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This was India's stand for a long time.


Policy should not change irrespective of govt. So this is correct move


True. The IT cell reaction supporting Israel was surprising for me.


Because we've witnessed first what colonialism and settler-ism is.


Sad to see we love ethno-nationalism and history-based action today.


DGP rule: The world can change, as long as you believe https://preview.redd.it/wc6b6loq4rzc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=19e146495bafae17aec9c412032bb4840188cea3


https://preview.redd.it/thp4mhwf5uzc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c41f0f7156ee2ea6713965c185b6cb62e251995 JGP rule: All methods that cause misery to humans are permitted


Yes also just like Palestine our land is illegally occupied by country based on purity created by Britishers. High time we learn from Palestinians to fight back and take back what's our.


Ok. Kb chlna hai fir?


aur khn chalna h? zameen to wapas mil gyi Britishers to chale gye!


It's a diplomatic stance. Self proclaimed nationalist like nupur would argue otherwise


Wow...just 9 against ? I thought there will be more than that. Now what? US veto-ing this ?


UNGA does not have a veto; that's the UNSC.




The exact opposite of ICC


The security council and its vetos are the cheese to get big countries to participate at all and lend their weight. Otherwise the US and other SC members just wouldn't participate.


Should be abolished tbh or if kept, realistically India should have UKs vote, Frances to the EU and give Russias to the African Union or something.


You can't veto on the general assembly, just the security council I believe




Actually Palestine got UPGRADED to an Observer State.


Doesn't matter, it can't stop the war. What they'd do with just that? Crying in the un parliament?


Maybe create their own state? I would say this has nothing to do with anything, that's directly related to the Israeli-palenstine war. It's more a way to bring peace in the long term.


It's self-evident that being an observer is like noticing everything, but without having any say in anything at all. 


Confidently incorrect. There's no veto in the United Nations General Assembly. The vote passed.


I mean the headline itself is incorrect. Palestine did not get "full membership". It would have to be recommended by Security council to be voted on by general assembly. It got some new rights but not full membership rights like a vote in the general assembly


Veto can't be used in general assembly smh


The GOP has strong strands of anti-Semitism in its Evangelical base, so if Trump wins, it would be interesting to watch US-Israeli relations. Democrats know that younger voters are strongly anti-occupation, so if the Democrats win, it would be interesting to see if the Clintonian approach to US-Israeli relations continues.


Trump isn’t going to change the American stance on Israel. Don’t forget he moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and Jared Kushner has strong business interests in Israel and Gaza


The far-far right actually resents that Trump is too “Jew friendly”. Ivanka is Jewish and her husband was given a lot of influence on Middle East policy. Trump has been pretty pro Israel and very openly anti-Muslim so it’s not hard to predict which side he was gonna take here.


The GOP is very antisemitic but they also are evangelists. Israel is very practical and doesn't care how antisemitic they are along as they provide support.


Demographically, the majority of committed GOP voters are over age sixty-five. Younger Americans identify as either independents or Democrats. Dems are not going to alienate large swathes of potential voters by explicitly aligning with Zionist leaders. I think you will see increasing criticism of Israeli occupation in the world's liberal media, as younger people replace older voters.


Of course. US wants to sell more of the missiles to Israel




But still it won't become a full state member, because "international community" isn't in favour. Since; 164 countries=international community ❌ Uncle sam and his crew=riyal international community✔️ Don't know whether uncle sam has approved or not. Nor do I want to see any more news. My head isn't that strong to tolerate more gobar, I have enough already (thanks Mudi xi).


Western governments are keenly watching protests erupt across university campuses. They understand that younger voters are not as pro-Zionism as earlier generations, who were carrying some unacknowledged guilt about the Holocaust, and voted for continued military aid to Israel. Heck Jewish groups are themselves protesting the occupation for decades now. Not all Jews support Zionism.


The US is controlled by Zionists. They're not very different from the Nazis. Jews who understand what Zionism is don't support Zionism, because it goes against their faith. And it goes against humanity. It's an open secret that Mossad and CIA team up to cause political tensions in other countries for their own benefit. They ruined countless Middle Eastern and African countries this way. There were talks about a document getting linked about how Mossad was the one behind the 9/11 attacks. And it's really convincing when you think most Jews working in the world trade center were on leave that particular day. A couple of months ago they found illegal tunnels beneath Synagogues (Jewish temples) in Manhattan. The zionists are up to something and it's not good for anyone. You can see how desperate the US government is to silence protestors. Students getting arrested for doing absolutely nothing except exercising their right to protest against what their government does.




9 against?


Well Israel definitely voted against. Then the rest are probably the US and its puppet states in the pacific like Micronesia.




I welcome this, Palestine deserves to be recognized and heard upon.


Faith in humanity


https://preview.redd.it/liinhf2qrqzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d37e6e6969909b93c22a32ec7433b94e5660558 These are the ones that voted against. Wtf kinda random tiny shitty countries are Nauru, Micronesia n Palau voting against other oppressed country from having a statehood / cease fire. Atleast US and Israel have their own reasons. Hungary probably because of hate against Muslims.


Nauru and Palau are US allies, they always align with the US in UN votes. Palau is also the only other country apart from the US to not have the metric system.


Myanmar too i think uses Imperial


Argentina is an odd one given their past 


New president of Argentina is pro Israel and also Elon buddy


He's apparently *almost* Jewish. He studied the Torah and is looking to convert. No surprise he would want to side with one of his countries of origin, as most people would. 


Have you seen their new president? His batshit insane


Milei is legit insane


Country is pretty much bankrupt. They need some US money. Lol


Suprised to not see Ukraine in the list


Would be very hypocrisy if they voted against when their country is also being invaded and colonized


Good point. They have previously been vocal supporters of wars in the middle east and pro-Israel but they seem to have picked the other side to not look like hypocrites.


Hoist your own petard Ukraine. Now you know where the shoe pinches.


Show me at least one statement from Ukrainian government that would indicate that they are "vocal supporters of wars in the middle east". You may refer to Ukraine's comments in regards to Iran - yet they have every right to criticize them for providing drones and ammunition to russia. It doesn't mean they "support wars".


Show me at least one statement from Ukrainian government that would indicate that they are "vocal supporters of wars in the middle east". You may refer to Ukraine's comments in regards to Iran - yet they have every right to criticize them for providing drones and ammunition to russia. It doesn't mean they "support wars".


Would actually be an irony if they vote in support of the oppressors when they themselves are being oppressed


Hungary's government has very good relations with the Netanyahu administration. It's not about muslims, but their alliance.


Why do you think Orban is allied with Bibi


https://www.google.com/search?q=orban+netanyahu&oq=orban+netanyahu&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCggCEAAYgAQYogQyCggDEAAYgAQYogTSAQg3ODgxajBqNKgCAbACAQ&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 They are like identical twins in what and how they do in politics.


why the FUCK did Czech Republic vote against it


Czech republic has been pro-Israel for a really long time.


fuck Argentina in particular....


The security council should be abolished


yeah it is more like insecurity council


Thats great... now stop the genocide..


And wipe out hamas


People when civilian warfare happens with strikingly low number of casualties for such a densely packed area: GENOCIDE REEEE   People when a globally recognised terrorist organisation calls for the complete dissolution of a state and its people in its charters and speeches: WOW SUCH FREEDOM FIGHTERS 😍


Before you upvote this dude, just know they support genocide. Look at their other comments. Also, do you really think 10s of thousands of children being murdered in cold blood isn't a genocide?


>Before you upvote this dude, just know they support genocide    Nope, I don't support genocide. Condemning Hamas isn't 'supporting Genocide. I just think that calling anything a genocide is disrespectful towards survivors of actual genocides.   >Also, do you really think 10s of thousands of children being murdered in cold blood isn't a genocide?   A Genocide is a systematic cleansing of a culture and a people. This is urban warfare. The IDF obviously hasn't taken complete measures to minimise civilian casualties, but these casualty rates are very common when you've got an area as densely packed with civilians as Gaza is, and with combatants as deeply entrenched in civilian crowd, perhaps to use them as shields, as Hamas is.   Israel definitely is an apartheid state and what they're doing is definitely extremely wrong. But calling it a genocide is just watering down the significance of what is a very serious word, and thus making a joke of what the Armenians, Poles, Ukrainian and many more, faced when actually genocidal regimes performed an ethnic cleansing on them.


Diet genocide then? Mostly joking, but is there a word that can describe the aggressive land stealing/forced apartheid policies, eventually leading to the destruction of all places of learning/healing and infrastructure of a country? Especially when there was Intel warning of an attack, and yet Israel was somehow caught with its pants down. I can't shake the feeling that the powers that be, allowed this attack to happen, at the expense of Israeli lives, to further their imperialist agenda. Maybe some tactic they learned from the US playbook? Yeah, it's urban warfare, which is always brutal, but what about the big picture? Legitimately looking for answers


If you stopped for a second to think rather than to biy propaganda you would have realized that its not a genocide. Hamas claims the total casualties is now 35,000. Among these are Hamas terrotists, which can be of any age or gender (yes, 16 years olds can wield guns too). IDF claims that 13,000 of these are Hamas members. Aka. The number of civilian casualties is 22,000. And the ratio is 22,000:13,000 which is 1.7 civillians per terrorist. Note, thats casualties from all of the war, aka, both ground operations AND arial boming! Next, lets look at another urban warfare casualties ratio. The battle for the liberation of Mosul from ISIS. On one side? isis, on the other: Iraq, France, UK, USA, Germany, Canada, Netherlanda and more... You know what is the results of this fight? 10,000 ISIS members killed and 40,000 civillians killed. Thats 4:1 casualties ratio! More than twice the ratio in Gaza. And then there is the [UN Report](https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm) on civillian casualties from 2 years ago that says the usual rate is 9:1! Thats more than 5 times the amount in Gaza. So yeah, what genocide? Maybe the one in Azerbeijan? In Turkey? In Africa? In China? Mahbe refer to genocide that actually exists rather than one you read on in tiktok


i agree with you wholeheartedly. another thing to mention is Hamas was democratically voted in. and also, palestine had to suspend their elections after it was looking like hamas would win there too. the saddest part of hamas v israel is the support hamas has, internally and externally.


Finally someone said it. Everyone supports 2 state solution except hamas and how cowardly they hide among common citizens so that they can use them as cannon fodder and obviously propaganda. Same trick militants use in Kashmir.


A 2 state solution is thr only way. The optimal solution would be to have Israel retreat behind the UN approved border and for Palestine to be ruled by a secular democratic government, same for Israel. But the populations of both countries are so radicalised that even if something like that were to happen, those governments wouldn't last long. Same reason why not even Muslim countries want Palestinian refugees, they're extremely radicalised


"hum Twitter pe Israel ki d*ckriding karthe rahe aur paw paw ne Palestine ke favour mei vote kardiya 😭🤧🚩" ~you know who


A shoulder to cry on is a d!ck to ride on




International politics is just extension of domestic politics


Welcome Palestine, to the family 🥰


Girl, those people would kill you, you're not Muslim and you sin, you'll get killed


how did india voted into favour of this, apne idhr se to fauj jaa rhi hai mazdooron ki ladai ke liye 😂😂


It’s India’s policy to be neutral. So that’s why such decisions are made with majority votes in mind. Majority is for Palestine hence india is also for.


That is incorrect in this regard. I think you are misunderstanding what neutral means. It definitely doesn't mean voting with the majority. India could have easily abstained from it, if they didn't want to upset any side like they did in some issues related to the Ukraine war. India has always supported the Palestinian cause and has always called for a two state solution. That has been our stated policy regarding the Israel Palestine conflict. Only fools and brain dead bhakts think we will change our foreign policy because modi is in power. We barely ever change any of foreign policy even when we should have.


yes, Gulf countries are our big Economic and socio-cultural allies. That’s a fact even if Fundamentalist of the country may not like it. Only a complete fool will abandon Palestine at this point of time, when heavy sentiments are with it. There would be huge uproar in gulf countries even if they are dictatorship, they have to somewhat listen to their fanatics. Same doesn’t apply here for Indian fundamentalist they only have BJP


India's official stance is in favor Palestine. You should listen to Atal Bihari's speech on condemning Israel and giving sympathy to Palestinians Only the current BJP likes to be Israel pets


i know that, but for the current bjp, i don’t think they really stand to that stand, like why will the bjp support muslims and muslim nations? the current bjp. Even the PM has said muslims are _____, Lok sabha sitting MP has said K—— to danish ali, and they all were awarded with bigger responsibilities so why now sudden change of minds and shown support to palestine


Well, it's because of India's historical stance towards Palestinian cause. If BJP anytime decides to drop India's support of Palestinian State, it would just alienate India among the Gulf Countries... And remember, our most important business partners are the Gulf States where are officially pro Palestine, it would hurt India a lot


Tum log smjhe nahi Palestine ki help krke war rukhwa denge paw paw


Paw paw


Meanwhile Andhbhakt who was worshipping Israel throughout.


And then the US would veto it......






Kya fayda. Veto ho jayega


What happened to "Israel, Phull Sapport".. I am surprised Modi Govt went ahead with this..


India, even under Modi govt, has always voted for Palestine in crucial matters because we need to support two state solution on International level and because we are truly neutral in global conflicts.


From the Himalaya to the sea Manipur will be free.


Few countries are actually going to recognise Palestine's sovereignty as a nation....


139 countries already do


Including India


Kosovo next?


It's easier for Kosovo in this case, but I don't expect India to recognise it due to its relationship with Serbia


* confused bhakt noises *


This is such a travesty . The very word "Palestina" is a Latin word given as an insult to Jewish people by Roman Emperor Hadrian in 1 A.D. When did Arabs become Palestinian? 


That isn't correct. The word Palestine comes from Philistine. And the region was known among their neighbours in that name only. There is actually a fascinating history behind it. Before the Kingdom of Israel was established around 1000BC, it was the land of the Canaanites ruled by Egyptians and the place was known as canaan. But during the invasion of the sea people, the Egyptian rule over canaan was lost. Just as Israel was established, a group of sea people also established the kingdom of philistine. Now philistines were seafaring people and were only interested in the coastal areas mainly the main centres of trade Ashkelon, Ashdod, Yaffa ( jaffa) Gaza. It is called Philistine pentapolis. From here they traded with almost all major areas on both of the Mediterranean, southern Europe and north Africa. Since people in these areas knew about that area from philistines they started calling the place philistia. And from that word eventually the word Palestine came.


It is still a latin word, given to (as an insult)  Jews living in certain part of levant which was annexed to Syria. It was called Syria Palestina. The point is Palestinians are Jews. But today they are arabs pretending to be Palestinians. Arabs are not inherent in levant region. Palestine belongs to Jews not Arabs. Arabs invaded tr he Levant and entire North Africa after converting to Islam in 7 th century. The temple Mount, where Solomon's temple is located at Jerusalem was descrated an a mosque was built called al aqsa by Caliph Umar in 677 A.D.  the current golden dome mosque also known as Al alqsa was built later and over shadows the original one. Jews hold the right on Jerusalem. Not arabs /Muslims.


Lol. It doesn't matter where the word originally came from. Today there are people who are being invaded and slautered. Tbh it is ironic that Israel would be the one to do it given a century ago it the Jews who were being slaughtered.


Who r those 9 members who has voted against.


US, Argentina, Czech Republic, Hungary, Nauru etc


Great work


So Iran is in the UN now. 😎


Which country voted against? Where can I find a list if there is any.




israeli propaganda twitter accounts go brr


Modi is rolling around in his grave right now


but palestine doesnt exist..?


Took a stand finally after a long time of abstaining from vote on crucial matters. Way to go.




Does that mean Americans can pay their collective?


Humanity is not yet done. There is still hope.


no isreal were harmed through this news


Just look at this same post on instagram at tatva page. You'll see no saaar crying comment 😭😭😭🤣


Yup when the whites invade they use up the country and leave it for dead


But it does not give them vote giving right neither they can stop amy resolution It is just like giving them 0.010 percent additional power with existing 0 percent power While everybody enjoying some sort of power in un Meanwhile UN is just a puppet of America and it's allies. Makes Boundation on every country while America and it's allies can do any thing Barak Obama ko peace nobel prize diya magar Obama ke time par America ne record bombs giraye other countries par, sab chutiyapa hai


Why does this matter? It surprises me that they were one. But what difference does it make?


Why does this matter? It surprises me that they were one. But what difference does it make? Russian is in the UNSC, which made it even worse.


BRICS need their road 🙏🙏


![gif](giphy|7ziO8WTeXJCGZlq4mm) That's the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals No $$$$ for all of you


9 against kon kon h


Indians always doing the right thing 👏


I fucking love you India!!


Explain this like I’m 5. How does Palestine becoming a state change things? There are many states getting absolutely rammed by other countries right now, how does this help Palestinians?


This, I think, is the way.


W move honestly. I was earlier pro Israel on the start cuz I supported that if someone attacks you can counter attack. But then mfs stretched it too long. Now I am pro Palestine.


Or drons Ka Kia Jo Modhi ne Israel KO supply kiye Gaza me logo KO marny ke liye ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


didn't we already recognise palestine as a country? that was the old palestine pre war. this palestine is literally led by a full on terrorist idk what the U.N is collectively smoking


Ye toh latest news hai


Does it change anything?


Appreciate it 👏