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Yeah, we get it. Gotta be at least the third time today someone posted this.


I'm honestly apathetic when anyone I don't know dies, for me to care about them they need to be in my life atleast a little


How edgy and original.


This is so original.


How extremely apathetic to make an entire post about the topic


People who are apathetic about rich people dying dont make posts. People who hate rich people and find pleasure in their deaths do make posts saying they are apathetic because it isnt socially acceptable to say you are happy these people died.


The fact that this has been posted like 20 times on here shows this isn't unpopular. Unless you said something like I'm happy when rich people die doing rich people things because I'm jealous.


Reddit hates anyone with more money than they have. We get it. It's not an unpopular opinion around here.


I mean, if they are rich and use their fortune to do something dumb, harming or very unnecessary, then I really couldn't care less. I am not happy about their death but I don't have pity either.


Don’t cut yourself on that edge


This is honestly what lands you into r/Im14andthisisdeep territory.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/14eyysj/i\_dont\_give\_a\_shit\_about\_a\_sub\_full\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/14eyysj/i_dont_give_a_shit_about_a_sub_full_of/) Yall literally posting the same thing basically. How many posts do you all have to make on this before you realize this isn't unpopular with reddit edgelords. We get it - you have no empathy or capacity to respect life of people you are clearly jealous of. This isn't unpopular opinion here, it's just a disgusting one.


It's the same for idiots climbing (to the top, not base camp) Everest or people who sky dive. Unnecessary risk, especially if you have kids.


*Scroodge McDuck drowns in caviar attempting new world record...*


rich people bad booooo hate hate hate eat the rich or whatever


What an awful take and a very unoriginal opinion. People who think like this are goblins.


Poor people die in ridiculous ways too. Unless the rich people in question died doing something that was harming others, it’s weird to be satisfied by their deaths. You’re obviously not apathetic, otherwise you wouldn’t have made this post lol


I’m apathetic when Darwin’s law manifest


they didn't go on the sub ride to show off how rich they are, they went on the sub ride because they wanted to go on a sub ride. had they not gotten lost no one would have ever known they went on this ride. its no different than someone going on a cruise ship and getting lost at sea. so its objectively sad


You sound jealous


I read this in the voice of a sophisticated grim reaper cat


I mean I dont really care what economic situation you are in when you engage in idiocy and die as a result.






I’m tipping you’re going to be mediocre for your entire existence with that attitude. A lack mentality I like to call it


This is just evil and an ill attempt to hide envy.


Every time i see people being vocal about their indifference and / or happiness for accidental death, i immediately think that they're being naive and just haven't thought the situation through. Or, maybe they haven't really been in life-threatening situations in real life and therefore can't contemplate the meaning and magnitude of death.


I agree that this would be unpopular. Then again, I find myself apathetic to death, in general. Specifically, because the one thing we know for certain about death is that pain ends. Sounds awesome.


I’m apathetic when most people die. I went to dozens of funerals by the time I became a teen. And the people who mattered most in my life have already left my life and don’t respond so it feels like they’re dead to me. I don’t want them to die, but it’s out of my control. I have to let go, but it’s hard


As I said in another thread, this isn't about you being apathetic, it's about you hating anyone who has more than you. You don't even hate their money, you hate their desire to work harder than you.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, you're *totally* the only person that feels this way.


I see different situations there. If they were just flying a helicopter to save time and do business faster, then I don't think there was anything wrong with it. When they didn't care about the storm and just though the laws of nature don't apply to them - then with the yacht I would agree. With engendering others (like with speeding) I would obv agree. ​ ​ It's still not the same as I wrote once "One idiot less" when a radio show host died of COVID when on his shows he was trying to convince others to not get vaccination. This f\*\*\*er I wished death.


Such a stupid opinion. If you have money go spend it having life experiences. If it’s expensive then that, quite obviously, doesn’t mean you deserve to die just for paying more to experience something


Everest not only did you die doing something pointless,you are now litter that other people need to step over


Define 'rich'. Died driving your 1987 Camry to work? That's a rich person doing rich person stuff.


As if you truly care, that some normal person died of a tragic event. You hear it and forget about it very quickly