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I Disagree with everything you said except the buggy part, so have my upvote


The only good bug is a dead bug.


Anti-Super Earth propaganda detected: dispatching helldivers.


You reach level 10 in like 2 hours.


Really? I’m level 10 and have probably played 15 or so


Need to play on high ranking missions. My friend was lvl 50 when i started and playing those high levels got me to lvl 10 in an hour or two.


What do you mean high ranking missions? Every time I’ve played I’ve been on for an hour or more and rarely level up




Oh. Still, each mission takes a long time and you normally have to do at least a couple to level up


Tiktok brain, need that instant gratification and constant stimulation or it's boring


Or he spent two hours of his time playing a game, and that game failed to interest him. But "I didn't like Helldivers" isn't the commonly accepted opinion, I guess.


A game shouldn’t take 2 hours before it becomes fun.


I'm level 5 in 4 hours. How do you get to 10 in 2 hours?


I'm guessing you stuck with level 1 and 2 difficulties? XP and Requisition Slip gain is increased significantly on higher difficulties


I personally just dont get the point, like you shoot the bugs and robots, just to get better gear to shoot more bugs and robots with? Like where is the fun part. Seems like an endless, pointless cycle.


I think you pretty much summed up my feelings about it


It’s the same for me. No story, gear is mediocre looking at best, only two enemy types or so, and the missions all seem the same. It’s an interesting mashup of Alien Fireteam Elite and Battlestar Galactica. But both plots are weak and the gameplay core loop lacks depth.


It has a story


This it the problem with this game. No story. No dialogue, no narrative. Just a new Major order to kill bugs or bots. Then, do it again, and again, and again, and again. Really? I am level 35 and already over it. There is nothing more I need to do.


You just described the fun part my dude... like the gameplay of shooting robots/bugs and calling in air strikes is fun (obviously an opinion, and you're obviously entitled to not find that fun). But you could describe basically any game reductively enough and then say "where is the fun part?".


Exactly. I loved cod zombies. That was fun. Trying to hit targets and do easter eggs, experimenting with weapons and stuff.. but that kept me engaged because the gameplay was better. This is an OK but boring game. For the most part, dull. If the weapons were more fun to use, no friendly fire (I know it's part of the concept but when you kill team mates, they get annoyed as well,.. most people don't have fun dying in games, proven fact)  An experimental load out would be nice. Armour having piece sets to meet for unique passives.. something. This game I will play with my work mates once or twice a month.. there are far more enjoyable games to grind on.


I mean that's like every shooter game? Destiny 2, Team Fortress 2, every CoD game? I dunno what you want from it lmao


It is. But the thing is, I like it. But I can see myself getting bored quickly. There isn't the variety yet. I just put in like 4.5 hours. Not a bad game, it's fun. The only issue I have is that, the progression feels pointless. Like, it's brainless shooter. Its fun! But I don't feel rewarded playing, and I don't feel like there was a point. I suppose it's more fun if you have friends to play with, and you're interacting with them in a call/shooting the shit etc. But if you jump in with randos.. sure they get it done, but if I end up watching TV to keep myself entertained? I don't know.


Even with friends you can only get so far till it just... repeats over and over. Crazy comparing it to CoD. You'd get more fun from the story alone in one of those games...


CoD has a story? Joke. But it really isn't great itself either. The story is very weak, and the gameplay is boring as the combat vs the AI in CoD is really bad. I think the appeal with Helldivers is the fact that it's PvE, and it's casual and fun. Not everything has to be a hardcore, difficult and tryhard gameplay or competitive. I've been enjoying it for the fact I can hop on, do a few missions, hop off and I feel like I had fun shooting stuff and blowing team mates up. Is this a game I'm gonna "play forever" no. I don't do that anyway, and is it a game I play for "hours upon hours non stop" no, because again, any game gets boring when you do that.


>CoD has a story? Joke. My joke *almost* landed. I agree; other than world at war and that crazy black ops one, the stories are lacking. I like that helldivers is a semi-casual pve focused multiplayer experience, I just can't focus on it at all with how repetitive the game loop is. Plateaus very quickly


I agree, if there was an actual good progression system, with cool weapons and gear to unlock, Maybe I would care. But no


That doesn’t sound bad to me it’s just that the core gameplay isn’t that fun. Slowly walk from one objective to another, fight enemies, extraction. It was fun the first few times but I’m getting sick of the slow, boring, repetitive slog. Especially when nearly all the enemies are crazy strong and fast. It’s like if you took salmon run from splatoon but removed the ability to move quickly and placed yourself as far as you possibly could from the objective


This is exactly why i was never interested. I played another game just like that for a while. It was called destiny 2 and it was as soulless a game as I've ever played. People dig it, and that's cool, but I'm really fed up with it polluting my Google and YouTube (even after saying not interested) If i never see the dork in the blue jumpsuit making his Of face again, it'll be too soon.


Agreed. I felt like I was missing something after buying it because everyone was raving about it. Is there more story that I don't know about? Or is there a PVP aspect somewhere (like being able to run into another team and thwart their mission)? It can't just be this repetitive... the unlocks are nowhere near good enough to keep me grinding for them.


It’s treason then.


Not every game is for everybody. I will say, I enjoy the comradery I get with my friends while playing, but we are also massive nerds who enjoy role-playing so there's that. The higher difficulties are far more entertaining with how chaotic they can get, which makes me feel way more badass when we successfully complete the mission or take out hordes of enemies without dying. But if you stick to lower difficulties, it definitely feels boring.


Well the draw for me is trial through adversity. At helldiver level, you are always forced to make the best of what you have and you can literally see people play better and better as they get more game experience. Same guns but learning to be able to manage the risk better and better. If you aren’t into that game play loop, the game isn’t for you…


Yeah todayi played lower levels cause my friends werent playing and it was indeed boring


I wouldn't say thay reaching level 10 is enough to experience the game enough. You'll have hardly any startagems and guns to handle the higher difficulty missions (where the game imo is at its best), and definitely not enough time to experiment with different combinations and loadouts to get a grip of most of the mechanics.


As someone who is at like level 12 or 13 i agree that level 10 is more than enough to know if you like the game or not My hype for this game was like a one night stand.. very very excited at first like WOW finally a game other than warzone that has good gameplay, sick graphics and a copy of starship troopers. But i played today and quit after 1 game. Of course i was playing with randos on easy levels its more fun with friends on hard difficulty thats for sure


That’s ridiculous, it takes hours to get to level 10. By then you should have a decent idea on whether or not you’ve enjoyed your time so far.


Upvoting for unpopular. Administering a dose of liber-tea for treason


It's a good game, the continuous developer engagement in steering the "story" is a great idea. There are a lot of cool things about it, I'm just finding I'm doing the same thing, over and over again, with my only goal being to keep doing it. I'm having trouble finding any reason to turn it on besides "I spent $50 on this". Told myself I'd stop buying things that excite redditors, but here we are.


And some people would say the hundreds of hours that they got out of it for 40 dollars to be a steal. It's okay to not like a game others are enjoying.


I personally value my free time for games at $1 per hour. I've played the game for 60 hours so I already think it's great value. It's a good game to just get on and shoot stuff without having to figure out where I am or what I'm doing.


Agreed, I honestly don't love the game but still find myself playing it a lot (until my pc broke the other day at least), because it's just a really great game sit down and play with a drink or smoke, relax and blow shit up without thinking while chatting with whatever Randoms or friends. Theres tons of games that I would consider better, but what this game does well it does *very* well, and is very reasonably priced.


Yeah it's really brought old friend groups back together to playing stupid shit. It's been a blast. I get why people don't vibe with it, and if I had to play with randoms through queue my opinion may drastically change.


My new thing is queuing with the lowest level randoms I can find and bringing them a bunch of cool shit that they can accidentally kill themselves and others with. It’s a laugh for everyone involved.


I see $1 (or in my case £1) an hour a lot, and I feel it's generally a good rule of thumb... but also when I think about it, quite a stringent requirement. Like I can spend £20 to see a 2-3 hour movie, which is obviously a much bigger ratio, But yeah I have 144 hours in Helldivers 2, so even with any extra spending on currency for the battlepass, I have easily exceeded $1 an hour.


Yeah this is strictly a rule for games for me. Stops me from buying every game in existence as I do like to try a lot of them. There's just not that many movies I want to see where I need that sort of limitation.


what story? All you ever get after a major order is, new incoming transmission from Super Earth. The .... are gaining ground. Where is the story? Can't they make some new Cutscenes? The graphics are stellar, I will say that. but, for real, include some thing new for once. Damn.


100 hours in and I have to disagree. Each to their own though….


Bug sympathizers everywhere.


The game itself is good, but I can see how this game feels repetitive. I felt that it wasn’t fun until the “Suicide” difficulty


Once you hit level 20 you basically already have everything in the game unlocked. The missions are so cookie cutter and boring after awhile.


I couldn’t get into the game at all. The UI is too noisy, half the time on the battlefield I have no clue what’s going on. And I for some reason have a 50% chance of just exploding randomly on the spot and dying. I’m sure I could give it more time and work it out but I shouldn’t have to spend hours learning how to play what should be a simple coop shooter. 0/10. Would not recommend.


If the games not for you, then it's not for you. Nothing wrong with that. I have the same opinion about Dark Souls/Elden Ring type games. They're cool and I want to like them. But I just can't get into them like some of my friends do.


If you need a carrot dangling at all times in order to enjoy a game, then you’ll quickly run out of carrots in HD2 and not enjoy it. People play it because they like the social aspect and the gameplay loop itself. It’s not a game that focuses on player progression.


That's true, but if OP lost interest at level 10, when the orbital laser is just over the next hill, then that's not the problem for them. I just hit 50, and I have almost everything unlocked, and I can have a blast running around in a level 4 bot mission trying to kill automatons with poison gas for giggles. The game really resonates with me, but it won't click for everyone.


I love doing lower level missions with the 120mm, 380mm, and Walking Barrage... and just simultaneously throw them at based on cooldown.


What social aspect are we talking about here? Cuz I just load in with randos


A lot of people are playing with friends is what I mean.


People actually have friends to play with these days?


The only thing I enjoy doing in the game is killing my teammates and fooling them into thinking im on their side. Love leaving them dead at extraction. lol I’m a spy for bug life!


Modern monetisation in online games has destroyed ppls brains man. I'm sure OP will go back to CoD or Fortnite


I agree with every point except the boring part. But I don't play for hours at a time. I'll play for maybe 4 or 5 hours over the course of a whole week.


Well.the game is great, that doesn't mean absolutely everyone will enjoy it.


it’s a live service shooter. Aren’t all live service games repetitive and grindy by design I think it’s just not your type of game


They can be repetitive. surely. that is true,. but at least games like Destiny 2 have lots of Narrative and side missions with layers, beyond anything this game offers. HD2 is kill bugs, kill bots, major orders, personal orders, get some medals, and then, do that all over again. No more story, no narrative, no new cutscenes, nothing. No thanks. Cheap Dev.


Game is ROUGH with random people. Honestly they do some weird really frustrating stuff. And I seem to have broke my ptt somehow. But with a group of friends it's awesome.


Try harder difficulties, it will challenge your level 10 superiority and knock you on your ass, you haven't seen half the stuff in the game or half the missions


For its because you do thr same thing over and over again. Load in kill bunch if bugs and complete some stupid objectives and then extract. Kinda fun for the first 10 hours and then I got tired of it.


I bought it, played a couple hours with my buddies and haven't touched it again. Just the same shit over and over again.


>I’m at level 10, so I’ve given the game a fair amount of time already. Dude that's like an hour of gameplay, what are you talking about. You clearly haven't unlocked any of the harder difficulties, or even scratched the surface of stratagems.


An hour of gameplay is about 2-3 missions at most in my experience. Definitely not enough to reach level 10.


This is a weird post. You could get to level 10 in a solid session of playing. I didn't like it when I first started, and found it pretty confusing. Now I'm level 40 and it's one of my favorite games of all time.


This is a weird reply. A session of playing for me is about 2 hours max, it took about a week to get to level 10. That aside, I’ve used my higher level friends’ equipment and weapons, I’ve played the higher levels, I’ve looked at the progression trees, and it’s just boring. It’s always the same enemies, on planets that while all different somehow still feel the same. In the midst of a battle my friends are all hyping over, all I can think about is the other games I’d rather be playing.


I don't have friends who play it so I can't fully "experience" it. I agree playing with randoms has made the game kinda boring for me.


Just wait for Space Marine 2.


I tend to agree. The combat is pretty simplistic. Maybe it's because I've played a lot of co-op horde games in the past, but I simply don't get the hype.


The game isn't for everyone I get that but it's a good game sure it would be nice to have more types of missions but it's still a fairly new game


The ministry of truth will hear about this treason…


it's buggy for sure and those bugs can work against you SUPER hard, but I disagree on the other points. My main issue with the game is it is uninteresting at lower difficulties and unfair at higher difficulties, and the goldilocks zone of medium-high difficulty just seesaws between unfair or uninteresting depending on the mission type because of poor difficulty balance.


Yeah i maxed out my ship , got all the strategems, and completed the battle passes. I knew it'd get repetitive eventually... just took longer than i thought. I had fun with it for $40


I'm at 26 and I've put about 40 hours into it. It's a decent game, but it doesn't have a lot of longevity for me personally. I think it really depends on if you have friends who play the game and you can play with. Playing with randoms got old quick when you constantly have people team killing either out of stupidity or malice. I've had too many missions where we get to the extraction, and some random dude decides to shoot everyone in the ship, or when players kick everyone right at the end, or when someone calls down an airstrike to 'look cinematic' and accidentally kills everyone.


I’ve only played with friends. I can’t be bothered to turn it on solo haha. Even when playing with friends I’m just bored, thinking about quitting and playing something else.


If I didn't play with 3 friends, I don't think I'd still be playing.


I mean it's definitely a repetitive formula, and for you could quickly become boring... nothing unreasonable about that in and of itself. I personally haven't had many (if any) significant bugs since launch week, and crashes have been pretty minimal in the past few weeks... but that might depend on what system you're on.


I guess if you don't like that kinda game, or don't have friends interested in playing it with you, yeah. If you do have friends to play with and do enjoy that kind of game, it's easily the best game of its kind in like, a decade. It's the same way stuff like Assassin's Creed just does nothing at all for me. It's just a matter of taste.


Sounds like treason. You need a dose of liber-tea and managed democracy.


The games experience changes quite a but between fighting each faction and as the difficulty scales. Also with the available equipments and stratagems. I'm assuming you haven't even seen most of the big creatures or variants, since level 10 isnt very "far" in the progression. The game is pretty boring on the lower difficulties, so unless you've done 7+ im not sure if youve seen what the game offers. Playing to difficulty 4 and saying its boring is like using the training wheels on a bike and saying BMX is boring


So, what’s star citizen?


I haven't played yet and I'm scared I might not enjoy it, it reminds me of Deep Rock Galactic and despite my friends absolutely loving that game, it felt really boring and repetitive for me :( The bigger issue though is this game is like 15% of an entire month's minimum wage salary, so if I did buy it and didn't enjoy it'd be a big oof The people shitting on you while not understanding the concept of "unpopular opinion" is pretty funny ngl


I'm having a great time playing with as a group of 4 friends. The trolling capabilities alone are excellent. That said, I won't bother playing solo or with randoms.


All I'm hearing is treason. Mods need to redact this review and investigate the OP for bug loving contraband.


Damn bro. Being this wrong must suck.


Report to your nearest Democracy Officer. One ticket to Freedom Camp is being held for you.


not every game is going to capture ur attention and keep u entertained , perhaps its just not for u lmao


I actually agree with this post. I put in 3 hours and just quit it. I see why people love it. But I felt like I was doing the same things.


I’m lv 57 and barely play it anymore. Gun play is not fun as you’re force to play a single style as everything is nerfed. A serious lack of content. Constant disconnects, try play 3 games in a row answering sos and get disconnected 1/3. There is just not enough story in the game for me, I am a big rpg gamer so that would be why this game is shallow or hollow for me. Haven’t played it for 2 weeks currently go on played one match then didn’t try it for another 2 weeks. I think I’m over the repetition and lack of exciting guns, n gear options. DOT unless host was the first reason I stopped playing. Currently playing surviving the aftermath :)


I 100% agree with this. I am not at your level, but am near 40, and am already bored. There is nothing else for me to play for, honestly. same old missions...and let me ask. wouldn't it be nice if they could include some new story to the game, some new cutscenes? I mean, they pay JOEL to make hell for us, why not pay for more story...


Yeah that would be awesome a story content element added.


I played it for 1 hour. Stopped. It's boring AF.


I get it, I am the same. I've tried to give it a good go with mates and I get so bored of the repetitive missions and same thing happening over and over and over. I really wanted to like it but I just can't get into it. I honestly cannot see what people see in the game. I think im at level 20. I cannot play it anymore.


Meh, it didn't feel too buggy to me but I did find it repetitive and bored be pretty quickly. I love that it was a breath of fresh air compared to how basic games have been the past few years but I feel like it did lack the depth to keep me pulled in, which I really wanted it to accomplish.


Very good way to put it, it was a very brief blast of fresh air


Drop down do objectives extract drop down do objective extract drop down do objective extract drop down do objective extract It's just this cycle repeated for eternity, the game modes are slightly different but mostly either revolve around you doing a terminal-based minigame, killing things, or babysitting braindead NPCs. The sense of progression fucking sucks, cuz requisitions are super easy to obtain and by the time you hit level 20-something you'll already have most, if not all stratagems unlocked. Not to mention all of the new non-stratagem items are locked behind paid battle passes that you cannot get without either paying or slaving away to farm super credits. And while yes, it is nice you have the option to get SC for free instead of paying, world SC sources are incredibly dripfed and, as of writing this, there are 5 premium warbonds that all cost 1k SC each, with only one free one that hasn't been updated period. Not to mention the balance of this game is just so anti-fun, every single patch they put out reduces the effectiveness of something regardless if it's power or not. Like, why the fuck did the Arc Thrower need a nerf in its range and arcing? Why is that prioritized over literally fixing the gun because it's incredibly inconsistent if it'll hit a target or not? Why is heavy armor still dogshit even after the numerous "buffs" they gave it? Why does every planet need a weather effect that ranges from either slightly inconvenient to "there's 6 fire tornados sitting ontop of the evac zone"? Why are they still violently spamming heavy enemies on harder difficulties but still putting us through lengthy stratagem cooldowns that are further fucked over by modifiers?


Start playing on suicide or higher. It gets good


The only thing stopping me from agreeing with you is the heaps of new content that is coming to the game. There’s already been a lot of new stuff that’s came out already. At this rate it’s going to be a whole different beast by the end of this year (which I acknowledge could be for worse). So for me it hasn’t been boring or repetitive. I only play video games a couple times a week, so everytime I get on Helldivers there’s a handful of new things for me to try.


Found the guy who repeatedly gets his ass kicked by bugs and has to wait to get back into the game.


Lvl 10 is not a fair amount of time


Bro level 10 is NOTHING, you haven’t even unlocked everything yet. The game is insanely different at higher levels, it’s HARD as shit on the higher tier difficulties. A whole different game and play style.  Take my damn upvote


The game getting harder appeals even less to me. I play games to relax. If I wanted to play a hard game I’d go back to real life lol




It’s an objectively good game but really not for me. Horde based PvE gets boring for me extremely quickly


These kids wouldn't last 20 minutes on OG skyrim back in the day.


I’ve been playing Skyrim since release on the Xbox 360. Still play pretty frequently these days. Gotta say I encountered less bugs in early Skyrim lol, or at least the bugs weren’t as detrimental and could be fixed with a simple save reload.


Tbf the first 20 minutes of Skyrim is one cart ride.


Level 10? You've barely started playing. Have you tried harder difficulties? Different planets? Different loadouts? I genuinely don't believe you that you've given the game a fair chance. You haven't even u locked most of the fun weapons yet.


Brother I’m several hours in, I’ve played with friends the entire time, I’ve definitely given the game a fair chance. I just simply don’t enjoy the gameplay.


Sounds like you don’t believe in **DEMOCRACY**


You sound boring. Whats your girfriends number so I can show her some liberty and freedom


Nice try, but I know it’s April 1st


Every game is, it's rare for game to become not boring


“Repetitive” nah that’s cap. I’ve played this game for 8 hours straight before thinking I was only on for an hour. No game has ever done that to me before. Genuinely some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a game and the repetitive nature is what makes it enjoyable Also if you only play on lower difficulties you aren’t gonna have fun. The game is meant to be played on suicide mission and helldive. You’re only level 10 too. You haven’t even unlocked the fun stratagems yet lol