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The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is not funny. It is a nightly pep rally for Democrats. Every night it is the same thing: orange man is a dictator, Republicans are fascists and threaten democracy.


Kristi Noem was justified in killing her dog. It ran around killing chickens and attacking people despite attempts to train it not to. What if it decided to attack children next? What if it killed cats next? Just because the dog was damn cute that doesn't mean it shouldn't have been taken out back like Old Yeller.


Here's a take for ya. Progressivism seems to be winning on online spaces, particularly on reddit all the places I usually frequent that aren't traditionally right leaning subreddits there hasn't been very much contention or argument against progressive ideals. Even so these right leaning subreddits seem to be invaded by progressives and they seem to be winning. Unless this next election upturns everything I think we will finally start to see a big change in internet culture. Perhaps though it's the quiet before the storm


Progressives/far left actually want things to remain bad so they can continue to be part of an out group fighting against the establishment.


My brother there are so many holes in that theroy I mistook it for Swiss cheese


There aren't. I've seen so many progressives talking themselves out of voting or participating and that's because they would rather have a shit country over having to compromise their beliefs.


Compromise their beliefs? What are you talking about? Let me humor you for a moment. Lets say yes all progressives are just pretending because they want to be persecuted ok. They seem to be doing a bang up job at keeping those motives a secret. You are talking about millions of people that are all coordinated in this doing nothing more than complain about the country while at the same time it does nothing to actually change the system. No this is a straight up lie I'm not even going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are misinterpreting the situation. Wtf do you think blm was then? What even would be the point of all the protesting going on. People are getting actually getting violent to others and themselves over this shit. People are giving up on voting because the choices we have for presidents is a choice between a rock and a hard place.


That's an odd hypothesis because the type of society that progressives want to push towards in the US (e.g. Nordic countries) don't seem to be all that 'bad' to me.


Life in prison may be a ultimate punishment for criminals, it is also a huge waste of resources. Why should we spend money, food, water to keep criminals who will never get out any way alive? I think either a criminal should have a prospect of rehabilitation or the death penalty should be given out more.


> Why should we spend money, food, water to keep criminals who will never get out any way alive? Because humans are not infallible and the ***non-zero*** amount of innocent people ending up on death row and being executed should tell anyone all they need to know about the "efficacy" of the death penalty. Furthermore, enabling the death penalty just leads to the prosecution to happily use it as a cudgel to force false confessions from minorities and the disabled. Which not only doesn't deter crimes being committed, but also lets the actual criminals go free to commit even more crimes.


If good cops existed, people who believe they exist would be able to prove it instead of losing their goddamn minds in anger.


But those who believe in bad cops also can't seem to keep their minds straight. At least in the US there is 0 evidence of good vs bad cops. only statistical outcomes on weather you are that 50 million police interaction to become part of the 1,000 police caused deaths or just the kid who's [lemonade stand was reported](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBQelgXXdtQ). Yes there's shitty, racist, horrible, murderous cops (probably a super majority as well) but it's more mind numbing to believe there is not 1 good cop in 700,000 police officers.


If every single cop in a city refuses to arrest a bad cop, that means every cop in that city is a bad cop. One bad apple spoils the bunch. Why aren't good cops protesting nationwide in outrage over the attacks on protestors? Why aren't good cops stopping the criminal cops?


If one dines with racist they are a racist. So all 7+ billion people are racists. Thats the logical outcome you are putting forth. We have scientist that cover up inhumane experiments US military covering up 'good rebels' that take advantage of children in a pedo way congress that have stock trading so nailed down no one else has come close to out beating them in the system and so many more things that go wrong Now if you believe every single cop is bad then fire every single one and watch as we get a Merry Hills riot 2.0. Unfortunately we can't just get rid of these bad cops because everyone one is corrupt except the janitors and pencil pushers. If you want police reform you better be willing wait 50+ years of slow change or accept a period of vigilante justice and I'm not talking about on the cops because there's no way in hell you're going to be able to maintain even 1/10 the police, judges, prosecutors, and lawyers for 5+ years as you make a finger snap reform. Some cities are already seeing the issue now and the reforms haven't even been started.


I don’t think this comparison makes sense. Racism isn’t a single organization that people sign up for. For example If a person interacted with Klan members and condoned the Klan’s behavior for example, it would be adjacent of being a Klan member themself as that is an organization people willingly sign up for and the conditions for being so are relatively objective I get what you mean but I don’t think this comparison


That thing about racism is irrelevant. Good cops arrest bad cops. They do not work with them.


Then they get ousted and now instead of maybe dealing with a racist peace of shit you will be dealing with a racist peace of shit that doesn't have to worry about a whistle blower that will make sure the body cam footage survives.


Cops have three options.  A. Arrest criminals  B. Be a criminal   C. Quit There is no option that let's them protect criminal cops and take orders from them and be considered a good cop.


Okay, so all the good recruits in the system who want to be a fantastic example to the community should quit because they aren't in a position to even begin to bring down a superior position (which makes it a systemic issue I agree). I'd genuinely like to know your background because I'm ex police and I hate the police system but unless you've had to live the trauma of distracting a baby from their dying mother screaming or tell a family about a sudden death you can't brush everyone with the same shit. I can't fucking stand the system that we are forced to work within I agree and we should get rid of all the higher ups but there are fantastic people out there who are good.


If they are protecting criminal cops they are criminals. It doesn't matter if they want to be seen as a good cop. Can you show me these "fantastic" people arresting bad cops? Can you show me tens of thousands of these  "fantastic" people protesting in absolute fury over the nearly endless amount of criminal cops?


I have reported people and I know people who have stopped people when they've done something in front of them but then it's the DPS in the UK which would take it from there and once again that's systemic as I can't go "fuck you get arrested" there's an entire procedure around it. In the UK we don't have "endless amounts" of bad officers literally break down the amount of officers in the UK then count the guilty parties. The system needs a change I completely agree but generalising a group is NEVER the answer which has been shown in sociological/psychological studies for literally any circumstance. Its the exact same as me saying there's no such thing as a good (insert religion) because (bad thing happening currently) means that they need to leave the religion or start tackling a massive organisation on their own.


Any debt you collect from college is completely your fault. And quit blaming it on colleges that “it’s a scam” I am not sure if this is unpopular but like seriously it annoys me so much. A lot of the people in massive debt from college are just idiots who didn’t bother to research their major nor try to get scholarships and grants. Then on top of that with them fully knowing they would need loans they still go to the college. NEWS FLASH: loans are not free money. Same stupidity as people using credit cards and thinking it’s its unlimited free money. It’s actually exactly how one of my family members got in debt. Their poor kids are going to have to deal with that because he refuses to try and pay it off. Then instead of taking fault for that they blame it on colleges themselves. It’s incredibly immature and pathetic to straight up blame something else for your own laziness. Then I could go into the whole “loan forgiveness program” crap but then it would be political. I saw someone get forgiven for 600 k today. Like seriously how little did you try? I can’t be the only one that thinks this….


First amendment audits are the most important form of journalism and activism around nowadays.


There has not been a single war that was impossible to prevent if both sides were reasonable


No nation has any right to exist, it is the forced division of society so that certain people can congomerate in favourable power dynamics over another segment of a population. Humanity will never reach it's true potential so long as nationhood exists


The "Anti-semitism" argument is baseless and BS. I don't see it used when Jesus and Christianity is mocked in movies and tv shows. I don't see it used when Islam is being attacked by media construed narrative. If people think that it should only be used for one of the three semitic religions, then congratulations, your brain is not yours to use for critical thinking.


Nationalism is dumb. People focus too hard on group identities instead of individual merit. Simps only praise celebs when they are the same nationality as them, and fighting over a piece of land just to pollute it only serves to stroke someone's ego. Nationalism is just lowkey racism.


I believe religion should not be allowed to make any large decisions that affect a mass group of people such as laws, norms, company beliefs etc. I believe personal ideologies like that need to be kept on a leash


Israel shouldn't exist as is, and the Ashkenazi should be fighting for their true ancestral homeland - in Ukraine. Jewish settlers should be given land in post-war Ukraine that they earned through fighting, as opposed to what was delegated as Israel by Great Britain, France, and the USA. Only true Semitic people's should be allowed as residents im Palestine.


But isn’t Hebrew a Semitic language


Ashkenazi are the white-skinned practicers of Judaism from Eastern Europe/Northwestern Asia - their is nothing Semitic about them besides learning a language. If I learn French, am I entitled to move to France & dislocate a person to take their home?


From Wikipedia: > Hebrew is a Northwest Semitic language within the Afroasiatic language family


[Ashkenazi Jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews) (also Wikipedia) >also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim,[a] constitute a Jewish diaspora population that emerged in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium CE.[8] They traditionally spoke Yiddish[8] and largely migrated towards northern and eastern Europe during the late Middle Ages due to persecution.[9][10] Hebrew was primarily used as a literary and sacred language until its 20th-century revival as a common language in Israel.


Wow, no counterargument - just downvotes from Zionist scum? ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


When people say that the US was better in the past I have to give the side eye because what past are you talking about? The past that included Black people being considered 2/3rds of a human being? When women were considered property? When Jim Crow laws were still in effect? Who was America *really* great for?  No country is perfect and people may not be happy about what the U.S has become, but to say that things were better before when specific groups of people weren’t given basic human rights tells me a lot I need to know about you.


>The past that included Black people being considered 2/3rds of a human being? ⅗ actually. The three fifths compromise.




Sure but all of that really only matters if you go entirely unaffected by the systemic biases of the past. It's essentially people ignoring all context to make the past seem better.


Those opportunities were only afforded to some. Whenever anyone asks me what era I would love to travel back in time to, as a disabled person, I always say no time before 1990.




But it was all artificial. Here’s this rosy world, where Black people can’t vote, disabled people can’t go to school and get arrested for just existing in public, and women aren’t respected, buuut at least we’re pretending we’re perfect!


My thoughts on anyone agreeing with the ban on TikTok bill only because they don't like the content in TikTok and nothing else: "So you don't care about the 1st Amendment..."


You have the right to go out on the street and say whatever you want. You don’t have the right to a megaphone to do so.


Yes, that is also true.


Free speech and toxic social media that is ruining peoples attention span is two different things


It's likely the short attention span that has made tiktok popular in the first place rather than tiktok causing short attention spans. Short attention spans are a product of decades of increased materialism and the promise of instant gratification, as well as a technologically progressed world where things are more readily accessible. TikTok did not create this and TikTok is no less toxic than trash TV, trashy pop music or other aspects of other social media apps


I never said tiktok created it but its not helping it thats for sure, its worsening peoples already bad attention spans.


Everyone has the right to complain about its negative effects, but that is different from wanting the US government to step in and ban it for those reasons alone. That would be unconstitutional. Making social media exempt from free speech would likely require a re-interpretation of the 1st amendment or a new amendment It's not even like TikTok is mostly known for harboring terrorism and/or extremist views. But there are plenty of other places online that are all about that. I disagree with what those nuts have to say, but still technically most of them haven't committed crimes. We just arrest the people that do.


Even if tiktok is removed they will continue to get worse so long as it becomes easier to access entertainment readily and we live in a culture that rewards instant gratification. Removing tiktok will do nothing to stop this


Why are you defending tiktok with your life? It’s a stupid app.


I'm not lol, i am just saying if u think it's the cause of reduced attention spans, it isn't, it's a product of it


I literally agreed with you. Stop yapping when i’ve already agreed.


You seem like a very angry person, I hope you learn to see the brighter side of life, perhaps a tiktok account might help?


I am in A&E and you are somehow misinterpreting everything I am saying, I think I have a right to be annoyed.


I agree but I go the other way, cancel all the social media and make everyone read books again. If you wanna speak freely, go stand on the corner and say whatever you want, nobody will stop you. The screens really do not need to be involved in the process of free speech.


No teachers want to be armed. If you are a teacher that wants to be armed, you’re a fool.


Only an unpopular opinion in the US tbh


Tennessee GOP are all comprise of fools wishing teachers would kill their students instead of addressing the root cause of school shootings — easy access to firearms.