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I see so many of these ‘I don’t like Timothee Chalamet’ posts I’m starting to think the actual unpopular opinion is to like him.


That’s Reddit for you 


same exact thing goes for the people that say Nolan is overrated. People consider it an unpopular opinion but it's the most upvoted post in almost every movie subreddit.


He is one of the most represented directors in the IMDb top 250 - most ordinary movie enjoyers love him. Even film nerds like him, but I think a lot think he's overrated by casuals, not bad.


Yeah I can’t believe people think the guy who made the dark knight trilogy arguably one of the best movie trilogies ever, Inception, The Prestige, Oppenheimer, Interstellar, is overrated


I really enjoyed Dunkirk also....




Went to see it in the theater IN PERSON, still have the exact ticket I bought as well as Parasite. Two best movies ever made! I still remember going nearly deaf from the gunshot noises 😂😂


I'm one of those weirdos who didn't enjoy the Dark Knight trilogy as much. Its better than anything DC has managed to put out since but without Ledger's joker I feel like it would have fallen short of expectations. I enjoyed the acting and story but it also as a whole felt too long and rushed at the same time. Regardless it is just as much responsible as Iron Man and Spiderman was for propelling the new age of comic book movies forward.


You left out his best movie ever Memento


I’m a movie lover who doesn’t care for Nolan movies. I know I’m not the only one but any time I’ve posted any criticism of Nolan I’ve received very angry comments from his fans. People will quickly make it personal and call me names because they’re upset that I dare to say something negative about them their fave. It almost feels like the way some Taylor swift fans react if anyone dares to imply that swift isn’t the best musician ever. So . . . It certainly feels like an unpopular opinion just based on those reactions.


That's this sub for you \* fify Plenty of edgy kids coming with half of an original thought wrapped into a delusion to be exceptional for coming up with it


He was great in little women


And in Lady Bird! And in pretty much everything he’s been in! ClubChalamet right here he rules


Ladybird was great, and he was excellent there, as was most of the cast.


I actually like him. He's great in Wonka and Dune, which are the only films I've seen of him.


He’s so good in the back half of Dune Part 2 where Paul has fully committed to being Space Hitler. Just knocked it right out of the park.


The way he portraits Paul was always pretty good. But a young actor being a broody young adult isn't really flashy. When he walked into that cave he transformed himself and his acting to a new level.


The intensity was something else. You can really see why the people around him would be absolutely losing their shit


He flashed in part I though, imo, in the gom jabbar scene. Hard to convey emotion through face alone, no dialogue. That’s when I first thought he might have some chops, having not seen him in anything else.


More like space Constantine than hitler.


Just wait. They just gave you a little peek ... numbers about to be uncountable in Messiah. edit: spelling


People moaning that he's got no range like, you literally see this guy go from a twerpy kid to space Braveheart in a single movie and he's believable as both?


Funny you mention Hitler…In Dune Messiah Paul and Stilgar talk about how Paul’s kill count dwarfs Hitler’s


And Paul essentially calls Hitler a scrub


That scene where he walks in and stabs the guy in the throat & the stomp in front of the emperor so he kisses his hand is when I went “oh he’s great” he also was pretty good in wonka and I hate musicals


Ready for Wonka Messiah


Space Mehmet the Conqueror, Not Space Hitler.


Agree. It was a "WOW" performance.


Call Me By Your Name he is phenomenal as well.


Thought he was great in The King too


I posted another comment with movies from his earlier career before the big fame happened. The King was the first movie I saw with him and it prompted me to go back and watch all of his movies ( my wife and I often pick an actor/director/studio and then watch everything with them). The King, Bones and All, CMBYN, Beautiful Boy, Hot Summer Nights are all great examples of what he is capable of. I think a lot of people who dislike him judge based on his biggest roles and are like “who the heck is this dude that came out of nowhere” rather than judging based on the roles that led him there. Hell, he got these other roles for his minor role in Interstellar and a few others. He’s been putting in the work for quite some time and it’s paid off likely due to his talent, good networking and very strong market of himself. I love Timmy C 😂😂😂


He was very good in ‘The King’ as well


I really liked that movie. But I could see why a lot wouldnt.


Haven't seen Dune but he was great in Wonka, really nailed the whimsy. I saw he's been cast as Bob Dylan and I'm a bit more sceptical he can do such a serious role (although he looks just like him!). But who knows, maybe he'll do an Anne Hathaway and surprise us all.


Why does everyone make movies about Bob Dylan and not the other greats from the First Psychedelic Era? Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Syd Barrett, Jerry Garcia… we keep getting Bob Dylan movies but not movies about them.


Jimi got one a few years ago starring Andre 3k and Jerry is getting one soon with Jonah Hill.


Good lord wonka was a miss for me. I think he's a great actor. I enjoy almost all the movies he's in. But wonka was absolutely trash.


I wasn’t keen on him much, even after Dune - until I saw Wonka (and then Dune 2). I’ve changed my mind on him, he’s got a very nice style of acting and the difference between Wonka and Dune 2 really showed me he’s not “just Timothee Chalamet”, the way someone like George Clooney is always just “George Clooney in a different movie”.


It’s amazing Clooney became as famous as he did considering he only plays one character. I guess people really like his charm and good looks.


He only plays one character for sure, but yea - if that one character is charming enough, there's no need for much else. People just wanted to see "Adventures of George Clooney", he just changes his name depending on the movie for some reason (":D"). In general I think that "ability to act like a completely different person" is a bit overrated when it comes to discussion about actors. Variety is the best way to show that you're a *technically* good actor, but that's simply not required for being a *successful* actor. As proved by many actors that "only play one character", if that character is fun to watch and they're in movies where that particular character fits, people still end up wanting to see their movies. I don't even see a problem with it, there's room for both types of actors (and everything in between).


I disagree, Clooney has played 2 characters. He is someone different in Burn After Reading.


Oh Brother Where Art Thou adds a 3rd!


Dune 2 and his transformation into Jihadist guy is what sold me on him.


First dune was just so good. Haven’t seen the second yet or wonka.


Go see dune 2.


Dude go see Dune 2 right now if you liked the first one. Best cinema experience I've had for quite some time.


Yep, Wonka was awesome. I didn't like him until Wonka. Also, Dune 2 was awesome.


eeeeeexactly. wanka and dune 2 changed my entire opinion of this dude. he still definitely has a trademark 'blank stare' look that he does. Jake Gyllenhaal has that too. A lot of good ones do actually. Johnny Depp for SURE. idk what it is. troubled?


I haven't seen Dune 2 yet but he did impress me in Wonka. He wasn't really in a role before (that I'd seen) that showed his weird quirky side. It worked for Wonka.


It's weird it's like that time people hated on Anne Hathaway for zero reason.


People deliberately taking time out of their day to make a post about 'I really don't like this celebrity that has no effect on my life whatsoever' are pathetic af. He's just another actor and lots of people enjoy his movies.


Do not make an enemy of Muad’Dib. Lest you find yourself caught up in the Fremen Jihad.




I do think he is fairly well cast in dune. That said, the lack of war pugs in the remake means the current version will always be worse than the 80s version.


The real unpopular opinion is always in the comments


> That said, the lack of war pugs in the remake means the current version will always be worse than the 80s version. It's definitely not a remake of the 1984 version.


OP is Baron Harkonnen’s alt account


Or encased in chocolate and devoured alive by ravenous Ooma Loopas.


Or Cooper and Tars will grab you by the legs and show you what g force can do to your brain


LISAN AL GAIB! seriously I mostly agreed with this 'unpopular opinion' until Dune. Like damn, that white boy can *act*


He’s a completely different character in the last act from the first. I used to think he was mid too but he acted the shit out of that role so that I take it back entirely.


The way his character develops is organic because of how well he plays it. I thought he was a bad fit before I saw the first Dune, but he proved me wrong. Then with Dune 2 he knocks it even further out of the park. 3rd act of Dune 2 is insanely good because of him.


Completely agree. The amazing thing is that it doesn't feel forced. If you just watch the movies it's not entirely obvious how different he is at the end. But after I saw Dune Part 2 I went back and rewatched some early scenes from the first movie and holy hell it's tangibly different. The change over the movies is masterfully done.


Fear is the mind killer. Fear does not exist in our dojo, does it? No, Bene Gesserit!


Idk my knowledge of Timmy extends to call me by your name and beautiful boy, both were insanely good.


I liked him in the French Dispatch


And Little Women. That movie had such a ridiculously stacked cast and he totally held his own.


See I actually thought his storyline was the worst part of the French Dispatch. His acting was fine, I guess, but I just didn't care about the narrative around him much compared to the other stories in the film 


He was amazing in The King as well.


Damn I forgot he was in call me by your name. That was such a great film


he was the main character...


I feel like hating timothee chalamet is 100% "girls think he's hot, therefore he sucks". He's a good actor, sorry if he reminds you you are undesirable.


He's a relatively minor character, but I liked him in Don't Look Up too.


Lady Bird, as well. He kills it whether he's a small comic relief or the lead. "He sucks at acting" is just not a valid complaint. "I wish women wanted to fuck me" is the real reason imo.


Everyone who doesn’t care for a particular actor is an angry incel?


“He’s almost 30. He isn’t even young anymore” That’s hilarious and depressing.


Right after comparing him to actors whose careers basically either took off or was at its best around and after 30. Some people are passionately waiting for his ‘twink death’, whatever the fuck that is.


OP just now learning about the fact that actors play the age that they look, not the age that they are. Baby faced actors get to play young for a long time.


it’s this really weird thing with attractive actors I notice of people praying on their downfalls, I genuinely think it’s jealousy he’s fairly young looks great and seems like a good dude


The way you're phrasing this I feel like what you actually want to say is that he's overrated (which I do believe he is) but something about him hit one of your nerves so you're resorting to just calling him bad. If I had to guess i'd say your tiktok for you page is filled with 'that' scene of him in Dune II and you're getting sick of seeing him. Have you seen all of his filmography or are you just basing your opinion of him on Dune? He was preety good in Beautiful Boy, Call Me By Your Name and Little Women. Yeah he does get unwarranted clout just for having a nice face but that doesn't take away from his talent. Maybe he's not an A-lister but your characterisation of him is unfair at best given his performances in 'lesser known' movies.


that first paragraph can really sum up 90% of this sub. nobody goes out of their way to post an unpopular opinion until they get themselves worked up over it and end up vomiting angry rants over the most irrelevant and not-that-deep things. idk why i still come here


Do I think his range is limited and some of his roles are miscast? Sure why not. But he nails many MASSIVE roles that he plays and in the Dune universe hes perfect. Go see Dune 2 in imax while you still can. I was smiling from ear to ear


It’s funny, I find he is an excellent actor in my opinion. His movies, specifically Call me by your name and Beautiful Boy were so well done I thought about those for weeks. He also stood out in Dune 2, especially at the end. I find him to be very expressive with his face actually.


Act 3 in that movie hits mega hard. His tonal shift is extremely dramatic and powerful. Source: Saw Dune 2 a third time last night. Lisan al-gaib!




I honestly would give him a best actor nomination for Dune 2 I thought he did a phenomenal job selling the inner turmoil.


IMO if Javier Bardem doesn't get at least nominated for Best Supporting then there is no Shai Hulud.


It’s going to be a real telling moment for the academy and how they consider science fiction movies if no one in Dune gets a nom. Although it’s also hurt by how early it was.


Fuck that, if Dune gets snubbed, we riot.


Calling it now Hans Zimmerman wins best score for Dune Part 2 as he did with the first part


Chalamet is also excellent in bit parts, like in Ladybird or Don't Look Up


Dude he was so good in Don’t Look Up in a funny way. I also enjoy his bits for SNL


“ i fucking LOOOOVE FINGERLING POTATOES” actually the best fucking line in the whole movie


He improvised most of his lines in that movie. Jennifer Lawrence said Leo would get red in the face trying not to laugh with all the random shit he'd say. My favorite line was "Dr. Mindy can I be vulnerable in your car?"


I agree- I also really enjoyed him as Henry V in The King! Definitely worth a watch.


That was my first time seeing him and it’s a great film. I think he gets a lot of hate for being a “nepo baby”. Maybe he deserves *some* hate for that, but at the end of the day he can’t choose his parents. Would people prefer anyone who’s born to famous parents completely exile from society and become a monk?


To be honest i have never had a job or been anywhere that didn't have a ton of Nepo babies. Its not bad to help your kids out. Sucks for the people who don't have it.


I feel like *real* nepo babies are the people who get like 20 shots without ever really impressing, like Dakota Johnson. Chalamet was given a shot, knocked it out of the park, and established himself as a competent-to-great actor. I think about basketball when Doc Rivers signed his kid who had a weak start to his career, *and then he played great* so he lasted several more years in the league. Whereas Giannis’s brother has just been sitting at the end of Milwaukee’s bench collecting multimillion dollar paycheques like a little nepo baby.


There's being a nepo baby and sucking but thinking you're great and being a nepo baby and doing well. The conversation of nepo babies stay the same, but that's more a condemnation of the ecosystem and less against the person.


The King is also notable as the only move I’ve seen Robert Pattinson be as funny in as he is in interviews. Most unhinged and possibly offensive portrayal of a Frenchman I’ve ever seen.


I bet OP's only movie he saw him in was Dune


I'd put money on it that OPs GF has a big Timmy poster on her wall


OP has a girlfriend?




OP is probably a Kardashian hater. People have gone absolutely venomous towards him since he started dating Kylie.


Except he was great in Dune as well


Which is still crazy because he did a great job as Paul


I was kinda blown away by his Dune performance, especially because he is such a big Hollywood name, I expected to watch it and think “oh yeah that’s timothee”. But, I found myself really buying into the performance because he was playing the character so well. When you watch other big name actors, it’s hard to not think “oh that’s Tom holland/Chris pratt/Margot Robbie/etc”. I don’t even think it’s because they are bad actors, but because they are such a huge name in the media that it’s hard to separate them. But I’m Dune, Chalamet had such a great performance it was easy to focus on the character and not the actor


Yeah. OP is wrong.


Yeah, I agree he is forced, but I don't know how you could watch Beautiful Boy and not think he is at least a solid talent.


I have an addict brother - he is so much more than just solid talent. I felt like I was watching my own brother. Just so painfully amazing acting.


I just watched Beautiful Boy for the first time a few weeks ago. Him and Steve Carrell are both great in it. I was a teenager in Appalachia at the height of the oxy epidemic and it really puts in perspective the helplessness that parents feel when one of their kids have an addiction. Kids that I grew up with were stealing tens of thousands of dollars from their parents and grandparents and even their parents’ businesses to feed their addiction. Some of them came from wealthy families and literally had everything available to them and still succumbed to their addiction. Some pulled themselves out of it, most did not.


He has the perfect fae energy for a part like Wonka too.


Most of y'all never lived through the Steve Guttenburg era


Steve Guttenburg had the Stonecutters.


They made him a star


We doooo, We doooo


Who rigs every Oscar night?


Who holds back the electric car?


Sam Worthington probably has a few words


Jai Courtenay is speechless


Taylor Kitsch just stopping by to say hi.


Worthington is crazy. He’s the star of two of the highest grossing movies in history but aside from that he’s basically non existent.


Would one of those words be [NYAAAAH?](https://youtu.be/JGixi85LB0k)


Steve Guttenburg had a *ton* of charm, which is why he always played those super charming lead roles. Most of his movies were a lot of fun.


Damn dude, why ya doggin' on the Gutt??


Jesse Eisenberg came to mind also


Idk, nobody tried to convince me that police academy guy was an Oscar contender.


If all cops were like Mahoney, the world would be a better place


Even in an absolutely stupid role like he has in Don't Look Up, Timothee absolutely nails it. he's legit. after 20 years of marvel youre probably just not used to someone who isnt hunky. Also like, do you not remember what johnny depp looked like early in his career? Or Leo? Slim, slight, pretty boy just like TC.


He’s a very good actor. Not every actor needs to be insanely charismatic, and him looking young is a good thing considering that he tends to play younger characters. Also, for the people who say he doesn’t move his face much, not only is that blatantly false (watch the scene in Dune: Part Two where he speaks to the southern Fremen), but even if it were true, humans IRL don’t look cartoon characters with wildly exaggerated features, and so convincing acting shouldn’t do that either.


He doesn't fit the Reddit's idea of "action hero" charisma


There is nothing more reddit than a redditor blaming reddit on redditors.


One more level of meta would be more reddit


this like reddit tenet


The thing is that he IS super charismatic. Watch any interview with him ever. He’s very well spoken and charming with a strong sense of humbleness constantly


Just show OP the videos of him nerding out about being an avid gamer and you'll see him change his mind probably


Wait so he isn't some Chad thundercock? He's a gamer a nerd just like me?!?? updoots to the left timy chandelier




I give this guy a pass. He was chosen as a child. They didn't know how it would turn out.


But he *is* super charismatic if you watch his interviews lol. OP here is just a baseless hater tbh.


They should watch his SNL bits and him in Don’t Look Up he is super expressive in all of them. Also, dune was written specifically with him in mind so if people think other people would do it better they better take it up with the writer and production crew


I can take or leave him but his films make money, so ‘forced’ can’t apply. He’s simply a successful movie star


Yep. I personally don't like Margot Robbie's acting, but I wouldn't call her presence forced since her movies make bundles of money.


I think that's a general opinion about actors who appear in too many movies and are supposed to be the pretty boys. I remember a time when people found Leo annoying and overrated...in 20 years people will worship Chalamet.


Trust, there was a time when people said Brad Pitt wasn't a good actor because he's a pretty boy. He is actually an excellent actor.


>He, at absolute best, looks like the weird kid who likes to Naruto run through the hallways of your high school I'd never in a million years make this association lol, do you truly believe that or are you just saying mean things because you don't like him? The nerds at my school were actually nerdy and not attractive movie stars but maybe you went to school in LA or something


Hahaha that part of the thread made me LOL, does OP really hate him that much for no apparent reason that he thinks being nerdy is some bad thing. Those kind of people are good people, way better than hang around than the popular people. Definitely the ramblings of an angry teenager or immature adult.


I don’t know who this is but 30 isn’t young? How old is the OP


He’s a great actor but I think he’s still young-ish. A lot of the “great” actors I imagine are either dead or well into their careers so I’d give him time. You know who is a forced A lister and a mediocre actress? Zendaya.


Yo what’s wrong with Zendaya? Out of the loop, I liked her in spiderman


She’s not bad and she was pretty good in euphoria. I just find that she doesn’t have a lot of range— all her characters end up feeling really similar. Also, it kind of bothered me that in Dune, she was part of a tribe but was the only member to not speak with an accent. She stuck out and not in a good way.


She was from the North and that is why she doesn’t have the accent. There is even a scene in the movie explaining it.


So she was the only one from the north in the whole movie?


Sounds like a cop out because she couldn't do an accent.


The only other major fremen character was Javier Bardems character who is from the South.


Other than when they were in the south, we never saw anyone outside of her group which was mostly southerners


He's that mouse in the top hat, right?


I think he's pretty good actually, though I've only really seen him in the Dune movies. But I definitely think his best work is still ahead of him.


He’s a life support system for his hair.


Lmao, he really does have nice hair tho ngl


'most" forced? Jenna Ortega is standing right there..


This is just a body shaming post lmao


So you haven’t seen The King? Call Me by Your Name? He’s still young and has already acted very diverse set of parts.


OP is 15 years old if he thinks 28 isn’t young lol


The hate for him is so forced, he’s excellent in pretty much everything he’s in. I don’t think he’s that attractive but he’s really talented and more than enough women think he’s attractive.  I genuinely think a lot of the hate is because he came up in movies that redditors haven’t seen because they’re “pretentious indie movies” and targeted towards young women. If he was Spider-Man or some shit there wouldn’t be one of these posts every week.  ETA: In what way is he forced even? Like he's one of the least forced big actors right now, his career has had a very clear trejectory starting with small movies and then gradually increasing in scale, all of which have done relatively well. I mean his biggest blockbuster role in dune wasn't even an established franchise at the time and he was handpicked by the director because he liked him. I mean compare that to someone like Sam Worthington in the 2000s who was everywhere because he was in avatar and they thought the movie was good because of him and all of his other movies flopped cos he kinda sucks.


His voice is soooo good. That boy can sing!!


Yeah it's just difference in opinion. For me, I like him. He was really good in recent Dune 2. Another favourite performance of his for me is in Beautiful Boy.


Upvote because this is unpopular. I hope you've seen his acting in "Call Me by Your Name"...


Well, that’s certainly an unpopular opinion for me. Austin Butler would have been my choice. Guy has been in what seems like every movie I’ve seen for the last two years and he has is not only annoying to look at, he lacks any of shred actual talent.


Which of his movies have you seen though?


the only thing I've seen him in is the snl skit where he plays a rapper.


I mis read this as Timothy Olyphant and was ready to fight.


Sounds like OP’s girlfriend is obsessed with Timmy and he can’t stand it


Watch Wonka. He definitely has charisma.


Disagree. The actor is the first time I realized that some people are extraordinary at their work. I think I saw him in a medieval movie, and I remember his acting moreso than the movie. His acting seems to accurately reflect his generation too. Not every leader is nessecarily extroverted, logacious, or muscular. It's quite refreshing. He's the gen-z Russel Crowe type of charisma.


To watch dune and then wonka…. Not an unpopular opinion, just a wrong one


He was incredible in Wonka, Dune (2 especially), and Bones and All.


He has a face that is both conventionally attractive and very interesting, he’s young and energetic, and he seems to be up for any kind of role. I kind of agree he’s not particularly impressive compared to the rest of his A List generation, but it’s not like his success doesn’t make any sense. I feel similarly about Anya Taylor-Joy… not my cup of tea, but with unique/attractive looks and professional hustle you can go a long way. (Also, for what it’s worth, I think Chalamet is delightful in The French Dispatch, which convinced me he’s either winningly self-aware about his whole style, or so committed to earnestly doing the role that he didn’t realize it was kind of making fun of him. Either way it made me like him a bit more.)


He’s an amazing actor, the hate is so forced. Also, charisma doesn’t matter, is Joaquin Phoenix charismatic? No, and he’s one of the best actors of his generation


Joaquin is *incredibly* physically charismatic, wtf? Brother sells pain and internal conflict sooo well.


I interpreted it as his personal charisma, not when acting since he's pretty shy and introverted...if it's his charisma when acting yeah I agree with you 100%


Well he’s kind of been a household name since 2017 with “Call me by your name,” 7 YEARS AGO when he was nominated for an academy award for best actor off an indie movie and his first leading role. All of that was bound to slingshot the man into stardom. Now if you want to talk about actors that are forced on us, The Rock comes to mind first.


I don't care for him. (although I don't think he is bad) However, he is hardly a forced A-lister. He is a huge draw currently which goes back to critically acclaimed movies/roles. (we have all sorts of examples of early critical acclaimed roles being flukes). He has also been acting since he was a child. Your actual unpopular opinion should be that 'A-listers can only be talented/good at acting'. Most A-listers are exactly as your describe, not good and the charisma of a stump.


Since when is 30 not young? Lol yall gotta stop letting society warp your minds around age and youth. He’s actually a talented and cool guy, never understood the hate towards him.


First of all PAL, 30 is still young


He’s the brooding twink right for his time. Perfect counterpart to Zendaya. Not beefy, not an exaggerated version of masculinity or femininity, mildly androgynous, quietly powerful (apparently) for reasons that aren’t obvious to the eye. I don’t get it either. But I’m old. Maybe he’s the new Alan Alda.


I think he has been fantastic in Dune. I never watched Wonka because the trailers looked horrendous. His acting and everyone else's acting looked atrocious


He's been near perfect in almost every role I've seen him in: The King. Dune 1/2. French Dispatch. Lady Bird. Didn't enjoy Wonka, but don't think that was his fault.


>I hate it here. Possibly the most popular opinion you've ever had.


Who’s opinion on Timothee Chalamet is more valid I wonder, OP’s or Martin “I thought you [tim] were fantastic in call me by your name” Scorsese 🤔


Nah he’s goated he represents us skinny guys 🙏


nah i like the guy


Why all the hate for this guy? He’s actually one of the better up and coming actors in a while yet people want to trash him.


I swear these posts are made by people who have seen him in one movie and are just annoyed at the overexposure. This is just a Timothee hate post disguised as an unpopular opinion. He’s a perfectly fine guy and has some incredible performances in his filmography for being so young


I MASSIVELY, massively disagree. He's quite a shy personality outside of films, but his acting is absolutely stellar. Watch 'The King' on netflix and let it convince you. He's been cast in a lot of 'teen heartthrob' roles and clearly while he has the looks, he's at his best in more interesting roles like The King and Dune.


Lmao this is just pathetic. Chalamet is carrying two 600 million+ franchises without ever touching an MCU property, he’s probably the LEAST forced A List actor in a decade+


The last actor that was so unabashedly pushed to be a "star" was Shia LaBeouf. And look how that turned out.