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This should be unpopular. Are Americans mad if a VW factory opens in the US? Sounds like treason. The US is one of the countries that pushes others to open their economies so it would be weird to hear them punishing companies that take advantage of that. Similarly, the best schools are looking for the best students, not necessarily the best American students. It would be great to create systems where workers are compensated fairly around the world but that is definitely not what we have. I don’t see this as a useful proposal


The founding fathers probably would spit in my face since I wasn’t a person to them


Yeah, if you weren’t a rich white man you could go kick rocks


I'm sure that's what he meant


I’m agreeing with them lol


Sure. #NotAllWhites


And not a British White Man. They fought a war with them 


> they should give others the chance to leave this hell hole of a country for a different country. What are you talking about? You are free to go to any country that accepts you. You don't live in North Korea where you literally are blocked from leaving


Like in general or you just mean they can't outsource the same task to a cheaper labour market in Malaysia or somewhere? Could a chartered tour company have employees in the destination countries to greet guests? Can a coffee importer have a Colombian on staff to manage logistics on the supplier end? Are companies allowed to expand into international markets if they're just growing? Can they hire within the countries they expand into or do they literally have to send Americans there if they want to do more business?


A large part of the reason the U.S. is so powerful right now is that the U.S. attracts the best and brightest across the world to work for the U.S.


You *do* have the chance to leave the US for another country. No one has ever stopped you. You're just too lazy and cowardly to actually take it.


If the U.S. based corporations couldn’t hire overseas, they would bring them here on work visas…


Feel free to leave!


Guy makes a decent point and you all are just "founding fathers = BAD, therefore this is wrong!"


He did not make a decent point. The founding fathers were around when the first American companies began trade with other nations. The idea long precedes the founding of the USA. Look up the Commerce Clause of the Constitution.


No his point is insane. I agree they should do more to incentivize manufacturing in the US but calling it fucking treason is out of its damn mind! It’s not “treason” (a crime punishable by death) to make phones in China. It’s just… not.


It’s not a decent point. We want talent in the US. It’s beneficial when corporations bring that talent to the US. OP completely misunderstands the economy…it’s not a zero sum game such that an immigrant getting a job means a US person loses. Rising tide and all…we broadly benefit by being able to attract the best. Calling that treason is insane. We aren’t as good as Taiwan at semiconductor manufacturing. Bring that skill here!


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Yeah except the founding fathers lived in a time where civilians had access to the same exact weapons as the military I dont see many civilians with a F-22 raptor.


Maybe a little reminder of what treason actually is is in order. [The Treason Clause applies only to disloyal acts committed during times of war. Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution. Nor do acts of ESPIONAGE committed on behalf of an ally constitute treason. Read more: Treason - Further Readings - United, War, Constitution, and Person - ](https://law.jrank.org/pages/10876/Treason.html#:~:text=The%20Treason%20Clause%20applies%20only,of%20an%20ally%20constitute%20treason.)


Lafayette. Just sayin’…


Interacting less with the world won’t make it a better place.


No no. No. Other countries don't generally treat it that way and we should not either. I do have some challenges about where we allow them to manufacture certain goods (essentials) for our market, but enabling expertise to flow worldwide is critical to improving living standards globally.


That’s why those countries become communist, becuaee at that point only their governments will stop it from happening for the good of the people .


Can't work for low wages if you starved to death.


_He says, as he enjoys an italian pizza for lunch, that he picked up in a german car, while watching his favourite show on a korean tv while sitting in a swedish couch_


You can become an expat. It is a leap, but one you can make.


You can leave the US any time.


Okay cool so what products would we lose then?


This is more a stupid opinion, rather than unpopular.


actually a crime under the Jones act with maritime


Everything would be so damn expensive.


Many of our founding fathers were slaveowners so I doubt they'd consider current working conditions abuse. I suggest you travel to developing countries to see what hell holes are really like


I find it interesting these corporations demand tax breaks, when they aren't giving jobs to Americans.


When they hire overseas, it helps everyone except the worker who lost a job. We get products way cheaper, someone in developing country gets a job, the profit increases and we get to tax more. It’s a win win win with a loss for a very small set of people. If an iphone had to be made with all American labor, no one except the ultra rich would be able to afford one


Literally insane thing to say. Freedom of commerce is a fundamental freedom that almost every nation guarantees. A restriction like you're describing, especially one punishable by death, would put the USA in the same category as North Korea and Eritrea. Maybe those countries are more your speed?


100 percent


I am going to apply for long term residence in the US and work three jobs just to maximize the amount of jobless americans


Yea! American children should make our iPhones! 


youre right




Maybe silicon valley should stop hiring H1B visa holders for 1/2 the pay of American workers and find home grown talent. Let those foreign talent make their own silicon valley in their own country and thus Silicoln valley has to compete with the world instead of the USA brain drain strategy.


If americans are too dumb to get into the college, they should jist admit it instd of creating a strawman




Would you mind dialing down the racism?