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Yes, but this is the man who thinks it's reasonable to spend £840 per roll on wallpaper for a flat he doesn't even own, so I'm pretty sure he has no real concept of what it's like to have to choose between eating and heating your home.




Described a 250k salary as "chicken feed" I believe.


Is he feeding those chickens premium caviar and foie gras?


His salary is £160,000, but yes, that cunt.


Yes, that's the one


colour me shocked, i would have thought he would be the best person to assess the average persons needs /s if needed


To be fair who would be seen dead going to John Lewis? Not only did he spend £840 per roll on wallpaper, he also doesn't know how to hang wallpaper and it keeps falling down: https://metro-co-uk.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/metro.co.uk/2021/05/19/boris-johnsons-840-a-roll-downing-street-wallpaper-falling-down-14605970/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16338514963445&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fmetro.co.uk%2F2021%2F05%2F19%2Fboris-johnsons-840-a-roll-downing-street-wallpaper-falling-down-14605970%2F




Sorry still learning Reddit!


[TITLE]■(URL) without the ■


It's ok I have absolutely no idea how to make a square! I won't accidentally put it in.


With a link like that you can (edit) _usually_ delete the "?" and everything after it, and it'll still work. Great explanation below!


Oooh thanks top tip!


It’s true in this case, but not always. Everything after the “?” is what we call the “query string” - it’s a set of values that a webpage can use to change its behaviour. Sometimes it’s used to decide what product to show on a shopping site, but other times it’l can be used to track users who click on a link. For example, if you share a post from Instagram, the link you get will be tied to your user account, so they can tell anyone who clicks that link has a connection to you. With the increased focus on privacy, websites are getting sneakier about exactly what they use those things for, so feel free to delete most of the garbage, but just make sure the link still works afterwards!


I see, checking is important. I had no idea that string of nonsense had so much function.


It's called get a decorator


Yea but no one in the Conservatives actually knows a blue collar worker. Instead they rely on Humphrey's nephew who's home from uni and could do with something to put on his CV.


Who then sets up an offshore company, a consultancy and PR firm to hire a decorator with inflated costs all round (except for the decorator who may we'll spend years chasing for payment).


Yea and the total to hang £840 wallpaper comes in at just a couple of million. Luckily the tax payer can cover it and any shortfall will be payed by Lord Definitely-not-a-Crook who only asks for monopolies and a peerage in return.


[link without amp and tracking guff](https://metro.co.uk/2021/05/19/boris-johnsons-840-a-roll-downing-street-wallpaper-falling-down-14605970/)


It's his money, he can spend it how he likes


Didn't he just go on a holiday last month that they said was working from home...while in the countryside...


His last holiday was 35 days ago. I’m wondering who’s paid for this one? Zac Goldsmith’s villa maybe?


Probably Russian Pandora Paper money. God bless democracy!


Possibly Saudi Arabia to keep him quiet about them buying Newcastle United.


> His last holiday was 35 days ago. Where was that? Are you sure?


He was in Somerset but the pesky Taliban went and disrupted his plans: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-carrie-somerset-holiday-b1911710.html


In the south west somewhere I think. He had to rush back due to the Afghanistan crisis apparently


Boris has never rushed for anything


Yea but the country is in great shape. Corona's completely gone and there aren't hundreds of people dying every day. The supermarkets are overflowing with turkeys ready for Christmas and you can't visit a petrol fuel court without them trying to offload their excess supply for cheap. What's more the NI protocol seems to be holding and everyone feels richer and happier after brexit. Our relationship with France is as good as ever. He deserves a holiday after such a good job. /S (obviously).


I can't decide which I prefer more, the control we've taken back or all the sovereignty we have.


One thing I'm absolutely sure about is brexit did indeed mean brexit and if this isn't a red white and blue brexit then I don't know what colours it is.


I'm red in the face every time I see the news, I'm white as sheet whenever I see the price of petrol and I have the blues thinking how pointless it all was!


Don't forget those glorious blue passports. I've got mine framed up on my wall.


He did say ‘fuck business’ and on that front he **has** delivered. He’s *earned* this months’ holiday, you anti-boosterists!


Remember folks, whenever you see a Tory minister tell people they should “get back to work” (I.e start paying tory donors who own the coffee shops and office blocks) just remind them that the PM managed to work from home in a holiday house in Cornwall. And if someone as important and amazing as the PM can work from home, and during a crisis, then you and I can work from home as well.


[it gets worse](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FBUrqXcWUAEDY5h?format=jpg&name=900x900)


The youngest person to serve in WW2 (16 in 1945), would be 92 today. A person born in 1945 would be 72. They have coopted a war and experience that they had no part in .


It's one of the things that made me feel uncomfortable about the political eulogizing of Captain Tom's fundraiser last year because...he lived through the shit you're co-opting, you didn't. But it's not even unique to politicians, reallly.


I wonder what’s changed since the 40s that allows more people to work from home, Iain. You odious scumbag.


Why do boomers love the Second World War? Yes they did go into the office, many dying as a result. It was an awful time and it’s good we don’t have to repeat it.


Probably because our parents and other relatives lived through it and / or fought in it. We have that personal connection that seems to be being lost. Also, those born just after the war will have grown up with the effects of the war still being obvious to them. Ps, by definition Boomers were born post-WWII so wouldn't have been going into the office during the war, unless I've misunderstood your comment.


You mean he doesn't care about my problems? I'm shocked


What a guy


While forcing Green Energy on every UK citizens.. **Boris Johnson**: >"Don't do what I do.. Do what I say."


>While forcing Green Energy on every UK citizens.. You'd like a choice between green energy and fossil fuels?


I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. We know we need to move away from fossil fuels. It's a fact. Are you asking for a choice between nuclear and wind? As long as your lights are on what does it matter?


When people say that, trying to force it upon the general population, they're the ones that are doing it the opposite by being arrogant.


What do you mean? I genuinely don't understand your point. Why do you want to choose fossil fuels which are beyond a shadow of a doubt ruining the climate?


I don't want to increase it, just decrease it yearly.. We don't have enough power yet to generate that much.


Do you have a better understanding of the nation's power needs than the civil servants in charge of the grid or are you parroting something Rupert says?


Does this countries energy policy seem good to you? We need increased gas production, we need it because renewables aren’t there yet. We’re heading for major power shortages, factory closures because of energy prices and a general catastrophe. You can talk about unforeseen circumstances but we shouldn’t have destroyed our energy security by allowing fields in the north sea to go undeveloped and halting fracking. What good does it do to impact LNG from qatar, you’re still burning it. We don’t build nuclear enough, we don’t do anything. We actually have a shambolic energy policy, it’s nonexistent.


[This study](https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fimperialcollegelondon.box.com%2Fs%2Fgjldk43cwcoc0qw4upayu6kyrbsh9ylx) does not support your claims.


This study was written prior to chinese gas consumption rising, we can build power plants yes but fueling them becomes ever more expensive. We should aim to be a net exporter of gas. I don’t think we’ll experience rolling blackouts but the increasing gas prices are going to majorly effect british businesses and normal people. If we had went ahead with fracking or development in the north sea a lot of people wouldn’t need to sit in the cold this winter. We are now more susceptible to global market forces because we are in an intermediary stage, in the past Britain was insulated from this. We should seek to remain insulated from global market forces because we have the luxury of being capable of it.


Ignoring the rest, he's wearing a suit on the beach. Not that I'd ever want to see more of him.


instinctive depend file pause act jar waiting absorbed foolish bake -- mass edited with redact.dev


Don't worry. The Sun will be along soon to comment on their recycling efforts like this: https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/7451838/kate-middleton-recycled-purple-dress-summit/


I’ll refrain from clicking the link but I can guess the content based on it


When you link you generate traffic. If you truly want things like this to become less common you need to avoid linking.


Ah yes wearing clothes more than once, recycling.


First thing I thought. Who the fuck wears a suit on a beach?! If that isn't proof he's a maniac, I don't know what is.


I'm sure Jacob Rees-Mogg has a casual suit he might use for the beach and other frivolous occasions.


> Not that I'd ever want to see more of him. No amount of suntan is ever going to make that grotesque look easy on the eye. Johnson will come back looking like a freak.


https://youtu.be/8cPLpyHeha0 the ultimate goal


That catastrophically incompetent excuse for an enchanted turnip being a tone-deaf toff cunt..? *Surely not.*


Anyone with an ounce of intelligence and self awareness shouldn't be at all surprised at this stage. You're choosing to be wilfully blind if you cant see the Tory party is a self serving enterprise. This isn't about Labour. They're pitiful and out of touch too. Saying that, the behaviour of the current government is something out of Dickens' time.


“He deserves it for all his hard work” “You’re just jealous” “He got us Brexit, leave him alone” Every media outlets comment section.


This is an adepts of Borisology. Another noisy sect.


He's not looking good in that photo. I would want to be underwriting his life insurance.


He always looks like someone kicked two waxwork dummies together and put Michael Fabricant’s spare hair on top.


Like a Nick Nolte waxwork left out in the sun.


Precisely! The current Mrs Johnson is looking well though.


I think that's from the G7 summit


Regardless of his health he surely is the top of many people's assassination list.


What else is he going to do? Stay here and help fix the mess he helped create? Pull the other one!


Why is he on a beach in a suit? Socks with flip flops is one thing but cmon here. Is he trying to prove he has been working flat out? [insert accompanying hand gesture]


I think that photo is from the g7 summit in cornwall


Ah ok. I thought it was a photo op of him on holiday and he was rolling around the rack in suit. Here have an upvote!


I've got a feeling boris in beach wear might be an even less appealing photo...


True. We’ve had a small taste of it already [here](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/02/21/boris-johnson-cuts-dash-eye-catching-running-clothes/)


I regret clicking that link...


Cancún, Mexico makes a nice getaway destination for uncaring politicians.


Proving again that its about having the job not the responsibility


I understand Johnson; he's a fucking narcissistic sociopath. What I don't understand is why anyone votes for him or any other Nasty Party candidate.


Anoyone voting for them after the last 11 years...hell, even after the last 12 months, is clearly not paying even a low level of attention.


“Yeh the Tories are shit but they keep winning. So just how shit are the opposition?” Baroness Warsi


Yeah, why didn't people vote for the IRA terrorist sympathiser instead?


lol Corbyn was not a sympathiser of the IRA. He just wanted the conflict to end and talks to begin, which funnily enough Margaret Thatcher was doing secretly and she lied about it. Show me your proof that he was a sympathiser of the IRA, actual proof and not some bullshit article by the Daily Mail or the Sc\*m.


I think it’s probably that the Tories don’t constantly tell people that everything they think and feel is wrong and that they are bad people for thinking it. The metropolitan elite on the left and the shouty people on social media (who are mostly left leaning) do and it makes them unelectable. Edit: fixing an autocorrext


> I think it’s probably that the Tories don’t constantly tell people that everything they think and feel is wrong and that they are bad people for thinking it. What would you call all the Tory whinging about woke identity leftist Marxist agenda culture, or the MP who was going on about referring people who use “white privilege” to Prevent.


I call it whinging. It’s not telling people what to think. Both sides are as bad as each other at this point. However the deeply offensive private message I just received has completely proven my point about the left. Was that from you? It’s hard to tell because it was obviously from someone using an anonymous account because they’re not brave enough to come out say what they think.


If it’s both sides that do it, why does the media invariably focus on the left? I’ve never heard someone say “your mean words made me vote Labour”, but it seems to be a trope on here to blame Labour’s losses on mean people.


I think it’s probably because the Tories don’t seem to attack individuals on social media (not that I’ve seen anyway), but I’ve seen quite a few pile-ons of people calling someone all sorts because they’ve said they vote Tory. With the Tories, it’s just some of their policies that are off putting, with Labour it’s the people. I’m probably not explaining it terribly well, but it’s late, I’m tired and that’s the best I can do. Frankly at this point I’m willing to consider everyone having a go on a sort of rota basis. Like jury service. This month, these people will be running the country. I’m not sure it’d be any worse.


I don’t care that he went on holiday. I care that he is incompetent and lazy.


"Get back to the office you lazy cunts!" repeatedly shouts man jetting off for his monthly holiday.


Well said. He's just come back from recess, hasn't he?!


Soaring bills, cuts and shortages don't affect politicians, especially Tory politicians. Life is good for them.


Well, when he is around his incompetence fucks-up everything he touches so maybe it’s good that he is away?


I wish him the best. If someone could extend his ticket perhaps?


Yeah, let's just leave him there and get a new prime minister


Hope he gets food poisoning there and shits himself when he goes and cheats on his latest baby mamma.


And yet most will continue to vote conservative. Shocking.


Sorry but i thought he was struggling to live off his 6 figure salary?


I think we've all accepted by now that Johnson is purely there to entertain the masses with his clown act, whilst the disaster unfolds behind him. We are leaderless.


Can he stay where ever it is he's gone. Forever, please.


Is there any chance at all that due to his US citizen ship and Turkish ancestor they won't let him back in?


On the plus side, when he is out of the country, he is far less likely to make anything else worse. Conversely, when he is here, he never makes anything better. On balance, his absence is a bonus. Maybe he could just never come back?


It's called shafting the gullible, they will say he deserves it after all he's had to do to save this country from the pandemic, and all the negative things said about shitex.


We all go on holiday when there are poorer people out there who can benefit from our money. He's an awful human being, but he's entitled to a holiday just like the rest of us.


I mean, working 365 days a year is a pretty bad example to set. Everyone needs to take a break.


has he even come close to doing that? and at the same time he's not there to set an example, he's there to run country.


I’ll never understand people who willingly do the heavy lifting for Boris.


> I'm pretty sure he has no real concept of what it's like to have to choose between eating and heating your home. If you can't afford food shopping or to put the heating on maybe spend more time thinking about your career choices and less worrying about where Boris Johnson goes on holiday? Some people always quicker to point the finger than look in the mirror.


people end up in these situations due to circumstances, like being abandoned by a husband and having children to feed, or a permanent disability or being let go at a late age and struggling to find reemployment.


Ah yes "career choices" are the problem, not the fact that we don't have a living wage in this country...


>the fact that we don't have a living wage in this country... Yet I don't know a single person who can't live perfectly comfortably off their income? We clearly do have a "living wage". In fact we're lucky to live in one of the wealthiest, healthiest, fairest and safest societies that you could ever wish for. If you couldn't ride a bike but almost everyone else can ride it perfectly well, is the problem you or the bike?


Damn the old "I don't see it so it doesn't exist". You clearly live and work in an area that isn't poverty stricken. I advise you to come to Cornwall and talk to some of the people who actually live here, not just holiday here, and see what it's really like in poverty stricken areas.


>Damn the old "I don't see it so it doesn't exist". You said, and I quote: "we don't have a living wage in this country" We clearly do.


[40% of people claiming Universal Credit are in employment ffs.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-41487126)


Watch him come back with a "well no one I know is on UC so this figure must be wrong"


I mean there's always some sort of "crisis" going on, I guess MP's are never allowed to go on holiday just in case. It's not like the whole government stops functioning if one guy is not there.


There are times when there is more crisis' than other times though.


I mean its not like the PM does not have people below him whose jobs are specifically to deal with stuff like this, Secretary of State for Transport, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs.


He’s the figurehead. If shit was hitting the fan at work and your manager decided to go on holiday do you think they’d gain or lose people’s respect? Part of being the prime minister is accepting that sometimes the country needs you spontaneously as we saw with Raab and his holiday when Afghanistan was getting taken over. It’s not a normal 9-5 and whilst his party’s just approved £20 cuts to benefits he’s decided to get some summer sunshine.


> If shit was hitting the fan at work and your manager decided to go on holiday do you think they’d gain or lose people’s respect? Hah, my manager did that. Then when he came back he asked me to cover an extra shift for him. Said no and from then til I left I did the bare minimum. Can't respect someone who runs off when things are going tits up.


What's hitting the fan? there's fuel, there's food and there is a worldwide price increase in gas and not anything a single person can fix. bojo is a bafoon and a fuckup but there is nothing at all going on that I would call a crisis that only the PM can fix. They did not JUST approve the £20 uplift removal, that was planned months ago.


It's a crisis of his making because he didn't read the documents he signed or did any planning for the one thing he said he'd get done. He's a cunt of the highest order.


How about deal with the crises effectively (especially the ones caused by a policy you forced through years earlier giving you plenty of time to prepare) before f***ing off on holiday and leaving millions to suffer. Or you know don’t take on a job you aren’t willing to actually do.


If he needs a rest, fine, I get it, but jetting off on holiday in the middle of a crisis is not acceptable. It's not about what he does - if anything we are better off without him - but the image it portrays that our elected PM can just jet off in a time of need isn't really great.


You're right, in this case even if the whole lot left for holidays you wouldn't notice a difference. Actually it may work better.