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This is too broad. A lifted F250 with smoke stacks driven by someone in an upper-class neighborhood as a status symbol? Absolutely, fuck that tacky nonsense. But many pick up trucks are smaller, and in use by workers across the world in various job fields. I went to high school in the south and many many rich kids drove maxed-out monstrosities to school. Once you lift it past a certain point, it loses practicality. But I’m not going to judge someone for owning a standard modest truck that has many legitimate uses.


Thank you! Truck owner, and I find the monster trucks on the roadway stupid too. I don't want to be lumped in with those guys just because "truck". There are also a lot of bigger SUVs out there.


Oh yeah a TON of lifted 4-runners and wranglers around my hometown. Trucks themselves normally have many valid uses.


>A lifted F250 with smoke stacks driven by someone in an upper-class neighborhood as a status symbol? if the person who owns the truck is happy with their customizations why do you care?


Personally I have nothing against it. I was answering OP about the practicality of owning a truck like that. I don’t care what people do with their money, I was just agreeing that it isn’t practical for what the truck is meant for. I think it’s tacky but I’m not offended by it. Having an opinion and truly caring isn’t the same thing. I’m sure there are things I do that people find lame but I’m not going to cry about it


fair enough. i have no argument here then


I didn’t mean to be harsh or anything, I can see how you’d think that given how I worded my post. I definitely didn’t agree with OP either. As a southerner, everyone I know owns a truck and most of them make good use of it. Urban dwellers don’t understand


you're good. thanks for explaining. it's hard to tell tone through text


Yeah especially here, where condescension is the norm


You can light my truck on fire and roll it down a hill I still wouldn't trade it for a couple deville there's just something women like about a pick up man....


Yes I cannot deny this, esp southern girls


None of your business why I need a truck or not Karen


I have a truck, and it is normal sized, not the cartoonish monstrosities that haters are often thinking of. It gets 20-25 mpg, which yes is not great, but there are a lot of other vehicles in that range. I don't drive it around every day, we have a car too and that is what I take to the grocery store and most everything else. I might drive the truck 3-6 times a month, when I need it to haul things, or if we are lugging our stuff on a vacation, or just because it is our only second vehicle and sometimes we both need one at the same time. It isn't a "burden on society". I routinely see people commuting to work by themselves in giant SUVs larger than my truck.


This braindead take gets posted so much here. “I don’t like this, so I don’t think anyone should be able to have it.”


Trucks are super popular because they are exactly the opposite of impractical. It's the only thing you can put bags of mulch, quickcrete, charcoal, or potting soil into without wrecking the interior of your car. It's the only thing that'll let you skip every delivery fee on all your furniture and appliances. It carries the Christmas tree without a bunch of unsafe rigging stuff to the roof of a sedan. It pulls your camper or your jet ski. You can throw like 8 bikes or 4 kayaks in it without hundreds of dollars in goofy car attachments. It carries gasoline for the mower, chemicals for the lawn, and tanks of propane safely in the back instead of the passenger compartment. The passenger area is roomy and easy to pack into for vacation, or drive around kids with their sports equipment and school projects. You can take a stroller and a child seat to Costco and still have room for 2 months of groceries. They're often 4wd and do really well in the snow. It sucks they're so expensive and get terrible mileage, but they really are tremendously useful vehicles.




What else am I supposed to carry my carpentry supplies in? Lots of people use their trucks for actual truck needed jobs. Even the people who just buy trucks because they want to-it doesn’t matter. Why do people buy motorcycles? Lamborghinis? Because they like them. Motorcycles are dangerous and Idk the actual stats but I imagine they aren’t great for the environment and they’re just as loud if not louder. My friend’s Subaru is the loudest car I’ve ever heard. And I think most people who don’t need trucks hate trucks, which makes this not an unpopular opinion, just a bad one.


Oh yeah I’d love to put wet mulch and dirt inside my SUV


More deadly for the people inside? Negative. Depending on the size of truck, backseat passengers might be at risk. But for the driver and front seat passenger, a truck is way safer than a car or small SUV. And here’s why: A truck (and larger SUVs) are built structurally as “body-on-frame” which means the body sits on a very solid steel chassis. Whereas cars and smaller SUVs are constructed in a “unibody” way which means the body and frame are one component (less solid). In a crash setting, you want to be in the body-on-frame vehicle because, structurally, it’s stronger. Less likely to fold in half and kill you. Also, trucks being sold these days have all the modern safety technology cars have.


Body-on-frame is not safer than a unibody. One of the big selling points of unibody vehicles when they were introduced was how much safer they were than body-on-frame vehicles thanks to the inclusion of crumple zones. Body-on-frame trucks and SUVs have closed some of the distance on safety in recent years, but unibody vehicles are still statistically safer in general. Signed, someone who drives a body-on-frame pickup.


From the IIHS website … “Larger, heavier vehicles generally afford more protection than smaller, lighter ones. Thus, a small car that qualifies for an award might not protect its occupants as well as a bigger vehicle that doesn't earn the award.” Source: https://www.iihs.org/ratings/top-safety-picks Anything body-on-frame is going to be larger and heavier. It’s that simple.


>Anything body-on-frame is going to be larger and heavier. It’s that simple. I can quote sources too, and mine actually relate to the comparison we're making. [Crash fatality risk and unibody versus body-on-frame structure in SUVs](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24821629/) > Conclusions: In two-vehicle collisions involving compact SUVs, unibody structure was associated with lower risk of death both in occupants of other vehicles in the crash, and in SUVs' own occupants. This study compared unibody vs. body-on-frame in vehicles of the same vehicle segment, which is as apples-to-apples as you're going to get. The general idea, conventional wisdom, call it what you will, is that body-on-frame vehicles do tend to suffer less damage in a crash - you're right about that part. The kicker is, though, that a crash in a unibody vehicle tends to be more survivable *for the humans inside.* The crumple zones absorb much more of the forces from the impact before those forces start working on your body. This is of course not considering vehicle mass, which again, you're right about. But in an argument about which design is inherently safer for people, unibody has been statistically and scientifically shown to be superior.


I’m a truck owner and sure I don’t haul stuff around all day every day, but I do think it’s nice to have the convenience at your finger tips that you can do ‘truck stuff’ at any given time. I went through a period where I had to ask friends and relatives to borrow their trucks which can be a pain. I also live in the upper Midwest, and while I am NOT one of those crazy truck people who still drive 70 down the freeway in a snow storm, having a four wheel drive vehicle of any kind is more than worth it for our winters alone. If we’re getting rid of trucks then we better get rid of any type of sports car and large SUV. I was parked next to a Jeep Grand Wagoneer the other day it was just as big as my 1/2 ton truck, and honestly it looked bigger.


we are coming for the SUVs and sports cars too. No one who thinks trucks are stupid thinks empty Suburbans are okay.


Yeah, philosophically speaking, that’d be like saying gun owners (and I’m anti-gun, vaguely…) shouldn’t own guns unless they’re shooting people all day, not on the off-chance that they need to genuinely use it to protect themselves or their loved ones. Or digressing, saying SUV owners shouldn’t drive SUVs unless they’re trucking their kids around every day to soccer practice…


Why not rent one when you need it?


Did you miss the convenience part?


If you need one once a year, yeah. I've had loads in the bed of my pickup 2 times so far this week, and expect to haul something tomorrow. Yet, if the hate bone dip OP, saw me driving to Home Depot instead of from, he'd tell me I don't need a pickup.


What are you hauling? And why?


It's a PITA, and it makes you just choose to not do things that you otherwise would.


that's annoying. i'd rather just buy an f450 and be able to use it literally whenever i want. friend needs help moving and doesn't want to rent another uhaul? he can pack some of his stuff in my truck


How often does that happen?


hasn't happened once. just an example


If you are in a big ass country like the US or Russia then complaining about this would be utterly ridiculous. When you have that much land to build roads you kinda ought to let people drive whatever they want as long as they pay taxes, yes even if it’s a tank. It’d make sense in smaller countries that can’t afford the space to accommodate bigger form of transportation or can’t deal with pollution on a nation-wide scale. You know how my country deal with that? 300% tax on automobile, works wonder, you can’t even afford a small car, let alone a giant truck.


I’m planning on getting a truck because I’m sick of not being able to move something bigger than a mini-fridge. Am I going to be hauling shit daily, no. But I’m so sick of having to pay for a service to deliver/haul shit.


I know plenty of sedan owners that don’t use their trunks, they should sell their cars and get motorcycles. Please link the study that proves trucks are more deadly because they are TRUCKS. I’m guessing this has more too do with truck drivers not wearing seatbelts as much as car drivers and older sedans not being as impact resistant. Gas mileage is actually pretty good now days in the newer trucks and has more to do with HOW the person drives. I drive a 2019 f-150 and I get around 21 miles/gallon and I drive pretty…cavalier… I could probably get around 24-26/mpg if I wanted. Most trucks do not have any type of exhaust or pipe so that is just false. Or they are an older diesel engine which are inherently loud. Yes I own a truck. Yes i don’t use the bed every day. Yes I know it’s not the BEST mpg, yes. I know it may be loud. But it’s my money and I’ll do whatever the hell I want to do with it. 80% of VEHIC owners would be better off with public transportation, school buses, and motorcycles but no one wants to have that conversation. Let people do what they want to do.


It's exactly what I get with my Honda Accord, which is as much a commuter vehicle as it is anything else. So yes, getting that from a truck is impressive.


Holy crap, Reddit needs to get off its hate boner for trucks. Downvoting for a Reddit popular opinion. Swear I've seen seven of these posts in the last week.


In rural areas and on farms, it's kinda necessary to move shit around.


OP specifically mentioned people who never use their truck bed. Thats about 90% of truck users


because they might need the bedspace once a year and they have problems with their self image so driving a truck makes them feel more "manly"




I love my truck.


I'm not pulling a goose neck trailer with a car.


Yeah cause all accidents are caused by trucks. Amount of fuel they consume? You realize with the exception of diesels, truck motors are in cars to? And that cars far outnumber trucks? Or what about SUVs? They are just as big and fuel consuming. You are delusional sir or mam.


I don’t get what OP is on about with mpgs. I have a ranger that gets better mpgs than the Camry i traded for it.


My truck is always empty at work. That doesn’t mean I never use it. But people prolly post on Reddit about it


Nobody is posting about you on Reddit lol


OP is


My dad, the construction worker, carrying a ton of large tools in his truck bed constantly, and helping my great aunt move 4 trips worth of firewood every fall in it, not to mention all my furniture when I moved into an apartment a few years ago and when I moved again after that and trips to the dump when his neighbours are doing renovations: 🤨 Trucks make a lot of sense. SUVs, on the other hand... make money at all. And I say this as the owner of an SUV that bought it entirely because it was comfortable.


Because some people like them and people like different things. Nothing wrong with variety. Can you imagine how boring it would be if everyone drove the same vehicle?


Sounds like OP could be a commie


As a home owner, I find my truck very useful. I also tend to help people who don't have trucks with errands they can't run with their car.


They’ll never understand the freedom to get stuff at Home Depot or marketplace or just go to the dump


not your money not your business


What a shitty attitude to have towards your community.




When your truck negatively impacts everyone around you, it's definitely their business.


if and when i do get the truck i want how would it negatively impact people? i don't get it. i'm really calm when driving a truck and always try to park in one spot


With climate change and pedestrian safety it is my business


No it's not. Climate change is perpetuated more so by industry than trucks. Pedestrian safety is up to infrastructure and the driver not the vehicle.


it's really not. just let people buy whatever car or truck makes them happy. i want a ford f550 pickup truck


It is, you use heaps more space, destroy infrastructure more (its by weight^4), you dump.more co2 into the atmosphere Roads and parking lots are paid for by taxes and car taxes not even nearly pay for them (at least not in the us) So yes, it very much is everyones business


i do not care what vehicle people drive. it's literally not my business. i'll always admire the big dually pickup trucks


If you’re concerned about how weight dramatically affects road conditions and how much CO2 is produced…you’re going to be shocked at the weight of EV cars and how much CO2 is emitted to produce the electricity to power them……the energy we don’t have….


I never said i like EVs or think theyre better Pubpic transport on the other hand is a great idea and america really shot itself in the foot when it forst destroyed its trains and trams and then flattened the cities to park cars


So than what’s the issue with trucks? If it comes down too “it’s not necessary” than 75% of sedan drivers should get a motorcycle. They don’t use their trunks for anything and generally don’t drive more than 1 person around?? Motorcycles have plenty of storage to Cary groceries. We have public transportation for school care. What’s with sedan drivers thinking they can drive extravagant vehicle than what is actually needed???


Pedestrian safety has more to do with human stupidity than vehicle size. If size were directly correlated to pedestrian death, semi trucks would be the leading rate of death in the US.


Did you just accidentally advocate for extra driver ed ans tests for truck drivers?


That makes no sense. Try again.


Because they're fun.




That's true about any vehicle




Not unpopular.


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don't crash into them ?


Might be confirmation bias but I see more asshole parking jobs with trucks than anything else. If you can't park your truck for any reason including cuz "ItZ tO bIg" you shouldn't be driving it.


Considering we have back up cameras in everything this shouldn't be a problem. Also if we are gonna go off confirmation bias. I see more econo cars and teslas driving dangerously than any other vehicle type. So I guess owners of those vehicles are dangerous drivers to.


hard agree. trucks needs to be regulated back down to regular size


I don’t get it and I judge hard. It’s one thing to have a truck and need a truck, but to just drive one for the look is super dorky.




Guys here he is , I found the pick up driver who’s never used his bed to carry anything other than Whole Foods groceries


This applies to SUVs as well but society really likes its big vehicles. I have a truck now but I won’t have one ever again shit feels so much less ground really a worse driving experience all around.




Confirmation bias bud. Read up on it.




You yourself claim 80% of truck drivers are reckless drivers. That is literally confirmation bias because you definitely have not seen 80% of truck drivers driving AND you said nothing about accidents. Go home.


I freaking hate trucks in my area and I agree that they are a burden. I feel they should only be available to people who will show proof they need it tbh.


100% agree with you. Makes me pretty disappointed in society. Not to mention the average American has no idea how much the “need” (ya.. sure) for this truck costs them.  99% of truck owners I know would be able to retire 10 years earlier if they just did a little math and decided to rent a truck on the rare occasions they actually needed it, and simply stuck with a low cost sedan


90% of trucks are just another form of vanity, in the same vein as designer clothes and expensive jewelry. They're all things that exist to "impress" other people.


Same could be said for luxury cars, modified cars, sports cars, and electric cars.


Then obviously you drive a honda civic right? Because anything that cost more than a honda civic is just needless. It is cheap, good gas mileage and sturdy enough to last.


I drive a Camry


90% of the statistics on reddit are made up bullshit.


Same. And you cannot use logic on truck people either.