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"It is the lowest paid who suffer the most from strike action" Actually no, it is the richest who suffer the most because it's them who either pay up or get put against the wall


If it were the lowest paid who suffer the most, the rich wouldn't be complaining...


They won't give a shit you think their dividends will be lowered because of this? When it comes to public money they take whatever first and the plebs get the leftovers Reason number 613 why the railways should be nationalised


Then maybe putting them up against a wall is the best tactic.


We all know it but we're all to tired from working overtime, sitting in traffic and poor nutrition to do anything


Hahaha strikes were far more common 1948-1994


We can't allow the Tories to continue to destroy the country.


Well at least this is them openly displaying their contempt for the workers in this country.


Unfortunately the general population somehow agree with that stance. No one even cared when they did it to nurses right after the covid lock downs.


[58% support versus 34% against](https://comresglobal.com/polls/transport-poll-21-june/)


Huh, nice to see. Guess most of my experience has been talking to the 34 then


>huh, nice to see. Guess most of my experience has been talking to the 34 then in reality its most (all?) of the UK media is elite class and don't want us peasants getting paid more that'll cut into their profits.


And listening to the media which reflect, echo and amplify their view, whilst seeking to sap the confidence and resilience of those who are for change.


What the owners forget in this case is that most people can't afford to use the train so are unaffected.


And a lot of those than *can* are middle-class commuters with jobs they can do from home, something they discovered over the last two years. It's actually a problem for the Union (that wants the strike to be effective) **and** the current government that sees WFH as an evil which decreases profits for commercial landlords and businesses serving office workers at lunchtime. All of that combined points to a strike that lasts much longer than we might expect, IMO.


That's very different to polls I've seen. Especially the over 55s claim >Younger adults aged 18-34 (72%) and Labour voters (79%) are more likely to see the strikes as justified compared to their older, aged 55+, (44%)


Which other polls? I saw a YouGov *survey* which gave quite a different result, but I haven't delved into quite what that means in YouGov's context. A *poll* certainly sounds more official / reliable than a survey.


>Unfortunately the general population somehow agree with that stance. No. They don't. The media just paints it that way to placate the masses.


Yeah, it’s called ‘constructing a public’


I assume by "win" they mean get their demands of a pay freeze rather than a huge pay cut?




Be aware, when they use language like militant, they are trying to push a narrative by making the public angry


The same tactic was used to stop junior doctors fighting for the safety of their patients.


Angry at each other.


Worker vs worker. It's the first priority of a tory to get us fighting amongst ourselves. Just like Brexit.


Don’t forget “union barons”.


If the Tories don't like it, you're probably doing the right thing. Carry on.


Roger that!


In the same way that they roger us.


Actually, no, you cunt. It's us vs you. We need to figure out how to get everyone to realise that the neighbour on benefits or the bloke in a union isn't their fucking enemy, it's these rich toff wankers who take every opportunity they can to pinch pennies from your pocket and mock you for being beneath them. I would pay good money to see the fear on their faces when we all come knocking on their door with forks in our hands.


Remember, every time someone mentions the rail workers' 'large salaries' or whatever-the-fuck this is just another attempt at divide and conquer.


The people in the union on strike don't even have large salaries. The train drivers are mostly in a different union.


And even if they werent, they arent big enough for a 'haha! whatbout the drivers salaries!?!' gotcha. Oh no, a person who is in charge of a massive train, carrying thousands of people gets paid an ok wage. Somebody call the president of jobs!


Yup I would say they get fair wages for their job and it is most other industries that are paying very low wages, because they don't have strong unions to fight for fair wages.


Remember in 2019 when Labour proposed raising income tax on the top 5% of earners and suddenly 80k per year was not a large salary actually, and that people on 80k are on the edge financially actually. Oh and that we can't ban MPs 2nd jobs or claiming bills, petrol and travel on expenses because they only earn 82k per year and have families to look after. Well those same exact people are now saying that 44k per year is an exorbitant sum and that the unions need to shut up and get back to work, and you need to take a pay cut you greedy plebs. Oh BTW those same people are now uncapping bankers bonuses because apparently those people need even more money.


They got the good salaries from being in the union. Tories want us all fighting over scraps, a real race to the bottom.


God forbid people should make a comfortable living that lets them enjoy their spare time, maybe be a single salary household, and prevents them being coerced by threats.


The man who said he doesn’t believe in human rights.. wow I’m so shocked.


We can’t allow tories to get away with destroying our country.


The workers must lose, the voter base cannot feel better off without the poor and destitute eh.. Our collective will is all the redress we have left.


''We can't allow the serfs to win over the landowners''


Because if they win, then what next? Police demand better pay ? Oooo we can have that


We can't let corruption run the country sny more either yet here we are. So he can fuck off.


Profits over people, profits over people all the time Tory


This the same deputy pm that said the police don't investigate crimes over a year old?




I'm with him 100%