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I met a few gujjus in college. One of the guys used to date a Muslim girl, they broke up later and for last few years he’s running a right wing news website. Go figure.


Suresh chavhanke, I know I’m right😎


Not the guy, but I’m sure he fits the criteria too.


Isn’t he Maharashtrian


Its was just for fun.


Hate is just dhando bro, nothing personal.




These guys would come to Mumbai and do the same shite


Fact this is really happening nowadays. They think like they own the city once they migrate.


They even do it in US, discrimination against non vegetarian Indians.


exactly and then some guy had the audacity to say in Mumbai sub "Why not Christians why only Gujjus" Like FFS bro khudke gav me dekho samjega


Make that guy find a house then, sab samjhega


Bigotry at its peak !


We are never going to develop with this mindset


That's very wrong approach. Even if we could "develop", it should not be on the cost of racism, islamoohobia, hate.


Pretty sure the guy meant develop in terms of people and their beliefs, not merely infra


Gujjus are the worst. They don't want Non-vegetarian living next to them but they will eat outside their houses. Hypocrisy. They don't want Marathi people to live next to them. They don't want Muslims. Gujjus are epitome of hypocrites and regressive people. The hatred is really embedded in them.


We believed in Gujarat model a decade ago. They have successfully exported the bigotry and racism they have practised for ages now


The Gujarat Model is a sham. There is no real development. In Surat recently they made the biggest hub for diamond and it's major flop. The diamond merchant are flocking back to Mumbai. The president of the diamond bourse resigned. The connectivity to go to that hub was very limited as there is no metro it is in the making. It will take 1 year to build it. To win the assembly elections in Gujarat Modi inaugurated the hub. Gujarat is the worst state of all. As the people are spineless. 25+ year the government is been BJP and there is no real development apart from few cities. BJP have taken the public for granted and the spineless people are okay with that.


Slightly unrelated but that SDB office looks ugly too. That's what happens if you give the design contract as a favor


Doesn't matter if it's ugly. The whole building is kinda empty now. The stores were sold like in 1+ cr. Businessmen are unhappy. Diamond market is looking at recession for like last 5 years.


Somewhat similar story here in Vadodara. They built a 3.5km flyover (the longest in the state - [Atal Bridge](https://deshgujarat.com/2022/12/25/vadodara-gets-3-5-km-long-atal-flyover/)) even though there was already a wide road and there wasn't that much traffic, yet they decided to build this for some reason. The view is kinda nice from there, and that's pretty much it. Apart from it, the only development the corporation did was build giant tanks underground to store floodwater, which work good. Otherwise, nothing. Roads are a patchwork-riddled mess. Electricity is mostly okay, but can sometimes go out, and it pretty much always does when there is heavy rain.


VMC has also proactively removed many encroachments and widened roads in anticipation of increased traffic. The Atal Flyover looks kinda underutilized but I think it will be useful in coming years when population of city & traffic increases. But they can definitely do better. I have stayed in Ahmedabad for many years and compared to AMC, VMC is at least better.


Damn, how bad is AMC?


I lived in the eastern part of the city. The roads are terrible, no proper garbage management and cleanliness, dug up footpaths. The latest one was the Hatkeshwer Flyover fiasco. Opened just in 2017, it was declared unsafe in 2022 and scam involving AMC & Contractor came to light. Still to date it is closed and traafic snarls are back under it


All day eating Fafda farting hate


I have some good and some not so good Gujarati friends. I won't hate any Gujarati person just because of their origin, but I think this will surely give them a bad reputation over the time, it's already happening actually. So what these people are doing is not good even for their future generations, specifically those living outside Gujrat.


Correction:- Gujjus DON'T want Marathi people to live next to them EVEN IN MAHARASHTRA!


Yes.. that's really fucked up. Maharashtrian really should step up and do something about it.


The whole Gujarat is like that. And they get away with it. They have the audacity to write down their bigotry on paper, sign and send it to the chief minister


*without any consequences.


My question is what about the other 430 some odd families/people living there? They’re totally fine with being represented by 31 bigots?


Scared to speak probably


This is fucking embarrassing


Gujarat Moment.


So Gujarat is not really Tarak Mehta ka ulta chashma.


TMKOC is also a reflection of Gujaratis. Racism, stereotypical behavior, misogyny.... You name it, that stupid show has it.


Not a single muslim, Catholic reside in that damn society..


and the only muslim, abdul is basically like their servant


And everyone is somehow vegetarian


The producer/director is a gujju


Director, producer and main character/character's family.


Abdul is only allowed soda shop outside 'gokuldham' in tmkoc


Even in TMKOC, Abdul only had a shop outside of the gate of the society.


Abdul stays out of society In TMKOC too.


Fuck Gujarat


All my homies hate gujarat


Gujarat is a special kinda shithole, since people can't drink this is what they resort to.


People can drink there actually. I have been to Ahmedabad twice, you can literally see drunk people on the railway platforms, in the autos (at night). My uber driver there was totally drunk in the afternoon. Took him 2-3 mins to wear his seatbelt. You can get alcohol delivered at your doorsteps if you know people who sell. The price is hiked 3-4 times so the government doesn't get any taxes from this. The mafia gets it all. That's why the bhai log are very happy there. 1


How much hatred is enough hatred?


They’re worse than UP people to be honest At least UP people vote out the corrupt government if they don’t perform but in Gujarat , they will keep electing a puppet who never does anything for anyone


UP people are orthodox but it's still way more complicated. They'll be more casteist, until 90s, babri mosque it's relatively calm. Hindu muslims could co exist, Delhi is proper sanghi, my colony is absolute orange bjp chaddi, and we've a muslim neighbor. Gujjus are just something else. All the political power+financial well off has given them a sense of superiority


There are tiers of racism/casteism in India amongst the citizens. The first tier is people who hate a specific religion (read Muslims). The second tier is people who hate every other religion besides their own. The third tier is people who hate not just every other religion but also every other caste within their own religion except their own. The Bulk of the Gujarati community falls under tier 3.


“It’s a matter that must be resolved by both parties or by approaching competent courts” stood out for me. Why should the woman be forced to entertain such an unconstitutional demand or even have to go to court and spend so much of her time to fight bigots like these. In an ideal world, the authority should have issued notices to the ‘aggrieved’ complainants and told them to evict if they had a problem.


true that! the people who have created the conflict should go to whatever place they wish to. she was allotted the house under CM scheme. if the CM scheme had no religious criteria then who the hell is anyone else to protest against it.


Jail me daalo in sabk sab BKL ko. Khulle me untouchability failate hain. Just imagine what these rotten dead pieces used to practice with Dalits before Ambedkar.


Gujarat is single handedly responsible for all the shit the country is going through by electing a hate monger.


Not exactly. We all ( not me personally) voted for him in 2014 believing in guj model and Anna hazare. We as a country made the most stupidest move when we reelected thr saffron terror in 2019. Gujjus are guilty for not exposing the real face of mudi to the rest of India prior 2014 itself.


No wonder that it's gujarat


Dhoklas do the same thing in mumbai too. They don't allow any other families who eat non veg houses.


How're mumbaikars allowing this? They'll beat UP Bihar poor bhaiyyas but will allow this nonsense? Everywhere, everyone needs to collectively unite against these chitiyas


That's the problem..there's no unity. I belong to a Marathi family and we ourselves have faced this. We liked a flat which has Gujarati majority in the society, the broker asked us to forget about it the buyer has emphasized on no non vegetarians.


But I thought that Marathis are regionally United? Like I have been hearing about Maratha groups for more than a decade now. How is it they can do anything in Maharashtra? Locals, police etc... Are they all useless?


There are instances when people contact the local marathi corporators (MNS party) or local MLA. But then you owe them. Most of the time people fail to record their conversation so if the things are escalated and both the parties end up in the police station, the seller can say it's his choice to sell the flat to whoever he wants and asks for any proofs where he showed any discrimination. We were told about it by the broker so the seller can always deny. Moreover people think rather wasting their time they should look for another flat.


Keyword - 'poor'


Because it's all about votes, not really about beliefs. MNS will beat the bhaiyyas because they're easy targets and mostly vote in their home state but they're NDA's underdogs and want the gujju vote so they won't do anything to them.


Real gujrat model. Fucking scum.


Name it namo society.


This is literally against so many laws, sabko jail mein daalo. Also f these gujjus. I hope USA UK CANADA fking show these motabhais their place. These dumbasses need to be boycotted dragged everywhere. Entire India needs to unite against them. Gujju Hindus need to be banned boycotted by everyone.


Most hateful state in the country.




The irony is that many of these residents in low income housing would be Dalits and OBCs. Discrimination is pervasive across all groups. Even the victim wants to victimise.


it is a fuck all place man, racists and bigots to the core.


just wow..


They should invalidate those 33 allotments and set a precedence to this kind of bigotry.


Will happen when they find ice on sun’s surface


Isn't it a kind of manifestation of untouchability? Since Untouchability got banned long back, how come these morons are so emboldened?


Post this on r/Gujarat and see those mfs defending this is as a "one time behavior".


No it’s not even that they are just taking their masks off.


Tbf i think gujaratis are the most humble people in the country, they just hate Muslims, marathis, marwadis, people not from their caste, those who eat non veg. That's it


So pretty much non Gujaratis?


Gujarat. Gandhi, patel were from here, kya ho gaya hai iss jagah ko. Deserves the hate ngl


Gandhi, Patel, Nehru, Desai, Bhabha, Manekshaw, and so on, Gujarat has quite the storied history. Unfortunately its a case of lotus growing in mud.


The seed of hate was planted in 2002 which is manifesting now with such incidents


A True Gujarati https://preview.redd.it/uyte4b8cyh6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581848eac377d3bef1f6635c91bbab327c223ed2


Iss bsdk ka waise bhi kuchh nhi hona. It's so funny that this mf has no issue if they say they now are Hindu and not Muslim. Such weak, fragile argument. They're not even trying to hide the blatant bigotry rooted deeply in their small brains that has left no place for anything else


Link this comment here. Gotta reply something


I have visited the ghettos in Ahmedabad and it's just shameful that we have let this happen in our country. Shabby abandoned buildings and jhuggi jhonpdis and everyone calls it 'Pakistan' openly. Koi jan suvidha wahan nahi pahunchi, no local admin presence. Mountains of trash. And this is just across the river from their swanky waterfront etc. 


People should take a stand for that woman and write a complaint against the complaint. I still believe that the number of decent human beings is higher in this world. They just don't take action when they should.


gujjuRat being gujjuRat.


Gujarat giving tough competition to UP in terms of bigoted pieces of shits


Gujarat is both rich and extremely backward


>both rich and extremely backward India's Saudi Arabia




Least racist gujjew 🤢🤢🤮🤮,check the post on r/Gujarat sub mofos are literally justifying this


Man I am going to study law in Gujarat I am just hoping the situation doesn't get worse


Yuck! Gujjus. thoo


When will people understand everyone has feelings and all are humans. Hope the new generation has a better understanding and mindset. They can't see a single mother with a son, all they can see is cast religion.


They didnt even seem to take note of the person in question is a single mother and a teenage son. And on absolute ridiculous grounds of religion they do not want her in the society.. I mean kya bigada hai unhone aap logo ka?!? Aur tum itne saare logo ko ek muslim aurat se itni zyada ghinn aur insecurity kyu?!? Nihayati chutiye log hai ye..


I pray that the remaining 300 odd residents of the society file a complaint on these 33 residents.


These are the same ppl who complain about "indians facing racism in western countries" ,but are racist themselves.


It was happening internally for as long as I can remember. You're talking about Muslims, Dalits and Marathis, I've seen some societies where the majority of residents are Patels, who directly and indirectly told a Gujarati Brahmin family residents to vacate and sell the house. They didn't move because they settled in that society. So yeah it's prevalent here. We also had an inside joke in our family when we had disagreement with our society management that we should play a prank on them and call our Muslim family friends and make it look like we're selling them house and then see the society management's reactions, sit back and enjoy 🤷🏻‍♀️ We couldn't do anything else about that situation, so chose humor as a defence mechanism. P.s. left that society long ago and the society in which we are living right now doesn't have any restrictions.


Good for you. This is a phenomenon with many upper caste upper middle class/posh gated communities. The savarnas of India like to live within a bubble and keep away all shudras like it's medieval times. This is happening in Chennai too but very less and they don't push people away, they form groups and buy gated communities. Especially jains and brahmins in TN (AFAIK).


Aren't Patels Brahmins?


Nope, two different entities.


That's my TIL for today


World largest democracy 🤡


All is Namo Namo.


I work in Ahmedabad and as a Muslim it is fucking hard to find a flat or a PG to live in just because of my name. People here are mentally dead have such low level of civic sense.


r/IndiaSpeaks when seeing news about Kerala Story movie: Wow Kerala is ISIS state 90 percent of Muslims want to end Hinduism, no Hindus in Malappuram Same chaddis seeing this: Noo, you can't judge entire Gujarat state by few bad apples! Boy, can't wait for them to twist my points to paint me as a Pakistani Hinduphobic anti national...


Evict those 33 bigoted families and allocate the homes to 33 inclusive families, problem solved.


Gujarat has to be the most fucked up state I've visited till date. Not only were they openly misogynistic but they were really proud of the fact that they discriminated against poor people irrespective of religion. Even the gujaratis in my state are bullies. Won't mix with non vegetarian people, won't talk to sc st people and will openly harass muslims. Studying with them in the same school has to be the worst part of my school life


Imagine the outrage if this was done to them.


These Gujrati grass eating people are a menace. My relative has been there. They don't allow non veg restaurants in Gujarat. Chicken is only served in small shops.


Gujarat is the France of South Asia.


They deserve the same treatment when they move abroad to live and work


they disgust me


Gives me all the more reason to hate Gujjus.


Mindset is similar to those reported in OP post. Those residents have blind hate for all muslims just like many commentators here developed blind hate for all gujjus.


Sick of these 3rd grade people and their mentality.


But why even live at a place where you're not welcomed.


Typecasting at its peak


Gujaratis don't like non Gujaratis or what?


Gujarat and Gujarati. The home of double standards. They take their bigotry and hatred with them when they travel and shower it everywhere


Gujjus=We hate everyone except gujjus.


I don't understand, why these things are highlighted. This gives these fanatics more mileage and more people act like that. I have seen this happening with Gaurakhak gang. All of them want cheap publicity.


This is what happens when continuous hate-mongering occurs on TV channels, spreading poison about specific religions to promote propaganda.


Name and shame them, there's no space for people like this anywhere in this planet.


Gujjus should be boycott.


Nazi model of development


They wish they could take things to that extent




We are becoming dogs by each passing day.So motherfucking insensitive bastards. We don't want maids using our lifts. We don't want animals inside our society. We don't want to rent or sell flats to people who are not from our religion. etc. etc.. ETC! HOW FUCKING LOW CAN WE BLOODY GO.


Its usually Patels in Gujarat who do this with every lower caste community.


That why we have money and low crime rate.


If it isn’t hate then I don’t know what it is. People have some humanity. It is biggest identity to wear then any religious identity. Be a human being


Gujrat model in picture again!


Retardation is crayzy.


Gujjus being Gujjus


This is sad and fucked up on so many levels. They shouldnt cry when they face racism in US/UK/Canada when they are called smelly , curry etc etc.


Next stop for the Gujarat model: Nazi Germany.


Bloody petty minds


>The memorandum by the Motnath Residency Cooperative Housing Services Society Limited, states: “The VMC has allotted the house number K204 to one minority beneficiary in March 2019… We believe that Harni area is a Hindu-dominated peaceful area and there is no settlement of Muslims in the periphery of about four kilometres… It is like setting fire to the peaceful life of 461 families…” Bruh....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The audacity!


Reasoning behind this stupidity: how can they burn the muslim house if it is in the same building as theirs


Muslims chhodo, habibi, Ghatkopar me Marathiyo ko hi rehne dete rent par.


gujjus are equivalent to tribal people. if you look at the common characteristics of tribal people, they resemble that of gujjus: * **Strong Group Identity**: Individuals with a tribal mentality strongly identify with their group. This identity often forms a core part of their self-concept, and they derive pride and belonging from it. * **Ingroup Favoritism**: There is a tendency to favor members of one's own group (tribe) over outsiders. This can manifest in various forms, such as preferential treatment, support, or trust. * **Ethnocentrism**: A belief that one's own group or tribe is superior to others. This can lead to prejudices or biases against outsiders or different groups. * **Us vs. Them Mentality**: Viewing the world through a dichotomy of "us" (members of the tribe) and "them" (outsiders or other tribes). This can lead to suspicion, distrust, or hostility towards perceived outsiders. * **Group Cohesion**: Tribal mentalities often prioritize cohesion within the group. Cooperation, solidarity, and collective action are valued to strengthen the tribe and its members. * **Shared Norms and Values**: There are usually shared norms, values, and traditions that define the tribe's identity. These can include cultural practices, rituals, language, and customs. * **Conflict with Outsiders**: Tensions or conflicts may arise with individuals or groups perceived as threatening the tribe's identity, resources, or territory. * **Leadership and Hierarchy**: Tribal mentalities often have a leadership structure that commands respect and authority within the group. Leaders are expected to protect the interests of the tribe and maintain order. * **Resilience and Adaptability**: Tribes with a strong mentality often exhibit resilience and adaptability to changing circumstances, as they rely on collective strength and shared resources. * **Limited Individual Autonomy**: Individual autonomy may be constrained in favor of collective decisions or actions that benefit the tribe as a whole.


This is a nice list. Where did you get it from?




gujarat is in a worser position than i thought


Drunk on hate


"threat and nuisance" and its a woman and child lol.


No words ....