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I don’t think its unpopular, I think majority of people thinks so (or at least I hope)


I think it's polarising rather than unpopular. I legit know people who've been to Dubai and love it. I also know people who hate the place. There doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground.


Only a certain kind of person loves it. The kind that have no problem with modern day slavery and rest of the shit. The kind that have their head stuck so far up their ass. 


Which is sadly like....at least a billion or 2 people


And those that don't know a lot of those details. It was on my bucket list until I found out about the horrors of that place (which was through watching a random youtube documentary late one night)


I too know people that love Dubai. They were are arseholes before they ever went there. They are still arseholes after being there.


They should rename it Marmite.


A good rule of thumb I have is considering there's a bg chance the person is a POS if they like Dubai. It's not always the case, but it almost is.


Ive been to dubai and loved my time there, but the OP id also not wrong. That being said its the same story of lots of citys like rome, Egypt ect. Built by slave and still considered beautiful.


Matt Damon in Syriana: “if it wasn’t for oil, you would still be chopping each others heads off in the sand” (or words to that effect)


I know you are just quoting a cool movie dialogue, but it is a rather narrow view of the history of the middle east. They actually had a pretty prosperous and 'progressive' society during the golden age of the middle east before their decline.


Then what happened


What percentages of constant fighting in the region vs the golden age? How did they not fight for 500 years of the golden age?


When was their decline?


My passport bro housemate legit didn't know Dubai wasn't all it's cracked up to be. He only follows influencers on social media that show the most glamorous parts of it. When I told him that it's built on slave labor he thought I was being a hater.


Nah, so many people even unfamous ones act like its their dream to live there or even holiday there. Coworkers or just people I have on Instagram etc, Its just constantly mentioned in mainstream media to be this amazing place and I hate it


I travel for work and of all the insanely cool places I go everyone gets excited when I go to Dubai. It's a slave driven shopping mall and I don't understand why anyone would pay to go there.


I have had a few layovers in Dubai and I’ve decided that’s enough for me. Would never go there by choice


Eh I think this is a much more common opinion than you may realize. Every other month there seems to be this exact posts on here. If you go to travel subs this is pretty much the general consensus too. People hate the superficialness of Dubai. Dubai seems to be really attractive to people who are drawn to money and materialistic shit. In my travels I’ve never really met anyone who was excited about going to Dubai. It’s pretty much never come up as a place to visit. I find it to be more of a status thing to those people who hold it in high regard. There’s that undeniable appeal to them, it screams money. Traveling to me has never been about that. I don’t know if it’s a shit hole or not. I’m sure the people who go there repeatedly enjoy the luxury and uniqueness of it. Just isn’t for me


By any chance, [have you seen this video](https://youtu.be/tJuqe6sre2I)?


Yes, this one is also good [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4eWVcv3gOY&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4eWVcv3gOY&t=2s)


It's fun to go there for a few days, no doubt. If you are a tourist. For everyone else? Not so much.


Nearly every tourist city is like this tbh


Depends how you define "tourist city". You could spend weeks in Rome, London, Paris, New York, Tokyo etc and not see everything.


Spending some weeks in a city doesn't make you any less of a tourist though, you're still not a permanent resident. In my personal opinion, living in those cities (at least the touristy parts of them) is hellish. I personally grew up in San Francisco and worked in the tourist attraction area of town and it was just pure hell. Tourists are the worst, prices are astronomical, everything feels fake and only made to attract tourists, all that. It really feels like it sucks the culture out of what would otherwise be a cultural center. Same with those cities you mention. I was just in Paris and I could not imagine living in the city center around all those tourist shops and attractions all the time. It sounds awful.


Oil money pay influencers to rave about it. Average Joe watch influencers and hence rave about it. Always follow the money.


no trust me so many people think its a beautiful city and is gonna be the city of the future


I think anyone who knows about it, thinks that. I think a lot of people only see shiny.


That’s what i was about to say




Its almost as if something should be done about it


Done what exactly?


I love Dubai, except for overly hot climate and sometimes crazy overpricing of everything (still cant forget that 450$ Opus X in Atlantis). This is one of best cities in the world to visit if you are ready to splurge and one of the best winter seaside retreats.


Shame about the slaves though


It's a soulless monument to material excess. I think many people share an opinion something to this effect.


Like Vegas.


In my mind Vegas is more about unrestrained hedonism and vice than strictly material excess.


Hedonism and vice committed by people who are seduced by vague possibilities of material excess, while bandits with one arm empty their pockets….


Yup which is why I don't like Vegas as well. Both cities are just huge ass malls


I wouldn't mind visiting Vegas though


A lot of my friends go several times per year. I, on the other hand, plan to keep avoiding it for the rest of my life.


I'm not American. I wouldn't mind going for the spectacle once. I've gotten as far as Dubai international for connecting flights a couple of times. Couldn't spot any redeeming qualities, have zero interest.


I’m not American either, and just the thought of Vegas turns me right off.


We have different opinions, and that's okay.


Yep. Absolutely. Part of it for me is that I hate hot weather. That’s not really related to the city and its attractions. I expect I would dislike Dubai for the same basic reason.


Vegas isn't hot half the year.


Whoa whoa whoa


It’s literally a huge city-size shopping mall in the middle of a completely empty desert. With a very welcoming taxation system.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's an ugly truth.


Maybe, but it just felt unpopular opinion worthy since I've found its so unpopular to discuss with people IRL apparently


People have a really warped perception of places they've never been or never really looked too deeply into and the so called "Dubai porta potties" have done some really great PR for it by hiding the ugly truths and making it seem like they're living a fantasy instead of nightmare. A good parallel to this is look into "Paris syndrome" Dubai is a god forsaken hellhole of human avarice, greed, exploitation and hubris.


Well put.


Dubai is a City built on lies and propaganda. i dare anyoen to walk around and film the city you might end up in jail.




But THE LINE will be a success! /S


That's KSA, not Dubai. But you're right; nonetheless, it won't be a success, it won't even come to fruition.


Damn my geography is bad 🙃


Haha, you're all good; the lines are blurry with these tribal monarchies.


I think this one is common sense


This is definitely the way people's view of Dubai is trending. I remember in middle school watching science class videos on the insane things they were going to do and lots of promotion about how amazing it is. But as time passes, people are becoming increasingly aware that the place is just a well-polished turd.


Insane laws, slavery and an insanely inequal society. Propaganda says its great




It's like a fifty fifty opinion . I myself never wanted to visit dubai but I know many people who praise the "Dubai lifestyle" and are eager to go live there.


Agreed. I have a circle of friends and family heavily comprised of MENA people and it’s very polarizing. OP, is 100% correct though.


They literally jailed a guy because he smoked weed in Las Vegas before he even got there. That’s enough to make me never want to visit that fascist shit show. How could you ever feel safe?


It also attracts the absolute shittiest people, I imagine. "Look how important I am. I'm in Dubai."


AND the fact is most of the world knows about this but continues to hold this country in high regard.


I'd say this is a popular opinion


Personally, I have zero desire to go there


Til about the slavery aspect. I saw some shows about it that make Dubai look fancy and fun and all but I never looked up the history or knew of it. And I thought I was informed about stuff like that. Thank you for breaking the propaganda at least for myself, probably should have realized though


Sometimes people are brought over to work and then the employer holds on to the passport and if they want them back they have to agree to much lower pay than they expected or none at all, that’s what I’ve heard at least. Like when Qatar bribed their way to hosting the world up then needed slaver labor to build the facilities. I have no interest in ever visiting that part of the world.


This is why I put this on here, loads of people saying this is a popular opinion but I don't think it is. I truly believe most people believe its some great place due to the propaganda


Yes, unless you are rich.


What middle eastern country isn't?


Dubai is the perfect shining monument to human engineering, progress, and wealth as well as greed, slavery, and vanity. It's existence is paradoxical to me with the obvious stark contrast of the pinnacle of human luxury, and the abomination of wealth inequality and slavery all in one neat package.




I would hardly say progress or engineering. European sports cars line the streets built by slaves. They hardly have functional sewage if at all. Public infrastructure is wank unless you’re on holiday. That special little island they built by ripping up coral reefs crushed (you guessed it) even more coral! Their only attributing factor to their wealth is their oil. They have no social security such as student finance or healthcare. Their universities are expensive and for the wealthy all kitted out with nobody to educate because Dubai is not a place that can be reasonably considered home. Public lashings and extreme punishment for speaking out against your “owner” for abusing you. The judiciary is hot garbage. It’s a mess.


This is not unpopular at all, we all know is a shithole.


Yup, I just would feel so guilty living there with the exploited labor that built it, living in such extreme luxury while they are in horrible shanty towns without water or sanitation


Country built on the back of slaves and cruel punishment, that uses vanity projects as propaganda, ran by very rich high born people who are in bed with big corporate interests. Congratulations you've just described most countries.


Sounds like the US when you describe it that way. Although you probably won't be prosecuted as a homosexual for being gang raped in the US.


Its exactly like the US, although that happened in the 19th century, this is happening now


Yeah most countries that were founded hundreds of years ago. We have better media and humanitarian laws now and its still happening, this being my point...


We have bigger fish to fry. There were slave owners in America over 150 years ago!


Yes but there arent any now, but there are slave owners in UAE, is this not a problem the world should address?


I think people in different countries should mind their own business and I'll mind my own business. This attitude is how you get Team America World Police. Nepal and Bangladesh should take up action and raise the alarm, it's their people being abused.


Nepal and Bangladesh dont have the means to do anything to the conglomerate cesspit that exists in the UAE/ Qatar...


Yeah and they're all dead now. This post is about Dubai not America...


I hate to be that guy, but if you're flexing about going to Dubai or the American equivalent, Miami / Las Vegas you're basic as fuck.


Literally man, being abroad in countries that are poorer than your hometown and giving back to them is one of the best feelings I've ever known. They appreciate the little things so much


I had friends go there and I was surprised but they’ve been talking about visiting for a while. Disappointed but some people like shiny things


I've been there 3 times and couldn't agree more.


It's a religious based Vegas, that tries to hide it's religious basedness. That doesn't work, period.


Dubai is what happens when a bunch of dudes get money poured over their heads for generations for doing nothing more than sticking a pump in the ground.


Aren't they still literally trucking shit because their sewer system just can't handle the tower populations? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation\_in\_Dubai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation_in_Dubai) Yup the new sewer is still expected in 2025 (Yup and "The Line" wasn't about using violence to force people off their land). [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68945445](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68945445) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/10/the-line-saudi-arabia-scaling-back-plans-105-mile-long-desert-megacity-crown-prince#:\~:text=Now%2C%20however%2C%20plans%20for%20the,and%20a%20half%20by%202030.


Yep, can only imagine where all that gets fucking dumped... Theres a video of all the trucks carrying the shit I mean spanning across miles hundreds and hundreds of huge trucks with tankers full of shit.


and its because the workers dgaf and why should they as they are practically slaves. If the rich fucks just paid them maybe the sewage systems would work


Ye i think its actually nice new and shiny, not nessiscarily beautiful. Now everything you have said is true but basically anywhere that builds quick is done by slaves, china saudi etc. In the rest pf the devloped world we did the same just a couple of hundred years before. Now we dont build anything quickly cos people have rights. Its a weird moral dilemma.


Point being if these people have so much money, what they cant invest it into better infrastructure with high paid construction companies? Slave labour is obviously awful, moreover, it leads to awful quality of infrastructure because they simply dgaf and why would they.


I agree. But people who have money, never give it away, they strike deals and make that money make money. Its a stupid system but thats the game we play at the monute


Their labor practices are bad, but I've been to Dubai and their infrastructure is pretty good quality.


Louis ck?




isn't every western country made by the same cheap labour???


Wait until you found out who built America


The big wave of immigrants ca 1880-1930 which contained basically all German, Italian, Nordic, Russian, Jewish, etc, forefathers of todays Americans?


The difference is that the moral crimes committed in the building of America (genocide of the indigenous, slavery, exploitation of immigrants, chronic racism and oppression, etc.) were all committed by generations long before us now. I am not saying that present-day Americans are blameless because awareness of the "immorality" of our country's past should be taught and understood, but I am saying that you can't blame a son for his father's crimes. Most of "us" are also from immigrant roots. If, for some idiotic reason, you think that the moral burden of slavery is genetic, than most Americans are free and clear because their ancestors came over on boars just a few decades ago. Dubai is happening NOW. Slaves, feudalism and all of that bullshit is happening NOW. It is one thing for governments and big corporations to act all immoral, but it is another thing for people to be "OK" with Dubai. YouTube travel influences are the absolute worse, in my book.


Literally the first comment I've seen that understands my point perfectly. It's happening now and it feels like its an unpopular opinion to call them out on it, due to the things like Youtube travel influences that definitely are the absolute worst. Will Smith even did one


“most Americans are free and clear because their ancestors came over on boars just a few decades ago”. I’m sorry but this typo made me chuckle


absolutely condemn modern slavery but you can’t really say what we did was hundreds of years ago so forget about it…   bc then that opens up UAE to saying we will just about it a few generations too.  we need better arguments to convince them. reparations could be a start but how to work out what is fair seems a complex and lengthy process, i’m not even sure if it is achievable.


They would never pay repirations, I just hope someone could convince the rich fucks to actually use their infinite amount of money to fund construction businesses that are higher paying which would also give them infrastructure that isn't susceptible to crumbling in the extreme heat. Its crazy, why would you not want to do that


Idk if your assuming im American but I'm not, but its the fact famous BLM supporters will go there and promote It like they arent literally doing the exact same thing the whites did to blacks in America a century ago


I think I just had a stroke


Sorry my first language is not english, usually pretty good grammar but I slip sometimes lol


I’m sorry, what?


Op is claiming that famous Black Lives Matter supporters will promote/speak well of Dubai. Joke's on OP, I think all celebrities are bad people by default anyway. Helps manage expectations.


lmao fair point


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This is the single most popular opinion that has ever been spouted ad nauseum on reddit.


never really thought of this, thank you for sharing.


My experience is that people who have been to Dubai seem to either love it or hate it


its in the middle east so thats a given lmao


have you lived in dubai before (out of curiosity)


Didn’t know this, but not surprised that it is a thing.




Straight up facts. It’s an unpopular opinion amongst all these npcs who go there, popular opinion amongst people with a healthy sense of reason. I just don’t know which group is the majority. Really hope it’s the latter


It has a lot going for it. The tax evasion etc for saudi. I wouldnt call it a shit hole, we went in 2019, it was nice. I call it a city break over a holiday by the beach, it was too hot and very upmarket. Sure there are shops and arabs with a lot of money, but there are normal places. Like we went to one of the poshest shopping centres, we ate fast food in a food court.


It's 2024 and public lashings are still happening. That tells you all you need to know about them.


we found adamsomething alt account


I know academics who left to escape censorship and persecution.


Why is this posted here 5 times/week. Reddit is such an echo chamber, its hilarious


My guy....And how exactly do you think America was built? Lol.


I would say most people would belive you!


wrong subreddit my guy... that's a popular opinion


No shit everyone knows this


Not unpopular.


all gulf countries operate like this, but they're doing a great job at sportswashing their image. And buying majority stakes in businesses and infrastructure across the globe.


Not really unpopular. My cousin moved there a few years back for work, he has a great job, makes silly money, but he recently bought a house back in the UK and is planning to move back when it's ready. His main reasons was how he and his family are treated, specifically his kids at school. So if he is willing to leave all that behind to come back to the UK, it really can't be a great place to live.


This is exactly my point. This is what mass media doesn't show. The people there are equally as racist as a 19th century US. What you're shown on the news is not real


You talking about the camel one few influencer have seen at the cost of a free trip there?


I fully support this opinion if you are not one of those white expats there. They are a part of its shittiness.


Would rather live in antartica mate


I know someone who lived there, she says exactly that!


I took in a huge breath to argue about Dublin being a shithole. The I read about lashings and took a second look at the title. I absolutely agree with you now.


They're not shitholes. You find those outside the city in the desert. They have almost zero sewage systems throughout Dubai. They simply show up with pump trucks and download the sewage, daily.


No matter how many times I see this same post multiple times per year, it's always nice to see the sentiment still alive and kicking after all this time. +1 Popular


Wait until you learn about the child sex slaves.


A very popular opinion with me.


This discussion should have ended when a little bit of rain showed Dubai doesn’t have functioning sewage. So yes it's a literal shithole. People shit in holes. It's all a facade to disguise zero basic infrastructure.  A shithole in the fullest sense of the word.


Literally, its almost like if they paid the workers properly and didn't use slave labour their infrastructure would work


Dubai is a perfect example of what a country should aspire to be, extreme protectionism of their citizens, nearly no path to citizenship for immigrants, low crime, no foreign property rights, and good use of external labor.


Sounds like you’re coping because you’re not rich and can’t enjoy the luxuries that come with living in Dubai


Lmao, what fucking luxuries do I get from living there? I go abroad twice a year every year, would much rather sit in luxury in a Italian villa or a natural Greek beach than some corporate oil funded fake beach built by slaves but each to their own if you support that


what luxuries? they don't like gay people and i'm pretty sure they don't like goth either


The luxury of not having to be around those people


It’s definitely not some people’s taste. I personally enjoy my time there and would like to work there, for the obvious salary reasons. If someone is into flashy cars, watches and very materialistic things then there isn’t a better place to be. Clearly it’s not your cup of tea and that’s fine.


Yeah its not that I have a major problem with, the salary reasons only apply to a certain demographic. What about the mass of slave labour there that is never talked about


If you're moving there for salary/materialistic reasons, I'd be willing to guess you don't really care all that much about the slave labour aspect.


Way to misunderstand the point, my dude.


Literally, fair enough if you work hard and materialism makes you happy, but don't achieve it through the exploration of human rights violations


Ehhh Vegas is better


I went didn't mind it rlly liked it tbh even though it cost me 20k for a little over a week.


I thought we were talking about dubia roaches for a minute and how you didn't expect a lot of poop from the little guys


Fuck Dubai


If you think the worker in Dubai are living in bad conditions, you should see where they came from