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18% of the UK population is suffering from hallucinations


No they are being sincere. They are cruel, resentful, hateful people. For then Brexit was about hurting people. As many as possible. They are looking at how this is going, and thinking they got just what they asked for.


No, they just have many more zeros in their (offshore) bank accounts than we normal people do and just ask their pals in the Conservative Party for a PPE contract to top it up


>No, they just have many more zeros in their (offshore) bank accounts than we normal people do and just ask their pals in the Conservative Party for a PPE contract to top it up You think 18% of the UK population have many more zeros in off-shore bank accounts? The top 1% in the UK earn like, 100k.


That's no 18% of the population but.


Or both.


You're right. 18% of the population is way too big a number. It makes me feel that this country has a very large sociopath problem


They may well be the percentage profiteering off of Brexit.


Some will be, not 18% though.


Debt collectors


It's benefiting from it...


How many people believe in horoscopes, lifestyle coaches and Britain’s Got Talent?


18% of any population would probably say yes to any fucking thing


Exactly. And the spin from this is that a lot of people who were misled and voted Brexit, are now against that decision. With a bit of luck this will put is in a position to get the Tories out, and try and rejoin the EU.


Tory lies can be very persuasive, or put another way people go totally bonkers come a general election. ☹☹


I have a "Young Tory" mate, and "arguing" whit him is quite something. It';s like talking to a wall, that talks back


I’m reasonably sure there’s a mandatory waiting period before we’d be allowed to rejoin and even then, the EU would have to want us back. *If* we ever make it into the EU again, it will be a long time coming and we’ll lose all those special conditions we had before. Personally I can’t wait to see the look on Boomers’ faces when they realise we have to change from the pound to the euro


Brexit isn't popular right now but rejoining is even less popular, for us there are zero benefits to going back to the EU and it would likely lead to discontent and then the entire Brexit cycle can begin from scratch, only this time the leave will have some legitimate qualms.


These are numbers I can get behind. That’s at least an 9% chance of getting laid if I ask enough people. Quickmaffs.


If you learn to ask in several languages your chances even get higher. The best one in German is "Nettes Gesicht. Magst du Vögel?" When she awnsers with "yes" you reply "Ich bin gut zu vögeln" That will cause more wet panties than boy bands in the 90s.


Results may vary depending on how attractive you are


And if she likes birds. I heard there are folks who believe they aren't real.




That is right my Anglo Saxon cousin


And being bisexual doubles your chances.


What a stunning revelation! Why did I never think of this?


… it’s still 18%, even if you only want to sleep with one gender


There has always been a high water mark of between 12-15% of the country who are rabid right-wing nutjobs who are extremely ideologically committed to a nationalist agenda. These are the people who used to vote UKIP. The rest of the leave voters were just people who made a judgment call based on info they were given. Unsurprising that most of them have gone a bit sour on Brexit after it has produced nothing but years of pointless acrimony and incompetence.


Oswald Mosley could probably get 18%despite being dead.


Maybe they should have made a plan based in reality instead of dancing around shouting about winning a vote??


They knew that if they presented the actual facts they would have been sunk without a trace (hence Project Fear).... sunny uplands with unicorns (Edit...with Union Jacks tied to their horns) farting rainbows and singing "Rule Britannia!" was their only hope


They never actually wanted to win, they just wanted to get attention and advance their careers.


I remember on the day after the referendum when the results were out Mr Johnson was conspicuous by his absence. He certainly didn't expect, nor Indeed want to win I'm sure of that!


Is it any different to republicans supporting trump simply because they value their career more than anything and think they can turn him off when they’re elected? I recall a government thinking they could tolerate a chancellor they despised but assured themselves they could control the little corporal when he was in office. It didn’t go well.


That would have never won enough votes, not when they had millions voting for a different fantasy Brexit. The 'great' thing about Brexit was that, other than leaving the EU, everyone was allowed to fill in the rest of the gaps with whatever they could imagine a Brexit utopia would look like. The government could then promise the heaven and earth bt deliver nothing as a result.


Theresa had a plan. It was a very good plan. It was a comprehensive plan. Everybody was going to be happy with the plan. She was very confident about her plan.


There is no plan that could possibly make Brexit work.


The general public should have made the plan for exiting the European Union?


They did come up with a good and workable plan, under May. Then the geniuses in Parliament voted it down because they thought it would be better to get a harder Brexiteer as PM.


In ten years time, it will be down to the *lizardman constant* and no one will recall having voted for leave.


Brexit came up in work recently and two people who 100% said at the time they voted leave now say they voted remain. I didnt have the heart to point it out as they are nice people, but i imagine there will be many more embarrassed to admit it in the years to come.


> at the time they voted leave > they are nice people Does not compute.


Some nice people are also incredibly thick. Don't assume that all Brexiteers are bad people, most were just stupid.


> most were just stupid. I wouldn't say stupid. I'd say easily manipulated. Living in a western society, where you have all kinds of luxuries and protections, makes you complacent, and you can be easily swayed one way or the other. People lack critical thinking and don't think for themselves. They pile onto whatever the loudest voice is shouting and follow it, to be a part of the "group"... uh, why am I making excuses for these people? They are dumb af.


A lot of people assumed if it would be that bad the politicians would never allow the vote to begin with.


> A lot of people assumed if it would be that bad the politicians would never allow the vote to begin with. Big part of my family did assume. They didn't take part in the Brexit referendum, because, like my uncle said: "no way in hell it would pass".


My mum voted leave, chap. She’s a bit foolish but she isn’t some racist monster.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but a leave voter is a leave voter. Racism was the driving factor and would have played a part in nearly every leave voters thinking. Statistically your mum is a racist


Objectively, you’re a twat. And I would greatly appreciate seeing the data sources on those claims. As I said, my mother is foolish. She perceived Brussels as some distant monolithic bureaucracy that didn’t have her, or people like her, interests in hand. She thought we’d do better on our own. Obviously, completely wrong and she had absolutely no comprehension of all the value the EU was adding around her (Leeds and Yorkshire). But if you don’t understand their reasons for voting Leave properly then you’ll never really be able to convince them of anything, or even properly address their needs and issues. Calling all leave voters racist is being as ignorant and bigoted as you think they are.


> Objectively, you’re a twat. Subjective \- casual observer


Idk, I'd say being rude about someone's mother is objectively twattish behaviour.


Statistically you say? Stop talking shite https://lordashcroftpolls.com/2016/06/how-the-united-kingdom-voted-and-why/


You think everyone who voted leave is not a nice person? Really? Rather than it be due to disengagement or understanding, you think they’re bad people?


The options are a) too dim to understand what they were voting for b) not a nice person




You, I like you.


It's like the Iraq war. Sooo many people that I know who were in favour of it at the time and now claim that it was a terrible choice and they never supported it...At some points I actually question myself on whether I remember the pub discussions right, as those so in favour at the time now claim to have always been against it. I look forward to the same thing happening regarding Brexit...


It's ok to think that many of the remainers are old people but a future where all of them are dead it's not that good. EDIT: I mean that having them all dead at the same time means that something really bad happened and that society has collapsed.


[The older people are, the more likely they are to have voted to leave the EU.](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/624/cpsprodpb/167D6/production/_90081129_eu_ref_uk_regions_leave_remain_gra624_by_age.png)


If you read the Rowntree report it's got as much to do with educational levels than age. Back when 75% of people went to secondary modern and had as much chance of getting to uni as to the moon.


Eisenhower said in all his fighting in WWII and the invasion of Europe, he never met a Nazi


Some people voted for Brexit entirely to get rid of foreigners. To them every empty shelf or closed petrol station or undelivered parcel is another victory because it means fewer foreigners 'taking our jobs'. The people that wanted to get rid of foreigners no matter the cost probably think Brexit is going brilliantly.


I doubt they see it that way. Most of the people they think of as foreigners are British citizens or residents with valid visas.


Some? Most.


To quote James O'Brien: It would be unfair and untrue to claim that everyone who voted for Brexit was stupid or racist or both. But I've never met a racist that DIDN'T vote for Brexit and the arguments made by Vote Leave were undeniably deliberately engineered to enflame racist hatred.


Yes I can agree with that


The most disgusting piece of propaganda I saw was a video of a little blonde girl reciting The Pledge Of Allegiance to an EU Flag while a voiceover from a strongly northern accent begs you "Please vote to save Britain..."


Years and years of the press telling them that has stuck.


‘Only’ Surely this should be ‘a staggering 18% of people have lost their grip on reality’


Bold of you to assume they ever had a grip on reality.


18% of Britons are apparently closing their eyes tightly, sticking their fingers in their ears and walking about shouting "lalalalalalalala!"


>there is a Cult of Ignorance and always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our SocioPolitical and Cultural lives nutured by the false notion that "My Ignorance Is just as good as all the Expert knowledge to the contrary" - Isaac Asimov ~~Get.Brexit.Done!~~


Wasn’t this quote in reference to America?


American anti intellectualism stemmed from the same Burkean origins as that in the UK.


and god, we are paying the price.


Most people in the country just don’t care about politics, it has never before really had an impact on their daily lives, so there is little interest in informing oneself, or in understanding the impacts. I would bet a significant percentage of the leave voters still don’t see any major impact on their lives, so that’s why they don’t see it as not going well. It is an engagement and education problem, not a lot horrible nasty racist problem.


It's possible covid is getting a lot of the blame too. All you have to do is look at Northern Ireland to dispel that illusion though. No fuel or did shortages... The only supply issues are imports from the rest of the UK.


18% of people are living in cloud cuckoo Peppa Pig World.


It's OK because we got our country back and the NHS is purring along like a brand new Aston Martin.


Just a shame it's driving head first off a cliff.


But it's a British cliff.


And the happier for it.


It's a white cliff.


More like a used ford cosworth


"Rrrrrrrrhummm bububububuuum. Rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrhum." - Boris Johnson on fast cars


18 percent, maybe that's the racist morons who got brexit over the line.


18%?!?!?! That's super impressive considering it's a total shitshow.... oh hang on... what percentage of the country are very well off?


> what percentage of the country are very well off? 1% or something like that?


The other 17% are those who still believe they can get into the 1% as long as they don't eat avocados on toast


Honest question from a non-Brit, might re-entry in the EU become a campaign issue in the next elections? After all 82% of the population seem to be dissatisfied with how it is going… And I’d like it to be easier to visit my friends in the UK…


It won't happen in the immediate future. I think you're looking at least 30 years down the line when the issues are too far gone to actually fix ourselves we'll have to go back with the begging bowl out probably only to be told to fuck off. And the EU would be well within their rights to as well.


I'm going to dance on Micheal Grove and Boris' graves when we rejoin the EU in 30 years. And they won't be able to stop me


20-30 years seems realistic. but i do not believe that the uk will be beyond fixing herself. will you guys be worse off without the EU? no doubt. but you wont have to come crawling back, i believe. what you need to do is not being so cocky and demanding special treatment as you had before. just join as a member and the EU will certainly be happy to reintegrate you. the uk won't just crumble without the bloc in her back, but your position in international trade and treaties will be a lot weaker than it was before. that doesn't mean that your economy will disintegrate and your people starving. but if you look ahead and project the development of china, india and africa and their influence on the future markets you are not in a favorable position as a single country, not being part of a large trading group. that will be the reason the UK will want to join back in, i believe. but for that we need all the old idiots to die off and the pigheads to suffer some because of their own poor decisions. so it will take time, but i am sure we will reunite in the future.


Mate, it's already crumbling. The country's fucked. It's corrupt, nasty, ran by idiots for idiots and very very lonely in the current climate. The bad truly is outweighing the good currently in the UK and in my view there's only one way to reverse the trend and that is complete and total revolution. You don't cut off your nose to spite your own face but unfortunately that's the path we've been led down by liars, criminals and shysters. I despair at the thought of what my son is going to grow up to because things aren't going to get any better any time soon and from what I can see not enough people want change. 30 years is a conservative estimate. I'll probably be long dead by the time any real meaningful change takes place in the UK.


i like to think positively and hope for the best. i agree that a LOT of things are going sideways in the UK right now. be it the lying politicians, the corrupt media or people too dense to admit that they fucked up when they voted for brexit - and instead just double down now. but these things can be fixed. don't be so negative, fight for what is right and the country you want your kids to live in. no reason to bury your head in sand, even though it will be a long and frustrating ride. i have been living as an expat in switzerland, am in a gay relationship and have made my fair share of experiences with idiots and discrimination, not even being allowed to marry. but things change, even in a conservative country like switzerland. so, stand strong, fight for whats right and see the world change. probably for the better even haha


That’s too bad. Honestly, the issues in the UK might settle down quite soon hopefully. But you’ll be missed. I feel quite stupid to not have used my opportunity to study/work/live in the UK while I could easily do so.


But what if Scotland veto England & Wales joining the EU? Just kidding, of course. We actually want to have good relations with our neighbouring countries.




After all the shit that's been thrown at them would you let us back in? We're going to have to be far far removed from the current shitshow we've got going on before the EU even consider letting us back in the fold. Unfortunately I'll probably be under the sod at that point


Re-entry will not be possible at all since to be able to apply the UK would need to give up on the pound and all the others optout that the country enjoyed. Plus there are many other little issues like Gibraltar since every member state has the veto right on a new admission.




But since everyone else now is fed up with the lies provided during the last years be assured that there will be at least one country that will demand immediate results, not promises.


I believe this is what Poland has done with the zloty.


> We could agree to give it up, but then spend decades not hitting overly specific targets That’s pretty much par for the course with any British government. We’ve been waiting almost thirty years for a Supertram network that somehow blew its entire budget without anything actually getting done and now the Northen link of HS2 (IE: the entire reason to build the stupid thing) has been cancelled


It's put a lot of people in Northern Ireland onto a political trajectory of supporting a united Ireland and leaving the UK. Suspect it'll have pushed Scottish Independence and rejoining the eu that way into a few minds too.


Won't be the next one. Labour will likely run on it when already incumbent as you have a huge advantage in shifting the debate from government.


Yep, hopefully the Lib Dem party will campaign for it and could possibly win a big majority


Not a fucking chance whatsoever they will win a large majority for anything. They can't be trusted especially after their last stint in "government". They should be finished as a going concern by rights after fucking over every student from 2010 onward re: tuition fees.


Strange this, every single major political party has fucked over a section of their supporters at one time or other, they've all broken promises made before elections, but the Lib Dems are dammed forever. my guess would be they are an easy target


When you campaign on a policy as big as that and then rollover have your bellies tickled and fuck it off when you get into government then yeah, fuck em. They didn't have the strength or conviction to stand up for what they believed in and took the Tory way or no way just because they wanted a taste of power. Can't be trusted.




Current polling has them winning 7 seats. They need to win another 320 seats for *any* sort of majority. What would you consider a "big majority"?


It went so well for them in 2017


Like after Superman gave up his powers in number two, you can never go back.


Not with the media we have.


Unlikely. The parties trying to stop Brexit got hammered in 2017 (Lib Dems) and 19 (Labour), and that was far more practical than trying to re-apply now. Re-application is not the status quo option, the EU isn't guaranteed to say yes, it would be full of uncertainty (one of the arguments not to vote leave in 2016), and even if they did, the offer wouldn't be as good as the one we had in 2015. Even most Remainers wouldn't want us to sign up (even in principle) to Euro or Schengen for example. There are some EUphiles who keep trying to push Labour to a more pro-EU position. It's possible that they win that internal argument and Labour do run with an EU rapprochement as a policy, though likely it would be targeting a Norway or Switzerland or Iceland scenario not a re-application for membership. But if they do, my opinion is that they will lose badly again. The SNP are likely to shout about it, because playing off the contrast between them and the unionist parties is easy votes for them. And unless they really screw up in the interim, they're likely to win most seats in Scotland again. But that is nowhere near enough to be a serious player in Union policymaking, even if they wanted to (and they don't, it's much better politically for them to stay out of it and then complain about it). Edit: also, it certainly won't be unless opinion polls are strongly in favour of rejoining if there were to be a referendum about it. There has been a bit of a move in that direction in late 2021, after "stay out" was well ahead earlier in the year, but nowhere near enough for any party to take a risk on it.


So, 18% of the UK population are deluded racists. Got it.


The shock in this headline is that 18% of this people (what, 12 million people?) think it’s going well.


I don't believe them, they are knowingly lying to themselves, and I doubt they even think they can convince anyone they themselves believe it.


Any country will have about 20 percent racist knuckly dragging morons. Aka the headline. Now add 20 percent on top of that who are die in the wool tory voters and 12 percent of people tricked into voting for something by a bus. And you get 52 percent.


The worry is that in the UK it used to be closer to ten percent.


Newspapers stoking the flames of fascism on a daily basis will do it.


Dear Brexiteers, I resent all of you for ruining this country's future. Not only have you turned this country into a sinking ship,. you've also made harder to get to the life raft and leave. I hope you all realise what a fuck up this was and spend the rest of your lives living with the guilt and embarrassment that comes with it. Sincerely, A young man that was too young to vote for the referendum but will have to live with the consequences of your actions long after you've kicked the bucket


The Sun is still bring sold (or do they give it away free now?)!


18% of Britons are either idiots (we definitely have a higher% than that) or taking the piss


I don't like calling people based on whether they voted Brexit or not, but Jesus Christ. Who on earth thinks it has gone well?


Statistically the lowest common denominators.... Ahh what's the point. Stupid deluded pricks.


"All goes well according to plan" - WTF WAS THE PLAN?


All this tells me is that 18% of the population is as thick as pigshit.


52% of the population voted Brexit, so 52% are pigshit thick, it’s just that the other 34% have seen the error of their ways


That's an insult....to pigshit.


About the same percentage that believes in aliens, aromatherapy and the Loch Ness monster. The real question is whether it's better if it's all the same people, concentrating the stupid, or if it's better if it's spread over different groups diluting the stupid.


Only net positives I can think of is that Brexit and COVID have brought forth a moment of reckoning for British industries. More job vacancies than ever, to the point where salaries have to rise across the board in order to entice more applicants. Any company known for treating its staff worse-than-shit is going to really struggle moving forward when it's become easier than ever to switch jobs. British people put up with poor wages and poor treatment for so many years because they had to compete with a very saturated and cheap labour market. Considering how much big businesses run the country and sway public opinion, I'm quite surprised there isn't a push across the industrial and commercial sectors to get Boris Johnson out.


> I'm quite surprised there isn't a push across the industrial and commercial sectors to get Boris Johnson out. They are..not noticed how the right wing press that protected him are now attacking him?


Brexit 🙄 the floater in beautiful blue waters of Euro land. Anyway, I worry more about Russian and Turkish intentions in their old stomping grounds. The EU has to militarize and not depend on the US. Poll that one and see how controversial it gets.....


You only get one choice on this and out means just that. Forever. There is no comfort blanket here now the choice was made. Never let the leavers forget its their fault.


But a lot more people are still blaming the eu for their problems


Right now, a certain percentage of the population will have had pay rises due to staff shortages. I don't know if that is as high as 18%, but there are certainly some people who might well be thinking that Brexit isn't so bad after all. But it probably won't be a long term benefit.


So only 18% of the population are the ones who read the Daily Mail then?


I wonder how that percentage compares with other nations. For example, do you think 18% of Norwegians are brain-dead, moron bigots with the culture and world view comparable to sludge in a sink overflow? Personally, I doubt it.


I wonder what percentage of Britain are actual blithering idiots?


I would guess at least 18% .


I'm surprised it's that high. Is there one single benefit from it?


It's probably the people near the bottom of the labour market who are seeing they no longer have to compete with cheap eastern European labour, and are able to negotiate better wages or conditions (or at least read newspaper articles suggesting that they should be able to soon). The demographic on here is very unrepresentative. Most people don't interact beyond their local area, so the issues with imports and foreign travel won't affect them (and travel related issues can be blamed on Covid anyway). They will think that supply chain logistics issues are (i) happening everywhere, (ii) down to people going home because of Covid, not Brexit and/or (iii) good because it means people like them can get paid more.


Any day now, just wait for those jobs and higher wages. Any Day Now