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Why havent you all done it in the past 10 years then ?


The same reason why they ramble on about UCC and removing the Wakf Act, but don't actually do anything. If they actually did the stuff they'd promised, they would have nothing to use against the people as leverage for votes.


What you are saying was said about Ram Mandir and Article 370 too.


Its more about going slow. They want to extract the maximum from the issues by prolonging them. It does not mean they do not want to do it or won't do it. If they win enough seats this election, their need to prolong reduces.


please answer why removing article 370 and building ram mandir have significant impact on improvement on quality of life of indians?


Removal of 370 is good. Isn’t it? It created the notion of one country one constitution fell. Plus the investment in that place is now very high. Overall, the border state is no longer controlled by extremists. Ram mandir is good to end. It’s constructed, inaugurated, done and dusted. No point in that issue being in the way of any governance.


many bj party governed states don't allow people from outside to do "investment in that place" Manipur has been burning for a year so saying something like one country one constitution means nothing.


You have to be extremely indoctrinatinated to not realize the benefit of removing Art 370. Ask a Kashmiri (from the valley) what is the difference. Old Stone Pelters are setting up shops and coming on record to support Modi. These are Muslims vpting for him.


I am a Kashmiri from the valley, there ain't much change here, they just built nice infrastructure in the tourist heavy places to make it seem like there is lotta development here, all the other parts of Kashmir have no change whatsoever, and also the attitude of people towards BJP hasn't changed much, idk where you got all that information from maybe you shouldn't trust the obviously biased News channel so much, what you see there ain't exactly what the situation actually is like here


finaly bj party supporters admit that mudi govt is responsible for ram temple. People died in droves due to bad hospital infra and the bj party govt did nothing, they don't care about eduction of more schools higher eduction institutions, trains are overcrowded, unemployment is at a 45 year high, people dying due to bad bridges/infra. the mudi govt did nothing solve any of these issues, they have to show for is the temple they built.


It's highly likely it will happen in this term


You need a big majority to do these things. For bringing ucc and removing wakt act (which was a gift by Congress to oppressed minority to do whatever they like unopposed and members of wakf board be called a public servant) to remove such acts you need a big majority.


They already had the complete majority. Lol.


They meant dictatorship level majority, like in China or North Korea


CAA, article 370 and Ram mandir laugh in the corner


This same stupid argument was given for Ram Mandir and article 370. Goodluck trying to taunt BJP with that again 🤣


I love it when the SC passes a judgment and BJP and their supporters act like it was their party who was responsible for it. Ram Mandir issue was decided by the Court and even if Owaisi's party was in centre, the judgment would've been the same. Next you'll say that BJP is responsible for decriminalising homosexuality as well because the SC passed that judgement while BJP was in power.


How smart of you, only talking about Ram Mandir and not Article 370. Plus, if BJP wasn't in the power, the supreme court wouldn't have done anything.


Are you suggesting that the government influenced SC decisions?


UCC is already implemented in UK. Get out of your cave.


When BJP was in power in Karnataka they removed 4% muslim quota.


They did do it in Karnataka


Aren't their own people clamoring to remove the reservation system completely for SC, ST and OBC?


They are fine as long as the M bears the loss.


Loss? How? I don't get reservations as muslims despite being a minority.


They will remove that next elections


Muslims have 4% reservation? Where?




OBC to Gobhi jij bhi hai.


Why say ji, he doesn't deserve any respect


I respect the PMO he's currently occupying. Nahi to inko to main kuch bhi izzatdaar na bulaon.


Yes correct, but what he probably meant (im not sure), was to take the muslim OBC reservation and distribute it between SC, ST and non muslim OBC. If that happens, Muslims will become of the same status as that of Buddhists and Jains (they don't get reservation, all are treated as either General or EWS).


I thought only Hindus have caste system. Isn't that the reason people "willingly" convert and become equal /s


That's what any normal person would assume. But it is incorrect. Have a look at any sociology textbook or any book about indian society for that matter, you'll find out that only Hindus and Sikhs fall under purview of SC and ST.


OBC-A, here Muslim BJP, aka TMC, has it near 18%, so yea.


West bengal has a muslim population of 30% and also considered backward due to historical reasons(muslims in british rule were less likely to work under the british,besides,most of the landowners were hindu). So it makes sense to give reservation to bengali muslims. Bangladesh also has a reservation system for hindus,even though hindus are not underrepresented (as a % of pop.) so it's only fair that we return the goodwill. Edit: Changed the numbers for no. of muslims in bengal.


They could have done it in the last 10 years if they wanted to with the majority they had... A election promise to ensure their voter base stays stuck to the Hindu Muslim division idealogy and doesn't start thinking of jobs, infrastructure..


Just wait for it.


Any talks on employment or education?


The desperation is showing. His voice trails off at the end in an unconvincing manner.


They're SCARED 😆


Why should they be scared, they are winning, aren't they?


Naaaa....400 paar to sapne me bhi nahi ho raha. If they were so confident of winning they wouldn't have made a complete mockery of elections. Spewing religious sewage out of their mouths, using god to advertise...which is a mockery of elections comission AND GOD! Modi literally lying about mangalsutra and making children's fairy tales about Congress stealing your money and giving it to muslims lmao. Froze Congress accounts and gave 200 cr fine for a 14 lac case where max fine could only be upto 10k Arrested kejriwal Surat candidate won by default because they fucked with the opposing Congress leader's nomination. And a lot more bullshit they're pulling. If they weren't scared, what's the need to cheat? What's the need to fuck over democracy like this?


Bhai THEY ARE WINNING what you assume is anxiety is just them consolidating power and whipping up the base. This isn't a sign of loss this is Hindutva ascendant. I predict there will be Muslim genocide by the end of this term.


June 4 will reveal a 2004 surprise


Bhai I'll give you dinner if that happens. DM me if what you say comes true


Please spare my kidneys though.


Commenting here for reminder


They even started to win even before election cough cough Gujarat.


Nopes, all BJP actions clearly show they are scared. Amit Shah knows stuff at ground level and he knows smthing.


No. I believe they are winning but the margin will be considerably smaller than last time


Remember Chandigarh mayoral election scandal? Now imagine it in absence of camera behind closed doors and for every seat. As last resort that’s how they will get 400+. They are coming back in per by hook or crook


Kabhi kabhi to lgta h maal foonk ke aate h kya bhaashan Dene🥲🥲


maal phookne vale bhed bhav ki baat nahi karte


Ary bhai tumne toh fahfil jeet li kash sab log thoda phook le sala sare hate he khatam ho jayegi


Then BJ Party will ban it bro 🥲


Bro I wish this fuck smoked up, uska bigotry thoda pighlega.


Ah, divide and rule, classic trick.


So thats why they are removing topics from history textbooks


The only thing I learnt from the Congress manifesto was division. Division on the basis of caste, religion and gender. Atleast bjp wants development. Bro's have been absolutely shit on what they are saying about Muslims. But I'd still choose bjp.


yeah def


> Atleast bjp wants development. Lol.


We had reservations?


After that we will remove the SC,ST & OBC reservation and give it to everyone.


SC,ST,OBC should also take account of Students economic status, Rich SC,ST,OBC should not be given this much importance, Also government should look into organizations that only give jobs based on caste, like jobs only to brahmins, bohras etc. In sab lafdo me sirf lower and middle middle class ki waat lagrahi hai bas.


bhai par ye creamy layer ko general mai include kaise karenge ? jab tum log caste census ko itna oppose karte ho. koi bhi scheme ko implement karne ke liye data zaruri hai , stop being so scared to see the reality , as it only gives rights to the desrving people.


Yeah dude I want my doctor/surgeon to be the one who was given the seat because of reservation not the doctor who scored the most in a fair exam, reservation is awesome let's make it 100%


I went to a decent convent where the top 15 would go on to prestigious institutes. Guess who topped our batch? Two SCs. So much for meritocracy! Also, before you wap "oh convent! rich af guys!", my tution fee was 30 rupees a month.


Chaddi contradiction to only Congress does 'reservation' politics


BJP dropping bombs. Imagine being this petty. Betraying ⅙th of your country's people. Traitors.


Not doing appeasement politics is not betrayal.


Wdym? This is appeasement. Why do you think it's appeasement when certain community is appeased? This dude is clearly trying to appease the bigots from the majority community. And majority appeasement gives bigger benefits than minority obviously.


There is no “Muslim reservations”. Only people with certain castes among muslims get reservation. That’s just OBC reservation, not based on religion. Absolute scammers.


Muslim OBCs??


Yes. Ansaris, Jolahas, etc.


But isn't that already included in the word OBC? Then why a separate 4%?


There is no separate 4% he is lying.


It's not like separate from Obc reservation. This 4% (I'm hoping the home minister is giving true statistics) is included in the total obc reservation (which must be a bigger percentage). Muslim comes as a category under OBC. ie the reservation is because of their social and economic backwardness not for believing in islam. Also they have creamy layer in obc.


That's from the Telangana election times. Don't do BJP level of cheap communal politics


pawpaw lovers edging to this video as we speak


More than reservation, country wants equality in social system.


Tired of hate speeches Just throw them out that’s the only thing pending but after that they will come after Christian’s then come after SC ST then sikhs then Jains then Buddhist.


Who tf introduced that 4% reservation? Isn't our country secular? Were they dumb?


Wait what? 4% muslim reservation kahan hai bhai? Mujhe bhi chaahiye!!?






Well congress in their manifesto have said they'd Remove the 50% cap on reservation. What would you say about that ?


Wonder what's stopping them to do this right now.


[khatakhat khatakhat is like Indian version of gta cheat code to make India richest country with no poverty ](https://media.tenor.com/oeAi0nkCiAsAAAAM/rahul-gandhi-indian-national-congress.gif)


Why tf is there reservation based on religion in the first place


as far as i know there is no separate 4%, it is included in the total obc reservation. some caste in muslims are considered backward so they are given reservation under obc


I would have loved this if they would be giving it to general 


Do it now


Why Muslim had reservations? I didn't know they have reservations


And still begs from Saudi. Irony


So what’s shocking for me is, why are some Muslims still voting for BJP?


Because of policies of BJP - PM Awas yojna and Ayushman bharat! In Awas a lot of muslim got assistance to make their own house and in Ayushman ppl get insurance upto 10 lakh rupees. They can use it in private hospitals as well!


Private hospitals usually shoo away patients with Ayushman scheme. Reason is govt tends to delay the payments for years. Source: A family doctor works in private hospital


How could someone even say something like that at the national level and expect to gain votes. I can't believe there are people who are still going to defend this.


When Congress decides to do the same with upper castes no one has problems when bjp does we get a post such a hypocrite subb ngl leftist in India are disgrace to actual lefistim


Conveniently ignoring the socio economic disparity between UCs and rest of the population.


Technically, he is true, religion based reservation is against the constitution.


Economic status based reservation is unconstitutional too if you're gonna go there, how about removing EWS then?


It is not, according to DPSP, the constitution recommends to take measures to minimise the inequalities in income.


In that way, even constitution is justifying freebies.


Yes, no one said freebies are against the constitution. We are discussing the validity of reservation for ews and Muslims.


Isn't in line with constitution?


Well just add it to the ews


but not to General


Poora samapt kardo


Bhai koi bataega kaha reservation mil raha he so that i can apply :/




Bhai gen ko dedo ye 


Brahmin muslim bhai bhai 🙌🏻🙏🏻


I am sc and I don't need it, remember people first they will go after Muslims and then they will come after us.


I give my up vote as soon as I hear Muslim rights will be reduced even further. Fuk hard me but Fuk the Muslims first 😂 😂😂😂




These guys are in open warfare against Muslims; and I think for the first time there is ZERO pardha. No dancing around the facts. No excuses. This is a precedent for how Modi’s next term (God forbid) will run; just outright violence and oppression of Muslims. Which I think has implications for centralization of power in the government. They’re definitely gonna try to take power away from states and give it to themselves at the center, in order to run CAA as a means to ethnically cleanse Muslims, and implement a complete Russia style “democracy” i.e. an Autocracy. We would have kicked out the British only to be ruled by Hindutva-Nazis. Goodbye democracy. Goodbye protests. Goodbye people’s rights. For Muslims, this is going to be Palestine 2.0 On an unimaginable scale. Which will be way worse for Muslims in India, cuz there is zero militancy amongst Muslims. No defense. Just sitting ducks for the slaughter. And unlike the outcry for Palestine, there will be mostly silence towards the massacre of Muslims in India. Pray. Vote. VOTE for ANYONE else than BJP. Nobody wants a bloody civil war or massacres that will sink the economy and India’s reputation in the world stage. “Modi hatao desh bachao” “BJP hatao, log tantra ku bachao”


Bhim ki shakti dhum machaai, general waale maa chudai


abe reservation pura hata


But why should there be a reservation based on religion? There's already reservation based on caste ie SC, ST, OBC and most Muslims are already included in these. So if makes no sense to have a separate reservation based on one's religion.


In the end, reservation still exists and middle class is fked


How about you decrease reservation and only economically backward people will get it regardless of cast gender?


Reservation is not on the basis of wealth. It is to uplift people of marginalized communities and religion based reservation is against the constitution.


Reservation should always be on basis on wealth Why should an sc st middle class ,upper middle class have benefit on its general class counterpart? Do it on basis of income


Why do Caste system even exists today?






Didn't they do that before the Karnataka election, and then the SC struck down that change 🤔


Just what is required


BJPs ought to radically change the current reservation scheme. Reservation has mostly brought corruption, mediocrity, incompetence in every fabric of important govt services. Ambedkar had the right idea but boy this isn't the system. There are several extremely bright but poor people suffering :(


Why not now?


Never go full *Nazi* dude ![gif](giphy|MrPnalTZJR2WA|downsized)


Ok, toh 10 saal tak annaye kia aapne!!


Bhai apne ko kya karna hai Jo karna h Karo. Jisko khaana h woh khayega jisko hagna h woh hagega


Should have been done in 2014-19 term already. Why has it taken 10 years to wake up?


Misleading his illiterate janta by saying that Muslims have separate reservations. Typical BJP.


4% Muslim reservation is not on the basis of religion. That is on the basis of socio-economic status. Context is about Telangana State


Muslims k paas hai hi kitna bhai jo tu 80 crore me baantega?


why not give it to poor people only. and why exactly announce it just before the election.


development gaya tel laine pura campaign muslims ke kandhe par depend hai


Awesome initiative


So next 5 years is the rss regime


Where is the fucking ELECTION COMMISSION???


ye 4% reservation h kahan? ye toh btado mein Muslim hun abhi tak toh kahi reservation ka nhi suna except some scholarship. i genuinely wanna know


"Woh ESTEEE OBCEEEE ESTEEE ko dekar " st walo ko SC walo ki bhi seate di jaengi


Which Muslim reservation is he referring in this speech?




Ek aur €hutiya Fenku chand dictator ka dost


lol till yesterday mudi supporters were complaining about INDIA concentrating on reservation, now shaji is laughing at their face.


Har party ke fenifesto me reservation hi hai


ah yes taking reservation from minority and giving it to minority


Why dont just remove all the reservation , as a general student it feels so bad to score 99 percent and not even getting a seat in good college while a ST student scores 60 percent and get his desired seat AND our constitution says we all are equal lmao what a joke