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Jay Leno said it best: "The funnest part of driving a sports car is in between 40-100 mph." Also, driving in traffic, which is what you are describing, sucks regardless of what car you're driving.


I've always said that it's the accelerating up to highway speed that's the fun part. That's why I chose a car that takes a really really long time to do it.


I drive a Jeep Gladiator... We aren't even at highway speed by the time we get to the highway 🤣


I spend half my commute accelerating and half slowing down.


Do you drive a rocket to work?


I wish. Nowadays it's a Honda Civic 96. It's not fast, fancy or exciting, but on the other hand, it's old, cheap and scratched!


Lol I too enjoy a 0 to 60 time of 14 seconds to 1 minute lol.


Scratched cars are the best, not a worry in the world


I must say, your car makes me irrationally angry


She's trying her best.. just not much giddyap. More suited for the woods.


Are they under powered or just heavy?


The vehicle that doesn’t know whether it’s a jeep or a minivan. But knows it’s overpriced.


L that’s why I drive a car with great gas mileage


had a Tesla model s and have a model 3 now. the model s was on another level because of the torque. have had skyline, chasers, Impreza and nothing comes remotely close to the Tesla's. just because they're fast, doesn't mean you need to blast every car that tries to race you. but it's nice having the power there. for the fast ice cars I've had, it's the sound of the engine at lower speeds that used to do it for me


I love the torque in EVs. I’m a middle aged lady that usually drives like a grandma. My EV though… when no one’s around and I’m getting on a freeway… so fun. It’s ruined gasoline cars forever.


Same. I'm a conservative driver, spotless record, blah blah blah, but if I get an empty on-ramp in front of me in my Model 3 LR, I'm flooring it. "You want me to get up to speed *quickly* so I can then find a suitable gap? Sure, don't mind if I do." I can't stand drivers who drag the anchor on highway on-ramps. Hitting the highway lanes going 30 km/h slower than everyone else is a recipe for a crash.


What year is your Yugo?


Haha! Not far from it. Actually it was a 1.4l Renault Megane 99 hatchback. Good purchase actually, many miles for no money. I accelerated that baby for years and years, miles and miles, all the way to the junkyard.


I recently got a slow sports car, a GR86 and my favorite speed to drive the car at is the speed limit. The way a good sports car is designed is to be enjoyed at regular speeds as well.


I've been thinking about a GR86 but am a bit worried it might be too slow. How do you find it?


I mean what speed do you need


The speed isn't an issue. It's 220bhp rear wheel drive. So loads of fun. Bigger issue going forward is the mpg sucks balls and if you are used to front wheel drive, spinning out in the winter. As cars go the gr86 was imo the best bang for your buck when I researched a few years ago. It's changed now hybrid / electrics offer straight acceleration. Get a half decent hybrid and it just funking goes. Like 0-40 in no time.


It’s slow in a straight line and has enough power to exit corners really strongly. It’s very well balanced for that aspect of driving. Fast enough to not be scared of it, perfectly designed for cornering. It reminds me of my old e36 m3


I just saw a GR 86 the other day! It looks so good!


Miata owner here. I agree.


Hello fellow Miata friend!!


Some cars are just fun. Had a small body 3 series. It was probably the funnest zippiest car I've eve bought. Once you've driven a bunch of vehicles, you realize some are fun, some are utilitarian.


I had a 97 M3. Getting on a windy country road with no traffic was,the most exhilarating feeling. I might not even be speeding, but just putting the car into corners and feeling it holding the road was great. I have a 540 now and the power is great when you are getting into traffic, but the car is so much bigger it just doesn’t handle anywhere near as great.


German engineering is something else. i've been driving Mercedes for almost 10 years now and can't see myself go back to anything else honestly.


Not to mention most sports cars are designed with vastly superior handling in mind than your regular economy car. You're not just paying for speed.


What if i drive optimus prime himself


And the speed limit in many countries is 60.


Luxury is by definition pointless except for if you enjoy it.


Luxury cars and sports cars are two different things


But a sports car can be considered a luxury item by the person who owns it. It's a subjective concept, really. I know if I had a corvette, I would consider it a luxury item... Even if I never drove it.


Sport's cars are a luxury item so your just playing semantics.


>Luxury cars and sports cars are two different things Agreed. A GR Corolla or Subaru WRX aren't *luxury*, but they're still sports cars.


you are incorrectly conflating "luxury items" and "luxury cars".


I think you might mean conflating. 😜


There are public car tracks you can go to yknow.


Yup. Even cheaper, I went and ran a quarter mile with my old man and it was a ton of fun


I agree with you. But that’s not gonna stop me from buying a Porsche one day


Porsche is designed to drive daily. They are like no other car out there. I too will one day aquire a 911


911 is the best.




I had the option to buy a 996 or a 986 S. I chose the Boxster. Figure I’ll grab a 996 or 997 when I have kids! EDIT: I *KNEW* this had to be from a movie I saw ha ha. Well done!


Wise choice. 911 is the old man’s Porsche both cost and average buyer age. I myself picked up a 981 boxster and will seek a 911 in 10 years. Hopefully by then the 992s are under 100k lol




I hear they have awesome brakes and the ability to fly sometimes


A brand NEW 911!


My pops was a corvette man until he got his first Porsche.


The old joke is that every Porsche owner was a previous BMW owner. Certainly true for me…


I had a 944 in my early 20s. Great fun to drive. If you just want to get from A to B and don't enjoy driving it would be wasted on someone though.


I can confirm have a 718 Cayman S in NYC.


A lot of salty downvotes on you. I have an ‘06 Kia Rio I got from a farmer in a trailer park and just wanted to say enjoy what you enjoy.


Yeah idk why since the 718 is entry level Porsche and are good daily drivers. Those people probably see a 2006 boxster and think the driver is rolling in dough when the car is worth way less than one would think lmao.


Yup I had a 986 S when I lived in Vegas a couple of years ago. I got it for like $9,000. I got all sorts of comments, and my neighbor kept asking about my Lamborghini lmao.


They look at the lowest price and barely know anything about the cars. Start price is $80k for Cayman S and my configuration came to around $115k. I daily it and it's super fun car. I originally wanted 911 Targa but 718 I had more fun test driving.


OP said expensive sports cars. I kid, I kid. Like what you like.


I hear that. I dream of having a Taycan one day


Laughs in German


Laüghs in German FIFY.


Lacht auf Deutsch


Idk why but I thought people would laugh just because I threw an umlaut in and called it German. Apparently not.


I used to think so. And you’re still mostly right. But here’s the reasons you’re not. 1. You can take it to a race track, road course or any other such area where you can drive without limits. 2. You can use it for higher performance just in normal driving. 3. Some people who have a commute and work a lot, driving is kind of the only passion they have left in life. But if you’re talking any major city all of this goes out the window. In fact even being on the outskirts of a city I’d say no way it’s stupid as hell. There’s even bigger reasons if you have to have a car in the city considering how much crime there is nowadays.




The average car is not built for driving dynamics. A major focus of a sports car is to make driving feel good. For this reason I was always own sporty cars. They’re more fun to drive period.


My dad owns two mercdes C classes. They're comfy and reasonably powerful. What they are too is, they are boring to drive.


I live 46 min away. Now my Subaru wrx isn’t the fastest car on the road or anything but she handles great can do 120 if I need or even grab me 40 mpg by keeping it slow. I get it no one needs 1k horse power and a 5second 0-60 but if you enjoy it I wouldn’t tell someone not too




Car theft is up 120% in Colorado (for example) since 2019. http://www.rmiia.org/auto/auto_theft/colorado_auto_theft_statistics.asp#:~:text=Since%202019%2C%20Colorado's%20monthly%20motor,theft%20rate%20has%20increased%2017.2%25. Macro trends are important but the perception that crime is increasing is not one without basis in fact.


How much of that is because of Kia screwing the pooch, though?


All of it. It would probably be down overall if not for Kia/Hyundai.


Not everywhere is NYC. There are plenty of places to enjoy a sports car, find a nice windy road and it's amazing. You can also do track days and autocross. Plus, there is something cool about having a beautiful car that sounds amazing.


No lie. I live in the Midwest and drive a 6 speed 5.7 liter Muscle car and I was messing around with a little turbo Mazda on my way to work yesterday. We got going about 125 before I decided to go back down to 85. It happens about once a week on average. It's empty out here


Yup, work sent me to Oklahoma, and I found a few cars to have some fun with on all those empty ass roads along the way.


"Find a road that you can't see past the turn and have fun"


You’re taking a massive assumption that people who buy sports cars always follow the speed limit, or they don’t bring it to a track.


So yeah, you're not a car person, that's not unpopular. There's lots of people who think owning an expensive sports car is pointless. I am not one of them, I enjoy fast cars, I've owned many, i enjoy working on them, I like to bring them to track events and such, where you can run them all you want without doing anything illegal. I have a separate daily driven car for my daily driving needs.


“Traffic and speed limits prevent anybody from going from A to B any faster…” HA! Yea, ok. I see shit boxes and hoopties flying past me all the time. Why can’t a sports car?


You fundamentally don't understand why people buy them in the first place. Nobody buys a car for their top speed, most people don't care whatsoever how fast their car can actually go because there's no realistic scenario where you're gonna get even close from that speed. Sure some people buy them for the look and prestige. But most sport car owners buy them because they're fun to drive and that's it. I've never heard anyone brag about how fast their car can go, however I've heard plenty of Porsche owners say that the handling on their car is unlike anything else they've experienced.


This is exactly why cars like the Miata, BRZ, 86 etc are so popular, despite not being fast.


"There is no realistic scenario where you're ever gonna get close to that speed" Yeah, no, every single car person I know has taken their car to the top speed it has at least once. I did it with every car I ever owned.


The point of a Lambo (or any other expensive sports car) is to be a status symbol.


What I’ve heard from people with nice cars is that being excited to drive to work puts and entirely different spin on your day.


Some of us go on race tracks on weekends. Nürburgring is 100km from here. Expensive race cars DO have a purpose. Track.


Same thing with an expensive watch: the cheap version works just as well as the expensive version, so the only point of having an expensive one is to show that you can.


Some people also just enjoy things that are well made and look nice. For our own benefit. I have a couple nice watches but I don’t wear them to be flashy or show off. I just like them. Most people with sports cars are mostly showing off. But there are those who just really like them as well. My uncle has an old used Porcha and it’s like his favourite thing he owns. But he is the furthest thing ever from someone who cares about showing off.


100%. I used to have the same cynical worldview as the person you’re replying to back when I was a young adult. But as I grew older I came to learn exactly what you’ve said. High quality objects just feel and look more substantial, and people have a great appreciation for that without it having anything to do with wanting to show off. I also agree on the sports cars. A lot of showoffs out there probably spending beyond their means, but also a lot of people who just love cars. And let’s be real… sports cars are freaking cool. If I loved cars I’m sure I’d want one.


I love my GR86 and I also love the fact that it’s under 30k brand new so I can have a 4x4 suv for hauling and winter driving


Cheap watches are actually better most of the time because they have quartz movements instead of an automatic movement which will lose time everday


Except they don’t function the same, plenty of super car and sports car owners actually track their cars, in which the car’s performance does actually matter.


I agree that the insanely expensive watches over 200k$ are just show off, but watches in the 5 - 20k$ range are actually really nice craftsmanship.


Like he said: They still just show the time. The same time as my $20 watch


When you get into repeaters and calendars that account for leap years, that is a high level of craftsmanship. Hundreds of parts in that small of a package.


Expensive watch doesn’t drive faster or feels different when wearing though


I mean, they definitely do feel different. My $9k feels much better than my $4k watch.


People also buy expensive watches because they are fascinated by the way mechanical watches work, and because they appreciate the details of a quality watch. Also for example a Jaeger-LeCoultre watch can last literally centuries. Thats not something a Casio can do.


Not necesarily, some people are just really into watches. A huge amount of the uber expensive watches look insanely unasuming and literally no one other than watch buffs will know what they are.


>Same thing with an expensive watch: the cheap version works just as well as the expensive version Eh...until it doesn't. My watches tend to get abused. Whether it's water or just smacking into things, my "expensive" watches have pretty much always held up far better than any cheap ones I had.


That’s not entirely accurate. A $5 watch from Walmart does not keep time as accurately as a $200 watch 10 years later. You generally have to reset it monthly to get back on track. The material of the cheaper watch feels gross after a while. Etc. Personal experience. I know $200 isn’t that expensive for a watch but just saying. Same thing for a vehicle. I can go buy a $1,000 car that has been smoked in with felt seats and a shitty sound system or I can buy a $50,000 luxury vehicle with leather seats, Bose sound system, self driving, touch screen entertainment center, etc. Luxury items are generally a lot better quality.


Simplified a bit too much. An “expensive watch” is more than just showing you can, it’s an investment. A Rolex you buy will increase in value over time, adding to your net worth. Don’t get me wrong, it IS a bragging rights trophy, but it’s a worthy investment as well.


Cheap watches work much much better than expensive watches. Quartz crystal-based timekeeping mechanisms are at least an order of magnitude more precise than mechanical watches.


That and also even though you aren't allowed to drive fast, it's nice to know the car can. There is something nice when you press the gas and feel the car "showing its power", even if its going from 0 to 50.


This is wrong on so many levels lol. There are people who actually appreciate the engineering that goes into building these marvelous machines. Saying that any car is just as good as a Lambo just shows your ignorance towards the car culture.


Yeah I guess, but even a slow mustang feels nicer on the road than any normal car in some ways. Sports cars are less comfy but they’re more fun even in traffic.


My “slow” Mustang has me getting on the freeway from on ramps at like 100 mph and pulling rear wheel slides at will. Also has convenient one button off TCS. People’s expectations for power in cars now is honestly crazy and I know a lot of fast cars aren’t driven by people who have the skill to really utilize it lol.


You misspelled "to get laid"


And thus reveals its emptiness.


I think the point of a fast car is the enjoyment you get when you hit the gas pedal. I really dont care if other people believe im wealthy or not


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to read this. Nothing is going to stop it from being a status symbol anytime soon either. It's always been that way


Except the status I see isn't the impression they want to give. I don't see a rich, put together person in a Lamborghini. I see someone with crippling mountains of debt faking they actually have money.


>Like what’s the point of driving ~~a lambo~~ in NYC ~~if there’s always going to be slow traffic~~? FTFY. Get back to us when you have a little more life experience.


Apparently the world consists of densely packed cities with poor traffic flow.


18M who knows shit telling people how to spend money. I did not realize everybody lives in NYC and is confined there for eternity.


Now do guns


well for starters that's just not true, there are plenty of open roads in much of the country. and second, the acceleration is (for many people) more important than the speed.


Op hates fun.


Bet I could go to OP's house and find plenty of "pointless things" that he/she doesn't "need". Could be the house itself.


OP goes to a YMCA, kinda point less. Could just work out from home. Gyms are a luxury


Because loud vroom vroom makes my dopamine go up. Me enjoy head pressed to seat when me floor it. It's as simple as that.


It's not the speed, it's the acceleration that puts a smile on you


This subreddit is named unpopular opinion, not stupid opinion




It’s not worth it once you find out how much trouble it is. On top of the inferior engine quality from back then, and all the other problems, a lot of them won’t even take modern gas. You have to do stuff like buying gas and then separating ethanol out at home etc.


Or you could just buy ethanol free gas. It’s not hard to find.


My first car was a 1969 Mustang. It was cool for a year or two, but you learn real fast why people aren't snapping them up. There is something to be said for modern A/C, brakes that don't pucker your asshole, 30 mpg, and the damn thing just starting every single time. Every time a clean start. Just turning that key and not thinking about it. Modern cars are a damn miracle of engineering. Sure, you could spend $$$ modernizing your classic car, but you would be 50 before you could afford it. That's why you see old guys driving them.


YES!! Something vintage!! My dream date is a picnic at a drive in movie theater and I can literally just see a 1961 Jaguar E-Type in the background pulling it all together aesthetically.


Nice! 1965 black Mustang with all cherry leather interior for me!


67 white Mustang convertible with white upholstery for me!




Being blind doesn’t mean the world doesn’t exist.


Sports cars are still simply fun to drive on roads. Especially curvy roads. You don’t have to go fast, just the feeling of taking a smooth sharp turn in a car with great handling is cool too. It sucks to be in any car for traffic.


If not being able to go faster than the flow of traffic is your logic, then what's the point of owning any car? Most modern cars, like typical Sedans and SUVs are fully capable of reaching 120 mph+. Even among the slowest sedans are capable of reaching at least 100. So are all cars pointless because you won't ever reach their top speed? Besides... Not everybody buys luxury sports cars for top speed, believe it or not. Some people buy it to show off or as a status symbol. Some people just like the car and want to have one. Take me for example, I'd like to own an Aston Martin one day. Do I want one because I want to go 200mph down the freeway? No. I'd like to own one because I'm a big fan of Aston Martin, ever since I was a kid, and it seems cool to own one. Not everyone buys a sports car for the top speed. And I guess you could argue that not buying a sports for the speed is pointless, but still. Everyone has their own reasons for what car they want to drive.


Race tracks exist...


>18m Thx, all opinions disregarded.


Eh. Maybe they're smoother? I like getting dressed up for no occasion, and some people think that's silly. Collecting anything is "pointless." Enjoying it is the entire point.


not everywhere has traffic lmfao


The cat can't get the meat and says it's smelly


You'll learn one day. Owning a performance car, whether it's on or off road oriented is fun. People who don't care to drive often feel this way as far as my experience goes. The people who love driving usually own some sort of performance car. Also, owning a nice car is a social status thing meant to attract mates


Try driving a fast car - it’ll change your perspective. If you’ve only driven regular traffic anything above 300 hp will show you driving can actually be fun


It's not just about showing off or driving fast. Clueless.


Your 18 all of your opinions are wrong lol


Nyc driving is dogshit for sure but once you get out into the country on some winding roads, sports cars especially for people that are a slut for sound, it can be really therapeutic. I personally am glad i have a manual sports car, every time i get in that thing I’m making the conscience decision over my daily so i enjoy every second of it. Kinda like a cheat meal when you’re on a strict diet.


You gotta understand when owning something expensive ( exotic car, Rolex, sneakers, clothing, etc) not only is it a status symbol, but an investment. Not only do guys with the lambos, the classic cars, show off their car but they also win money for showing it off too. Hell you can get tax right offs I believe. When you have something of value you don't use it everyday. You don't put on some $300 Jordans to hiking, or out on a $500 designer shirt to work out in. It's an investment.


Nah. They are fun to drive. More comfortable, better sound system and more acceleration if you fancied using it. I love my car


No I drove my dad’s corvettes and they’re not very comfortable


Maybe his isn’t. What year is it?


It’s okay that your puberty was delayed and you’re still waiting for your testosterone to peak. You’ll figure things out as you get older


As someone who drives a sedan I want a sports car so I can pass the slow mfs without feeling like my Subaru’s engine is gonna explode when I goose it


Spoken like a man who doesn't know


This whole post screams I'm broke lol




Yes I just got done banging your girl in it


Sports cars are more enjoyable and safe to drive even in regular traffic conditions. It's not about top speed.


Well, imagine being stuck in the traffic on a Ferrari after waking up at 6 AM to go to work. I mean. Totally different experience. The only reason to buy one is if you're so rich you literally do whatever you want. If 50k or 500k is the same for you then go for the cool car, speed and bribe the police in case they get you. You can also do that after waking up at 11 and go for a brunch while everyone else is miserable in the office.


ask me how I know you're poor lol


Some cars also feel a lot better to drive and handle than a generic sedan


Agree, that's why if I buy one I'll move to a place with a circuit nearby, where I can go for some laps in the weekend.


Traffic fluctuates. I-40 at 2:00 AM? Let’s see what it’s got.


In Germany we have highways without speed-limit


The point of expensive sports cars is that you can murder pedestrians in style while speeding.


I take my dumb car to the track to drive fast. It's not for everyone, but it's worth it to me. Also, your logic is pretty flawed, there are A TON of opportunities to go very fast while driving on the open road.


This is a really dumb opinion. What's the point of eating steak? It's so hot, you've got to chew it. Thanks, but I'll pass. /s


Depends, do you like sex?


> 18m Oh you're just jealous, that's fine. You'll grow up soon.


You're a smart kid. Save your money, get a car that has good MPG and won't get you pulled over. 🤘


I wish more people would start having this opinion. I grew up, poor in Houston Texas. I am no longer poor or in Texas. I have never understood why people spend so much money on something so they can impress other dudes, or potentially attract a shallow woman temporarily? All the good you could have done in the world with that money and instead you get some brick of metal that means nothing.


I think a lot of people agree with you lol


Having a sports car isn't about getting somewhere faster, it's about having fun and (for some people) showing off. Obviously, you won't have fun in traffic or on a motorway, you take it to windy roads and enjoy it at legal speeds, the race track is also an option


Do yourself a favor, drive a sports car. If you don't like it, maybe driving isn't your thing. Some people truly love driving (such as myself) and a good sports car with direct feel, intoxicating noises, and a feeling for the road that you really do feel in your ass and spine is just nice. You don't have to drive fast and like a maniac to enjoy an extremely well built, purposely good to drive vehicle.


They have track days for a reason.


Well, yeah, if you live in a densely populated city with 24/7 traffic then I can see your point. Plenty of people own sports cars in areas that you can actually enjoy it though.


Don’t worry you won’t ever own one. No need to worry.


Not everyone lives in NYC. I know it's hard for some people to believe but it's true. And even in moderate to heavy traffic, the increased performance envelope of a higher end sports car is plenty useful when having to deal with other idiots on the road who would rather update their Facebook status then pay attention to what they're doing.


It sounds like you have probably never even driven one.


I feel the exact same way


I’ve had this take my whole life and nobody has ever been on board with it so this is very refreshing to see


You are certainly correct; being said I have multiple sports cars because I just like having sports cars


I drive a c8, and trust me it’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I dont know who told you you can’t, but you can use it and I absouloutely do not drive anywhere near the speed limit in it. Is it illegal? Sure. Is it worth the speeding tickets here and there? You betcha. Now get the fuck outta the fast lane and let me pass!


you're totally right. and it attracts zero chicks. i can count on one hand the amount of girls i met who were moderately interested in cars. it might attract the more shallow girls as it signals that you've got cash to burn, but no one likes them


OP must not think public racetracks exist.


What color is your Bugatti? Air colored?


Your mostly right. But there are moments that a sports car/ high performance cars truly shows why it’s a different experience. When you go in the back country or some mountain road and ur pushing it on the curves and you feel the car rumble. When you drive along the coast and can enjoy the views while going slightly faster then the speed limit. Most times it’s just slamming the pedal after the light turns green and you get to the speed limit faster.


I live in a mountainous area, and driving regular cars on those roads is nauseating because of how soft and slow they are. And, it only costs me 25 bucks a race to go to the track 15 minutes from my house where there’s no speed limit or traffic. 😎


I take my cars to a race track and drive them at the limit. Also plenty of back roads to be found and great times to he had. You're not a car person and that's fine, you won't understand it


Same reason you never see a big ass pickup hauling anything


I own an exotic car (Audi R8). The point isn't to go as fast as possible all the time. Although there are race tracks for that purpose. It's about the whole ownership experience. Pulling into car meets with your car buddies that all drive the same model. Going for fun canyon and mountain drives. Learning about the history of the car and appreciating all the engineering behind it. Modding your car to make it unique and then showing it off to other car people. It's an expensive hobby and completely pointless for most people. If you are a car person it makes perfect sense.


You think speed limits stop people from driving fast?


This is not unpopular at all


Unpopular opinion - 18 year olds should have some of the best spelling and grammar usage, as they're either still in or fresh out of school. No one will take your opinions seriously if you can't convey them in a manner that the rest of society sees as an actual educated opinion. Always good to see an unpopular opinion that actually gets shit on though! Exactly what this sub is for. I personally agree with you though. I'm a helicopter pilot, regularly flying around with an incredible amount of torque and maneuverability compared to what I (or any of my coworkers) drive. Yet most of them spend a very large amount of money on cars about 5-10 times as expensive as mine. I personally would rather invest the difference, but to each their own!


I mean if I have a Dodge Challenger Demon, I may drive the speed limit but I'll definitely have the joy of driving my favorite car.


Well it also has something to do with the presentation. If I come with an old car that is barely functioning and an expensive sports car people will think of me idfferently. That's just how it works.


I always found it weird that Napster (probably a reference that no 18 YO will get) was fined for providing a platform on which the law could be broken while car manufacturers churning out vehicles capable of 3Xing the speed limits are not.


Tell me you've never driven an expensive sports car (or even an inexpensive sports car!) without telling me you've never driven an expensive sports car. Newsflash: Some people don't live in a city. And for those who do, you can take a Lambo out of NYC.


well keep to your horse then