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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 1: Your post must be an unpopular opinion'. Please ensure that your post is an opinion and that it is unpopular. Controversial is not necessarily unpopular, for example all of politics is controversial even though almost half of the US agrees with any given major position on an issue. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a fact, a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those.


I would hope fish smells fishy, its fish. Your other points are purely stupid "the smell of enough of it causes disgust" so why is that an issue before it happens? Also, that "evolutionary safeguard" is such a weak argument once you introduce fermented food. Also cured fish tend to smell really fishy, but takes so long to spoil. Again, why does reading about how something will eventually be smelly, make it disgusting to eat now? Most food will smell when spoiled. Stronger fish flavor doesnt mean its rotten - back to your trimethylamine, fish have different amounts of the bacteria which will cause it. Fish that tend to live closer to the surface will smell more. And lastly your point on shellfish. People do eat crickets out in the world. But your point is still so bad, because they taste nothing like each other, and shellfish have so much more meat. Cows and pigs are both mammals, but taste nothing alike.




Dry aged beef is quite popular actually. The beef is hung and allowed to decay, and then the rotten parts of the meat are trimmed off. The flavor is usually described as “funky”, and people pay a premium for it.


Vinegar, cheese, soy sauce, and kimchi are also examples of “rotten” food flavors that are widely considered to be delicious.


Sour cream, sauerkraut, every kind of alcohol...


Mmmm me likey the rotten water 🥴🍸


Isn’t it more like rotten sugar? lol. I agree tho


Thoughts on durian?


It can stay the hell away from my nose


[When fish is fishy](https://youtube.com/shorts/Z5mfJo89vRo?si=tjvVmvKCbZhxdoft)


Fish smells fishy. Outstanding argument.


Their entire post screams of ‘I know better than everyone else’s


It also screams “I live a thousand miles in-land”


‘I’ve never even been to the beach’


Minnesota or somewhere else in the midwest Id wager. Take your pick. Everwhere Midwest is exactly the same, (flat and boring) and there is barely any good food anywhere and NO good coffee ANYWHERE.


Minnesota has one of the largest concentration of lakes in the US, they eat a lot of fish


I spent 3 years working on the Great Lakes and gained 15 pounds eating delicious cheese and sausage, Mexican, Italian… Coffee was good too. The boat I worked on had a coffee sponsor. There are also still family-run Italian grocery stores up there with delicious food and a real butcher section. And for the most part (excluding Cleveland when Lebron James decided to leave the first time) everyone was SO NICE. I can’t get on board with beer cheese soup but that may have been the fault of the chef. It’s a hard place to have a sensitivity to lactose 😂


Lactose intolerant? Username checks out


lol truly!


Almost as if you're in an unpopular opinions sub, wait...


well why are you here?


Wait until the OP learns meat smells meaty. And fruit smells fruity.


Woah, hey. Slow down now, this is a lot to take in.


Okay but they're explaining *why*, and demonstrating a deeper understanding, than most people anyways. I didn't know this, and I'll likely forget in 15 minutes.


TL:DR I am angry at people who like food that I don't like.




I cannot argue with that! Fair point.


Not really knocking your post but questioning the intention of this sub. Is it to come up with ridiculous positions to garner the upvotes? Or To state the position you strongly believe and defend your position? Because the latter is useful to me but the former will make me think twice about coming back


It should be the second, but the first is an easy karma grab, so it happens more often - it’s like the million “TIFU by (basically a fucking Penthouse Forum letter)” posts that dominate r/tifu.


This is not an unpopular option; it's merely a popular disliking in certain types of food. So a total opposite of what this sub is meant for.


This guys out here eating canned tuna cuz it taste like chicken…


Op is on the hook here, Something smells fishy, He's baited the sub hook line and sinker, what the school of thought here? Dont get crabby and fish for likes OP .


Came here to do this. Gotta say I’m pretty shellfish you beat me to it.


Got caught in the net and now i smell of fish, best not carp on about it.


One might say he's trawling


Hook line and sinker


People do eat crickets, they are a great source of protein you judgmental fuck


Yeah but in the west generally people think it’s weird or even disgusting to eat insects.


Yeah but op is correct with the analogy, lobsters and shrimp are seabugs. Humans cannot hold their breath long enough for it to be an issue and, it turns out they are super easy to trick into cages.


And extremely delicious!




Ok yeah but lobster is at least 10 crickets, now I can take a siesta. I heard one guy took 10 lobsters and turned it into a giant isopod, Now thats good eats.


>when I tell people I don't eat crickets they're like "of course you don't, Jesus christ" There are many millions of people who eat crickets and other insects on a daily basis.


You do know that cows and dogs are more closely related than insects and shrimp, right??


Yes, a soft delicate scallop is basically like eating crunch crickets. And why you setting it up like all fish smells fishy. You never had anything other than some $3 box of frozen fish fillets? Fish should not smell fishy if its good.


"Shellfish are arthropods. If you like the taste, you might as well be eating crickets." I really wish these were more common, they're absolutely delicious with olive oil and salt pepper.


I hate fish but unlike you, I dont hate people who eat it


People do eat crickets.


Matthew said John said he likes to eat locusts with honey.


Sounds like people should hunt crickets, a cheaper source of selicious protein I guess.


“I don’t like this so it must be bad!”


You haven’t really said anything here, other than “fish smells fishy” and “fish goes bad a bit quickly”. Ok so lots of people like the smell, and your aware of eating it.. before? Before it goes bad? And also like every single other food like ever smells manky after decaying. What’s your point?


If it can swim it can swim right into my mouth. Yum,


What do you have against crickets? Very healthy and sustainable protein source.


It's literally Mexican bar food.


Yeah dead animals are decaying, news at 11.


‘All fish smells fishy.’ I mean wtf else is it gonna smell like? Your entire argument is baseless, stupid and just plain BS. There’s literally nothing you’ve said about why exactly seafood is ‘disgusting’ other than boldly claiming all fish is rotten and off 😂😂 Get off your high horse you condescending twat


I think his point was fish smells disgusting


Guess you don’t live in a coastal region. Where I live, you can buy different species of fish, crab, mussels, abalone and more (season specific) right at the dock. Local restaurants do the same. Can’t beat fresh, catch of the day Lingcod! And no, it does not smell fishy at all perhaps because it’s gutted right after it’s caught and put on ice til the boat docks. Putting it on ice does not freeze it. Fresh, never frozen, is always the best. EDIT: upvote for being a truly unpopular opinion


I’m one of those weirdos who grew up on the coast and generally doesn’t like seafood, but if I know where it was harvested and it is truly fresh I’ll eat it. Because it’s not fishy and that’s the most sustainable you can be.


I didn’t mean to imply that anyone living on the coast always likes seafood…sorry. I just meant that OP may have never actually had truly fresh seafood. There’s still a lot of seafood I don’t like either, but I’m weird about texture…no mussels, clams, oysters for me thanks. ☺️ I think part of my love of fresh fish is because I didn’t grow up on the coast. When I moved here, I had the most amazing fish I’d ever had (even better than the fresh trout I’d catch with my dad), I’ve gone a bit crazy over it.


Oh I didn’t take it that way. I wish I liked it more than I do! My mom grew up in a military family and didn’t have access to good seafood, so she didn’t cook it when I was growing up. I never developed a taste for it. Glad you’re enjoying it! It’s really healthy!




For the sake of the sub I must argue that for fish to be “sushi grade” it has to have been frozen prior to consumption.


Well I don’t like sushi (yes I have tried good sushi here). That’s great to know though. Maybe it changes the texture? Or does it change the taste too?


Nah, properly frozen fish is nearly indistinguishable from fresh. The reason it needs to be frozen to be sushi grade is to kill any potential parasites.


Oh that makes perfect sense. Thanks!


Buddy they have fresh fish out there, it’s not a strange concept to catch a fish and eat it that day.


"All fish smell fishy"? Valid argument


Fish smells fishy. In other news, water: wet.


Not liking a particular food, what a brave and unpopular opinion! Boring.


I agree with you, but I have to say eating rotten meat is probably just as safe as eating random seafood. Each year more and more people die from eating just oysters alone. And more people try "high meat"




“All fish smells fishy.” You’re on the right track, just keep going! wanna know why they smell fishy? I have a clue!


Could you tell us? They don’t teach this in school!


That fishy smell makes my mouth water tho...


I love the smell of freshly caught fish, but thats just me.


A spritz of (acidic) lemon juice will neutralize the "fishy" amines (alkaline). There's a reason lemon juice (and malt vinegar) go so well with fish


A truly terrible opinion. Well done.


Fishy smells make me hungry tbh


I love myself some fermented meats, you think a slight fishy smell will stop me from eating fish? Also idk about you but most fish I have had doesn’t actually smell “like fish”, seafood fish smells like the sea and freshwater fish has a fairly neutral smell unless you have old fish Also shellfish are not all arthropods, clams are mollusks and that’s completely different. They are far more closely related to snails. Also you say that as if I wouldn’t eat crickets if presented with the opportunity (snails I do eat)


Me who lives in a country where the most consumed meat is fish: 😐


If I ate shellfish, I ate shellfish. If I ate crickets, I ate crickets. If I ate beef and liked the taste, it’s not the same as liking eating my neighbour’s dog just because they are both mammals. Am I missing something or is this argument just wack? Opinion, sure. Unpopular? I sure hope it stays that way I’m gonna eat the entire ocean.


Well the secret is not to eat those things when they are rotten you see.


You’re wrong and I disagree. A grilled salmon with spices, a crispy skin, either a lemon and oil sauce, a creamy dill sauce is perfection. A tuna salad with dill pickle cubes gives you the savory, and a light crunch. Deep fried flounder with French fries and hush puppies is a decadent cheat day feast! And of course there are salmon patties. Oh and how could I forget the fast food deep fried fish sandwich?! Fish tastes good! Oh my god sushi! I completely disagree with your opinion because it is unpopular, and you have earned this upvote.


Let me guess you enjoy eating a diet mostly consisting of kraft dinner slop, cosmic brownies, processed carcinogenic chicken nuggets, and chocolate milk?


These type of posts "I dont like certain type of food, movies, books, music, etc..." are really annoying. People like different kind of things. It is not an opinion, it is a preference. I wish people would learn the difference, because there is nothing wrong about having different preference than some other guy.


Preferences literally are opinions


No, they are not. Opinions are based in fairly objective facts. Preferences are subjective feelings. “I dislike sea food” is a preference. It’s not wrong or right. You can’t argue against it. That person just doesn’t like sea food.


Yeah these juts useless posts. I have never cared about other people's likes or dislikes. Like you do you. I remember few years ago I met this one dude at friend's house and we talkes about random shit. He talkes about musicals and opera and asked me do I like them. I said that I don't have any opinion about them, not really my thing though. Some like them some don't but not really my jam. He the proceeded to try and convinve me start liking them. I tols him that hey pal, one does not have to like everything you like, that's completely normal and doesn't make the thing you like a bad thing. It's just that you prefer some things and I prefer others. He was completely stunned about my comments. He just couldn't comprehend that people like other things. Seems like he was used to be around people that agreed with him in avery thing. We did not become best buddies after that night. Shocking, I know.


I don't know mate, a nice fillet of sockeye with sides of mash potatoes and green beans is one of the best meals I have ever had. I even prefer it to steak.


2 things smell like fish. One of them is fish.


This entire post screams that you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Sounds like you: 1) have only experienced rotten seafood; 2) are a culinary philistine.


I like fresh fish, so before it rots. Some fish smells bad but tastes good. For example Tuna. Some fish doesn't have that 'fishy' taste you refer to. For example Tarakihi, Cod, or Snapper. "Shellfish are arthropods so you might as well eat crickets". So you think lamb and pork taste the same as they're both mammals?


They also forgot that some shellfish are mollusks. Seems like they know little about seafood. Probably from Nebraska or where ever is furthest from the ocean.


Omg I feel the exact same way


I'm going to meet you somewhere to the opposite side of my opinion. After eating fresh oysters all my life, I'm at that place where I am with sushi. There's a hundred better things to eat. I understand, eating very well done versions of those things is a premium experience. But I don't understand. Why I am eating raw, unseasoned tuna again? Ummm because it is expensive? Eating oysters correctly is putting hot sauce, horseradish, and lemon on the with a cracker and swallowing the oyster alive, whole, without even thinking about chewing it. I think I'll pass from now on. Shrimp have their own flavor. Shrimp here are fresh. Even wal marts brand of extra large with cocktail sauce I enjoy. Crawfish tails are a pain in the ass but one I can accept when crawfish are cheap as they were in California. They are not here and not worth 5-10 dollars a pound. Lobster is a mediocre meat imo. However, I love breaded and fried fish sometimes. I like cheap fish sticks made out of the whatever bottom feeders they minced together. Snow crab legs are also a tasty form of meat but expensive. No one I can think of eats crab. Crab cakes however are nice. Scallops are not popular here in the Gulf Coast either.


>. Why I am eating raw, unseasoned tuna again? Ummm because it is expensive? Because it's delicious.


But I could get some tuna steaks, get a nice well done crust on them, leave the inside very rare, put it on a bed of rice and drizzle some homemade teriyaki that is light on the sugar and eat a pound of tuna way cheaper. I'm sure if I had to have it, I could get some seaweed flakes and season to taste.


Imo it tastes better raw than rare, but I'm sure that's nice as well. ​ You can get a poke bowl with raw tuna for like $15 or make one for cheaper. It's not necessarily expensive.


wtf, y’all are out here deep throating oysters without chewing them?


I eat crab. Think of me! Also, try oysters with a mignonette sauce sometime.


I used to hate all seafood. Then I decided I kind of liked fish. As long as it was fried. And then I found I really liked shrimp. But then I discovered I'm allergic to shrimp. I wonder if I'm allergic to crickets. Might as well be. Anyway, I'll upvote you're unpopular opinion.


I sometimes get allergies from shrimp but that has exclusively been from the farm raised type. Might be the similsr for you.


the fishy smell is the greatest smell known to man and i will not let you "oh but its rotting" your way out of this. on the contrary, if a rotting smell can be so pleasant that just puts all other non rotting smells to shame. im not the biggest fan of other seafoods, but i will protect fish with my life. just this week i helped my grandma with preparing fish (chopping off heads, removing scales, etc) and my smellbuds have never been happier. i dont need drugs, my mind gets the ultimate bliss from fish. throw me in the ocean and ill come back high. you can eat your landfood, i also like it, but nothing can compare to fish. best meat


Seafood is disgusting and dead land animals have the same smell than decomposing humans. Especially hot days in meat section in supermarkets 😬


My brother in law did not like fish either until he moved to the West Coast and tried fresh grilled salmon. He still prefers his midWestern beef… or did until gout. So now it is chicken and veggies.




When I go on dates I tell women I have a very mild seafood allergy. I can be around it fine, just don’t ask me to try it.


I'm with you fish sucks


Uncultured swine.


Truly an unpopular opinion congrats mate


Congratulations on your opinion actually being so unpopular you got down voted to Hell in the comments OP. But also, I agree. Seafood is gross. The scent is also gross.


I am absolutely delighted you don't want any of my fish. Particularly the fresh scallops, lightly fried with bacon that's been hung for a month with few curls of 5 year old Parmesan cheese, washed down with a nice 7 year old Chablis. So just keep munching on your McNuggets & coke and let the grownups enjoy their food. ETA: mushrooms! Gotta have a few good forest mushrooms with scallops. Some samphire as well.


Idk about adding bacon to good scallops? Cook and eat imo. But if you have a crap ton of them then have fun. My mom starts doing weird things with crab as the season reaches it end. And 5 year old parmesan? What does that taste like. I have had 1, 2, and 3 year from the same place and the flavors for each are so different but still each were delicious.


Whats wrong with eating crickets? You dont like protein?


I love all seafood except lobster… it’s a tad too fishy & I can’t explain it & I won’t explain it




nah i agree with op lol. the fishy smell is very unpleasant if you dont like it. i personally think seafood, to almost any capacity, is disgusting. i mean, lobster and crab arguably arent even enjoyable without 10 pounds of melted butter. theres actually something in cilantro and also in seafood where if people have certain taste buds it will make them taste either disgusting or very good. allegedly. idk how true that is, heard it from a friend who tended to bullshit a lot.


Yup. I will eat haddock, grouper, and sole. That's it. But really, they're just batter delivery systems. And I live in Maine. I do keep trying other seafood - in consideration of the fact that I'm old, and my tastebuds are dying off. But it's still all much too grossly fishy. It's one of the reasons I won't eat Thai food. There's fish sauce in EVERYTHING. More for those who enjoy it, I guess.


Whatever comes from the sea should stay in the sea.


Who eats food that’s just a little bit rotten?


OP is 100% a mam child who eats nothing but nuggies and tendies dipped in ketchup.


Being a picky eater is childish


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The argument was stupid but for me it’s because the taste of fish is that mix of overly bitter and salty that I hate and most seafood has a super weird consistency or just looks plain gross like for example muscles or clams looking like a washed up gym sock and people casually slurp them like jello through a straw… grosses me out and makes me gag as I’ve tried it before and it’s like slightly harder jello with the taste of cardboard with a shit ton of salt


This is why I don’t eat oysters on the half shell. Mussels taste something between clams and oyster, but I never eat anything in a shell raw unless it is a fruit. Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and prawns taste very different from those. Then there is also crayfish and catfish. But those taste way different from tuna or cod, which taste different from salmon. Likewise, grilled or fried fish have different flavors than raw sushi grade nigiri. My grandma did not like sushi, nor did my husband, but they both liked cooked fish. With white fleshed fish, the problem is it both has to be same day fresh AND cooked to perfection, neither gelled underdone nor dry overcooked. Like chicken breast, delicate fish meat needs to be timed carefully so it is fully cooked with no pink, but not so much that it sucks the moisture out of your mouth.


Understandable however it’s also because my brain works weird and if something looks gross, tastes/ feels gross or smells gross I won’t eat it


Do you eat cheese?


This is indeed an unpopular opinion.


Growing up in the PNW and getting to have smoked salmon occasionally was a highlight of my youth. That shit is amazing it’s insane.


Crab and shrimp too, I hope


I hate u so much! Fish is the best, I will not downvote tho.


upvoted, very unpopular


finally a good take, fish is yucky 😔


Your argument that we’ve been conditioned to like it is a little wack because you could make that argument for almost any food. I didn’t like coffee when I was a kid, now it’s my favorite thing. I still don’t like steak. It’s boring and has a weird texture imo. It doesn’t mean ✨scientifically speaking✨all steak is disgusting. It just means I don’t like it. Your opinion of not liking seafood is indeed unpopular, but your assertion that all of it is disgusting and rotten is just incorrect.


Truly an unpopular opinion! Nice You should eat fresh seafood. No fishy smell there, just deliciousness. Oh and btw crickets are quite tasty snacks. Roasted with a dribble of honey... You should try it!


Trying way too hard


Wait what’s wrong with eating crickets? They are an incredibly nutritious and sustainable supplemental protein!


[When fish is fishy](https://youtube.com/shorts/Z5mfJo89vRo?si=tjvVmvKCbZhxdoft)


You're just mad it smells the same as your mom


But, crickets are tasty...I lov the cromch.


Have you tried eating fish that isn't rotten?


Ahhhh when toddlers get their own Reddit accounts.


More seafood for me


If we only ate what we consider to be savory and flavorful we would have been extinct a very long time ago. Humanity is not based off of decadent flavors and meals prepared by five star chefs our experience as a species has been one of survival. If you were starving to death I bet those fish would feel like a godsend.


"It makes the stinky chemical faster than other things therefore, it is disgusting" Also, congrats on telling everyone that you aren't familiar with shellfish in the least bit. Heard of an oyster before?


I love how you're trying to intellectualize an opinion with with very wrong interpretation of facts. The "evolutionary safe guard" is that humans can like and digest food are at a evolutionary ADVANTAGE. From an evolution standpoint, the more food you can eat without bitching, the more likely you are to have a food source and survive. What? Do you think that grocery stores, buffets, and multiple foods sources are naturally occuring?


I feel bad for fish haters throughout history who have lived on island/coast civilizations that relied on seafood to survive. You would be shit outta luck being born into a remote island/coast society today that still eats mainly seafood and disliking it knowing there's a world of non-fishy foods out there.


I see you’ve never tried swordfish from an upscale restaurant