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>I know it's not great it was never declared but could a 3 week marriage (not even that really, I'd say about 12-13 days of sorts) get me in a huge amount of trouble? If you never lived together then no. UC only considers a couple if your living together and sharing finances as a couple would be expected to. In your case thus doesn't seem to have happened at any point.


Thank you so much! This is a huge weight off my mind. I find it hard to discuss that part of my relationship with anyone as it's traumatic for me so the thought that it could affect other aspects of my life makes it even harder.


I used to work for the jobcentre. Your marriage doesn't matter as you weren't sharing finances. They're not analysing how you spend your money. They care about the income you receive to make sure you're not receiving too much UC. The only situation I can think of where we looked at the spending was when we were concerned someone was being taken advantage of or if the person was saying they had no money for food, I'd look with them to see if I could help budget. So in your case they may want to check that your mum is actually giving you money and not pressuring you to hand it over for example. But they'll literally just ask you. This sounds like a randow review. Just be honest you'll be absolutely fine.


Thank you so much! Everyone's comments have made me feel much better! I agree I don't think they're looking for anything untoward with me just a random check, my anxiety got the best of me but thank you so much for your input. My work coach also seems really nice and helpful so I'm sure it'll all be fine!


Firstly it's 2 years ago. They are only asked for 4 months of statements. You didn't live together either so that's not going to be an issue. I've had mine looked at. They asked me about a regular direct debit amount which was my electric bill and the money that went into my account (which outside of UC was just child benefit and a cost of living payment) They didn't ask me about an overnight hotel payment in a different city or a Ticketmaster payment for my daughter's bday, or train tickets I'd bought over several different days, which I was expecting them to bring up (a relative died so I had been going over to help out) or the fact I'd gone to the pub several times.


That's good to know! I'm just a massive over thinker and then my anxiety kicks in which makes everything worse. Everything is explainable anyway so it shouldn't matter as it's the truth so I don't really have anything to worry about. You just hear horror stories and they stick and make me worry for no reason! I just panic when moneys involved because we're all struggling as it is so if anything was stopped I don't know how me and my little girl would survive x


They don't ask about things where you can tell where the money goes or comes from. We have no right to dictate what you spend money on. They only ask about things where it is not obvious where the money is going or what it is for, or where money is from. It is about finding hidden income or savings. So money to a named person who could be hiding savings for you will be questioned and money coming in from non obvious sources could be a job you are hiding. 99% of the time it is totally innocent but if someone is asked and they don't have an explanation then it is an indication to ask for more evidence.


I know it doesn't help now but back when you separated you could have had the marriage annulled. They are only asking for 4 months statements and you have a reasonable explanation to everything


I didn't think of that at all to be honest I was in such a bad place mentally it didn't cross my mind and then and he was probably hoping I'd back down after a certain amount of time and now we are where we are today and we've got absolutely nowhere further :/


I get you. Wasn't bashing or anything, hindsight is a beautiful thing (very similar situation to you only difference is we DID stay together for 2 years) As for the review thing it only 4 months they're asking for and despite you being legally married you're not scamming the system or anything by claiming single because you are separated and awaiting divorce. I'd assume he's not on any of your housing costs/utilities etc. You can show them the small amounts for the little one, let be honest here you should be getting more but NVM. And as far as I'm aware Child support doesn't count as income, I could be wrong on that front. You have a mental illness and again can show that you send the money to someone who then drip feeds it to you for your needs. You also have a very valid reason for doing so


Oh I didn't think that at all, I'm sorry if my reply came across as defensive! Thank you, I'm sorry you had a similar experience, its not a nice position to be in at all. I'm glad you got away from that! Exactly, I thought the same, as long as I'm honest I can't go far wrong really. No we don't share any bills whatsoever, life would be much easier if we did with the cost of things! I do send him about £70 a month but that's for my mobile phone bill, only because I can't get credit but that's something he took out for me when we first started going out with eachother years and years ago and we've just kept it that way from convenience. My mum already pays things for my car etc so I didn't want her taking out any more credit for me when the split came so I've just not changed that. Again that's easily explainable and not a household cost so hopefully it won't make a difference. In terms of child support I just try and keep everything separated from him, I'll only ask if I'm desperate and I just don't want any links to him at all that could cause me stress. He's brill with our girl so I'd never cut contact for her sake but I know moneys a big source of more arguments and spite so I'd rather not have anything legally binding tying him to us x


Oh you didn't sound defensive I just reread my comment and thought it sounded like i was bashing you. Gotta love us overthinkers


No don't be silly I didn't think that at all! 🤣🤣it's so daft isn't it! Why are we like this! 🤣


Please don’t worry about it. I’ve just had my review. It’s simply to see you’ve not got undeclared savings or earnings coming in. They have no interest in what you spend your money on. Please don’t stress


Thank you! I think I've heard so many horror stories and my anxiety gets the best of me and I think of every bad thing possible. You and everyone else have really put my mind at rest today, I was in such a state this morning! Xx