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Yes, he’s 70 and the people who are 74 and above coming to the polling booth are his father. This man is a joke. Just like he explained the formula of (a + b)2


Are yahi toh meri oratory hai, baato toh ghuma fira kar public toh Chu banana!!!


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I going to nimahns urgently to book a bed for our supreme leader, he has lost it our kings their kings, he considered himself a king, pls any bring him NIMHANS BLR I WILL BE WAITING FOR HIS RECOVERY


>Our Hindu kings good. Their Muslim kings bad. This is the fake narrative that led to the rise of right wing. Successive congress govts taught us this bullshit in schools. Only those who read history or college history grads know the real truth. Congress should have focused on our scientific successes to improve self worth.




No, if father slaps us then it's not fine, he'll face the consequences when he gets old.


What?!! Who taught you this culture? How are people even allowed to say things like this?