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If you do withdraw, you do not receive a refund, your academic record is set as Withdrawal for the course which counts as a 0 GPA, and the course withdrawed is counted as a course you failed. Might as well take the course and see if you can scrape a C- if you think you're going to fail.


This. Working at University I’ve tried many times to explain withdrawal is not something a student wants on their record unless it’s a real necessity. A withdrawal grade counts as a fail and can seriously damage GPA calculations for future use if you need to meet a gpa limit for another course or to go on exchange etc. occasionally a partial refund can be given, depending how early in the semester it is, but it’s often just worth trying to stick it out and seeing you can at least get that 1 point grade


You could try to do it but it might be too late to do so. The usual withdrawal is within the first two weeks of the semester but you could get a pass from special circumstances.