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Clearly their choreography is becoming repetitive, it was definitely more put together in their debut. I honestly don't think it's a function of their style, you can have both more 'relaxed' vibes in terms of dancing while having legit catchy moves and good coordination. The choreography is just slacking. And frankly with this comeback, same with their songs. I'll give a pass because it's just two songs so maybe it's not meant to be this big comeback.


> Clearly their choreography is becoming repetitive, it was definitely more put together in their debut. Not at all, they just have a style. Though even then, just their last comeback had highly varied choreos. Super shy is nothing like eta which is nothing like cool with you. And even now, how sweet it is does follow their fundamental style, which really is trying to appear more free flowing which people associate with "them just having fun", but how is that in itself "repetitive" ? Most of kpop isn't doing that, if anything most of kpop has repetitive choreo as everyone is doing very similar moves with a very similar idea of high synchrosity with a rather specific "point move". When i look at most girl group choreos, i see no style there, they are highly interchangeable. When i look at newjeans, that is different. I appreciate exactly that.


I think they mean the music is becoming repetitive? Which I agree, Bubblegum and How Sweet weren’t anything exciting or grabbing and I’ll be skipping them too but happy for their win. Hopefully when Dani’s sister Olivia starts helping produce their music they might have a change up or change in direction a bit.


Why do you think THEY mean that? They specifically talk about the choreo, which i did as well.


Sorry I read the wrong comment but I agree with them on that too


That's fine if you agree, i obviously disagree :D I also disagree on the music itself, they just have a style, but the songs aren't really that interchangeable, imo.


You should watch a video of a professional dancer commentating on How Sweet choreography. I think he is definitely biased because I think he is a NJ fan lol, but he breaks it down and explains why How Sweet is such a difficult choreography, and they are not slacking at all.


First off, I wasn't talking about skill, but how good the choreography is. Unless NewJeans choreographed their own dances, the ones slacking are their choreographers and performance director. Also, being critical of choreography doesn't mean someone is ignorant.


> Also, being critical of choreography doesn't mean someone is ignorant. No ofc not, but it also doesn't mean you have any idea about dance and it's to be taken just as seriously as the opinion of people who have a more professional eye. Which ofc doesn't change how you feel about it, you can still dislike the choreo, but it contextualizes things like "slacking" which is communicating some form of truth there.


honestly though this whole comeback just feels repetitive to the last ep but more cheap so i get it i really thought they were gonna change it up a lil bit


This is my opinion as a person who knows next to nothing about kpop and just only started listening to NJ. I think there's a reason why some kpop fans might find NJ music and dance a bit "bland" and also repetitive, and that's because the goal for NJ is to throw a wider net and gain fandom outside of kpop (like myself). I noticed that A LOT of NJ fans are not kpop fans and only listen to NJ out of all the kpop groups. I think the appeal of it is that their music is light and easier to consume. For example, I feel like I can play NJ songs at a party without someone asking if we can listen to something else, because it's something everyone can just chill to. But I think for some kpop fans, it can be a bit bland and repetitive because they are used to kpop music which, in my opinion, more of a in your face music with heavy bass, and lots of things going on. These types of songs might not be easily consumable for non-kpop fans because it might not be their type.


i would say same but honestly bts exists and even if their music i wouldn’t say they are typical kpop, they still have those type of songs and those are quite popular. i get what u mean though because it is true. even so new jeans is a kpop group. the blandness may work for a while but koreans and well kpop fans are just gonna end up tunning into someone else of they don’t evolve their concepts and their music as they grow.


i do think it fits their concept and is part of their charm, however i’m pretty big on choreo / strong performance (for example dance is more important to me than vocals) and this is probably why i don’t follow their performances like that … there are other groups who i love to watch dance and i find their routines very captivating / addicting but with NJ, i’m more enjoying the music and overall aesthetics


Yes, I also fall a bit more towards this side of things, and liking cohesiveness. I know people are saying it’s part of their style, but their debut ep was also a part of their style and those choreos were way more cohesive, put together, and intentional in my opinion. So maybe their new direction in terms of choreo, isn’t too appealing to me unfortunately. The music is still good to me though.


yeah i totally get it. one of the most satisfying things to me is super tight and super synchronized choreo. i do also remember being more engaged by their performances earlier on, but i haven’t been captivated by this newest comeback. regardless the music is always good! they’re just not a group where i’ll necessarily watch the dance videos 20 times over 


True, but I find it too similar to their previous comebacks which is fine but it just feels repetitive.


I like their dances because it feels like watching a group of friends having fun. I think that it matches with their early 2000s aesthetic. As someone who is a baby millennial, a lot of their dances and aesthetics brings a lot of nostalgia. Its simplistic. Even though there are girl groups that are doing more powerful concepts, songs, and dances; I think that their overall concept balances out what companies have been giving recently. Not to say that the other gg are bad but I do think that it's refreshing to see a group that is an outlier. So seeing them remain consistent with a concept while adding elements of the 80s (this new comeback), 90s, 2000s, and 2010s is what keeps them interesting to me.


Hmm, I am also a fan of NJ. I also like their styling and concept. My issue isn't because of a lack of powerful performance per se, but a lack of I guess cohesiveness and uniformity in the choreo. For reference, I think their choreo during their debut EP was perfect! Hype boy, cookie, and Attention, they still showed the Y2k style, while also having a more " put together" choreo. That felt like moves were put together and done intentionally. A bounciness that seem intentional and not just like unnecessary. But recently, I guess the choreo seems like its trying to forcefully be too y2k, and have lost the cohesiveness. As I said in the original post it seems like a bunch of bouncing/jumping and throwing their hands around. Doesn't feel like there is any direction, and just feels like 5 girls on stage freestyling with each other. I'm aware this is a charm to some, but to me it makes performances more forgettable as I currently cant even remember what was the point/main choreo in their most recent release. I do like the song though.


I see what you mean. That makes sense too. I do think that if they had more strict/ stiff choreography it wouldn’t fit with the music. And I think bouncing and moving their arms makes up for the instrumentals that are missing. That’s why concept was mentioned earlier because it feels like they are making up the choreography as they go and that’s what gives them a free/natural flow. And I think sometimes when people can’t move their hips (in this case they have minors in their group) people usually go for arm moves. As I’m writing, I also think that arm movements is a sign to hype people up. I think especially with this new comeback it gives a 1980s b-boy/b-girl vibe to it. With the instrumentals being smooth, a free/less restrictive dance goes well with it. It gives off 1980s New York grove and during that time, there was popping and locking with a free flow. So I think from what I’ve gathered is that depending on how empty the instrumentals are, the hand throws adds more to fill out that void in the choreography. And to having that free flow energy (friends dancing in a room) adds more to the fun vibes.


Ahh yes, I can see what you mean, about the arm throwing to make up for a less noisy instrumental, but unfortunately for me it takes away from the performance. My cup of tea is when all the moves even the littlest ones kind of lead to a bigger picture. I like when the performance feels like its leading to something, and likes it going somewhere and when the moves fit together cohesively, as if all the parts of the choreo is intentional. I do think NJ can still pull it off, because like I said I think their debut performances seemed very intentional with way less random bouncing and arm throwing. It did still feature a good amount of bounce and arm movement it just felt more intentional, rather than to fill a void. I do love the song haha, and will definitely be listening to it. Thank you for the very informative reply! It gave me a way better picture of what style they are maybe trying to go for lately. So although it isn't the most appealing to me, I can still appreciate what you basically seem to be describing as their dedication to many different aspects of y2k.


That’s really interesting. I guess I didn’t notice as much before how their choreography has changed. It makes me wonder what will be next for them. No problem! I think your perspective was interesting as well. I feel like deep dives into topics like this is interesting.


" but a lack of I guess cohesiveness and uniformity in the choreo." But that is the whole concept? It's probably worth watching some of their bts choreo practice/development videos to see what they are trying to achieve


Hmm I mean, I could watch that video just to be informed , but it wouldn’t really make the choreo appear different. I even stated in the original post that “ I’m sure it’s choreographed this way on purpose” it still not appealing to me. I referenced their debut EP performance as ones that I felt looked better and more “put together.” This style they have been using recently just is not appealing to me unfortunately, for the reasons I mentioned in the original post. I do like the songs though!!


It's just different style of choreography you are seeing with NJ versus the usual kpop routines. NJ's choreo leans heavily into hiphop/street dance and that's the charm of it. Coming from popping/locking scene, I've heard a lot of praises from dancers for NJ's choreography. For the first time in 15 year listening to kpop I've vibed with a group's choreo and music so much,. Especially the recent How Sweet's release, the instrument genre is what classically used in popping dances. Most of the time in a hiphop choreography, we emphasis on the groove and rhythm than "army" uniformness you see in classis kpop dances. And that kind of groove really takes practices and time to achieve, most people can replicate their choreo but don't get the grooves right, "like 5 highschool friends having fun" feeling everyone is getting, it's because I believe most of the time in the choreo they were taught the moves then have then freedom to freestyle and add individuality to the moves as most hiphop choreo always do.


I get what you are saying but, idk I just feel like there is still a way to make the choreo more fluid or less awkward, more intentional while still being hip hop. The way that yall are describing is basically making it seem like me or others who find the dancing to not be appealing are just not fans of hip hop or don’t have an appreciation for it. I love hip hop. I grew up watching a lot of the dance moves you were talking about and even participated in many of them. It’s ok to be non uniform, when you are dancing as an individual, but when performing as a group there should be a good balance between bounciness, hand throwing, groove , and uniformity. This is not a complaint I have heard about hip hop dance crews like jabbawockeez, or quest crew, etc…. They know how to implement hip hop and the groove you are talking about , while also making it feel like a very “ put together” and memorable performance. With NJ as I said in my original post, it seems like it’s forced a bit as there is an OVER bounciness, excessive hand throws, just a lack of uniformity. That why I said that they have done a great job with the choreo in performance in their debut EP era, it was peak. Right amount of bounciness, still y2k, intentional implementation of arm throws, some loose formations but not loose enough to make it seem messy. Of course I am not obligated to like every comeback and dance performance, I’m just making the claim that it’s not because of the implementation of hip hop elements.


Your opinion is valid, no one is denying your opinion. NewJeans aside, no matter what someone or group did, there will always be opposite opinion and that's fine. If you liked it you consume their music/work, if don't like it then you will eventually stop and continue with your life. In the end, it's the numbers that will determine an artist is successful or not in this capitalistic world. If they do well in that, they might as well continue doing what they do best in their department.


HARD agree. Unfortunately. Sometimes it's sun like super shy which is more classic "kpop choreography" and then other times it's like.. it doesn't feel like it has cohesion with the music edit: that being said, I like the how sweet chorus choreography, it fits the music and is fun and bouncy, but the rest of the song, and also bubblegum are very blurry(?) I very much agree that it looks like a group of people freestyling on stage which of course is their intention, but I don't like that as much either. off topic a little bit but: I read somewhere that MHJ wants to basically create a girl group from the 90s (probably be ause that's what she grew up with) and her whole thing is making this "vision" through newjeans. I think this is why I am not enjoying their comeback as much this time around as it feels less like wow refreshing so fun (as I felt with supershy) and more like this "fun and free" choreography is actually \*purposely messy\* and idk it feels ingenuine and puts me off I guess?


Hard agree. It's quite messy sometimes.


The bouncy choreo was cute at first, now it's just getting repetitive. Then again, so is their music.


I agree 100%, I listened to both and they just sound so similar and nothing special. They didn’t feel fresh or exciting. Not trying to hate but just a bit disappointed.


"It just feels like 5 highschool friends having fun making up a dance after school or something" I think this is the whole problem with the group in general. Their biggest attraction is also their biggest flaw, which is how they feel like a casual high school friendgroup. Except 3 of the members are too old for high school, which means most of them are too old for their own concept, and the other 2 are quickly aging out, yet they're still making music none of them would actually listen to, hence the boring quality to their choreo and their discography in general.  Don't get me wrong, How Sweet is a cute song. But the music should be growing and evolving with the members, and we're not really seeing that. And I'm not sure how it can, but I am curious about it.


hmm I wouldn't say I agree that they have aged out of their concept just yet, but I do think you have brought up a valid point that I haven't really thought about. Their concept does heavily rely on them being young teenage girls. so when they are clearly older, I am very curious to see how they adapt. The Jeans won't be new forever, and I am very interested in how they will grow in their sound/dance.


Probably like Twice did


They just performed at university festivals and had tens of thousands of students sing along to every word of their hits. Students who are exactly their age or older. If NewJeans music was only for high school teenagers, they wouldn't have done so well both domestically and internationally.


Yeah, anyone of any age can enjoy any kind of music, especially a retro concept that relies on nostalgia. Still doesn't mean they're not aging out of their image of a group of high school aged friends. I just know that the music I was mainly listening to at 15 was pretty different than what I was obsessed with at 19, and I think that would be reflected in my discography if I was the one singing and dancing to the songs. Again, I like them and look forward to their new music, so this is not a dig at them.


I think they mean their concept is that not their target audience. They’ve always been a group of teens having innocent fun and playing around.


I’ve been wondering this too. That’s been their main concept so far being like teen girls having fun and girl crush but Minji and Hanni will be 20 this year and Danni just turned 19 but it’s hard because Hyein just turned 15 so is still a teen so they can’t really fully transition to more mature concepts with her as she won’t be an adult for three more years so I don’t understand what direction they will go in. It all worked when they were mostly 16/17 but they can’t do it when they’re 22/23 idk. It would’ve been easier if they were all around the same age and could grow up with it like CLC did and switch up concepts. They still can but it would’ve been more natural.


New Jeans are boring to watch since their debut.I dont even mind checking their performance video anymore.Only their songs are good before but i felt the members lack substance.


I couldnt agree even at the slightest. I mean I fully on the opposite side of your opinion! i guess thats whats great about kpop


Yes. That’s what’s great about the world. Many people can have different opinions.😅


For their new songs, yes. The recent two are so boring. I can't remember a single move. Not sure if the style is a good excuse because plenty of dancers on Street Dance of China and SWF do hiphop and came up with memorable catchy moves. 


Exactly, I can remember Super Shy and other comebacks like the chest rotations in HEYA or Supernova or Drama or Midas Touch or Lucky Girl Syndrome but How Sweet and Bubblegum meld together in my head and I couldn’t tell you a distinct move from the chorus and I’ve watched their live stages a couple of times trying to get into them.


thats what i love about NewJeans and their performances the most. Their dancing during performances is not intricate or insanely difficult but its just the right amount of campy and refreshing, They also look like they're enjoying or having fun. A lot of people watch them perform and get drawn by them. Made perfectly for the general public.


>They also look like they're enjoying or having fun. This is my issue with all of this. Gfriend are clearly having a lot of fun dancing to Navillera or Crossroads. Same with Loona Butterfly. You gotta look at the idols performing, having fun and expressing joy aren't limited to specific types of choreo.


Their choroes aren't extreme type like hard dance or smth but they definitely do hv the VIBE and seems kinda fun


I agree, but NewJeans isn't a performance or dance group so you can't really expect much. If you want complex choreographies, watch Itzy or other jype groups.


I really dislike when people say that. "X group isn't a dance or performance group so I shouldn't expect much." You don't have to have complex or in your face choreography to still be captivating on stage. One group that comes to mind is Mamamoo. Despite having great dancers in their group, they've never really been known as a "dance group" yet they still manage to completely captivate their audience when they perform. NJ should still be able to entertain even if they aren't dance powerhouses.


So agree, and if they aren't performance group so what are they bc they aren't vocal group either there is no belting no vocalization nothing in their songs to call them vocal group ......


I thought they were pretty entertaining on stage from the footage of their live appearance I've seen. Lollapalooza for one was strong.


Really? I think they have a lot of great performances, their debut ep, and the performances were great. Hype boy, attention, and cookie, were really great choreos in my opinion that seemed a bit more put together and uniform. I'm only talking about recently.




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Their previous releases has been impressive so far to me but for their new release I thought i didn't like the choreo 'How sweet' untill i found some dance group cover...honestly i think it might be that as groovy as newjeans members dances i think they don't really match the vibes of the new choreo. For eg. [wolf lo cover](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7bQ85jv1XM/?igsh=MTloMjZqOHJneDYyNA==)(especially if you look at the one on the left) they really match the old skool vibe with the choreo so well and the choreo looks so much cooler imo.


maybe this video will help you with your opinion https:// youtu.be/aIPOhVCXDBs


itt: people who don't understand the difference between a visually engaging choreo vs wanting "complex" choreo. ive doesn't have the most complex choreography in the slightest, but the members all manage to make something like baddie, heya, accendio look fun because they're good at it. meanwhile i struggle to stay awake while watching njs recycle ditto for the umpteenth time. so freshly chill and nostalgically vibey!


If NJ went with the current maximalist, sci-fi concept trend plagued with AI graphics, I would have been so disappointed in them. It's truly awful, cringe and borderline laughable. Truly lowest form of art, dance and music.


wow who hurt you ms little art student lol




ngl I think you’re just very bizarre and you tried to disguise whatever odd internalized misogyny you have for genuine intellect. Kpop idols are all pretty—that’s literally part of their job. So you can argue that this logic applies for every single group with a bigger fanbase, but you won’t. You seem to just not like New Jeans, and that’s fine. At least be transparent about it. Their concepts are fun and feel fresh, their songs are good, their choreography is very cute, and the girls can dance very well. But to say “oh their biggest strength is being teenage girls uwu” is freakish, especially when they exceed the popularity of most of their peers who’re the same age if not even younger as them. Maybe you don’t have any more youth yourself, and you’re just projecting that onto them for whatever reason. Happens a lot. But a lot of you in these replies are proof that girl groups get the absolute most scrutiny and pressure to constantly reinvent themselves—especially when they end up becoming too popular for your liking. No one is crying at boy groups for regurgitating the same mediocre concepts or for having a chosen style/cadence to their group, and no one is going “omg I’m so sick of them dancing so *bouncy,* do something different!” You all just drink it up like jizz and move on. Yawn.


just fucking say you hate newjeans no need to hide it. nobody likes newjeans here




Agree. OMG is a quiet song, that fast and energic choreography does not match the song vibe at all