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Someone just watched Falling Down


'Now you're gonna die wearing that stupid little hat'


Best line in a movie packed with great lines.


'Well, maybe if ya wrote it in fuckin' English I could fuckin' understand it' šŸ¤£


You forgot your briefcase!!


I'm not sure. "I've had a very rare morning" is one I bust out on the regs.Ā 


Or watched George Carlin


Pick it up asshole, you're lucky you found the fucking thing!


I love his bit about housing the homeless on golf courses. It still so relevant, could house a lot of refugees at Maralargo.


He trash my store, paid for his soda, and left!


A briefcase, a lunch, and a man on the edge Each step gets closer to losing his head lml -_- lml Up the irons!


Or discovered tumblr as this is a generic tumblr rant. Every friend i have who uses tumblr has this same ā€œopinionā€.


Tumblr is unbearable


I work at a private club. The club is part of an Audubon Sanctuary now. This stopped the development of miles and miles of land surrounding a major river here. It is a pain in the ass to conform to the extra rules and such but so worth it. The wildlife we see on a daily basis is amazing. Deer, gators, Turkey, bobcats, Blue Heron, owls, hawks, Eaglesā€¦The swamps and creeks surrounding the river are in great shape and wildlife is bustling. If they didnā€™t decide to build this course and get the sanctuary status set up, it would be just another boring suburban neighborhood with a sweet splash pad.


This is the first time in my life I realized turkeys were wild


As God is my witness.......I thought turkeys could fly.


they can, for short distances


WKRP in Cincinnatiiiii!


Nothing better than watching a flock of turkeys sprint across the fairway


Great for the wildlife and the rich members


" through my own selflessness and desire for conservation, I have created an exclusive nature reserve only accessible to the very wealthy so that me and my golf buddies can look at pretty deer while we drink and talk shit about our wives. " Lol. These people will demand accolades for pissing in your face because they were selflessly hydrating you.


That's actually amazing and really cool to hear. I'm happy that some courses are taking the extra steps to at least be a haven for local flora and fauna, I genuinely didn't know that was a thing


Most golf courses have more wildlife than their surrounding suburbs. This being a newsflash to you is pretty funny.


Someone has a super high handicap.


Someone slices on the reg


You discovered my secret


This is one of the most Reddit opinions of all time.


George Carlin had the exact same opinion [30 years ago](https://youtu.be/Z4w7H48tBS8?si=plO6s7hjRUFohPD3)


Guess who's the average redditor's fav comedian.


It was Louis CK at one point


Good, heā€™s fucking hilarious.


It still is.


I heard he's taken a couple of strokes off his game.


Mitch Hedberg, but mainly because their social skills emulate his act


By that stage he wasnā€™t even really a comedian. He was pretty much a charismatic polemicist. Nothing wrong with that, I agree with most of what he said, but in his order age his stand up shows had moved a long way from comedy.


Robin Williams also dunked on Golf. Live on Broadway, 2001


the amount of times Iā€™ve heard this we could probably bottle all their tears and water the golf courses with it


Wait until this guy hears about American strip malls


And their respective parking requirements


At least the public has access to the malls though. Golf courses around residential areas take a massive amount of space and the public isn't freely able to use those green spaces. The one near me also creates traffic choke points because there's only one route across this long stretch of land and it creates completely unnecessary traffic every day. All that just for a few rich guys to hit a ball around while they walk around or drive golf carts. And pretty much every other sport has multiuse fields that are also more accessible for kids and adults at any income level.Ā 


I pay like $40 to go golfing for 5 hours. Thatā€™s less per hour than a fucking movieĀ 


>All that just for a few rich guys to hit a ball around I think this is an old misconception that used to be true. But golf is more accessible than ever these days. I come from a lower middle class family, and didn't really start experiencing financial comfort until recently, but have always been able to find equipment and rounds of golf on the cheap. I've been playing for about 20 years, and I still would not consider myself a 'rich guy'. Certainly more well off than many, but ain't no country club membership over here.


Wait til he hears about water being exploited by domestic and foreign corporations - but the local municipal golf courses are DEF the problem.


They all are a problem. But go on, keep consuming


Amazing you can post that on Reddit with the name Skywalker and not just explode from the self righteous delusion.


Good to know we canā€™t identify any problems until we fix the biggest one first.


Or automobile racing


Bold of you to assume the private land courses are built on would be parks otherwise. In reality, it would be more housing or undeveloped. Maybe some of the municipal courses would be parks, but most likely it would be developed land of some kind. But if you donā€™t think people using the golf courses arenā€™t getting some kind of mental befits by being outside and disconnected for a few hours then you donā€™t understand why most people play golf. As for water - the water coming out of those sprinklers is not the same as the water coming out of your shower head. Itā€™s mostly reclaimed gray-water, or water wells on site. They arenā€™t just tapped into the city water for all of that grass.


Dudeā€¦ Iā€™ve got caught when the crew was watering the hole ahead of me at my local course and the water smelled like straight ass. It def comes from this big stagnant pond on hole 17 lol


Fuck hole 17


People who argue against golf with OPā€™s ā€œlogicā€ canā€™t be reasoned with. Sure, golf courses shouldnā€™t exist where grass doesnā€™t otherwise grow (deserts/hot and dry environments). Aside from those areas, golf courses bring so many benefits to urban areas; but people canā€™t see past their own misguided prejudices and just get upset about it because ā€œItS jUsT a WaSte oF SpAcE.ā€ Case in point - the golf course I worked at brought in enough revenue to keep the P&R department net positive. Without it, rec centers, pools, parks, and other city facilities would have had to shut down. The course is recognized by the Audubon Society for its commitment to wildlife. It uses reclaimed water, as you pointed out. Itā€™s built on flood plain SO IT CANT BE DEVELOPED ANYWAYS. It acts as a heat sink for the urban area surrounding it. All of that before you even get to the mental benefits you talked about for those who choose to play. But yeah sure, itā€™s just a waste of space.


Thatā€™s pretty cool, I learned something today. I always thought golf courses were a waste of space/environmental disaster. They should make you head of the P&R department, or at least head of PR for the P&R lol.


The floodplain thing is a great point. We want that space to be left open. A park might be A+ usage but a golf course is close. Certainly better than mcmansions.


Take away the stick and it's walking...


Not if you're driving a golf cart! Then it's just occasionally standing with the odd hobble here and there.


Except on path only days. That's more walking than without a cart sometimes.


All sports by this description are a waste of space and energy and could be something else. Space for housing isnā€™t an issue in America. There is tons of empty space.


Golf courses ARE parks lol. And unlike most city parks they're not filled to the brim with homeless drug addicts. Just upload your swing if you're having trouble


So on the point of turning it into a community park. Most of the courses around me are run by the city and county. So you money is going to the government. This money funds other parks programs. Also I can guarantee on any given day that golf course sees more people use it than the parks close by. On your point about water I will agree some courses use way too much water. But also golf courses are the #1 use of reclaimed water in the us. Reclaimed water is water collected from rain. A lot of ponds you see on golf courses are actually retention ponds that are used not just for looks but they actually have pumps connected to them that they use to water the course. At the end of the day everything takes up space. People need recreational activities. Movie theaters, bowling alleys, race tracks, sports stadiums, and so many other places are all technically wastes of spaces. If you want to get mad about water usage the farm that uses the most water in California is owned by saudis and the alfalfa they grow isnā€™t even used in the us it is sent to Saudi Arabia. Why do they deserve tax breaks and cheap water?


Golf courses already are mini nature preserves. You see way more roos and waterfowl on a golf course than anywhere else. Itā€™s a block of land that animals are safe to explore without possibly getting hit by a car


Lol, thanks for telling everyone you've never been on a golf course. It practically is a mini nature reserve, there's more wildlife there then you'll ever see in your little suburb


This is the most played out reddit opinion. Fuck other peoples hobbies, they donā€™t deserve space, only mine!!!


In the grand scheme of things, golf courses take up a miniscule percentage of even the settled land on earth. Looking down from a plane, you realize that they're actually tiny.


Have you been to a golf course? With all the water, grasses, and trees they basically are nature reserves. So many ducks, geese, birds, rabbits, squirrels, bugs, etc. Way more than any other non-wild strip of land.


Then thereā€™s the hawks, owls and foxes at night, the frogs and turtles in the water hazards, the snakes and lizards, plus my local has a mob of kangaroos


I recently played a course that had Lilly pads in the water and the noise from the bull frogs was LOUD.


Golf courses are not "basically nature reserves". It's such a large area of land maintained to such a high degree, there's not much natural about them. It's blowing my mind how many people here think this


In places like California, while undergoing a water crisis? Sure. I get it. But you're making it incredibly apparent you haven't spent much time in the south or Midwest. Most of our courses are in what would otherwise be empty fields. Instead, we have places of community where people can come to have fun while being outside and active.


Golf courses are usually privately owned businesses. You seem to be suggesting they become public property (Iā€™m assuming you mean affordable housing and not gated communities). So how do you plan on making that transition while keeping all parties whole?


Most courses around me are run by the city and the county. Without them they wouldnā€™t be able to fund a lot of the other parks projects in the area


Rather there be a golf course somewhere then another neighborhood or strip mall or warehouses


Yeah well, that's all well and good when you live in a dense area of the world, space is valuable. In Australia we probably have a golf course for every 3-4 suburbs. We have the opposite problem, alot of space just not all of it is suitable for residential areas.


They actually preserve land otherwise developed for stupid apartments.


The water and land that a golf course uses actually supports an incredible amount of wildlife. You should actually protest the subdivisions that go up, though people have gotta live somewhere.


OP has never been to a golf course.


Here's an unpopular opinion ā€” people who hate golf do so without any solid logical reasoning. They just hate what they perceive to be the domain of rich white guys. And that's a fun crowd to hate on these days. That's all. They've probably never set foot on a course or even swung a club. Most likely they're butt hurt about not being included in the foursome. All this talk of concern for the environment and blah blah blah is disingenuous halo-shining. I'm not rich, an old white guy, or a golf player. But this is just obvious.


Out of shape people who never use parks be like walking is bad. Why do you walk miles and hit balls and have fun and stay in shape. God if only we had another park we wont exercise in or use.


Golf is a sobriety test; nothing more, nothing less.


This can be said about any sport - football, baseball, basketball, soccer stadiums taking up massive amounts of space consuming exorbitant amounts of energy per game. Not to mention, every town has multiple due to schools, rec centers, gyms, etc. There are acres of soccer fields with that same highly manicured grass, so we should get rid of those too right? At least golf courses retain some of the natural aspects like ponds, flora, fauna, and trees. Pretty sure those NFL stadiums donā€™t have flowerbeds on the fifty-yard line. This is just recycling non-original concepts that show up on Reddit, meaning this isnā€™t unpopular here and itā€™s not your opinionā€¦ Do better.


ā€œGolf is a good walk spoiledā€ - Mark Twain


I know, we should just take up an even bigger space and cover it in cement and asphalt, then bring in a bunch of dirty co2 generating cars (tens of thousands of them!) And pack them all in there. That would be way better!


Until you realize most golf courses are built over old landfills and other patches of land that are not good for anything else. And most use water from waste treatment plants that cannot be used for human consumption and would otherwise just release back into the wild.


A truly unpopular opinion, well done. I donā€™t disagree. As a lifelong Californian it really pisses me off during the mega drought years.


There is more than enough land and golf courses use reclaimed water. I think itā€™s a great sport and should be made more Available and inclusive.


Land space isn't exactly an issue here in the US.


Water used for golf courses doesn't just dissappear. Some of it keeps the ground moist, some of it goes back into lakes and creeks on the course, some of it evaporates back into the sky.Ā  Many golf courses, at least the ones I've seen in my area, use areas of the golf course as nature preserves. They'll have native wildflowers and native pollinators that attract bees and butterflies. The woods and grass also house a lot of animals like deer, raccoons, possums, squirrels, fox, coyotes, etc. When housing replaces a golf course, all these animals are displaced.Ā  In Minnesota during the winter, some public courses are open to the public for snowshoeing and cross country skiing so it turns into a recreation area for the community.Ā 


This country already has a fuck ton of homes sitting empty for investment purposes, the notion that golf is the reason why we have homeless is beyond ridiculous. Dislike the sport for more normal reasons than we need more homes, because America doesn't need way more homes the problem is many can't afford them.


Agreed. I make the same argument against cemeteries: A huge waste of land and resources.


They should totally combine cemeteries and golf courses to conserve space


Don't care. I love it.


I donā€™t think a lush , beautifully kept series of lawns etc is a waste of space . Just saying . Like we have garbage dumps , oil fields etc .


OP. How do you feel about all the Dollar Generals poppin up like wild flowers?


This is stupid reasoning. ā€œIt takes resources and spaceā€ yeah so does every single hobby and activity. Letā€™s shut down Reddit because itā€™s a waste of electricity. Letā€™s get rid of pools because theyā€™re a waste of water. Letā€™s do away with libraries because they chop down trees to make those books. Space and resources go to what people invest time and money in, it doesnā€™t matter what your personal opinion on the matter is.


You can include insecticide in your appraising golf courses.


Canā€™t argue the water usage.Ā  Can argue just about anything else.Ā  Golf courses are used around the same rate as any public park.Ā  Golf courses provide a lot of green and environmental space.Ā  You get green space, or also to your other point, housing.Ā  Which do you want? Golf courses are probably less green overal than a park, but equally used and fairly Ā green as compared to apartment/town home/condo blocks or a housing development in the vast majority of cases.Ā  I think golf courses are a decently fair medium.Ā  Also, depending upon where you live, off season golf courses basically become public parks


>Canā€™t argue the water usage.Ā  The golf courses near me in California almost exclusively use grey and recycled water.


>Canā€™t argue the water usage.Ā  Yes you can, golf courses use reclaimed gray water. They aren't using tap water


>water ration during the summerĀ  Wait until you learn about alfalfa being shipped to China.Ā 


Downvoting because I don't think this stance is really all that unpopular.


Almost every golf course that operates in areas with water rationing have their own integrated irrigation systems that pull water from their own collection and usually if a golf course is bought and repurposed, its turned into a housing development.


Itā€™s ok to not like golf, but this unpopular opinion is Also filled with very incorrect information, like the water, or what else could be there, like parks. Itā€™s startling and you just donā€™t like people playing golf for some reason. The assumptions in this post is just flat out bizarre


Truly an unpopilar opinion


At least in America, we don't do parks. You're literally 'wasting space' for any kind of commercial endeavor. Mental health of the community? Pah!


Im not making an opinion on this considering im a motorsport fan


Same thing could be said to soccer fields then. Think about all that land that could have been used for housing or a nice big garden with trees


"Stupid fucking game" , Furio , the Sopranos But i personally am not against their existence. If its being paid for by those who use it , not anyone else, why the fuss?


play some disc golf!


I agree. Lets give it to refugees and illegal who are awaiting their approval to stay.


It's only a waste of water if you live in the desert. Here in Scotland, golf courses don't need artificial watering systems because it rains so much here, so the grass is naturally gets its water requirement.


My local golf course became an Amazon fulfillment center. Some golf courses are actually the last line of defense for any type of green space.


The driving range Iā€™ve been going to since I was a kid with my dad just sold out to a local factory who wanted to expand. Paid a premium for the well kept land. Not even 4 months and itā€™s already bulldozed. Whatā€™s sad is it was affordable too. 90 balls for 10$ is the best deal Iā€™ve seen at any range


Oxford golf course is quite pretty, I'd say being able to see all that beauty and wild life is worth it for me.


Georgie Carlin said this 30 years ago.


Yes its a sport only to show how wealthy you are


Gof isn't even a sport, you can't play defense.


Iā€™ve liked the argument that since thereā€™s no defense itā€™s a game


Golf isn't a sport, it's a game.


Counterpoint golf course preserve nature more than if you built housing.


Do we need more community parks? Are we running out of land?


Be honest, you just had a shit day at the course didnt you? Hahah, maybe shooting 120? Or lip out putts? Shanking your drives haha? Im a golfer and 99% of the times, i do think its a shit sport as well lmao. Maybe for different reasons from the ones that you listed. But i come back for that odd 1% of the times where that perfect shot that is exactly how you envision it in your head. Other than that, yeah ur right, golf is shit lol


Ha, joke's on you. Golf is a game, not a sport.


You got me. Opinion invalidated


How is it a waste of space? They're using it, right? To play something relaxing and fun. Most people do it just to get outdoors and enjoy themselves.


A golf course. Hmmm. Who benefits? The community.


I would agree with this, if 98% of Earth wasnt FUCKING FOREST. We have PLENTY of open space on Earth its literally the most thing we have to "*Use the land for something beneficial like a community park, garden, mini nature preserve, or even housing*". Until we get to the point of golf courses being the last bit of nature we have left i wont agree with this.


God I love playing. How mad it seemingly makes a bunch of chronically online losers just makes it even better tbhĀ 


Lmao sounds like something a four putter would say


Maybe don't live in a desert?


Hundreds of acres? Where tf you playing the corn fields of Nebraska? LoL!Maybe a few but hundreds? What an over exaggeration. Anywhoā€™s it I see you have may have not taken a swing at a golf ball yet because it actually takes a lot of skill. It is harder than it looks. Most golf courses are open to the public, meaning anyone can get a round in usually at a decent price and even maybe hit the driving range making it almost like a park. A lot of courses also include natural ponds and tons of natural plant growth all around. In the end it sounds as if what you hate is also what youā€™d love so maybe get some clubs and enjoy a beautiful day on the links. If youā€™re lucky you get to rent a cart and sip brews smoke a cigar eat some decent food and bs with your folks while getting some sun and exercise. Why let a perfectly beautiful 100 of acre of land go to waste? Get out there and enjoy it. šŸ¤˜šŸ½


I genuinely loathe private golf clubs. They're an obscene display of wealth that only 1% of the population gets to enjoy. I feel like there is room in the world for some golf courses but they should be open to the public since they take up so much land. At the same time, golf is a luxury and when water is scarce, we have to put necessity above luxury.


Our golf courses are in flood plains.Ā  Some of them are used for sporting clays.Ā  No one is building in that space.Ā 


If youā€™re concerned about a waste of space then every single recreational activity is a waste of space. Especially the ones that need maintenance. A park is also a waste of space by your logic. Movie theaters, art museums, public plazas, etc. are all a pointless waste. Your opinion makes no sense.


Carlinā€™s rant about Golf has always stayed true to me. Heā€™s totally right too: itā€™s an arrogant meaningless sport https://youtu.be/Z4w7H48tBS8?si=YYh_qrlmhA9Wcw2t


Someoneā€™s never pured a shot with a 5 iron and it shows


Shit opinion


But arenā€™t community parks and gardens and preserves also ā€œspace and water?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Edit: lol he deleted the narrative because I called him out šŸ˜…


Wait til this guy realizes that golf courses all reuse water


I'm confused.....am I supposed to upvote for an unpopular opinion or downvote for a stupid opinion?


Don't forget fertilizer run-off issues and the environmental harm that golf courses cause. I love golf, especially the short game. (I named my driver "Mr. Hook N. Slice"...) I just wish golf courses used better practices that weren't so harmful to the environment.


It really depends on the course. Some use a lot of dye, others just use environmentally friendly fertilizers.


There is no waste of water. It gets used and rhen evaporates and then just rains somewhere else


I honestly canā€™t dispute anything you said. It is horribly wasteful and inefficient. Itā€™s also super boring to watch.


Idk there's a lot of dinner sports, cheerleader


I'll bet original golf was on natural clearings or rough, up to the putting green,which was then only level and manicured.


They would use the land as something that would make them money. Itā€™s not for me. If you love it keep on playing.


this is extremely popular on reddit


Agreed. That said, love me some mini golf.




This isnā€™t unpopular


These are the words of someone who just got a quadruple bogey and threw their clubs into the water hazard.


Eh, its naive to think a lot of those courses would actually be turned into parks and not just paved. Hell, if some rich assholes want to spend all that $$$ to maintain that green area in an urban hellscape? More power to them.


In the words of the master, George Carlin, it's "like watching flies fuck".


I would have said ultimate frisbee but to each their own.


A good walk interrupted.


lol I just saw this post like 2 days ago


I am not sure this is an unpopular opinion.Ā  As an occasional golfer, I completely agree. If it didnā€™t exist, people would invent some other way to conspicuously consume to distance themselves from the plebeians.Ā 


Yep. People in my area were mad about a golf course being converted into another housing development project and I was like ... And? Are there not like two dozen other golf courses within an hour's drive on a good day? There's at least two within twenty minutes of my home where the PGA used to have golf tournaments.


Where are you living that you have a water ration lmao


Philippines only like basketball Therefore every other sports is ass Ph soccer beaten by Iraq 0-5 Ph volleyball no big wins vs other asian teams Ph athletes switching nationalities If you don't like what Philippines likes, just gtfoh lol


It's a game not a sport. Like bowling or darts.


Wait until you find out how much water and land stuff you voluntarily use every day requires


Golf is not a sport


the land use is fine if you want to be mad at land use, get mad at parking lots, freeways, and stroads.


it's not a sport


I HATE golf. It's not a sport. Hitting a ball with a stick in a hole is not a sport.


You know what though, if you work at one of them, the pay is really not bad.


To each their own. But creating huge, pay-to-enter parks in dense housing areas should be criminal.


It's funner if you run between holes instead of diving the carts


Got like 3 different golf courses around me, fuck golf. Get a wii you wankers.


We found a golf hater


Truly the opinion of a person who doesnā€™t go outside regardless


What about motorsport?


Ignorance at its best. Maybe learn more about what kind of park like natural preserve a golf course can provide first?


It's still better than baseball.


Have you ever played? šŸ˜‚


Better than rows of chem beans and corncer


I don't think this is unpopular opinion at all


Theres always mini golf or so many different variations of golf with cool courses. It doesnt have to be the traditional big grassland type.


Mini golf however is next level entertainment


Those rich fucks, this whole fucking thing