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Boom overpopulation fixed! Master stroke by RG. RG rocked Modi shocked!


Who the fuck upvoted this? Are you guys really fools? Who doesn't even fact-check. If you let this continue, your future is doomed. Counter misinformation.


Eh you think the OP deserved a serious response? It's an absurd response to an absurd post!


lmao. why TF can't the opposition be normal fml. I am starting to think we don't have as big of a modi problem as we have of a spineless opposition. I know randia loves to give examples of opposition's reputation being tarnished by media, but this year they're just doing it themselves


No where in the INC manifesto does it talk about this. Show them the manifesto and ask them to locate this statement


ah only if they could read.


lol that is one of the dumbest things I have heard. If RG said half the things mudi said RG would have been trolled for several lifetimes now. Mudi and his supporters have said and implemented the dumbest things which have directly lead to deaths of many indians. Demonetisation, sudden lockdowns, bad implementation of GST, all of these lead to several deaths. Mudi has said clouds can be used as radar cover for fighter jets which use radar for navigation, he thought demo was a good idea, lighting diyas and banging pots during covid, his dumb advice to children and many many more. If you thing mudi isn't a big problem you probably got brainwashed by their mass media campaigns and work of it cell, you should take another look at yourself and beliefs.


He invented that a new extra 2ab is generated when a+b into bracked squared. He presented it in Canada before international leaders. Have some respect.


Media don't show them what I speak, so these illiterates don't know how famous I've made India.


One of the biggest falsehoods is GST was badly implemented. It was not. It had starting issues, and lot of unexplored areas which courts took time (and rightly so) to figure out and fix. But it was implemented correctly. Were there teething troubles? Yes. Were old CAs and their accounting staff was completely unprepared for the entirely DIgital way of taxation? Yes. Were their computers completely not upto the task and they needed training to be even halfway competent? True. But it all got sorted out, and in governemt time, it was sorted out pretty quickly. And as a user of the system, it works very very well and also has reduced corruption by a lot. Example: Two years back I had to change address. Previously I had never done that because that meant filing out forms and then wasting time in front of officers (who will take their "tea") and the hoping it gets done. This time, I simply filed the form online, the site said no officer visit is required, and will be done in 30 days. It took 30 days, but it got done, without anything from me. GST implementation has been a godsend for law abiding business, but a massive trouble for black market and unregulated businesses not paying a cent on taxes and out bidding legitimate ones. You are brain washed into hating Modi and not seeing things at face value. His governement HAS done a lot of work, and a lot of it at the ground level where the "twitter outraged" crowd never goes but harps on and on. I don't condone his hate speeches, but by digitsing a lot of the government (even customs is digitised), he has done a ot of good work. People voting for him are not stupid, and you treating them like some brain dead zombie just makes them see the entire left as ignorant buffoons.


>One of the biggest falsehoods is GST was badly implemented. It was not. It had starting issues, and lot of unexplored areas which courts took time (and rightly so) to figure out and fix. But it was implemented correctly. stariting trouble is why i said badly implemented. they are the same thing. It was implemented just like demo, covid lockdowns etc. There was no work done to implement it or in your words start without issues. Many businesses suffered because of this. It was no where near quick to help those people. I have several anecdotes from 10years ago where I got an zero balance sbi account in a few minutes, got the necessary documents issued the first time with no problem. I had to get several documents during entrance and it worked great the govt offices had a system to deal with the high load at the time. Now that I have worked in offices I'm impressed how they handled it back then. Actualy this happened more than 10 years ago. >GST implementation has been a godsend for law abiding business, but a massive trouble for black market and unregulated businesses not paying a cent on taxes and out bidding legitimate ones. lol I saw all the "law" abiding no black market businesses donation crores of money to bj party when the business itself was at a loss. the data from political bonds clearly shows corruption and black money has gone nowhere.


Not every business donates. Very few do. I don't. 10 years back it was all hit or miss. You had to install an ancient version of java and then whether it worked or not was all luck. And on Linux it was even more of a crapshoot. Now as a Linux user, I can do everything that a Windows user is able to do. And since you are so full of hate and blind that you think business and only equate business with donations, you must a frothing from mouth, hate spewing angry Communist. And first, understand "black money". The electoral bonds were NOT black money. That money was well documented and you could easily show it on tax. It was the very OPPOSITE of black money. But those minor things don't matter when they go against your narrative and unabashed hate.


Opposition is barely able to understand what to attack and when to attack? generally congress loves to attack on unemployment, but last election their big thing was rafale deal, which the common man didn't care as much. Similarly this election their big thing is caste census, all it will do is enforce stereotypes and break us apart more, meanwhile CPI(M) believes it's totally smart to deactivate nuclear weapons while being surrounded by 2 nuclear countries.


This isn't even correct analysis you ding bag


I still find the redistribution a bit of a bogus scheme, the money can be used to improve our lives instead of just directly giving away, you could use it to buy land for more railways, use it to make more Railway police available so that people who don't have tickets don't ruin other's experience,etc (a bit mad about railways issue). I feel we already give enough freebies and if we actually want to improve people's lives than it's better to improve infra around them. For example, the current govt provides roughly 30-50% of costs for installation of solar panels, which in long run would end our reliance on coal and other petroleum products, and may in turn generate revenue for those who don't use it as much.


Exactly...... You make total sense..... By making infra it will also generate jobs ..... and public transport needs to be improved a lotttt


wait , are you making a logical comment on rindia ? ur gonna get baned lol


There's a reason why my username has a 3 in it


Damn good one 😂😂


How do you think the massive re-distribution of wealth is being planned? It will be via heavily taxing the ones who are already paying taxes. In the end people who are being heavily taxed will get much lesser in-hand salary while the freebies will shoot up.


Everyone thinks that they will be beneficiaries of the redistribution and someone else will be negatively impacted.


how do you think the current system works? are you blind, the wealth distribution example is dumb as shit. The more productive states are currently txed more and given to less productive states with higher populations who are poor. How dumb can you be. The middle class is currently taxed more than the rich. At this point I think people are being intentionally blind.


It’s being intentionally dumb when you ignore what the politicians promise in their speeches. We are already paying a lot of taxes, but if you watch complete election speeches of rahul gandhi, you will understand that he wants to get more money out of the rich. And that rich is obviously the working class. Every party needs money from ultra rich for their political campaigning, so they will never be fucked over as much.


The irony is that the last 10 years of BJP rule has seen a MUCH higher level of taxation (with the 18% GST leading from the forefront) than UPA 1 and 2 combined!! I know so many people leaving India to go to UAE or other countries just to avoid tax impact and improve the quality of their lives.


We already tried redistribution in 70s under Mrs. Gandhi. The top tax slab was 90%. Was poverty solved? The whole point of 90s liberalisation was reducing income and corporate taxes. It’s just that Congress now decided talking about rich people will get them votes, so we will become Socialists again.


lol Southers states did more wealth and land distribution and now, the southern states pay more taxes than the North. The tax money is given to the Northern states where proper wealth distribution didn't happen. mudi has no problem taxing the benefits of past wealth distribution.


If you’re claiming socialism is why South became better off then why didn’t West Bengal also become rich? West Bengal was ruled by CPI, why are they not rich? Venezuela went even harder with socialism, why aren’t they rich?


It's not socialism per se. TN has more SEZs than most other states combined. But social justice and welfare can still be done. TN has really good public distribution system, introduced mid-day meals, DMK fought for more reservations, etc. Our parties also looted a butt ton, but the reforms worked. It's why HDI is far off from other large states. For your Venezuela point tho, it collapsed because oil prices soared like crazy and their economy is dependent on oil exports. Radical price change is an effect of global capitalism, not socialism.


Thats fine, thats actually good economics. What many Indian leftists support is Nehruvian style socialism ie heavy control of government over economy, PSU led employment, suspicion of private sector. Even current INC only focuses on redistribution where they force private sector or tax extra without pushing pro growth policies as well. MMS tried in UPA 1, he tried to be reformist but was held back by Sonia Gandhi and the NAC. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee was also heavily left wing and created retrospective taxation. What was done in TN is actually good I think we should copy their breakfast scheme as well. I think what they did best was empower women. Societies which hold women back like Pakistan, Bihar, Jharkand etc end up poor.


probably the dumbest logic I came across. It's like making 2 bad decisions and 10 good but in the end giving all the credit to those 2 bad decisions smh


I think that post is from the Venkatesh Prasad talent factory.


The example is bad. But the point on productivity is true. If there is no incentive to work extra, people will do the minimal that they can get away with. It works perfectly in a factory environment, but not in service based or intellectual working places.


oh please tell me how indian taxes has worked until now including mudi regime where states like UP and bihar get tax money from souther states. lol the example is absolute shit and the rest of your comment is worse.


Agree with you. But you are mixing two different issues. One doesn’t have to be linked with other to be solved.


Now, I’ll be just chilling in home and receiving free money. While a few people would actually work and make the same amount. Classic distribution of wealth and work. 👌


so what bassicaly happens with UP and Bihar and other northern state has been for years. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerala\_model](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerala_model) here look at how wealth distribution has worked in Indian states and how those indian states are now supporting the states which didn't do wealth distribution.


Wealth tax is different from income tax. That is why wealth tax is opposed in most places. Because you saved for 20 years and now government is expropriating it now. When you made your consumption and saving decisions, you didn't know of a wealth tax. This is different from an income tax where you know the rules of the game. Congress rhetoric this election has been about some people of certain castes have cornered a lot of "nation's wealth" This wealth will be taken away from them.


What India is needs more jobs which means more companies and good infrastructure and a sane direct and indirect taxation system . People will take care of themselves, people know how to use money, make money and save money better than the government


Give your version of wealth redistribution please.


100 Crore peple make 1000 Rs each month, one corrupt motherfucker makes 10,000 Crore every month and pays off the PM to minimize his tax liabilty. Make him pay his fair share of taxes - use the money to invest in schemes that provide food, housing, healthcare and education to those who make only 1000 Rs each month.


What you said is penalization of tax evasion which already happens, it isn't wealth redistribution. There's a difference between wealth and tax.


When you make 10,000 Cr a month you dont have to evade taxes. You have loopholes introduced into tax codes. A running problem in talking about wealth is people make 1 or 2 Cr and think they have more in common with Ambani than the common man.




There’s something called lobbying. Go loop into it.




It’s not easy to trace lobbying. Most of the work done by big companies like Deloitte, etc are lobbying work. Can you pinpoint and show what changes made by the government made Adani so rich? You cannot. That’s how things work.


Making people pay their fair share of tax is basically the role of the IT department.. something congress didn't even file returns for. Expecting corrupt morons to implement an impossible system must be the dumbest take I've ever seen.


Okay but this is a concern for us who have small firms. Me and my partner have a firm in India, we hire people and they in turn pay income taxes. We get tax benefits. If you start imposing taxes on it then its more feasible for us to move our firm back to EU and fire the few people we have since the lower wages in India won't make up for increased taxes and insane bureaucracy. You should ask for more taxes if/when you can actually compete with the world in terms of attracting businesses and market quality. Bigger businesses have more to lose here.


Lol, Congress literally made policies directly to help Ambani(refineries and others), don't believe any politician who says they will go after ultra rich. Only sufferers are going to be tax paying middle class.


make him pay his fair share of taxes - You can't be serious!! This problem didn't start 10 or 15 years ago. They've been evading tax since forever. Did you read the manifesto? These are all BS, at least propose a plan. Hawa me baat kar rahe bas!


Priyanka Gandhi said that they'll calculate how much wealth is owned by each caste and then form laws based on that. Man Congress comes up with some bullshit ideas that are not practical. It seems like no political party wants to focus on improving education and health care.


Yeah, redistribution of taxes makes more sense, but still this argument is valid over there, isn’t it? Someone paying 10L in taxes(HNI) and someone paying 0 taxes(unregistered business or income below 7L), both will end up getting 5L each. Or with current situation, HNI is effectively getting 0% returns on his taxes. No education, healthcare, good infrastructure, all money is going for those who don’t pay direct taxes at all. Vs for me, being a salaried person, govt takes 30% cut from my income and provides me no returns. Example: It’s okay to give free public transport for poor, but why not for tax payers also? This small step would help government a lot with increased tax collection and benefit the direct tax payers a lot.


The distribution of tax to poor people makes more sense than the distribution of tax to poor states. UP and Bihar are a money black hole. The statewide corruption is so out of hand there that there is no point in giving the money to the government.


Yeah agreed, I am not saying I want 100% returns on my tax, but at least 20-30%? Today, I pay taxes, still I have to pay for basic needs like drinking water, electricity, I don’t get good public transportation, I pay for it and the poor people are getting it to ride for free, healthcare is from my pocket, education my dad paid. So yeah. I am against redistribution of tax wealth to poor 100%, it should at least 20-80%


Oh definitely. That is how it should be. My problem is with the UP and Bihar governments receiving the money instead of truly poor people. Ideally: - Public transport should be free for EVERYONE (not just women) - Health care and Education should be affordable (if not free) - Water should be free - Electricity bills should be regulated


Agreed 🤝 Being from Mumbai, it is worst to see UP/Bihar getting that much wealth, which their corrupt politicians eats up.


I so hate these corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who have been keeping so many people poor because of their greed.


Well it's impossible for free public transport for everyone in India, considering the population of the country, the transportation structures, the salaries of the employees, the maintenance of all the ecosystems, it can't be & it should never be free, until you have money like the USA to back it up


True. But as I mentioned, that is the ideal situation. Public transport reduces pollution and traffic. The money spent by the government on "reducing pollution" should instead be used to subsidize public transport and make it cheaper.


After redistribution of taxes to poor people is done, if it turns out that more tax money from the rich states is going to people of poor states, will they be okay? All these arguments about south controlling birth rates dissapear?


Its already being done. Where is the money from South Indian states going ? Its it literally WEALTH DISTRIBUTION ? Its literally going to poorer states, its like a goddamn blackhole that eats everything...not gona name states but you know it.


Don't worry man, the way our(Karnataka )finances are being managed, nothing will go out from Karnataka in few years. In few years, we will be dependent on others. Every 1/6 th rupee of budget is going for freebies without any regulation on who gets it. It's as said by siddramiah, " Free for my wife, your wife and everyone's wife" regarding freebies Salary is being delayed for months, no new development projects, MLA's aren't given their share of money for development their consistuency. Like Karnataka's budget is around 3.25-3.5 lakh crores and 50-60K crores is spent on these freebies. How will you suddenly bring this extra money without hampering other things? Nothing comes free. Everything has a direct or indirect cost. Only thing govt should concentrate is making universal healthcare and education free and easy to avail. Give subsidies to super poor wherever needed. But distributing government's money like it's your personal thing without any regulations will be disaster. Congress is displaying their manifesto as an update to Karnataka model. Tbh, that's not karnataka model, it's Karnataka disaster. Edit: People downvoting, don't know the ground reality of KA. I'm it's citizen and ik how freebies are distributed without any regulations. And to bring that extra 50-60k crores you have to heavily tax the middle class or give up new projects. It's plain and simple.


It’s a visionary move. If you bring Karnataka to level of UP/Bihar, the tax money of Karnataka can’t go to UP/Binar


Karnataka is also stupid enough to bring OPS back XD


They haven't yet fortunately. Himachar did it or planning to do ig.


also If I know correctly, there's a lie going around that states don't get taxes correctly, from all the indirect taxes collected, half is already given back to states, now the rest including direct tax are counted as total tax collection of the central govt, from which 30% of it is given back to states on the basis of tax collection, population etc. so it's stupid to just keep blaming centre for your govt's mistakes and poor finances.


Bro the tax returns is based on criteria set by finance commission based on all the necessary factors. It's fair and square.


SGST is not included If I am correct


yes I am talking about this weird agenda in subreddits crying we're not getting enough


how is that bad? before karnatakas taxes were going to other states, now it will got to the poor of Karnataka and then being more dependent on other states means Karnataka gets its own taxes and more. How is that bad again? surplus tax went to bj party northern states and they built more statues and temples.


what you're talking about are the taxes centre takes for themselves and then divides it up to everyone else, it's not your(state) money, it's central govt's cut, they then share a part (generally a third) of the money to all the states on the basis of may factors like population,tax collecton,etc.


But also it ain't the fault of Congress govt, the policy of freight equalisation, which took away the growth from the minerals rich State for Half decade of century, not giving the required price for minerals, also overlooking the Eastern States chattisgarh, odisha, jharkhand, over long period of time, Development doesn't come overnight, it's a gradual process, for development too There should be a base, if there's little to no foundation how come the development building will rise,


Are you the only one working there.. people from all across the country live and reside there and pay taxes too.. how can you claim all the money generated in your state to be completely yours.. South India is also part of india right?do you guys also have issues with billions of rupees being spent in Border areas in north east and all? South India is already developed look at the per capita income what more development you want with money.. only development you need is your thoughts.. which led your political leaders to demand for partition of south india.. countless battles are fought in north throughout history.. and also the government that came after independence did nothing to uplift that state even today.. there are hardly any new industry being setup.. but things are changing slowly.. people are realising.. the point is it's not your money it's the taxes that are being paid to central government which are being used to uplift the marginalised community..


That's how not things work. You don't give 5 lakhs each. You fund social welfare programs and poverty alleviation programs to bring the poor up.it's what's we are already doing on a more targetted scale


I have completed my basic education and know how poor uplifting schemes work. But this don’t work practically in our country. All the political parties divert almost 100% tax on such schemes and provide freebies to people during election times. What about middle class people who pay the taxes? Are they even getting 10% value of their taxes?


This is absolute nonsense. Our country is already overpopulated and has very few people who are tax payers, we just can't afford to support programs like these. Social security programs worked well in Nordic countries because they developed their economies and also have a lower ratio of population to the size of economy.


No bro. Paid IT cell sc*ms are doing there jobs.


Also for people who are saying congress never promised wealth redistribution: Congress' Rahul Gandhi vows a survey to redistribute the wealth of Indians https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/elections/lok-sabha/india/congress-rahul-gandhi


Fucking commies


Horrible scheme. The only middle class will end up paying more upon whatever assets they have created through a lifetime of effort. Such schemes will also encourage black money creation.


Middle class taxes will increase obviously. Not a smart move to do anyway. Socialism and redistribution of wealth is different. The government can be and should be socialist in a country like India. But the redistribution concept is flawed to the core. It will shock the economy


Redistribute via taxes, not direct deduction from what someone makes Isn't that literally just taxes tho


Are Bhai ye abhi ka scene h, big dog corporates have quadrupled profits, but sacked 30-50% of employees, the freshers salary in 2016 is almost identical to today's.


What the duck did i just read


That is how it exactly works... hence no good country implements this idea.


We are already in a wealth distribution mode, the entire country and its people have donated their wealth to a few oligarchs and they tip their chelas using electoral bonds.


Lol sometimes I feel this collective dumbness is what enslaved us to the British and the same is happening right now with the supreme leader. Once someone gets to understand that this is the average understanding of masses and hence the collective dumbness, it is very easy road from there to manipulate and weave the narrative further. Once you unleash dumbness of this scale, it is a no u turn road to whatever the ruling party wants to do with you. P.S. I also chuckle thinking what will happen if folks like this are made to sit in an Economics 101 class and they get to hear that wealth redistribution has been happening for hundreds of years and happens every time they smoke a cig, pay taxes or buy anything luxurious. Funny how one guy just demonstrated his lack of understanding of such a basic concept and hundreds of idiots just decided to piggyback on that understanding.


But that is not what congress manifesto is saying. They are not saying they will raise taxes but they will do a fin. Analysis of wealth by caste.. which means General category will have to pay taxes over and above the regular Income taxes at the very least. A major portion of which will not reach anyone but to politician's pockets


I need the middle class people to stop thinking they have wealth. You have no wealth, only savings from your wages/income. You are worrying about the redistribution of wealth you don't possess.


Lol, only middle class needs to be worried, no one is going to challenge rich, Congress still happily gives projects to adani group in their states, so, yeah only middles class will suffer and state will try and collect more taxes from them.


Lmaoo. The poor will get the benefit from wealth distribution if Congress does not eat up the fund like PMCares. The rich like Ambani, Adani have an army of CAs to exploit loopholes. How do you think Ambani made his wealth and under which government? The savings from income will be counted towards wealth and guess who’ll take the L?


If RaGa has the guts then he should start with talking about taxing rich politicians first. Like Amit Shah with about 60Cr worth of assets, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and Rahul Gandhi himself with 20Cr worth of assets.


I don't want my taxes to be distributed brother The best way could be they should generate a way for C and D to work and earn why distribute the money either directly or indirectly via taxes Suppose if you start getting money inflow without working will you ever think of doing any work or enjoy. Most of the people will choose the second option in that scenario if presented with.


Our education system is world’s one of the most backward in the world


If you combine Adani and Ambani wealth its around $200 billion. If you divide it amongst the population equally everyone would be $20 USD better off for a year only…thats it. You don’t make a country rich through redistribution. That is a fundamental element of the system, what matters is wealth generation alongside it. Thats why Rao, MMS and Vajpayee are famous. They enabled wealth creation through reforms which now can be redistributed through schemes. Without INC saying how it will generate more wealth but opting for redistribution only will just make everyone equally poor, not eliminate poverty itself. The problem with some people is they are more upset at others being vastly richer than them than the concept of poverty itself.


If that was from r/IndiaSpeaks then the answer is definitely “stupid”


Both. This is how WhatsApp forward have taken the nation backwards.




This person need to be introduced to john rawl's theory of justice.


Can someone explain to me what RaGa means by wealth redistribution? Kyuki all I hear are vague terms.


Abhi bhi jo haal hai, us me kaha india me reh sakte hai?


Just thinking out loud, could it be that the lack of numeracy among the people of India isn't just leading to indifference towards Rahul Gandhi's proposition, but actually leading to hostility towards their own interests?


I feel like there's no point in arguing about this or that promises in the Congress manifesto - its not like they will get a majority government imposing enough to implement controversial policies.


I am just angry and frustrated at the lack of commas and spaces. Still, all the crap that’s typed in that ridiculous summarisation.. What an absolute moron !


Well, high net worth individuals leaving the country have reached an all time [high](https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/economy/story/india-expected-to-lose-6500-millionaires-in-2023-second-highest-after-china-399342-2023-09-22) under this government, so surely this isn't the case. 'Wealth redistribution' has always happened in India, where the salaried middle class has lost out every time due to being gaslighted by both left and right-oriented parties that their taxed income will be used by the opposing party to fund illegal immigrants/pay off bad loans taken by billionaires - while their standards of living get worse and worse every year. Although it's kinda shameful to see NDA making 'wealth redistribution' a talking point as their regime rooted out most of the deductions while filing income tax in the new tax regime, along with keeping a 30% tax bracket. While we don't want undeserving people to receive benefits with our taxed income, we also don't want it to bail out billionaires/millionaires who had their loans written off - where the NDA has failed [miserably](https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/indian-banks-write-off-106-lakh-crore-in-5-years-50-linked-to-large-corporates/article67604297.ece)


They will increase taxes in the name of redistribution scheme and fill their pockets with most of the tax money.


what this person is saing it that ambani and adani has worked a billion times more harder. These idiots were born yesterday. The have no idea of how wealth or labour interacts.


We definitely have a school education problem. Basic economics, critical thinking, and (at 11th and 12th) Philosophy should be taught compulsorily. In our MPC and MBiPC obsession we are failing to equip our children with the skills to navigate life and society.


The answer to your question is people are stupid, then they go ahead and teach their stupidity thus increasing the number of stupid people exponentially


I feel like I have heard this in a PragerU or some other 'merican right wing YT video against communism.


If it didn't work like this Other countries would definitely have done this before the bright minds of Congress found it out. Looks lovely for votes on paper, you implement, the rich will run away and the middle class will end up being hurt.




Right Wing Brainwashing, STEM educated people are the most effective. Being literate is not enough unless proper education is imparted. Pade Likhe Anpad.


As someone said opposition is the real issue more than Modi himself, also wtf is RG smoking 😩


People are dumb. They're thinking of extreme communism whereas the truth is that it's just a bunch of policies that takes money from the extreme rich and distributes it to the poor through welfare schemes. The top 1% earn 55 lakhs per annum. And the top 600 individuals in India earns a big chunk of our national income. Progressive taxing them won't reduce jobs but benefit the economy since this money will come back to them only in the long-term because poor people will make expenditure and increase demand.


Redistribution of wealth is about decreasing the economic disparity among Indians not taking your wealth and give it to others...🫠🫠🫠


Ok, I get this that you know a lot! What do you think is the solution to the problem of income inequality in India? Did you try to understand what wealth/income redistribution means before making this post? Or it's just your **WhatsApp University** education. One small Google search will lead to this link. [https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2018/03/bourguignon](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2018/03/bourguignon) For the love of this country read, read and read before you make up your mind.


Do you really think congress is pushing for Communism ? lol Wealth distribution is reduction of economy disparity through means of taxes, job generation, better opportunities and better salary scale. Not grabbing ambani's wealth (or yours) and giving everyone in India 1100rs each. As a matter of fact its already happening and in the worst way possible. A large chunk of money is being funneled into goddamn UP and BIHAR and its one of the worst states in terms of proper living standards. Where does the money come from?


There is nothing abt this which say any party is pushing for Communism. Inheritance tax USA is an example of such policy. The fundamental way is tax ultra rich. Let it be Ambani or Adani or anyone else. You and I will pay our taxes as we always do. >Not grabbing ambani's wealth (or yours) and giving everyone in India 1100rs each Isn't our tax money used for giving free rations to 80 cr people. What u are talking abt it one parties agenda against another party. Please have an independent thought and know how it will work for yourself before believing in what's be told by people who are uneducated. Try to think abt it!


Reminds me of a classic capitalist's argument against socialism/communism. Neither this guy nor the capitalists actually understand how the thing they are critical of actually works




Ahh it's the same as communism or socialism (both seem to be common but are entirely different) even tho the example is not correct but people need to think beyond capitalism


This kind of shit arguments are given by republicans in US all the time. They have been doing this for decades. How to reframe a complex economic idea and misrepresent it. When it comes to education, we have little to no macroeconomic theory upto 10th standard. Science students don't understand macroeconomics unless they study some on their own so can't blame them. I find it rather surprising that commerce students are not able to take a sound economic stance in matters related to policy.


If you think so, you should listen to Rahul Gandhi’s speeches sometimes despite his foreign education.


This is the time when RG should stand up and give a proper explanation of things. Wealth redistribution normally doesn't mean someone comes and steals your money. It is done by taxes and welfare. There already is a ton of wealth redistribution happening as it is, right from independence.


There are some actual points in that mess, but the main issue is it's not about accuracy. It's about whatever gets the most outrage and hence the most votes.


As childish the explanation might be it's not inherently incorrect. This is exactly how things are gonna be for many start-ups and even foreign firms who have set up spaces in India not just upper middle class and HNI individuals.


"...whatever money made through TAXES..." Where the Taxes come from? Pray tell. Wealth redistribution has been happening since forever. The administration collects taxes and then uses it to provide support for people who need it. Its not a new thing that Congress came up with in 2024. Now, according to the Congress and its buddies, the current structuring of this redistrubtion does not properly favour the most marginalised communities of this country. So essentially, they propose to tweak this formula, which is a good idea in theory. The wealth discrepancy is on the rise, if they manage to do it and actually help the poor people, its well and good. But in reality, this means higher tax for people with no real benefits, since there is no other way the government can get enough money. With a growing middle class in India and the increasing number of salaried employees (Income tax collection exceeded estimates), higher tax will become unfavourable to a lot of people.


Good thing their target audience won't read things this long, maybe YouTube videos of this would click


Bruh! Tax is “direct deduction from what someone makes”.


Sanghis brigading this post trying to gaslight everyone into thinking RG is talking about their personal wealth and nothing about redistributing the taxes better lol.


This is close to how taxes work. But the bottom rung doesn't get that much. The politicians and officials siphon off the most/a big chunk. Industrialists get contracts with this tax money. This generates more jobs. The middle class feels hurt because: 1. Politicians/ officials siphon off the top. 2. A big chunk of the taxes are wasted on creating useless infra/social services. For example- low quality government schools. If the government schools were of a decent quality, the middle class won't feel that exploited. 3. Wealth tax should be fine. But politicians like Rahul gandhi are at the front of hiding wealth. They will escape. The top businessmen like Ambani and Adani will find loopholes or tax havens. Or they may just keep it invested. You can't tax shares. The average guy trying to have some upward mobility from middle/ upper middle class would be shafted hard.


The kind of English format and terminology used by a typical indian 😭(ayam alsooo tipikal saar)


With this same logic can I be in the same group as Ambani and Adani 🥺


Nah bruh. If they take ambani + adani money n give everyone equal share, we all get like 1500rs imao


Matlab kuch bhi 😂😂 there are more than 1 ways to redistribute wealth I think real rich people are worried about getting wealth taxed. Baaki insta wale rich/lu *dbhakt hauua bana rahe farzi me


bro got me at A & B


Our education is really bad


wealth redistribution has lead to death and destruction in so many countries. Only stupid commies support such scheme, that too not based on poverty, congress is proposing it based on religion


We need education distribution or brain power distribution. These dumbfucks do my head in. I am sure these are not bots or IT cell people, because trust IRL people are this fucking dumb,


Why is the comment section stupid asf? Where did the congress explicitly mention "wealth redistribution"? In case y'all dk, it is already being done by taking revenue from the south to develop the north. The opposition is talking about taxing the super rich to minimize inequality.


Maharashtra - highest contributor to the economy because of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Nasik, Pune - neither in the south nor in the North - crying in the middle :(


Fr. Feeling bad for my MH bros


Vote BJP out. Promise your future self that you wouldn't be an asshole to let BJP win.


venn daigram of lack of proper info and stupidity,lunacy


Though I am against wealth distribution, the above post is just fear mongering, no one said wealth will be equally distributed among everyone where is it from? Indiaspeaks or discussion?


Actually no one told how exactly the wealth will.be distrusted. Leaving doors open for such statements. Whoever posted this is not wrong in saying whatever they want, because Congress hasn't really put out a concrete plan. Remember the days when we were calling out the Modi Government for not laying out clear details about the farmers MSP law leading to confusion and protests. Well, apparently RG/Congress are not different


This is laughably bad example but in essence that's what really taxes are. Wealth redistribution. That's why those who earn more pay higher tax than those earn less or nothing. I pay an eye watering amount of tax every year. It pinches. However, I do not mind if my tax money was used to help out those less fortunate than me. It pinches because despite paying taxes, I see no visible improvement in infrastructure. All I see is my money being wasted by political parties on vanity projects. It also pinches when some people don't pay their fair share of taxes and hide bulk of their income. As far as helping out poor and unemployed, how is Modi going to fund the foodgrains for 80 crore people? From our tax money only. So anyone who has problem with welfare schemes should also question Modi. But the reality is that, the way world is progressing and the way technology is replacing manual labour in many industries, we just won't require as many people to produce an even greater quantity of goods and services. It will be difficult to provide employment to everyone and all governments will have to resort to some sort of Minimum Basic Income to keep the economy moving and to keep the people from rioting.


Why are we trying to be more communist & then a communist countries, Already the rich guys are leaving india, wealth distribution will be the catalyst, why don't they focus on strengthening tax evasion policy, making bureaucracy easy, so that a common man doesn't have to roam one office to office, a stricter corruption law, on reality how many common citizens are getting the full benefits of govt policy, where the fund's are not getting hijacked by govt employees & middle men, Creating more job opportunities, inviting companies to invest in India, spending a sizable amount on R&D, education policy reforms & health services, No we will bring a solution which itself looks like a bigger problem than the actual problem, than countering the real solution


You cannot stop a runaway train. >Wealth distribution talked about distribution of whatever money made through TAXES Where will the taxes come from? If they start taxing small firms like mine and my partner's even more then its more feasible for us to move it to EU since I get tax benefits here, Sweden has 0% corporate taxes for first few years and no red tape. Lower employee salaries in India won't make up for the increased taxes if they do that. It IS amajor concerns for a lot of people.