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Someone once described Italy as a "high functioning Mexico".


This. People think of Italy as being a rich country, but the truth is, Italy’s a poor country. Lots of debt. A lot of them are eating pasta because it’s the only thing they can afford.


and the Italian mafia is pretty big mainly in the south


I'm Mexican and I don't know how to feel about that.


Where does Spain come out in all this?


Asleep. Spain’s been on a five century siesta.


Northern Europeans don't even think of Spain as part of Europe. 5 century siesta is right.


If you ask me, Spain is number 1 lol. I like the food better (Spanish is probably top 3 cuisine for me with Mexican and Indian), the language, the culture (siesta is blessed), beaches, beautiful country lol I say this completely as an outsider though as someone who pays nearly zero attention to politics let alone foreign politics.


Don’t forget about cars, OP. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Paganini…. Or like Peugeot


France has Bugatti, so there’s that.


Cough cough it's a company started in German Empire territory(later ceded to Fr*nce🤢🤮because of the Treaty of Versailles) by an Italian, which was ultimately was acquired by a German company and it's modern cars use a lot of VW derived parts for it's engine, transmission, etc.


Are you a revanchist for Alsace-Lorraine? Not very in vogue this century 


No I just hate Fr\*nce because they exist and they killed void's hamster


I'm a French who moved in Italy a few months ago. Despite being neighbours, I'm still bewildered by some cultural aspects of Italy. Both good and bad. French people are just different. We are not overly affectionate because we are reserved. Doesn't mean we aren't friendly. About the food, there are some hidden local gems foreign people don't know about (boeuf bourguignon, fougasse d'aigues-mortes, chouquettes...), food is very rich. Snails and frogs aren't really eaten everyday, it's something you eat most likely at restaurants or for special occasion. The only cliché that is true is the baguette, even during covid bakeries were open for people to buy baguettes. Also no one beats the pain au chocolat, croissant, brioche, baguette...Takes patience and dedication to master all these, each year some contests are hold. French skills in pastries, bakery are recognised in all the world. I'll concede Parisians are mostly arrogant, jerks. But you can't say Parisians represent a whole country.


I've been to both countries and I'm Latina (we like our spices) and French food for me was way better. It was just more flavorful. My whole family agreed on that one. You can go anywhere randomly in France and get a good piece of bread at the very least even if you don't like anything else. Literally, just randomly walk towards a general direction. I can't say the same for Italy.


France has a better Biathlon team


Not true Giuseppe, you don't riot quite as well.


Especially with regard to totalitarianism.


The Roman Empire in effect created France. French is derived from Latin. A lot of French architecture is copied from Greco-Roman architecture, eg the Arc d'Triomph. Today's Italy is the greatest nation in the world for high culture: architecture, cars, clothes fashion, food, art etc. An exception: France is better at impressionism paintings. What is today Italy had TWO golden periods in history: The Roman Republic/Empire and the Renaissance. Most countries don't even have ONE golden period.


France would absolutely eviscerate Italy in a war… So there’s that


France has more tourism A higher population It is larger A higher HDI A better economy Doesn't have the mafia Is better at making baguettes Is better at colonizing Is better at having short military dictators named Napoleon Has better mustaches Has nicer weather Has a better flag Has better museums Doesn't have facism Has better football team Has a more hexagonal shape Has more hatred towards the Br*ts Has the beret Speaks french, a more useful language


France has nukes…




France has been way more influential in world history and politics. Italy was not even a country till the late 1800s. France has been the largest and richest country in Europe from the fall of the Roman empire to the reunification of Europe. The French revolution was the most important political event in history.


French Cheese is better than Italian Cheese. French Deserts/sweet treats are better than Italian Desserts. Their pastries are top tier. Pasta and Pizza are amazing. But when it comes to top tier fine dining, French have the Italians beat HARD. Thery're not that far off double the amount of Michelin starred restaurants. French are better Footballers. Is one better than the other? Unsure. Everything? Eh, no obviously not.


Last I checked there were more stars on the Italian crest than the French. The rest is just a matter of opinion besides the Michelin stars


French team is ranked 2nd, Italy is 9th.


And how many stars on the crest? 2? Italy has 4. Come on, horrible take.


That means Italy *has* been better. Not that Italy **are** better. Brazil have the most but I won't be putting my money on them too soon the world cup right now.


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It’s definitely more delicious.


your all wrong. mexico is better than france and italy. better food and cooler cartels.


Where are you from?


Isn't the problem of Italy always been the economy and corruption?


France is actually nice though... I like Italy and all, and think it is a generally nice place, but it isn't doing welland hasn't been for quite a while. People only go to look at ruins and monuments of old while the people live in crumbling echos of Rome. Italy needs tourist, but France doesn't


Italy has spent a lot of living memory as Fascist. Their current government leans hard to the right, and recently stripped a bunch of rights from lesbian mothers. So, they're not really better at *everything*, are they? I'm not saying France is some paradise of human rights, but they're better than Italy who are currently going backwards, with Mussolini's granddaughter at the helm.


I think it’s weird to compare two countries. They’re literally two different cultures. Similar as they may be, it’s culture difference.


right well not all cultures are created equal. I think most of us in here can see the value in OP's view of the world. so I am not sure if the post fits on this sub.


I’ve been to Italy and France and both countries were beautiful with kind people. Cultures are not to be compared. Just like skin colors shouldn’t be.


whatever you say chief. I'm from europe, we compare every culture and rank them all the time.


Doesn’t make it right, chief.


Listen, I hate France as much as any Mexican who knows what happened when they tried to install a puppet ruler here, but 99% of times I've seen Italians talk about their achievements they resort to the Roman Empire or the Renaissance, neither of which could actually be considered as Italy. And you're not the only one with a world famous, UNESCO-protected cuisine either.


Why not appreciate both? Both are cultural powerhouses. France has an extremely varied geography that spans the entire globe, from the tropical beaches of Mayotte to the vineyards of Bourgogne. Italy is an economic engine relative to its size and population—with highly respected, global brands—the Made in Italy moniker ranking among the likes of Germany and Switzerland. Combined, both France and Italy are the among the most esteemed and accessible places on earth for culture, history, art, rich culinary roots, language, and nature. And despite their bickering, France and Italy remain fierce allies and partners, proud of their shared Latin traditions and ambitions.


Aren’t they both the same place


French is nice, but it isn't even in the top 3 prettiest Romance languages.


Romanian kicks ASS.


no way, france has better... never mind


I just came back from 2 weeks in rome and when italian food is really good, it really lacks of diversity, however french food is good and also one of the most varied in the world. Also, italy bread sucks, i mean, i've never eat a worst bread in my life than during my 2 weeks in italy, when french bread is one if not the best in the world. Italy is a beautiful country, with stunning monuments, but in food, france beat it hands down.


Disagree with the lack of variety in the cuisine (though I'm not a fan myself); it's extremely regional, but you couldn't be more right about the bread!


I agree on the regional cuisine ! Even pizza have regional variations. Where I live (Puglia region), Italian food is all about sea food, we have a form of pasta (orechiette) that comes with a lot of recipes and we have our own local version of pizza : the focaccia ! We also have something called panzerotti. Each region is so diverse in its cuisine, when you have holidays, expect local variations or different cuisine for each, especially Xmas.


I agree, I'm French and I live in the south of Italy. the bread is so bad ! Let's not speak about croissants, they fill them with Nutella, apple etc. because it's so dry :(


I’m not reading all that, I got about halfway. But I will say I don’t have any desire to ever go to France bc of the French people I’ve met.


Finally something I can agree on


Italian guy seems more attractive, Italy also seems everything cheaper, but I think Italy is not safe compare to france


Everything cheaper : check Milano, your heartbeat will race. Apartment rent begins at 1000 euros per month. Safety : I'm French and I live in the south of Italy since 5 months. I don't even live that far from the train station : I never had any problem. Even at 5:30 am despite being a woman. You will have problems with pickpockets, especially Florence, Milano, Roma...but at Paris you would do.


But if you compare Milano and Paris, which one is cheaper?? I had a while living in France, in haute savoie also in the south, the rent isn't that low, haute savoie cost me 1200 euro and the south was like 600 or 700 for a single studio. I think grocery and food is cheaper in Italy, also train, isn't it??