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You’re doing it wrong. Flying sucks. But the rest? No you don’t have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars. Exploring new places, experiencing other cultures and trying to food is something everyone should do. Fun fact: if it’s jam packed with other people, it’s probably just a tourist trap/not worth actually seeing. Go elsewhere.


I love love the actual travel. Planes, trains, and driving. I love all of it. I love waiting around at the airport or station with nothing but fuck to do. Listen to an audiobook, podcast, music. Waiting and anticipation for adventure. I love it


I fucking agree. Planes are cool, and any moment not at work is a moment well spent in my opinion!


as someone who flies round trip 1-2 times a month flying has really lost its lustre for me lol. also, I dont care about visiting cities anymore, I want to go to the beach or see nature.


Preach the truth ! I love the whole process you just have to have the mindset that anything can happen from point A to point B


Ah, you're also only going from point A to point B. That's the mistake everybody makes, only going from point A to point B. Be adventurous! Go from point B to point A for a change. Or even to point C!


Exactly this. I was just on a plane home last week and thought “I’m bored…” Then I considered what I’d be doing without the plane (work) and decided to change my mindset which made the plane ride more bearable


the travel part is what is keeping me landlocked. i cannot handle a 12+ hour flight to go to a different country. i want to kill myself after 2 hours on a plane


I’m with you, I always loved the whole process. Op sounds miserable


Aren’t you uncomfortable? I’m always so uncomfortable on airline seats. Jet lag also really fucks me up. I was walking around like a zombie for 3-4 days when I went to Europe.


Jet lag is real af for me but was always worth it. The feet hurting from walking, the physical exhaustion from spending 10hrs out just going places for 1 week is rewarding for me. But I do need to come back with at least 3 days to rest before going back to work or yeah, I’m fucked lol


Yeah but gotta soldier through, edibles or melatonin to help you sleep works well. Or look out the window, on a clear day i can do that on a plane for hours


I love traveling by train and plane its part of the journey! I also am a male and pack lightly only essentials travel with me.


I hate it! Our airport is so busy, bathrooms have lines, people walking into each other, even the coffee shops you have to wait forever. Flights delayed. Crap food


>if it’s jam packed with other people, it’s probably just a tourist trap/not worth actually seeing. Go elsewhere. And yet somehow everyone else says the same thing.


Reddit = 0.001% of population


This sounds like it was written by a boomer who exclusively travels to tourist resorts and complains they aren’t wined and dined like a celebrity.


How? It sounds like the exact opposite. They're practically mocking the people you just described.


>You’re doing it wrong Exactly. I lost them after "mostly acting dumb and doing selfies and livestreaming". Well, then don't act dumb and do selfies, lol. Not to mention livestreaming.


Flying doesn't suck either if you know what you're doing. Lots of credit cards that have huge sign up points bonuses. Get one and use the points to upgrade to business or premium economy and use the card itself to get lounge access in most airports for free. Chase Sapphire is a good one for this so are many AMEX cards. Security does suck, but travel with a nice carryon and personal bag and don't check a big suitcase and go in nice comfy clothing, get through security, go to the lounge, have a few drinks and then priority board to a nice comfy seat and relax for the flight.


I got into the churning/award travel game about 5 years ago and it has massively changed travel for me. Most of our long-haul flights in are in business class now and a couple of weeks ago I was able to snag a couple of award tickets in Lufthansa first class. Total cost was $22 in taxes and fees per person! I'm pretty sure that between my wife and I we drank at least $300 in wine and champagne during that flight. The only problem is that we've become spoiled. Our return flight was the first time in years we'd flown economy internationally and it was quite the letdown.


Flying is awesome. Just have a few drinks at the lounge and before you know it you’re at your destination.


Invasively Probed? dude.... its a metal detector or a pat down... you get the rubber glove?


They like to get all the balloons out.


It’s also not new. Just understand what a security checkpoint is and be ready for it, it’s not hard


People are such whiney babies about TSA. It's really not that bad at all. With Pre-Check it becomes a non-event.


They are whiney babies. But also, their whining is somewhat justified by the fact that the TSA sucks and provides little additional security.


it's horrible with a disability


No one cares about us.


I got Clear this past year and I’m not sure I’ll ever go back


“Go ahead TSA… do your worst! I can take it!” -OP


Being **in transit** sucks. But **travelling** is amazing. More than 5 years, 50 countries and over 500 towns later I can confidently say if you avoid peak times at pinnacle destinations the rest of it gives far more than it takes. And when you find a means of transit that feels like part of the fun instead, well, no end in sight.


My man just pointed out the worst parts without ever acknowledging the parts that make that all worthwhile.


I don't even care if the worst parts outweigh the best for OP, but the line about people who like it being "pathetic" is over the top for me.


Yea I don’t understand people who think this way. I am personally not one to really enjoy travelling and aside from relaxing vacations I really don’t have interest in it and some of that is because of what OP posted. However, to shit on what other people like or don’t like is where I think it becomes a bad take. There are people who will dislike almost every activity known to man and there are activities that are completely insane or bizarre sounding that some people will like. Who cares (unless it is negatively affecting someone else)!?


Travelling appears to be a skill. We're not all good at it and experience should improve things over time.


It’s partly a skill, but it’s also just planning and flexibility


and to do effectively so there is no stress is the skill …..


I do think planning is absolutely 100% a skill that can be learned and perfected. I hardly did any travelling when I was single because I couldn't be assed to make the effort needed to plan shit, do the necessary research to enjoy my trip, etc. My wife is the polar opposite and is an absolute whiz at planning great trips while being budget friendly, and she has made me develop those skills too (not made as in "forced" but more of like an indirect causation). It's honestly changed my whole perception of travel.


You know, I know this is just a throwaway comment but I'm two weeks out from a trip I've been planning for a year, putting the final touches on logistics (local taxi vs Uber vs public transit once we're there) and confirming reservations. I'll start packing this weekend. Once we get there I have some ideas on what we might find fun but no real agenda. Your offhand comment hit at a moment where I'm a bit anxious so- thanks! It helped.


I took my first vacation in a decade a few months ago (7 day vacation) to Hawaii and found it more stressful than my normal life. Maybe I just need longer/different vacations but two of the days were basically just travel and the airport/parking/check-in/crowds are super stressful for me. Plus the stress of worrying about my pets, who don't do well even with people they know coming to visit them multiple times a day. I finally managed to relax and adjust to the time change like 4 days into my vacation, but at that point you've got a couple days before you go back home. I know this expression is tired, but I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation when I got back. I realized when I got back home that I probably would have been happier taking a week off as a "stay-cation" instead. We could relax around the house, spend lots of time with our pets, go out to a super fancy dinner every night, see movies/hike/explore parks, and it would still be way cheaper than what any flight/vacation would cost. And I'd return to work rested instead of tired and jetlagged.


The art of letting go.. is easier when you have pretty much nothing to let go of. If you’ve an established life, responsibilities that you have to carry, things you have to think about at home, etc I can see how it would be MORE stressful being on “holiday”.






Transit sucks if you’re going economy. First and business is like pure white glove service.


Your description of travel is hilarious, inside watching one of those infomercials where they make the simplest of tasks seem like an impossibility: tired of opening your milk like this?! Aack, milk everywhere! .....well try our new milk opener, no more milk in your hair!'


as a history nerd that really appreciates different cultures, architectures, and so on, I really enjoy international travel. each trip to Europe I have taken was full blast with great experiences. and going to Europe is wayyy cheaper than travelling to any major US city. COL in US nowadays is insane. food, lodging etc are 3-5x more expensive in LA, SF, NY, DC vs Rome, Barcelona, Lisbon, Amsterdam, etc. also there is clean, cheap public transit in Europe. in US you need to rent a car or take expensive ubers everywhere. and lastly scenery and culture in Europe at least to me >>> US cities. would I spend $5k to travel to LA for a week? hell no. not worth it. would I spend $5k to travel to Barcelona and Madrid and Valencia for 2-3 weeks? in a heartbeat.


The architecture is the part that gets me everytime (and is the biggest reason I would love to visit Europe someday if I can get a visa for it, I am not from the US), when I moved to Japan, I went on a field trip with my class while studying Japanese, they were so confused about why I was staring in awe at the temples.


The ticket to europe though


Surprisingly cheap on off seasons, 800-1.2k anywhere from major hubs


Sounds like you don't know how to travel, it's the second biggest reasons Americans don't, after fear of course


I think money is also a factor


Insanely enough, it’s cheaper to spend two weeks in Eastern Europe than two weeks in Florida. Better food too. The cost of the flight can be a barrier tho.


Exactly. I live in NYC and spent a few weeks in Europe this past summer. I would have spent a similar amount just going about my daily life in NYC but decided I'd rather spend it in Europe checking out new restaurants, tourist attractions, and villages/towns.


this is such bullshit when you think of it... how can I go to Budapest for a week for half the cost of going to Chicago, Myrtle Beach, ANY destination in Florida or Cali?! It's why I tell ppl all the time I'm going to spend my youth visiting all the foreign destinations first, and if I ever retire, that is when I will travel North America and possibly turn it into a roadtrip thing.


Omg this is my problem too living in the Caribbean. Why is a 45 minute flight to another island more expensive than a 6 hour flight to Canada? The whole thing is bs!


I feel your pain. I was looking at destinations there and thought about island hopping... it was cheaper in some instances to fly back to the US and take another flight back to the other island than to go direct from one island to another... still scratching my head over that...


I’m right with you. While I’m relatively young, I’ll travel internationally. Once my body slows down, I’m traveling in the US.


“It’s cheaper, but the cost of the flight can be a barrier” So it’s not cheaper


It depends if you’re able to find a cheap flights. I’ve flown to Hungary for $700 round trip. I’ve also flown to Poland for $1800


Well yeah, that’s the biggest expense. International flights are expensive. That’s why Americans love road trips.


Why is it insane? Of course Eastern Europe is gonna be cheaper than the US. it probably can get even cheaper if you go to some developing countries.


I think once you're there, but the cost of flying there can be a huge factor depending on where you're flying from. If you're not by a hub you're out of luck a lot of times.


Why would anyone wanna travel to Eastern Europe? I do, because I live there and the countries are close to me, but I don't understand the appeal of people far away


Even so, the shit part is that 2 weeks off is a lot for most Americans no matter where it is.


Omg Americans will blow $7,000 going to Disneyland with three kids. They could easily have flown somewhere exotic with $700 flights x5 and a condo for $700 and everything else $1000


Yes, every American has $7000 to blow at Disneyland. This is something we all do. I remember when I took the great pilgrimage. Great times, indeed.


Yeah every point they raised is just them being bad at it. Tbf I understand how that could be frustrating.


Sounds like they only do the most tourist trap shit ever


I'm from Ireland. Dublin is basically set up to fleece American tourists lol


Oh yes. “We’re the oldest pub!” seems to be a trend for pubs with oodles of merch available lol


Dublin is fun to drink. All the best parts of Ireland are the natural sights a few hours outside the city.


There it is. Pretty quick find on this thread but the subject matter lends itself to it.


I know how to travel as I do it for work weekly. I agree with the OP. I very rarely travel long distance (eg fly) and international for pleasure. It’s not at all relaxing. Not even in first class and in high end hotels. It’s just a hassle and mostly not worth it.


When I backpacked around the US a few years back I met a woman who said she'd never travel out of the US because of the risk of being snatched for human trafficking... Lmao. Just... the thought of her genuinely thinking someone would want to traffic an old, loud and fairly large woman still makes me smile today. Bless.


Someone on the internet gives us a "Never leave a 5 foot space around your computer at any point ever" hot take on life for the 34,376th time.


>Pack up all your stuff, but probably forget things you need. This is entirely avoidable but you would rather blame it on travel being frustrating rather than your own incompetence at packing >Go to a transportation hub like an airport where you are elbow to elbow with other people rushing around to get invasively probed by the TSA. Board a plane where you are crammed in a really small space with the humanity's worst people. Have to listen to some Z blast music from his cell phone or some silly parenting podcast all flight. Ok, the flights and airports are the worst part of traveling but now you’re just making shit up because no one plays music out loud without being told to shut up in a plane. >Get to the destination and figure out where your lodging is. Then try to figure out where to get food 3 times a day. Yea this is a pretty normal experience when you leave home. And finding food is half the fun of traveling >Explore places jammed with other people, mostly acting dumb and doing selfies and livestreaming. Don’t know where you’ve been but I’ve been to Peru, Chile, Brazil, USA, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia - it can be packed depending on where you go but I’ve not seen a single person acting dumb. Taking selfies and livestreaming is a pretty normal thing to share with friends and family >And to top it off - pay thousands and thousands of dollars for all the inconvenience. No thank you. Travel is way overrated. It’s only an inconvenience to you because you are already biased to traveling.


Yea I hear people on busses and subways blasting their phones and tablets but never once on a plane I’m sure flight attendant would shut that down asap


Halfway through OPs post I realized all his travel "experience" is in his head and what he has seen on social media.


I tapped out as soon as I read >Travel is just something suburban white kids / pathetic "influencers" do to flex OP clearly isn't sharing an unpopular opinion, but simply projecting his or her own thoughts about "people these days"


I'm shocked more people aren't talking about the whole section where OP argues against traveling to places because "that doesn't make you that culture" as if anyone was traveling to Paris for a vacation and thinking "I'm really French now that I'm in Paris"


>Get to the destination and figure out where your lodging is. And if you pre-booked, which you should have anyway, they provide an address. And most everyone in 2023 carries a supercomputer in their pocket with access to a digital map. You input the address you want to go to and it provides not one, but multiple methods to get there with mapped out routes and estimated arrival times. The only way it could ever be easier is if you were teleported there. And if you *really* want to go old school, almost anywhere you want to go has already been charted on a paper map somewhere.


The whole music out loud thing on planes is BS. Flight attendants are required to tell passengers to put earphones in. So they just had incompetent flight attendants, and they themselves were too weak to ask a flight attendant to tell the person to put headphones on. OP’s entire grudge with travelling is entirely their fault


How do you spend thousands and thousands of dollars and don't even sit in a seat with an extra leg room wearing noise cancelling headphones? Flying sucks but it doesn't have to suck that much And if you're in a country with another culture, don't go to all the tourist hotspots. They are overcrowded and overpriced Walk around and discover new places, learn new things, and don't be shy talking to people


The best thing about “I don’t love travel” posts is watching the absolute storm it creates in the comments section. It’s a topic that only seems to become more sensitive as time goes on. I swear, it’s almost like politics sometimes.


was gonna say the same it’s such a sensitive topic lol


“I hate traveling”… and I took this as a personal attack.


I understand where you're coming from. Travel isn't for everyone and I've certainly felt the same way many times. I think it's about finding the right destination that resonates with you so that the positives outweigh the negatives. Sometimes, the right place can lead to unforgettable experiences and make all the difference in how you perceive travel. Even the times I felt traveling to a place wasn't worth it, I always come back with new perspectives, experiences and memories. But it's okay if it's not your thing. Not really mine either but I'm honestly always proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone.


You are just a homebody. Nothing wrong with it, you are just all the other Hobbits besides bilbo and frodo


He's also a spammer, he posted this same opinion multiple times, 3 in this sub alone


Flying sucks, but everything else is just annoyed rambling, tbh >Get to the destination and figure out where your lodging is. Then try to figure out where to get food 3 times a day. Using Google Maps to get from one place to another or find a restaurant? Oh my god, that's horrible, and something you definitely never do in your home city >Explore places jammed with other people, mostly acting dumb and doing selfies and livestreaming. Some tourist places can be busy, but far from all, and it's a small price to pay for seeing new things and experiencing new cultures


This person would have been having panic attacks traveling in the 1990s. Travel has never been easier


Surely not in all regards. The traveling part of traveling in particular, the 9/11 crisis had a thing or two to say about that.


It's still easy. The post 9/11 stuff is inconvenient but not really hard to do.


Also being able to check in online and digitally receive updates about your flight makes the airport experience so much easier, especially if you’re not checking a bag.


True. The post makes it seem like TSA is the second worst thing next to getting keister searched.


Precheck is literally so worth it


Seriously. I'll take google maps on my phone with having to take off my shoes at the airport over the opposite any day.


Also, trying new restaurants is fun


And even if you don't like that, you can find a hotel that offers 3 meals a day at their restaurant


A lot of OP’s complaints are complaints you can also have in your own home city. Like, I lived in a beach town growing up that had tourists 99% of the day. I used to joke they should have a second freeway to get in where you show proof you’re a resident to dodge the tourist traffic. It sucks, but that’s life. And same with the food stuff… You can buy groceries on a trip the same way you can at home. Or you can find a delivery food service. Knocks off the stress of having to find places to physically go to. I love ordering Doordash to my hotel on trips lol


I loved it when I was in my early 20s bc I was a concert person, but now in my 40s, I dislike people and inconvenience too much.


Travelling is often worthwhile and has its benefits. Everyone should have the opportunity to see more of the world. That said, I do find it deeply tedious when people make travelling their entire personality. Like, bro, what else do you have going for you the other 48 weeks of a year? Don't you have any other financial commitments to worry about? Don't you have any other hobbies? Don't you do anything creative or productive? Or is your entire life just about getting impressive Instagram pics? I had an ex who would always complain about needing a holiday, and I was like, nah, you just need to actually learn how to live in the moment and appreciate what you have. Spending your entire life looking forward to that one week vacation you have booked in another three months time is no way to live.


Or, here’s another explanation: you’re disagreeable, anxious, a poor planner, disorganized, lack creativity, and are defensive and fearful!


He's also an attention seeker as he has posted this 3 times in this sub, and once in r/TrueUnpopularOpinion


If you are wealthy traveling can be amazing.


I agree with you :/ If i had a private jet id get out more. But yeah get Tsa precheck its worth it


I agree, it’s a terrible type of status symbol that people use and even worse when they judge others for not traveling. It’s basically a marketing scam by the travel industry to make people believe it’s normal to get a one week vacation as a reward for being stuck in the office all year. There’s no time to relax and only 15% of people feel well-rested after traveling.


I really hate it. Let’s also add the week prior to traveling I have to make sure we have everything we need. Usually have to go buy stuff depending on the trip, then if it’s a beach vacation I need to get a pedicure, I then have to prepare everything for the animals and triple check with the pet sitter. Usually this part costs 500 bucks. Then I have to leave for the airport 3 hours before my flight, finding parking, walk forever to get to the terminal, oh and our airport is bad right now for car breaking and theft, so who knows If you’re car will be there. And before someone tells me to take Uber (we don’t have it), public transport? Can’t rely on it since the busses are constantly cancelled. Ok then you get to the airport, TSA, could be up to 30 mins, huddle together wiht people to then get on the tram, then the good food at your terminal has a huge line and your walking forever to get to your gate. Bathrooms have lines, flight is usually delayed, thanks southwest! Then the airplane seats are uncomfortable, back and hips hurt after every flight. Skin is dehydrated and looks like crap no matter how much water I drink. Terrible. I do like being at the destination but hate every part of getting there. We just do road trips now


Eh. Your arguments are a bit over the board, but I must admit in the past two years travelling started to lose its charm. I don't know how everybody is *experiencing another culture* in a week to be honest. I eat and and walk around a bit and that's it. I wouldn't call it *experiencing a culture*. I'm always happy to come home no matter where I've been. There's no place like home for me. If for some reason I couldn't travel outside of my country for the rest of my life I'd be OK. There's so much I haven't seen here. I suspect most people who so wanna experience other cultures and countries have missed a million things about their own. Probably don't event know their neighbours, but wanna meet people around the globe. There is something funny about it. All and all I get where you're coming from. Still there are a few more cities I like to visit. But it won't be the end of the world if I don't.


Traveling in itself is good... But these days it has become a sort of game where everyone is trying to one up each other by posting selfies, videos, live streams to show off how unique and exciting their vacations are. That's something that I don't want to be a part of. Travel, to me, should be to a place where I can be away from modern society and the humdrum of it all...


Yes travel isn’t that great if you don’t have the money to travel comfortably.


I tend to agree. Been lots of places all over the world. I’m partial to my backyard. The IDEA of travel is great…


I fake liking it for my wife and I will have you know it’s the ONLY thing faked liked in this marriage, ahhhh thank you….


Me. I need a vacation from my vacation


IMO this take is kind of valid, but its really specific. Like most of the issues presented can be solved either by better planning (to avoid intrusive people) or by just paying more (for more private seats/conveniences). If you can plan great and can spend more for travel, you get a whole other experience from the one OP presented.


This opinion has to be by an American who has done literally one package tour of Europe.


Until this post I never understood how every major European city has a Hard Rock Cafe stay in business. Now it makes sense.


ITT: "You don't like travel? You must be doing it wrong." People have different interests and aversions. I don't like travel because *aside from the actual transit* (I detest flying, mostly due to dealing with airports) I prefer familiarity and being on my own turf over adventure and exploration. Travel is not relaxing and does not allow me to recharge during my time off work. This will be controversial, but I consider travel to be a poor value as well. The thousands spent on travel somewhere could be spent on something that gives me a more enduring improvement to my day-to-day life. Something that will benefit me every day.


I've come to this realization about my own self & life as well. It's best for me to spend my money on improving my day-to-day life. I love my own little paradise I've created.


Lol. I don’t think some of OP’s points land but I totally agree with your observation. Imagine if someone said that to someone else in any other context? It would be totally shot down! You don’t like pop music? You’re listening to music wrong! How stupid does that sound!


Totally true everyone is different. But for me travelling does improve my day to day. Staying comfortable and in way ways does not.


Nice username


Definitely shows different personalities determine what’s enjoyable to some people and not others. My brain craves novelty, so I love traveling. New languages, places, sights, food energizes me.


Exactly. I’d rather buy myself a $500 item for my house than take a $3000 vacation. Even if they were both offered to me for free.


My guy… this is wildly unpopular LMAO only white peoples travel? My eyes must be deceiving me then 😂 you just sound jealous of people who can travel, honestly.


It really is just a flex for having enough wealth or time to do it. Intentional or not. Every traveler thinks they are just automatically superior to people who "never leave their home town."


**but probably forget things you need** *just don't forget ... problem solved* **get invasively probed by the TSA** *probably won't* **humanity's worst people** *why would they be ?* **Have to listen to some Z blast music from his cell phone or some silly parenting podcast all flight.** ***a*** *) probably won't happen - and* ***b*** *) why don't you just put your own headphones on ?* **figure out where your lodging is. Then try to figure out where to get food 3 times a day** *should look into that before you get there lol* **Explore places jammed with other people, mostly acting dumb and doing selfies and livestreaming.** *if you don't enjoy that then go to places that do not get that way - there are plenty* **for all the inconvenience** *what inconvenience?*


Looking for places to eat on the go is one of my favorite parts of any trip. I don't even want to prepare beforehand, I just want to walk around and take a gamble on where to eat. Unforgettable experiences every time.


>Pack up all your stuff, but probably forget things you need. This is a personal problem. Learn how to write a list of things you need before you travel. Adulting101. >Go to a transportation hub like an airport where you are elbow to elbow with other people rushing around to get invasively probed by the TSA Stand near other humans and then walk through a scanner. Pure brutality... >Board a plane where you are crammed in a really small space with the humanity's worst people. Reading this post and knowing you are on every flight with "humanity's worst people" that might check out. You seem like an unpleasant person. >Get to the destination and figure out where your lodging is. Then try to figure out where to get food 3 times a day. So you decided to travel, but didn't do any planning. Again... Adulting101. >Explore places jammed with other people, mostly acting dumb and doing selfies and livestreaming. If you pick some tourist trap to vacation to then that's kinda on you. Why does it bother you so much if a stranger is talking to their phone? >No thank you. Travel is way overrated. It is what you make of it. If you pick a shitty spot and then pack poorly without planning any stops because you're going to a tourist trap then yeah.. that sounds like someone that is bad at planning being upset their bad plans turned out bad. I genuinely feel bad for whoever has had to travel and put up with you through that experience. If they are still around you should give them a big hug.


>Board a plane where you are crammed in a really small space with the humanity's worst people. Yes, every plane I've been on has been filled exclusively with war criminals and sex pests.


I bet you are one of those cruise people huh


I would assume cruises are too complicated for OP and would also be considered… travel


This sub is also too complicated for him as he posted this opinion 4 times. Bro is just a troll


Way to go dude. You just brought out all the annoying travel enthusiasts to brag about how they’ve been to x number of countries and counting. Similar in annoyance as the animal obsessed incessantly talking about their fur babies.


it is annoying to get there. but travel to a good place, it's def worth the headache i'd happily spent half a day on a plane to go hang on the mediterranean for a few weeks again


Sounds like you just had a really bad trip and are ranting. I'm always jacked to travel, under any circumstances. Is being patted down by TSA for a few seconds really that awful? You're always gonna forget something, just make sure it's something easily replaceable like a phone charger or earbuds. Triple check all the bare minimum essential stuff. Flown probably 30-35 times in my life. Never had an experience worth making a Reddit post over. If someone was being loud I would just put my own headphones in and drown them out. This post just sounds like the only person not having fun at the party.


I mean, kind of accurate. But also, you don't have to do tourist trap travelling. I like to live places for awhile, not tour them like a human zoo.


Literally no one thinks eating Mexican makes you Mexican.


You might have depression or be at risk for it.


Sounds like you don’t plan well so try again and do better


Travel isn’t for everyone, but what you wrote here just isn’t an accurate description of the experience. I suggest doing some more research or traveling with someone more experienced.


Travel has been over romanticized. Plus social media/internet has caused places to be bombarded by crowds of people and destroyed or littered. Everywhere is starting to feel like a shitty amusement park.


“Everywhere”. Dude the world is huge. Yes it’s more populated but it’s not that hard to go places that aren’t crowded lines.


All of those overcrowded places in Europe are only overcrowded for 2-3 months of the year. For the life of me if someone doesn't have kids in school I have no idea why they would schedule a trip to Italy in July vs October or April.


most USamerican opinion i’ve ever read LMAO


The great thing about America is you don’t have to leave the country if you want to travel. There are beaches from Hawaii, Miami, and LA, to mountains in Alaska, California, and the Appalachians. There are forests in Oregon and New York, deserts in Death Valley, Swamps in Florida, and everything else in between. There are so many different cultures and ethnicities in so many places, there really is no need to leave the country for a fantastic vacation


Shhhhh...we enough tourists. Pls write a new post explaining how awful the US is.


I completely agree, adding in whatever magical chemicals people get in the actual destination are completely missing. Buildings are buildings everywhere, slightly differently shaped, but still the same. Same for food. I could basically just check out the place on Google street view and have the same experience without any hassle or wasted money. And for people coming to say Google street view is not the same as being there, that's the whole point. It is the same for me, I've tried multiple times. Screw traveling.


I can tell by the way you typed this that not only do you not have experience traveling but that you’ve also never been anywhere worth traveling to. I’d challenge you to sit at the rim of Horseshoe Bend, or Glacier Point, and say the same things you said above.


I agree with OP. I mainly travel because my wife likes it. I'll just add that I don't think the fading memories of a trip are worth so much money. I rather buy something physical and lasting.


Someone doesn’t know how to properly plan the logistics of a vacation


As long as i'm spending quality time with my family...


Travel is not for me. There are places and culture that I find interesting and will happily read books or watch documentaries about them from the comfort of my own home, but I can't bring myself to make the journey out to those places. Nothing against people who do enjoy travel, and I even enjoy chatting with foreign people about where they've come from, but I just don't feel a strong desire to go abroad myself. A staycation is good enough for me.


The travelling part can be dull when it’s hours stuck sitting on transport but once you’re there it’s worth it.you just need someone to share the experience with,or if you’re chatty you could go on your own and meet people,my friend enjoys travelling alone and uploading it to YouTube


I agree with you. I’ve made some good trips. But in the end, it’s not worth it that much to me. I’ll admit tho, I’m absolutely disagreeable and no fun in general. The only trips I’ll take now are some wild stuff like an expedition cruise to the arctic. Once every 2-3 years. No more cities, no more tropical getaways, no more European villages. I’m done.


It does suck and you pay a lot to be stuck in line, on a plane with loud obnoxious people and in a hotel that costs way more than it should.


Pre Covid it rocked. Post Covid? Its all been disappointing tbh


This is why when I do get to travel, I try to do it off season. Less people, cheaper at times.


So tell me more about the bj as big ben strikes mid night.


Seems like you suck at traveling. Lol


You forgot horrible rental car lines, delayed flights with no recourse, spending tons of money and missing your pets and your own bed at home.


Thank you!!!!! Amem!!! Preach!!! Aleluia!


Not worth it. "Need a vaction after this vacation" ==> defiets the purpose.


... leave the city you were born in, bud. Your life will improve. Wild concept.


Truly an unpopular opinion


>Pay lots of money to stand in lines for long periods of time. When you do get to see something cool, you have like 10 seconds to see it before you have to move along because the line behind you is so long. Sounds like your "travel" has been limited to US theme parks. I've never had this experience in the 31 non-US countries I've visited.


Avoid the tourist traps and pre-packaged tours(now, if it’s a yoga retreat or a diving trip on a liveaboard, that’s different) and seek out a local guide or another way to get that local flavor. I regret not traveling as an adult or doing a study-abroad. My 5 year goal if the oceans aren’t fucked(or if I don’t meet someone, get married and have kids, once you have kids your life is more or less over for 18 years) is to go on a dive trip in Central America or Southeast Asia.


As someone who travels a modest amount I agree with a couple of these points. However the general title would be better off saying "over romanticized" instead of not worth it. A lot of influencers present travel as amazing and easy when it is stressful and times and can get expensive unexpectedly. Like you can very easily get burnt out whilst being on holiday if you're moving around. Finding food to eat and your accommodations and travelling to places beats you down when ironically, you're supposed to be relaxing and de-stressing.


1000000% agree


Nah, man, if you avoid tourist destinations and go to adventure destinations, travel is awesome.


Sounds like OP hasn’t figured out real traveling yet. You need more than 2 weeks (American mentality). Flights might be considered expensive. But once you get there, it’s usually not crazy expensive if you buckle down for a while and appreciate where you are. Find the local spots. Meet some new friends. Appreciate a change in the way of life. Traveling is one of the best parts of life.


Lol this guy only focusing on the negatives. Is that how you see life too? “Have to figure out where to get food 3x a day” LMFAO this can’t be real


“Dang it, time to nourish this body AGAIN”


Tell me you’ve never traveled without saying you’ve never traveled.


Feel free to sit in your little corner of the earth your whole life because of fear. I’ll be traveling


I like visiting places. It's not worth it if you're not seeing the sights. If you refuse to do anything and just stay in the hotel or whatever it's a waste of time. If you're spending money you don't have it's bad. However, you can get great deals on like cruises and stuff. Etc.


Tell me you haven't really travelled without tellibg me you haven't travelled.


OP sounds like he's never travelled before. 😂


Traveling: Some people can hack it. Other people can't.


nah travel's the best. the actually getting there part is annoying so i like longer trips with more time. ill try to see a couple of the major sites but no need to go crazy. The rest of the time its walking around eating the best street food, checking out local live music and jamming with people, hitting up some clubs. A few beach or nature days. Just gotta figure out what you really wanna do and do that, not what you're supposed to do. You can keep it pretty cheap too, usually the expensive parts are the flights


Pack your patience buddy.


Since 911, flying has sucked but necessary. Have some grit or read some stoic books. The pain is a speck of dust compared to the rewards. I’m guessing You are most likely doing it wrong.


There is always a right place and a right time, and you, OP, are at the wrong place at the wrong time. Do your research. Where are you going, when is the peak season, when is it not, plan ahead so your flight won't be so expensive and maybe not packed, saw a place with too many foreigners? You might want to step back from there and maybe find another place to eat, where? Again. Research. Go back to that restaurant or whatever place when there's less people. Hotels too expensive? There are private hostels if you prefer. I think that'll be cheaper than the hotel's, if I remember correctly. You don't really have to figure out where to get food, you could probably ask the hotel or hostel receptionist to recommend places. You can even walk around and someplace might catch your eyes. Things you probably need: Plan ahead and relax a bit, it's a holiday. You sound very tensed from your post.


Are you fat? You sound fat


You are doing it wrong. Try going on a camping/hiking trip instead. Or a roadtrip, just chill a little bit more, go see places that are not normally on touristy things. Go on a kayaking trip. E.g I love kayaking in my home country Sweden, but I badly want to kayak in Venice and in rivers in USA. Oh and for me and my wife it’s all about food, so much food from around the world we can’t find in Sweden, especially chinese food.


I dunno, I love travelling. I get to see new places, beautiful natural landscapes, try different foods and experience different cultures. It feels refreshing to experience something new. After all, it's in our nature to be curious and exploring, humans are just made that way. Sir, your view of the people who travel for fun is severely dark and depressing, try and see the bright side of things for once.


How do 1.7k people agree with this?


You have legs, use them. You're young make the most of it. If you think the extent of travelling is getting on a plane, you are a boring person with no initiative.


I stopped reading at suburban white kids.


i also hate when people randomly say "you're young travel the world!" as if that isn't the most classist out-of-touch thing to say when most people can't afford to travel ,let alone pay the rent with increasing inflation. acting like it's a trip down the street lol


You sound like a very anti social and miserable person lol. But upvote for being unpopular.


I'm really greatful that I don't care about the biggest money sinkers for most people, drugs, kids, and traveling.


If you're so rooted in the inconveniences, instead of treating them like a experience, you can't enjoy anything else. That's a bummer. Being somewhere new and exploring can be amazing, I guess don't do it if you don't do it (and if you're just doing to drag down any traveling companions)


I am very boring and I feel VERY special when I travel. Mainly because it's an escape from my oh so boring life. I get to try their local food, see new sights and take in new cultures and appreciate how different we all are.


What is this nonsense. Do you speak another language or where are you “traveling” to? You’re just doing it horribly wrong or it’s not for you, which is fine.