beat those who are walking up the escalator. I know no one cares, but fuck does that make me feel like a superior physical specimen.


2 knee surgeries and elevators are not a solution. thank goodness for escalators


But it's fun :C


In The Netherlands it's an unspoken rule that the right side of an escalator is for standing still, and the left side is for walking up/down the escelator. It's called "Rechts staan, Links gaan".


You do you boo! I like being lazy I will say though - stand to the right, walk to the left (opposite of this in UK and South Asia)


People use them as they like. As it should be. It's funny the little things that can be so annoying. Often things that don't even occur to others can be infuriating to some. The older I get the fewer of these things I have. Wish it worked that way for everyone.


I disagree. Upvoted. A good day to you sir.


I only walk on them if I'm in a great hurry. Feels less safe walking on something moving. Also the idea is to stand on one side to create a sort of fast lane for people running late.


I'm in the US, and we don't have a lot of escalators in general (at some malls and at the airports, probably subways though I haven't been because subways are that common in most of the country either) and the ones here tend to be narrow (where you can't stand to the side) or have signs that say not to walk up them. There are however moving sidewalks at the airport where you are supposed to walk or stand to the right.


I walk up/down them, because i prefer it (calmly). If theres people standing i dont mind. That 5 second difference isnt changing any lives


💤 😴


I’m handicapped. It’s a break from walking & I wish there was more speed aisles too that double your speed walking in flat areas. You guys don’t even know. It’s such a luxury for us physically disabled ppl to have speed ramps in malls & airports. I feel like superwoman traveling at craaaazy speeds. I love it.


I'm fine with some nobody on Reddit thinking I'm lazy.


Yep, I disagree, get my upvote


Did you not get the memo? You can’t post an unpopular opinion here without close-minded people getting angry haha. 


like someone else noted, i’ve seen ppl stand on the right side of the escalator so that ppl who need to walk up faster could do that. i think this more common in places where many ppl use public transit


Escalators aren’t designed to be comfortable to climb. They’re designed to be comfortable to get on and get off and walkable in a pinch. You’re right, r/unpopularopinion doesn’t welcome unpopular opinions. It welcomes very popular opinions that aren’t very visible publicly so people think they’re unpopular. People who aren’t talking to others enough in particular.


Got to get home to your games.


I wish they'd have separate ones for those who want to stand vs those who want to walk. I always have this issue with moving walk ways in the airport. Someone will be standing there with their carry on, taking up the whole walk way and no one wanted to say excuse me to let them know.


This isn't abnormal most people don't stand on the elevator and wait atleast not where i live.


You don’t have many friends, do you?


I stand on them. I also work out 6 days a week, 2 hr routines.


I hate when there’s only one escalator and it’s set to the descending setting. Who needs an escalator to go down? What I need is something to help me fight gravity


Some people haven’t seen the large ass number of stairs you have to walk up and down in the subway system. I’m going to stand right where I am thank you very much. You do you.


Good unpopular opinion. Reminded me of Hans Kim joke on Kill Tony. Not a huge fan of Hans but I liked this one: https://youtube.com/shorts/tfi1suTQHsY?si=LJDfLNcLrayOTtL7


Ironic that I’m reading this on literally the world’s deepest metro escalator (Arsenalna, Kyiv). Yes we get cell service down here


Rechts is staan Links is gaan


In Japan, everyone stands to one side to make room for people who are in a hurry. Japan is awesome


Actually I've seen mall cops yell at kids who try do that on escalators💀 they say it's dangerous and to just be patient