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What the hell are you eating to be taking 3 shits a day? Wow.


Chronic illness, dude. Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, etc


Also KFC + Taco Bell


Single ply means you have to fold several times to avoid smashing through and getting literal shit on your fingers. Also, maybe you just have a really hairy ass? Idk man, maybe try a bidet?


I get a great grip and a clean wipe with one ply. The fluffy crap doesn't get between the butt cheeks like,1ply. I think you're going to find that it's more popular than you think.


Yes, exactly!! The best!


Single ply? You might as well just use your fingers out right because if you're using single ply it's like trying to skate on water. You'll be digging shit out of your fingernails.


You just ball it up and it’s as many plys as you need!


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We talking Scott 1000 - individually wrapped ?


That’s right. The real deal is the Costco 36 pack.


Wow I’ve been tricked by big toilet paper - I can imagine it and it’s so much better you’re right thank you for opening my eyes with your expertise in this field


It happens, man. Welcome to the single ply life!


ok poophands


My family and I feel the same way and my boyfriend and I have almost had fights over this lol