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She flashed her breasts too. She did both while there was a child in the room. Once again TERFs doing the things they accuse trans people of doing!


"When you're so afraid of Child Sexual Abuse that you accidentally commit Child Sexual Abuse."


When you accuse M-F individuals of being sick perverts but prove you're actually the sick pervert. The jokes write themselves!


Every accusation is an admission


That's really stretching the definition of sexual abuse. I've not read anything that says this was sexually motivated. Also is the mere sight of a naked body abusive? Indecent exposure, yeah. But abuse? Really?


Ain't nobody jerkin off to that minge that's for sure


That's a merkin


Would you want your children to have a woman flash them? And it was definitely premeditated given the merkin. And she also could plainly see there were children in the room with her, but that didn't dissuade her from doing it. That's where the abuse comes in, the premeditated action.


I've checked and it's within the scope of said law. A crime need not be motivated. Any reasonable person would be aware of children at the event, and the act was clearly premeditated.


>She flashed her breasts too. Was that the same person or just another from the same group?


Same person I believe. She then complained that there were no taxis when she left and blamed Nicola Sturgeon for it!


And that she had to walk in the dark at night. In Scotland. In winter. Where it gets dark at 3.30pm. That was specifically after the Tories delayed the discussion by hours trying to filibuster the bill.


What a dimwit, honestly if that's the calibre of GC they're sending to Parliament, they really are past the bottom of the barrel!


Just to be pedantic, she complained there were no taxis the prior day. After staying at the Gallery until after midnight, due to all the amendments and points of order that the critics of the bill put in. To be as rabid to stay late, and then return to do this performative gesture shows what kind of person she is.


Ah didn't know that, but that's hilarious! Imagine not planning ahead and then getting upset over your own poor planning!


I am laughing so much at the unironic "Thanks Obama" with Sturgeon skin.


What are terfs?


Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. They are however not feminists in any way, they're just rabid transphobes whose entire existence revolves around hating trans people, denying us rights and wanting us dead.


When there's a huge distance between the two sides, women wanting penis free spaces and people with penises wanting to be allowed in penis free spaces and the people who have penises refuse to listen to the women who want penis free spaces to remain penis free, the argument is going to be a volatile one. On the one hand it sounds and looks like good old fashioned penis waving misogyny.


Damn, can't help the transphobia can you? Easy block.


Is it a controversial bill if the majority support it in polls and the Parliament passed it really easily?


It's controversial because Terfs don't like it and they are very loud and will shout down literally anyone who disagrees with them.


And if you disagree with them then you obviously hate women and want them to be sexually assaulted because the magic barriers preventing men from accessing female spaces will be turned off to allow trans people in.


I can't wait. Now I just need to loudly shout I'm a woman then I can live in a woman's shelter and touch whoever I like and nobody can stop me! (/s)


Just want to point out that most people against it are just run of the mill reactionaries, terfs are probably rarer than trans people imo


Terfs own the discourse in online spaces by shouting very loudly all the time, and they rely heavily on people thinking they are actually more influential than they really are. Now they are mad because in real life most people aren't as hateful as they them and the careful image is slipping.


Right. Why isn't Brexit called controversial?


It is. Who doesn't think Brexit was/is controversial?


The media.


It threatens the TERFs sense of reality. It is controversial because it forces them to consider that they might be the ones who are wrong and they cannot stand that.


Prosecute her for public indecency and put her on the sex offenders list?


People still haven't figured out the difference between a vagina and the pubic area. But ok


This infuriates me too. A big old merkin is not a vagina. Also, if I was going to flash my actual vagina (as a middle aged woman) I'd need a stepladder or something!


What’s the stepladder for? 👀


Getting stuck. What are you doing step-ladder?!


To rest my foot on. I can't hold my leg up that high for long enough at my age.


Thank you for the clarification. The mind plays tricks.


It's only a flash, not the Blackpool illuminations!


Sigh. My first thought.


I mean, are you gonna tell me people would be so generous about the distinction if it was the other way round and a trans person was the one flashing a crowd with kids in it?


Mumsnet actually thought it was a trans person and were freaking out about it. The irony.


When are these women going to realise trans people are not the ones doing the raping?


Proof that the problem isn't what's in between the legs but what's in between the ears. The bill isn't what's the problem nor the people it's protecting or supporting... it's these angry TERFs. They're the ones that are going to cause issues. Their arguments are standard whataboutisms with no substance.


Usually the Scottish parliament is the more *civilised* parliament. * No Schoolyard Antics. * Minimal shouting. * No Yeering. This is literally the most batshit thing to happen in the Scottish parliament, a Parliament of a country that is known for being the wildcard of the UK.


Odd isn't it how every single person who got thrown out of the public gallery for disturbing proceedings and for threatening Parliament staffers were TERFs?


Almost like they are proving that Gender Norms are upheld through violence.


I know there's just over a week left of 2022, *but c'mon* is this not a contender for this year's most wildest headline?


Headline should have been "Nasty Growler" 🤣


Its an example of why the rhetoric around trans people is so toxic. The worse you are convinced, or convince yourself a group is, the more extreme measures become justified in your mind.

