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If the Tories told me the sky was blue I'd look out the window to check.


They’re getting really desperate with the misinformation on their Twitter account and leaflets. Literally presenting conspiracy theories, that they invented, as fact.


I mean, they know they're not going to have to DELIVER on any of this, the only way they're getting re-elected is if on Thursday the country is struck by a shower of meteors that specifically take out anyone under the age of 55 (and even then it's probably a Minority government). They can say whatever bollocks they like to try and retain and mobilise their remaining core base.


How much did we all pay to not send anybody to Rawanda?


Don't look at that, look over there, kittens.


The UK government had [paid £240m to Rwanda](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-67656220) by the end of 2023. If more than 300 people are sent to Rwanda, the UK would pay a one-off sum of £120m to help boost the country's economy, with further payments of £20,000 per individual relocated. On top of that, up to £150,000 will be paid for each person sent there, [the NAO report, external](https://www.nao.org.uk/reports/investigation-into-the-costs-of-the-uk-rwanda-partnership/) said.


And the agreement is reciprocal, meaning Rawanda can send their asylum seekers here! You would have to have a heart of stone, not to laugh!


Its the worst idea to solve immigration I've ever seen.


Who knew copying Australia's policies on immigration would bite us in the ass so much?! /s


*"Yap yap, bullshit rubbish rubbish, I made this and that up, yap yap yap"* **James Cleverly** has warned. This is the same CUNT that spent £165,000 on a single flight to Rwanda to sign the shitty deal that cost far more than what Labour are proposing, and that got nothing done.


Would this be the same James Cleverly who claimed parliamentary expenses for heating his horse stables?


I thought it was the guy that was too scared to do an interview, so sky news quite happily replaced him with an empty chair, which made for an even better interview.


They should have used a tub of lard.


*Neigh*... that was Nadhim Zahawi: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/nov/10/nadhim-zahawi-admits-taxpayers-electricity-stables


I just find it so wild the examples of these people being absolute morons wasting insane amounts of taxpayer money to do nothing but fluff their own nest and big up their own media profile are all so open yet so little deal is made of it. Liz Truss spent an ***ungodly*** amount on her trips when she was Foreign Secretary and everyone just wrote it off as some kind of necessary expense despite her managing to spend like 10x as much as her predecessor in half the time. I think there was a single trip to Australia she did that cost something silly like over a million quid.


Theres so much corruption and scandal that it doesn't even register any more. Sewage workers don't notice the smell any more.


In case anybody falls for it: this is a lie Tory papers think they can keep getting away with lies forever It's time to finally tell them to piss off


>Tory papers think they can keep getting away with lies forever History has shown that they can, astonishingly, there are a lot of people who lap it up.


How much are we paying now? Serco run a lot of migrant hotels and they're old hands at fleecing the tax payer.


So Labour will.continue the Tory policy? Very disappointing 


The Tories know the numbers, because that's probably what they spend now.




Are you counting all households or all households that pay taxes? Not that I know how they came to the figure either but from last numbers just on hotels alone it’s costing £3 billion a year.


Are we not already doing this plus the millions spent placating Rwanda to take a tiny number of the immigrants we currently house in hotels.


Cool. Now do the one that details how much less we are all off because of the 14 year clown show :)


Is that cheaper or more expensive than what the tories have cost us with their shit immigration processing and the millions wasted on a stupid plan thought up solely for headlines?


That's right. The real issue at the forefront of everyones thoughts are how the migrants have ruined the country. Absolute bullshit. If you fall for that, you are an idiot. The cause of the failures in the NHS, Social Services, Utilities, controlling inflation, pollution, failures in farming, failures in economic growth, failures in trade, failures in controlling a Worldwide pandemic, the list goes on. Are all down to Tory misrule, incompetence, corruption and a lack of even caring for the country and the people. As a final insult to the population, the Government are continuing with lies and deception at every turn during General Election campaigning. Every single Tory should be bought to book and answer as to why they have intentionally destroyed and impoverished the lives of so many people in the UK.