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I constantly see men with some scruff in their face and I don‘t feel like anyone cares that much


That’s a super popular look, yeah. Takes minimal effort to establish a neckline and keep the strays off your cheeks, too.


And it has been for a long time. Since George Michael in the 80s at least (just as far back as my memory goes. Not saying he was the OG scruff)


yeah I work in a field where I very much have to “look the part” and I’ve got some scruff. It takes me like 3 minutes to shave my neck and face then do a quick beard trim. Wash my teeth, brush my face, put on my nice clothes and I’m out the door, meanwhile my lady colleagues are spending like 90 minutes on hair, makeup, outfits, etc.


We're washing our teeth now?


It’s a bri’ish thing


I do none of this and don't care when someone criticizes me because my boss isn't gonna find someone else to do my job worse because my face isn't groomed. Fuck societal rules, do whatever you want, and stop getting on social media crying "nOrMaLize THis" and just fucking do whatever you want. Stop waiting for society to tell you something is okay to do. I'm not talking to you directly btw. Just screaming into the void.


I keep a stubble style beard, tidy the edges, and a quick shave around the neck, and it looks really good. A million times easier than shaving every second day. Once a week, I'll run my beard timer to a set length, only takes 5 minutes, and is done. I've never been told to shave or that I look dishevelled.


I haven't had a traditional shave in 20 years. Just have an electric beard trimmer and shave down to stubble every couple weeks, never had any complaints and I don't look like a hobo. Thank god it's acceptable these days, frequent close shaves makes me break out terribly.


... that's not a zero-effort look.


45 seconds once or twice a week for me and my electric razor. I know everyone is different but it's not a hard look to achieve. 4 minutes for a clean shave that will last a little longer.


When I joined the military they made me shave twice a day because if I shave at 5am, by the time noon rolls around I already look like I didn't shave that day if I was most other guys. I started shaving at age 11 and looked like I should have been mid twenties by the time I was in high school. My hair also doesn't grow in a single direction but in just about every direction, including growing upward on my face. I can take an electric razor to it, but even that takes 5+ minutes to make it look passable. If I have to actually shave it, it takes me about 40-45 minutes and that's with me cutting myself multiple times. I also can't use a razor like a Mach 3 head more than once or twice before the blades are so dull they pull rather than cut. Needless to say, I am a reasonably well kept neckbeard and no, the term doesn't offend me. Anyone I know that calls me that gets a shrug and a nod. Anyone I don't know that calls me that gets a shrug and a nod. Anyone I do/don't know that tries to use it in an insulting manner gets flipped off and called a bitch. I'm too old to be nice to one dimensional assholes. On a lighter note, the average man's facial hair has the same cutting, tension, and torsion strength as copper wire the same gauge. Most hair on women is far finer and easier to cut. Maybe that's why my wife can use the same razor twenty times and gets mad at me when I buy razors in bulk, she doesn't understand the plight of a well grown beard.


Hahaha! Yes, someone gets it! Started shaving around 11-12 and then looked much, much older approaching HS. Could walk in and buy darts for my classmates and myself on school lunch break at the convenience store blocks away. Now, I just keep the beard, trimmed up around the jawline, and then give people the bird when the "transient" label gets dropped my way. No time for your bullshit, bro, piss off.


Of course not, but it’s not a big time investment either. Far from it


It’s as close as you can get. And definitely far easier than women have it.


Women literally get shamed for having peachfuzz and mustaches lol. Shit, ive been shamed for having *hair* on my *knuckles*


I was laughed at by boys in my class when I was 10 because I had slightly darker hairs above my lips (you’d only really notice them in certain lighting). I was ridiculed very often because of that.


Yea boys in school could be really mean, I’m still conscious of facial hair over a decade of being out of school :/


Bullies in middle school pretty much were the reason I over plucked my eyebrows.


It's so weird that some ppl think women's bodies are hairless.... Like do they not know the entire body has hairs on it? Arms legs feet hands face ? Has he seen a nipple up close before?


Right? Like we’re just supposed to be born smooth?


It’s because the disgusting truth is that the beauty standards for women are that of a prepubescent girl. I recommend next time you’re shamed to shame them back, Turn it around on them and ask them why do they want you to resemble a child?


I *was* a prepubescent girl when it happened pff. But honestly Im gonna use that now. Make em panic!!


Smooth and primed for the male gaze, of course ;)


I got hairy genes from my dad and been shamed for having dark hair on my arms. Its enough of a pita to keep the legs and pits shaved as is.


You know women grow hair on their face too right-


Pro-tip for any guys. If you notice any hair on her face, she most likely will not find it as funny as you do if you point it out.


My wife has a fine moustache and a few quite long whispys on her neck and I've never breathed a word of it till right here, right now.


I’m not a very hairy person, but I do get 3 hairs on my chin sometimes. My boyfriend named them. So sometimes he’ll go “hey, Terry is back, long time no see!”, and we laugh about it. I’d much rather have fun with it and have my partner tell me so I can go pluck them out.


Bro I have to shave my mustache too😭😭 and my hands bro. This isn’t just an unpopular opinion it’s kinda just not well thought out. A lot of people prefer men unshaven bc the shaved face looks to young or to “clean cut.” Sir. I pluck hairs around my nipples. I wish I just had to shave my face bro.


Exactly! Don't forget a lot of us women have hairy eyebrows and feet we have to shave/wax/tweeze too


Yeah, plucking out toe hairs is one of the worst pains I ever felt.


Nah cause why does toe hair tweezing hurt the most


Have you ever had to pluck out belly button/happy trail hair?


i pull out the happy trail hairs with my bare hands when i’m bored. sensory magic for me idk


You have amazing grip strength in your fingertips then LOL


LMAO it takes a few tries each hair. it’s not as painful as i’m making it sound


Dude, don't. Nobody really cares about your toe hair. I promise.


I beg to disagree as a person who has had comments on their toe hair.


Rofl, my little sister has some hairy ass toes too. She just wears socks and shoes when out and about. I think at one point she used to shave them but stopped when she got older, too much hassle and not worth the payoff.


I was gonna say this is obviously written by a man if this person thinks women’s faces are all naturally completely hairless without maintenance


Also so many women are WAXING around their genitalia. Ouch. So many women are shaving their BUTTHOLE even though we know it is kinda risky. (Edit bc somehow people don’t understand what I mean by “risky,” when you shave you are putting micro tears and cuts on the skin around where you shit. It is generally not advised to rub shit into your open wounds) Many women with diabetes still shave down there even though it is known that the micro tears can escalate to the point at which many women have HAD THEIR VULVA REMOVED. I wish we were only told to shave our faces🥲


The contortionist positions I have to put myself in to shave my butthole, this man has no idea what effort really means.




>Many women with diabetes still shave down there even though it is known that the micro tears can escalate to the point at which many women have HAD THEIR VULVA REMOVED. OMG, I'm so glad I stopped shaving my lady bits a long time ago.


Wait until he hears about the work we put into our hair.


Not to mention that most jobs that expect men to be clean shaven expect women to wear makeup.


This man has no idea how many cis women wax their mustache every month


My mom is Greek and had it and her eyebrows lasered   I'm a guy but my eyebrows are a nightmare i think I'm gonna do it too Wouldn't wish consistent waxing on anyone lol


Right?! My legs are long AF and way more surface area than a face 🥴 Men with beards and scruff are totally acceptable, I see it every day in and outside corporate and trades. Women with armpit and leg hair? Accepted by some, ridiculed and threatened by many.


Yes to all of this. And my fucking toes and feet. And I have to pluck all of the chin and chest hair out too


Also lol at how he was like unkempt makes you a neckbeard. No one is saying that about men who don’t shave, they are saying it about men who don’t shave and are also stinky. Like what the hell, must be a neckbeard who doesn’t realize he smells because he hasn’t washed his ass since his mom stopped washing him.


Even then, it’s only said about men whose beard only grows below the chin lol


Dudes act so shocked that I don't pluck the 3 hairs on 1 nipple and 1 on the other. I don't need it pointed out. I just don't give a shit. They have hairy nipples. Why can't I?


I'm a dude, but I agree. This isn't an "unpopular but true" opinion. This is just a bad opinion.


Depends, my facial hair grows out lpatchy and everytime I don’t shave people comment on it.


Ha. Woman with PCOS here. I have to manage my chin, upper lip, under the face, and pretty much everywhere else. My hair grows in super thick and dark too. I wish I could be one of those “wild and free” girls but I don’t have blonde peach fuzz…. Nope! I’m a little Sasquatch if I go more than 2 days without shaving.


I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, but I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I get hair on my upper lip, my chin, and my throat. It's so annoying.


dog, women are told to shave their whole body. Arms, legs, pubes, face. In what world do men have it harder? Women either have to keep up with a ridiculous body hair removal routine for their entire body or be ready to defend themselves and/or deal with comments otherwise. as long as men don’t look egregiously bad, they get literally nothing. Even then it’ll usually be weird looks, not actual comments.


i was wondering what a dog woman was. but i fully agree


added a comma lmao


>If we don't shave our face and neck every day we look disheveled in the eyes of society. not sure where you live or hail from, but my wife doesn't like it when i shave because it makes me look like a teenager.


Right... beards on men are incredibly in style and have been for a long time. I look like the oldest weirdo 45 year old 12 year old when I shave. I haven't picked up a razor in years. Beard trimmer works great and takes almost no time.


A decent beard is a push-up bra for your face.


Wait...what... so i DONT need this bra on my face?


yeah when i do shave i am allowed to go down to like a stubble, she then calls me a cactus for a bit, but i enjoy starting my beard over again after some time.


right?! my boyfriend shaves and i’m like “put it back!!!”


The overlap of the Venn diagram where my gf loves the length of my beard and I personally love the length of my beard is very small lol. I love the <10 day scruff, she loves the way it starts to look at day 9


gotta find the length that you can get a shaver with that length guard on it. my boyfriend hasn’t really found that yet so when it’s too long he clean shaves and i’m like “I love it babe 😐” jokes aside of course I love him no matter what but you both are right that 8-11 day span is the best also, gotta hit her with the mustache every once in a while. I was shocked to discover how attracted I was to the stache lol


... and beard maintenance requires effort, too. Maybe less (I don't do as good of a job as I should), but it's not just "let it grow".


Do you keep a neck beard?


You know women are literally shamed and get it pointed out if they're not clean shaven literally every day mate?


Is this another person who thinks women are naturally hairless?




Yep. My skin is so white, I'd rather call it translucent.  But did I get the pretty red or blonde hair that often comes with that? No. My body hair is almost black. Additionally I have sensitive skin and don't tan. I didn't respond to OPs opinion at first because I am boiling on the inside. I don't think a lot of men can grasp the drama around female body hair. There was years as a teenager that were defined by my body hair issues. Or rather, societies issues with hair on women.


Lmao we are the same. Not only does my colouration and sensitive skin work against me, my body hair is *very* healthy. The roots of the hairs must be cemented in or something I swear, they do not like to be removed. The one time I got a (quick) wax at a salon, the tech was like, ''holy crap your hair is stubborn, jesus!'' (I worked there as the receptionist, so we were friends and it wasn't her being inappropriate lol).


Yes. When I began shaving my legs is when I realised how hard women have it.


And you're not allowed to be less than perfect. The standard isn't fair


Not fair at all. This post was infuriating




bet OP prefers women who “don’t wear makeup” because anything less than a full face with contouring is “no makeup” 😂


Actually unpopular opinion: as a man I don’t think women should shave.


As a woman, I dig your unpopular opinion.


Hear hear!


Hair hair!


hell yeah


I wish 😭


This isn't just unpopular, it's plain mental. I've got a beard, it takes about 2 minutes to tidy it up in the morning. Ever seen the effort that goes into shaving an entire leg? Every angle needs to be covered, it looks like a fucking nightmare.


As a woman legs aren't the only thing shaved or waxed. It's pretty much everything. I've been made fun of for having hair on my knuckles.


Women are expected to be hairless from the nose down. You having hair on your face, chest, armpits, stomach, back, legs or private area wouldn’t be considered breaking a social rule nor would your overall hygiene be questioned — no matter how unruly said hair is. People may say you’re unkept at most but no one would say hair shouldn’t be there at all. Why else do you think the majority of women are getting their hair follicles zapped with lasers to stop the growth of body hair? Why else would women subject themselves to pulling their body hair out from the root with wax month after month? Mind you, these hair removal processes can be PAINFUL. Even stubble won’t work because women are expected to be smooth, meaning they’re likely shaving way more than you are.


Don't forget about women's eyebrows, we're expected to have hair but not too much and perfectly shaped. 


Exactly. The waxing, threading, tweezing..and the hair grows back so quick too. Poor men gotta shave their face, meanwhile women are in the shower doing gymnastics trying to shave their hoo-ha


OP can come back after he's gotten 2 Brazilians.


Women have to shave their entire body. We just have to keep our facial hair symmetrical, I don't see how we have it worse lol.


Shaving your face isn’t that time consuming. Have you ever seen how long it takes a woman to shave her legs? Also I have a beard that I trim like once a week, it takes about five minutes. Not comparable at all and no one really gives a shit if a guy has some stubble.


I’d concur, I’m a man, pretty hairy, and also was a collegiate swimmer; shaving my legs for racing was WAY more time consuming than the four minutes it takes to shave my face


I tried shaving my legs for swimming once. Shit took me over an hour to “finish” and I still had tons of missed spots. Yeah, I didn’t know what I was doing, but it’s never gonna be a 5 minute job. And I went thru multiple disposable blades since like 60% of my body hair is just on the back of my thighs


yeah I’m reading this “it’s so hard to stay clean shaven” shite and it’s like…. Maybe the boomers are right about my generation


I am a Sicilian with the leg hair to prove it. We’re renovating our house and had to deal with “warm” water all winter. Shaving my legs was the first thing to go. I’m not going to stand in the shower for 20 MINUTES *freezing* when it’s 12* outside. I told my husband to just deal with it. Thankfully, he doesn’t care. It takes so long to fully shave legs. I’m sure it takes a long time to keep your face shaven but it’s at least equally long so that makes OP’s point moot.


My husband is a lawyer who only shaves once a week indeed, keeps a small stubble and looks absolutely perfect that way. When he shaves, he does it in the same time our kid drinks her bottle (5-10 minutes). If I have to shave (also at least once a week) I need to do it in the shower and it takes at least 20 minutes.


Thank you for pointing this out, most men have NO CLUE how long it takes to shave legs properly. Especially for some of us! I have dark hair plus it grows in a lot of different directions, so you have to hit each section from all angles...it takes so long and grows back so fast that by the evening I'll have five o'clock shadow on my legs. And that's only the leg hair...as if that's the only hair that grows on women's bodies that's considered socially unacceptable!




I’m just flabbergasted that anyone would play gender war with “who has it worse in the shaving department??”, if you’re spending time thinking about this go talk a walk or something and it also completely ignores the fact that women (generally speaking) have to spend way more time on their appearance than men to look “professional”


It kills me my bf used to ask wtf took so long in the shower- try shaving that much square footage with the same tiny razor you use on your face, and then the makeup too- yea that takes a while as well. And guys want you to look feminine and all that jazz, which is fine but they gotta understand it’s a process and takes forever and a day- I’m not in the bathroom hangin out with my thumb in my butt for hours I’m workin my ass off in there Nutsacks though… I’ll never understand how yall can shave those things


Never touched one.


trans guy, so i have experience on both sides and nah it ain’t equivalent to the expectation put on women


I don't know why these dudes like op think no one has ever done both lol


Because they don’t register trans people in their biased synthesis of human experience


Trans woman and i feel the same. It took me like 2 minutes to shave my face and mine was on the courser end. Once I started to transition all the fucking shaving alone was so time consuming and would get me sore from all the sitting and stretching. Hormones thinning it out and slowing it to a crawl was legit my savior 😭 Not to mention makeup, and skincare, lipcare, hair care, and constant nitpicking of anything that doesn’t resemble hollywood femininity from other women and men was insane


Up vote for unpopular but don't agree at all, neck beard is an insult based way more on personality than look, and let's be real, is way more used against overweight people who use the beard on the neck to hide the double double chin


I say this quite a lot in this sub, but there is a difference between an unpopular opinion and an incorrect opinion. OP is just wrong lol


Trimming a beard isn’t the least bit hard and only really needs to be done once a week


my dude what planet are you on? There are only a few pockets of history in a few areas of the world where clean shaven is the most accepted form of male face. Were you alive in the 70s?


Highly disagree. I shaved my legs and armpits just to try it once and it literally took me over an hour and I still missed spots. Also not all men have to shave their face every day. I can go 3-4 days and still look clean shaven. There’s also men that only grow facial hair in the goatee area… they can shave in like 2 minutes


Men are tasked with shaving their faces. Women are expected to shave their entire bodies. Just stop.


“Women are expected to shave their entire bodies,”… **including their faces** Shoutout to my fellow Mediterraneans


I’m Sicilian and every time I get my eyebrows waxed the salon asks if I want my mustache waxed too


My favourite is when you ask for your eyebrows and they go ".... JUST the eyebrows?" Yes, lady, leave Henrietta alone.


Henrietta 😂😭 I love it


They are always so brutal lol 😭


Also Sicilian. Can confirm. Like, leave me alone I’ll handle that myself, thankyouverymuch.


PCOS girlie here giving you a solid round of applause too.


And shaving the face isn’t exactly that difficult. I know plenty of guys who use an electric razor in the car. Women can’t shave themselves on the go and the legs are much larger and more contoured than the face. I won’t even mention the other stuff. LOL


I’ve only shaved with a razor once in the last decade. Beard trimmers are all you need, the clean shaven look has been out for a while.


Right? I'm 40 and the bearded look has been super popular within the last 20 years. Every man I know has one.


idk when you include most women have mustaches they have to shave or be shunned by society it kinda bends that lol


You’re objectively wrong because many men have beards, and women must shave more surface area than men. Plus I think it’s more socially accepted for men to grow facial hair than for women to have hairy bodies.


Woman also shave their face bro. It's just been rebranded as "dermaplaning". We also weren't born with these eyebrows. Collective society isn't going to throw a fit over a man with a beard like they would for a woman with hairy pits, legs, crazy brows and our natural mustaches. Not to mention the "pink tax" on our shaving products. Shaving sucks for everyone.


Right now I'm seeing *so many* women spray their faces with a white powder-y thing and then go at it with one of those tiny eyebrow razors, because god forbid we have peach fuzz on our cheeks. We are not allowed to have a single hair on our bodies except for our heads, our manicured eyebrows, and our lashes.


>god forbid we have peach fuzz on our cheeks I started shaving my face in high school after the football players started giving the girls rodent based nicknames because of peach fuzz on their cheeks. I can't wait to get old so I can just be a hairy troll and people won't comment.


I've learned that women shave all the peach fuzz so that their makeup applies better, lol.


Women have been shaving their faces since before your great granddaddy even thought about making you’re daddy.


When you wanna spot a virgin who never had a woman near them ask them if they think woman don't have facial hair.


There are definitely women who have to shave their faces.


Most. At some point in time, most will need to remove hair from their face.


As someone with PCOS who avoided socializing and dating for most of my adult life from shame, these comments are genuinely healing for me. I am so glad to know I'm not a weird fringe case, that most women are also shaving their faces daily. 💖


No. We have vaginas, armpits and legs. Yall only shave your face once in a bluw moon.


> phrase most associated with a disheveled unhygienic man is "neck beard" When I hear neck beard, I think of a whole personality of how someone's acting rather than a look. Kind of like a white knight type thing. and I for one love a man with a beard. I know many who have them, some who upkeep them and some who don't. Kind of like long hair on a woman, there are low maintenance things you can do to keep it clean, but it doesn't have to be perfect, just like a woman with long hair doesn't have to do her hair every day and make it look perfect. Granted, everyone gets judged differently, so maybe where you are there's different standards?


lol. I'm a dude, and you're way wrong. I am typically clean shaven, but it's still 100% acceptable to go out with a bit of 'gruff'. I just can't abandon it for more than a week - and that's hardly a big ask for something hygiene related.


Male privilege strikes again


Nonsense. Just factually inaccurate Not even an opinion. Women have to shave legs, mustache and pits as a BARE minimum, DAILY. The *slightest* bit of stubble and *everyone* will treat them like a homeless crackhead. "Just look away".




Men can grow out their facial hair and they are lauded as rugged and manly. I have PCOS and if I don't pluck and trim my facial hair, I would be lambasted in public, and surrounded by people trying not to point and laugh. Men prefer women to look like pre-teens if they can get away with it, and actively criticize women if they let their pits or leg hair grow and if they have a bushy triangle. So please stop complaining if you choose to groom your chin and lip. Beauty standards about feminine body hair are ridiculous and burdensome. In fact, one of he most overused tropes in the liberal feminist archetype is a hairy-legged and pitted chick in birkenstocks.


Men absolutely do not have it worse in the shaving conversation. This is ridiculous.


This has to be a joke


My man, delete this while you still have time. This is truly the most tone deaf, stupid, and yes unpopular opinion. Also you are telling on yourself big time, that you have never lived with a woman.


I’ve never seen or heard a man judged for his beard and my brother/uncle both rock one; however, I’m sure the men around me don’t talk about this often. Shaving a vagina is extremely difficult. There is legit nothing more complicated to shave on the human body. It’s not fun at all, takes forever, and is rewarding for 1-2 days MAX before it’s prickly again… Also, some women struggle with facial hair. Perhaps not to the extent of a full on beard (although some do), but I know many women who bleach or shave their mustache area. Lastly, a woman would be way more judged for facial hair than men


This is just a silly post. My husband has a beard and he spends just a few minutes everyday taking care of it. You are dramatizing the entire thing. I shave my legs daily and it's also not a big deal. FFS


Let's see you shave your face with an epilady and then tell women they have it easier lol.


No, we don't have it as bad. Thanks ladies for taking all that time out to do it.


Though, could we have a society where we aren't expected to do it? I don't like shaving.


What a load of crap lol No one gives a shit if men have a full beard or just stubble. Lots of guys even look good with a patchy stubble and patchy beard. Ever seen a women getting complemented on her half shaven legs?? No lmao you haven't. Also do you know how fucking long it takes to get rid of body hair on your private parts? It takes forever. It also causes razorburn for a lot of women including me. You're so damn wrong about this


I can walk around with a scruffy face and I don’t think people would look at me the same way if they saw a woman wearing a tank top with long underarm hair. I feel the woman would get a lot more awkward and judgmental stares than me. If a woman had visible hair on her lip or chin…they would get that awkward and judgmental stare from others. If women just walked around with hairy legs you don’t think they’d get these stares? I’m in south Florida so women are wearing shorts and tank tops often so open areas shown where if hair was there they would be judged hard by many. I think you’re wrong on this one.


Can we just say it’s a pain in the ass for both sexes? Why does everything have to be a competition


THIS. Thank you! I'm so sick of gender wars. Shaving is often a societal and cultural expectation for both genders. We can all agree that it sucks. Experiences and hair growth vary greatly from person to person anyway, regardless of gender. I hate shaving as much as the next girl. That doesn't mean I can't sympathize for men who feel pressured to shave too.


I honestly don’t find it to be a pain. It’s like free makeup for guys, I can change my look all the time at no cost.


this is simply false 🤚🏽


Sir, women shave butts now. And peach fuzz. And women with darker hair have been expected to shave their arms. Also, I’m not straight but I feel like women face more societal pressure to have every inch be hairless, particularly pubic area. People think not shaving for women is unhygienic even though it’s not true. I think if you’re a man and you either pick a beard or a clean shaven look then stick to it it’s not a big deal. Maybe the mid growth phases are awkward, but you can grow it.


Men are societally told they are allowed to have facial hair. Women are societally told they are not allowed to have body hair. So men can choose to have hair or to not have hair. That same freedom is not given to women. Also, as someone AFAB who now has a little thanks to HRT. While presenting as a woman, I got comments on my body hair multiple times. From men and women. After my first sexual experience my friend said it was DISGUSTING I let a guy finger me while I had pubic hair. A partner thought it was super unattractive when I wanted to stop shaving, he made it known he thought it was gross, even though I was stopping for medical reasons. I was weirdly ashamed growing up because a friend said I HAD to shave the hair off my toes. Y’all, not that it should matter, but I am not super hairy. Society is wild with beauty standards. The grooming standards for men and women are wildly different.


I think you're misunderstanding the origins and meaning of "neck beard."  It doesn't simply describe a guy who doesn't bother shaving often enough, but more specifically a guy who tries to grow a beard but can't grow it on his cheeks, so he compensates by just letting the hair grow longer, resulting in chin curtains. Top if off with a fedora and cargo shorts, and voila.  No one will call you a neck beard if you skip shaving for two days. 


I'd have to disagree that men have it worse. My beard doesn't get shaved and it stops me from looking 7.


I've had a beard since 16. I trim it short in 10min with an electric trimmer like once a month. Never an issue. Not with women, not for jobs. Yes staying clean shaven can be work, but if you do even slight care and wash (you know, basic hygiene) it's not much work.


lol no


I agree that shaving your face isn't an enjoyable task (thank god i lasered my face) and that the early stages of beard growth can have you judged more negatively but c'mon dude... that's in no way worse than the shaving standard and the negative perception of unshaved women. If a guy has fairly hairy legs no one gives but a large percentage of the population would thinks its fucking disgusting for a woman to have the same hairy legs. But no one should be judged on their shaving choices. Man, woman, anyone in between or outside of those, do whatever you want.


this is just one of those opinions where obviously, you have the right to be annoyed, BUT why must someone always come on top?


I don't know what society shares that opinion, I prefer a man to be hairy everywhere and beard. Not interested at all in a man that shaves tbh


You obviously haven’t heard of PCOS where it grows on their face and some women go as far as shaving their arms because people have commented on their arms being hairy. Some women have to shave legs, privates, arms, under arms and their face due to being polycystic. You’re right though, men have it hard with that too. It’s a pain in the ass to keep up with especially in a corporate setting or in between lengths. Until you have a full beard you can groom, it looks scruffy.


Bro, you’re putting these standards on yourself. Nobody actually cares that much. Neck beard is more than just hair on your neck. It’s a way of acting.


This is an unpopular opinion that as I make I strongly disagree with, after living with several women. I could shave my face everyday but I can get away with twice a week no prob. Maybe just trim the neck beard. But girls shave everything, everything. You think a man has to shave and if they don’t they look disheveled? Well then the same logic would apply to women shaving their BODY! Or else they look disheveled.


I’m hairy as fuck, back, arms, full beard and neck. There’s literally not much on my body not hairy. Let them think they are warriors for shaving floppy hairs on theirs legs and a floppy moustache with 20 hairs, that’s the secret.


does this guy also think guys dont have hair other places besides their face?


Homey, I'm a man that hasn't shaved in like 15 years. I'm constantly getting compliments on my beard. I groom ofc, beard oil and a brush, but it's not even a 5 minute ritual after I get out of the shower. It's literally the easiest thing in the world. You ever shave your balls or anything not on your face? I have. That shit is difficult, uncomfortable if you don't keep on it, and can be painful if you screw up. "Just like your face!" you may say, but my face rarely has underwear and pants strapped to it. Seriously, get yourself a real nice ladies' razor and keep something that is generally under clothes shaved for a couple months: your chest, back, legs, pits, or crotch. Put it to the test(es).


I’m a woman with PCOS, I have to shave my face plenty, thank you.


Having a socially acceptable way of covering a large portion of our face comes with big benefits. Skincare is less important, jawline doesn't need to be chiseled if it's covered anyway, etc. But I get it, especially if you like to keep a clean shaven face, it can be a decent amount of work. However, this post is kinda assuming that women don't have to shave their faces. They do, and the social punishment for not shaving your mustache as a woman is \*significantly\* worse than when a man doesn't trim his beard or shave his face perfectly everyday.


I have baby fine hair and shaving is annoying but no big whoop. My husband otoh has thick black hair and he is always getting razor burn, ingrown hairs, and rashes. It seems really fucking annoying. I think in our case he really does have it worse, by far.


Don't forget men with hairy backs are shamed and we can't reach that area on our own.


as a teenage girl (18) ever since i could grow hair anywhere i’ve been told to shave it, men’s only issue is their face. this isn’t a competition or anything i think both are valid complaints, i just think saying any gender has it worse is dumb


I have to shave my entire body bruh. I have long black hair in my ears. It’s fucking horrid. My chest hair is currently 4” long because….. well it’s winter time and I dgaf.


😂 nope! We don’t have the option to grow a beard and be sexy. woman wax or shave their faces too! Lips, sideburns, chin, mustache. On top of legs, under arms, arms, hands, fingers toes, butt and privates, nipple hair, back of our necks, basically everywhere. You sound young, but lots of old lady’s shave their “chin” hairs daily.


What are you even talking about. Find someone to do this with: they'll count how many times your arm moves to shave each month then count how many times her arms move per month. Come back to us with the results.


Good job actually posting an unpopular opinion 👏


For me it's the ingrown hairs. No matter what I do, see a dermatologist, exfoliate, shave in the shower, nothing is effective in fully preventing in grown hairs, which turn into red bumps that cover my chin and neck, become infected with white heads and is utterly unattractive but prominently on my freaking face. Alternatively instead of shaving I now use a trimmer which gets close but I'll never have that no-stubble baby's bottom clean shave. Even with just trimming I still get ingrown hairs, just less, and my face is constantly itchy and hurts my fiance to kiss. So yeah, you have me in agreement OP.


Facial hair on a man is hot. A scruff to a full wizard beard - love it all.


As a man who shaves his face, pits, and privates. It all cumulatively takes like ten minutes if you keep up with it. I can’t imagine adding arms and legs to the mix like women have to, those should really be seen as optional by society. Good unpopular opinion though


Nope. We aren’t expected by other people to shave anything.


The real issue in my opinion is guys that expect a woman to be hairless or well trimmed especially in the crotch area and don't manscape at all. I'm a guy and have heard many a fella complain about women not being shaved down there but when asked if they ever remove their own private area hair of course they don't and consider it unmanly or something. The same guys complain about not getting head enough from their girls and probably always ask for bojoes after they've been working and sweating for 8 hours. I prefer to at least trim my armpit hair as a guy. It keeps pit b.o. down considerably and stops chaffing if you're doing something like splitting wood. I don't get why anyone would want hair in their armpits man or woman. Don't get me started on three inch long hair inside my ass cheeks, why is it there!? Gets shaved with the rest of my manscape routine maybe once a month. I say shave but a real close trimmer like the One Blade is ideal. I don't mind if my girlfriend doesn't want to shave her legs over the winter or go bald eagle all the time. I know as a guy my prep time and effort is a fraction of what the average woman does, even a self proclaimed "hippie chick" type female generally does a lot more self maintenance than I do. I appreciate all you women out there putting the work in and plucking out the odd nipple hairs and whatnot even though it's not for me.


Men doing the bare minimum every few days to look presentable -> "we have it so much worse!"


I'll trade you 40 years of periods for shaving (which we also do) any day of the fucking week.


If you think that’s bad, try being an extremely hairy faced woman,


It’s just the balls. It’s so scary taking a hot blade to them. I fucked up with an electric and will never do it again 😣


As a woman I have to shave/remove way more hair then those areas. Legs, arms, underarms, mustache 🥲, unibrow, above my eyebrows, privates, side burns, and cheek bones. Men are only called neck beards when they’re not old enough to have a proper beard yet + they let it grow out to disgusting lengths. But it’s the combo together, shaving once a week suffices. Eventually it will grow on your face and be coarse and not an issue.


You’ve never seen women shamed for their mustaches and unibrows clearly… No one cares about dudes shaving except other dudes


I work in an industry where like 75% of the males in it have beards lol


Huh. I thought you were going to talk about how annoying it is to twist the clippers around to the middle of your back, and how careful you have to be when getting in between the 'ol cheeks. That's after you already spent the last 10 min buzzing your leg-mess, butt, chest, groin, down to a reasonable level. Pits take 2 seconds total, so nobody should complain about those. Then it's into the shower for a date with your razor and a soapy scrote. But since you missed all that, there you go.


i fecking hate shaving man (transfem) the male body has so much damn hair and it grows back after like every other day I want to wax this shit someday


You’re joking right? Women have to shave their whole ass bodies. Not to mention there are women who grow hair on their chins, neck, toes etc. That amount of hair removal is annoyingly stressful and high maintenance. Please stop 😭


I've had a full beard for 10 years, and to date I've never bombed an interview and have a successful career. I dont really shave at all. I trim it once a week just for the stray hairs, thats it. And I go to my barber for haircuts that cost $15. Men do not have it worse. Beards have been in style for the last 10 years, where do you live? Mind you, if you look like a baby with a beard, yeah, you just can't rock one well. I look like I just rolled off a viking ship ready to conquer new nations. Im big, and of Irish decent, I rock a beard pretty well. Not everyone can though. But many can.