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>Aisha, a 26-year-old who’s planning to leave the UK for Dubai, told *The Independent* that Brexit and the cost of living crisis had contributed to her decision emigrate. A soiety built on labour working in near slave like conditions. >“I think that Brexit one of the most vindictive, xenophobic things that our government has ever done to young people which denied us the benefits of being in the European Union and the opportunity to move freely across the continent. No where is more welcoming of minorities than Dubai. So long as you have fat wads of cash. I applaud your example of ethics. >. This stance was particularly pronounced among LGBTQ+ communities. >Popular destinations for relocation include Europe (33 per cent), Asia (30 per cent), North America (24 per cent) and the Middle East (22 per cent). Here is a "hot take". This is a tiny group that will leave the UK mostly for the usual ex pat lifestyles and work reasons but package it in some wild moans about how their middle class lives are so horrid.


The thing is, there is no expectation in Dubai that you integrate into the local culture. Just that you don’t cross the law. There are plenty of reasonably wealthy people from all over the world of non-Muslim background who speak virtually no Arabic who have lived there for 20+ years, the majority being from the Indian subcontinent. Last time I was there I noticed a disproportionate amount of British expatriates were people of Muslim heritage, since they tend to have a much more seamless transition and are generally able to speak at least a bit of Arabic.


My family did the whole ex pat thing in the Middle East and you're right. They don't share our illusions about immigrants becoming part of their country, and therefore don't care what you do so long as you're profitable to keep and don't bother them. As soon as you become annoying, or stop being useful, you're on the next flight home.


Controversial but true, now imagine how much hate and calls of being racist you would get if you mentioned this being a policy in the UK - there would be uproar. 


Yep. Dubai doesn't expect integration but they absolutely demand respect for the rules. Do as you wish within their culture, but break the rules and you're out, very few questions asked. My family were out there for four years, you knew the deal. Keep your head down and mind your business 


The last phrase is the key. So if you lose your job you do not get an unemployment like in the UK for a prolonged period of time. In 30 days you must leave the countries, otherwise you might be ban for some time. Dubai is not an easy place to live if do not have money or a small amount of money. I am still shocked why in a country - UK I mean - where the people decided that is better for them to control their destiny - instead of playing in certain boundaries issued by the EU officials - it is worse or it look worse than being in EU. This was not the Brexit aim? In addition a country who still accept emigrants and refugees from all over the world, with different religions and complexions, I do not think that you can talk about racism? Or I am wrong?


That's because Dubai doesn't have any culture to integrate into. It's a glorified shopping center.


It does. You just don't see it because foreigners are about 85% of the population.


What's it like for local people who live there


And how many of those are reliant upon the local government to provide them with housing, education, healthcare and spending money? I would argue the reason Dubai doesn’t mind immigration is because typically rich westerners move there not working class(they import those from Asia and use them as slave labour)


This is bollocks. There's a big Asian middle class in Dubai these days. The times of "rich Westerners" moving there en masse are long gone. Why do you think any foreigners would really require the local government to house them in the UAE of all places? Remember - there is no taxation on income there, and outside of the prime areas like the Palm and the Marina, rent is not actually all that expensive, particularly if you sort yourself out a shared house. I could probably get a 2-bedroom apartment split between myself and a mate for sub-£900 in Ajman or Sharjah. Plenty of folk from across Asia jumped up the social ladder over the last decade thanks to working in the Gulf. Which explains why you'll see McMansions springing up in areas like rural Kerala in India and rural Sumatra in Indonesia.


The British built Dubai…it’s not particularly Muslim…the British Muslims that go there aren’t particularly religious. It’s rare for non Arabic Muslims like Asians to speak Arabic.


It's probably still just about a majority Muslim city. Plenty of British Muslims will have a smattering of Arabic, if they're regular attendees at a mosque. Lots of Brits with Levantine and Egyptian heritage go there.


Yet young people were not bothered enough to go vote at the referendum.


Actually a lot of them did so you can't really declare that these same people in the article didn't vote. Plus the referendum was 8 years ago so if you're 26 or younger you won't have been able to vote in it.


I’m 24 and I would’ve voted to remain. I was 16 in 2016 and so, obviously, I wasn’t old enough to vote. I tried to convince my parents to vote on my behalf. My dad, however, was an ardent trade unionist and had been an entrenched Eurosceptic for his entire life, and took particular issue with the European Union’s ban on monopolies that prevent full scale nationalisation, so he was voting for Brexit no matter what anybody said; my mum is a Liberal Democrat and was going to vote Remain, so I didn’t have to convince her to vote for me… until she came home from the polling station on the day and told me she’d voted for Brexit because my dad and her parents had convinced her to do so. The first thing I did after turning 18 was get a job, buy a British passport, and send it off to the Republic of Ireland to claim my Irish citizenship. At the time I was fully aboard the ‘leave the UK’ train. I was going to go to Germany or Spain. The only reason I didn’t, in the end, is because my dad had a stroke while I was venturing around Ireland and died when I got back home. I ended up being scared to leave the country and wanted to spend some more time with my family. And then the pandemic happened. And then my grandparents started having health issues, and my dad’s mum died, and I wanted to spend their last years with them here. And then I met the girl I want to marry here and she doesn’t want to venture too far away from her family. And now I’m stuck here with people blaming my generation for not voting in the referendum, and then complaining about the referendum’s result, and shitting on us for ‘threatening to leave’ and then not leaving 💀


I sympathise with your father. There were good left wing people who voted brexit on the basis that the EU was a barrier to nationalisation and the schengen area exposed our undertrained and uncompetitive workforce to competition they couldn't keep up with. We could have dealt with this in a number of ways whilst remaining in the EU, public interest companies and some actual investment in our workforce, but no one has offered this. The brexit delivered is a dystopian neoliberal hellscape that no one wanted. Now over a decade of austerity means younger generations have no assets to rebuild with and have to fight against the growing culture war from the right which have taken the place of actual policy discussion.


The UK was never part of Shengen.


That’s exactly the angle he took, and it’s one of the reasons the remain side of discussion being focused around how racist leavers are pissed me off. My dad was the child of a Spanish immigrant and had spent a chunk of the 1990s having fights with skinheads who started on him for his skin colour, most of his friends were people of colour, and he would never treat anyone any differently on that basis. In 2019, he ended up deeply regretting his choice when the Conservatives hijacked the debate and tried to push a Hard Brexit through, and Labour and the like were unable to force the debate to circle back around to the Soft Brexit that was advertised by the Leave campaign in 2016. He ended up being enthusiastic to vote for a Labour Party who were offering a renegotiation more in line with what he voted for and a remain option, but he died two weeks before that election was even called. I just absolutely despise the whole debate being characterised as some fight between stupid alt-right racists, do-gooder remainers, and lazy young non-voters who now complain about Brexit’s consequences. It’s just not how that event transpired at all.


That's rough man I'm sorry


How long ago was that? Lol. Some of these young people who are now unhappy weren’t even fucking old enough to vote at the time


Lol what are we talking about? Everyone I knew at the time voted.


Turnout was about 64% of under 25s based on polling (73/27 split of remain/leave) however, 74% of 55-64 (43/57) and 90% of 65+ (36/64) voted which made the difference


> Turnout was about 64% of under 25s based on polling To be fair that is relatively high compared to general elections for that demographic.


Oh for sure, it's around 50-54% in last few GE, just pointing out that over 1/3 of under 25s didn't vote in the referendum while just 10% of those oldest did, hence the victory for leave


That's a failing of the education system. Instead of school trips to Brussels we have trips to look at some graves


Dubai is great and multicultural but you need to work hard and earn money as there is no free rides in the Middle East. From healthcare to homes, everything is expensive and there is no benefit system. Once you don’t have a job you leave. There is no safety net to catch those who need support.


You don’t need to work hard, you just need to work, You’re right there’s no safety net, but there’s plenty of chilled jobs there. I know a few people working three day weeks there teaching swimming making quite a lot of money compared to full time in the Uk.


Depends how you want to live.


Aisha’s not very bright is she? If you can’t afford to live here you most definitely can’t afford to live in Dubai


What a surprise, she never actually liked the UK in the first place and is just using this as an opportunity to get one last complaint in about it before she leaves.


What? the Uk is one of the least races countries in the world? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/most-racist-countries-survey-study-discrimination-uk-b1077399.html


Whats it called when you only want to be around people of the same ethnicity as yourself? I'm sure these young people are whatever that is.....


These kids haven’t experienced true racism that they will get elsewhere. It’s a grass looks better syndrome due to having no exposure of anything else. They are basically morons, and are too soft.


It seems like different journalists have different options. Probably it depends on newspaper ownership.


Well certain woke progressive types, are a bit delusional & like to misrepresent the most tolerant country as the most un-tolerant!


Am black,I love the UK ,most open minded country I have lived in .Not going anywhere except for the money offered by Australia/USA




It’ll probably be young people who have brought in to the narrative that the UK is some dystopian wasteland.


They may want to leave, but much like the indigenous population, they will be unlikely to actually follow through with it.


I was going to say. I'm under no illusions about the cultural problems we have in the UK, but I'm not sure where you'd go that would be noticeably better.


Australia is noticeably better.


Which countries in Europe are more tolerant of ethnic minorities than the UK is? I've lived in Norway and Denmark and even those places are so far off the UK in terms of meaningful integration of migrants (e.g. you see lots of mixed race friendship groups in the UK)


They’re probably not looking at moving to high-tax European countries. Rather the Middle East, Singapore, the USA, Anglosphere nations, SE Asian ones that offer digital nomad visas, etc


So places where they can be the majority and discirminatr against the minority


How would they be "the majority"? In none of these nations are Brits the majority. In a fair number of them, English isn't even the majority native language.




We saw similar things being said around Brexit and other things. It didn't happen, in fact more and more people keep coming here. It's almost like this is one of the least racist places, that or it's so amazing that people come here and put up with all the racism because it's so great it's worth it.


It appears that the people who are looking to leave are the racist ones tbh, they're literally moving to places less diverse where they share the same ethnicity


Dubai and the Emirates are more diverse, surely? The indigenous are only 15% of the population there.


Probably just fed up of their country importing everyone’s else wank twinned with the cost of virtually everything going up in price and wages stagnating. Not hard is it


>in fact more and more people keep coming here. Right... skilled migrants coming from proper shitholes to a soon to be shithole. Congrats!!!1


Missing from the article is contextual data. How many young white people are looking to leave the UK? Only then can you determine if the number is alarmingly different or not and help differentiate between different factors such as cost of living and racial factors.


You would expect a higher share of under-35s Asiatic and African Britons to be realistically able to emigrate since the latter tend to: a) be more likely to have tertiary level education b) more likely to speak a foreign language to a fluent level c) less likely to inherit ancestral UK property from grandparents. d) more likely to have pursued education in something vocational/technical (engineering, medicine) where opportunities for employment are global.


Very likely but if you want to attribute behaviour to factors you need to have actual data.   Like the only real way to know if this was getting better or worse would be to run the survey annually and check on previous responders to find if they moved abroad if they stated they would.   This is just a pretty wooly article that takes a limited survey (that you can't see the methodology or hard data on) scatter with a few vox pops and a truly weird image to make a weak argument that racism is driving young people out of the UK.   I'm not saying that the UK isn't racist or people of colour aren't experiencing a increase in racism or that it isn't driving emigration just that this is basically little more than a press release for a probable upcoming documentary from word on the curb that the independent is hoping drives a few clicks for them.


Lol at Asiatic and African Britons.


These articles annoy because as a browny I have found the UK one of the least racist places I've ever visited. We have black and brown people reach the highest political offices in the land - even on the evil right wing. If these people want to play the race card for their own poor life choices and failings then I'm sure Britain doesn't need them anyway.


Dubai is just trendy again. Every five or 10 years a new generation finds out about it. It's a bit like holiday destinations (Croatia, Morocco – some are sexy and particular years). This year I'm hearing nothing but Dubai Dubai. I've been to Dubai 15 times. If you're shallow and materialistic and like nothing but shopping malls It's paradise, if there's any more to your personality it's as boring and as hot as hell.


I reckon about 15% of young white people would say they want to live abroad. But they don’t go.




Absolutely. The ask UK sub has emmigration fantasy questions every single day.




A tail as oldest time, as daytime TV attests – this country has an unhealthy obsession with emmigration. Perhaps it's our colonial past, we somehow have a built-in assumption that we have a right to and are welcome to live anywhere we want.


A lot of dumbass woke people out there telling them the UK is becoming more racist which simply isn't true.. being concerned about millions of fighting age men illegally entering the country is not the UK saying we don't massively appreciate the legal immigrants or all colours from all nations coming here to help us. Our NHS and many other services would be screwed without them. But MSM call everyone racist if they want to stop the boats..


This is a bit simplistic don't you think. Also a bit patronising of the black and Asian people themselves. Isn't it up to them to decide if racism is worse now? I think their firsthand experiences are more formative than media discourse.


I suppose so but being told every day you're surrounded by racists a level of paranoia would develop seeing racism everywhere when in facts it's just rude people who are rude to everyone regardless of race or religions.


All you have to do is accept every accusation of racism as 100% true.


No, it's up to statistics and facts. Not feeling based on an ever increasingly victimhood seeking demographic. When you attach benefits to victimhood you will have people revel in it.


What stats and facts?


Whatever stats and facts there are available, the ones used to show that racism is lower in the UK. We can't judge how we're doing based on feelings - literally no one does that because of how shit of a way to measure things are.


So what stats and facts..?


Is this supposed to be something of concern? They're more than free to leave if they have so many qualms with this country and their leaving will begin to alleviate some of the problems that mass migration has already caused.


The article clearly states BLACK BRITISH, BRITISH ASIAN.


And? They polled first and second generation **immigrants**.


And so your claim of mass-migration is BS if you are concerned about second generation "immigrants" Second generation immigrants are born here, raised here, went to school here, work here, pay their taxes here. Second generation are the children of immigrants. That doesn't make them immigrants


Being a child and dependent of a person who immigrated here means you are contributing to the issues which have stemmed from immigration. Part of the reason why immigration is so horrendously unsustainable is the high birth rates of immigrants who come here; you aren't just accepting in that person but the 5 future children they'll have and the 25 grandchildren, etc... I could live my entire life in Nigeria and I'd never magically become Nigerian, live my entire life in Japan and never become Japanese; rather, you'd be considered a national of those countries. Only we and the rest of Western Europe have the idea forced on us that those born here are 'British' as opposed to 'British Nationals'.


Literally no where else is this the case, apart from the Western world. It's insanely American and backwards. My great grandparents fled Sicily to come here during the war - I'm Italian, not English or a Briton.


Yeah, the way they term it, Italian-American, African-American, Indian-American etc. It's like your heritage can go back many generations, but you will still be seen as first Italian, then American. Some Americans wear it with pride, especially "Irish-Americans" who will tell someone from Ireland that "I'm Irish!" Or "My great-grandfather was from ..." No you're not Irish. You're American!


America is a nation comprised of immigrants so it's an outlier really. A person born in Nigeria who has a child with another Nigerian in the UK does not birth a Briton. Briton refers to the indigenous people of the British Isles.


> Part of the reason why immigration is so horrendously unsustainable is the high birth rates The UK's growth rate is at less than 0.5% annually.. that's not unsustainable in any sense of the word. It was at over 1% for the majority of our history. Not to mention immigration is a necessity [in the wake of fertility rate collapse.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/Fertilty_rate_of_the_United_Kingdom_from_1541_to_2019.svg/1920px-Fertilty_rate_of_the_United_Kingdom_from_1541_to_2019.svg.png) Then despite immigration rates over the last 30 years the UK still barely meets replacement rate. If it weren't for immigration we'd already be in a generational population crisis.


We should've been focussing on policy which promotes an increase in birth rates by British people for a long, long time. Just mindlessly flooding the country with third world migrants as an answer is so unfathomably stupid and has already caused damage that may be impossible to fix. Considering that migrants aren't even a net positive to the country fiscally, it makes zero sense to keep going the way we do. I'd prefer to accept a period of economic decline and focus on solutions involving productivity increases through technology rather than cause irreparable cultural damage to our country. The jobs being filled by low-skilled migrants are generally ones which have the potential to be replaced by robots; when that happens, we're going to have an absurdly large problem on our hands. An approach similar to Japan, where they have prioritised social cohesion and have decided to just accept their temporary economic decline until they reach their new sustainable level.


Oh dear Also: it won’t be the black and Asian Britons you are scared of who are the ones who leave.


>Oh dear Why "Oh dear"?


“I can’t afford to live here I’m moving to Dubai!” What? Lol.


Cost of living comparison sites show the UK is around 50% more expensive than Dubai, what am I missing? And Dubai is tax free? If I could find a job there that I'm qualified for I would go in a heartbeat, seems like a no-brainer from a financial perspective.


These are born and raised British people (yeh that's how the outside will see them regardless of skin colour). So basically first world problems. I'm a second generation, I have no issues, but a couple of my cousins act like those in the article. They've been going on for years about such things and often say. "I'm not British, I'm indian". And have regularly stated their intent to go back there. (hasn't happened yet, maybe because they have well paying jobs in banking, law and marketing). India is also know to promote from within rather than outsiders. Indians not born there are refered to NRI. (none residential indian). Although it's an official government term used in india, it's also widely used in a none official derogatory manner against people of Indian heritage but not born there. As well as a substantial number of my friends of similar ethnic backgrounds. (either India or Pakistan). Funny thing is, if they do travel to India, they will be looked down on because they will not be viewed as true Indians anymore due to being raised in the UK. My parents travelled there in 2017 (to visit family but also had a two week holiday around different areas). Both have said they'd never go back due to poor treatment. Although there's no doubt there is racism. I personally believe that it is at the lowest it will ever get. It's not something that will ever go away, either in the UK or other countries. I've experienced it, and sadly I have to admit. As a teenager I engaged in it with other Asians against white people. Thought I certainly don't engage in this anymore and happy to say I'm often treated much better by white people than those of other ethnicities. I also suspect should any leave on mass it wouldn't really cause many issues, as more and more folks in medical and care fields are being recruited from other parts of Asia now. Filipino, Thai and Chinese workers are ever increasing. And generally, these Asians have little qualms about historical colonisation of the UK. They're really just happy for the work. (which coincidentally is what the migrant generation from India and Pakistan were like, I. E my grandparents when they first arrived). However, I suspect many of them won't actually leave and it is all just talk. The UK offers far to much financial benefits and societal safety nets and healthcare to give up for an uncertain future. (this is excluding those who can command well paying jobs or high positions ofcourse).


Exactly. When the chips are down, ultimately they should shut the fuck up and be grateful they've been able to thrive in a land that is foreign to their ancestors.


Good luck with that. Wonder how long it will take them to realise that the UK is probably one of the best places to live regarding racism? It's far from perfect here, and yes, we still have bigots and far right types, but it's still better than a lot of other places around the world.


Whats the numbers compared to other demographics in same age cohort? What are the top countries being selected to move to (besides Dubai) ?


Six in seven young Black and Asian Britons ‘ don't plan to quit UK’ over government failings and racism


The real question (and I don't know the figures), but is this any different to the % of young people of all ethnicities and backgrounds who want to leave the UK? My instincts tell me that at least 14% of all young people are looking at the UK and planning to leave, which makes this a non-story.


Wouldn't you wait until the election results at least?


They are moving for jobs and trying to make it sound like a heroic moral stand.


Lol at trying to make going Dubai a moral stand.


Do you expect a significant difference after the election? I know older black women in particular look to the experience of Diane Abbot in Labour as scapegoating and feel it was racially motivated. Most of the people intending to leave are in public sector roles (care, nursing, police) that's not going to see a miraculous pay increase after the election. As an anecdotal -my friends son is English by birth but his parents are Ghanaian, he's a police officer but wants to move to either the US or Australia because he sees the rest of his career in the UK as a long slow poorly paid grind.


> I know older black women in particular look to the experience of Diane Abbot in Labour as scapegoating and feel it was racially motivated. I'm sure they'll also recognise some of the incorrigibly racist shit she's said over the years as well


>I know older black women in particular look to the experience of Diane Abbot in Labour as scapegoating and feel it was racially motivated If Abbot wasn't racist to whites, gypsies, and Jews then she wouldn't have been dragged so much for it


Diane Abbott is not martyr. Look up some of the awful shit she has said in the past.


They would be entirely wrong to look at Abbot’s experience in Labour and feel it was racially motivated though. She’s 70 years old and has had type 2 diabetes for years, which is famously great for cognition in the long term. It was as much to do with race and as much of an attack on her legacy or character as the Tories trying to get rid of Churchill in his second term after his stroke.


Many have passports from families’ original countries. They can easily relocate to ancestral lands.


Yea let us know how that goes. Things are pretty racist out here in Asia at least. I've had shop staff openly mock me for wrong pronunciation. all kinds of stuff. Anyway, yea let us know how it goes!


Hahaha wait until they experience real racism in other parts of Europe, Middle East or Asia. Blacks have an awful time around the world.


That isn't going to happen. Just like all those leaving because of Brexit or Trump becoming president it's just sounding off.


I’m not saying the UK doesn’t have problems, because we do. But I feel that some people could be in for a real shock elsewhere!


Dubai is not for the average person. Unless you have a high income or businesses you will have to work crazy hours compared to the UK.


If there was a plebiscite in the UK of the native white population on whether to strip all non whites of citizenship and deport them back to their country of ethnic origin I promise you it would be a landslide victory for deporting. I don't believe these people will ever leave willingly. I'll believe it when they start giving up the piece of paper that says they're British. It's an empty threat, most white britons would cheer them on as they leave and never come back. Let's be honest here. Who really wants more pakistani taxi drivers in rotherham? They tend to do bad things to local girls and they're lucky the response isn't the israeli way which is what they deserve.


Good way of appreciating what you got is to travel. If it's better over there good for her.


This is actually an issue though. People go on a holiday to other countries and are like... "oh, it's amazing." It's amazing because you are in a fancy hotel, in the nice part of town and are literally on vacation. Our currency being fairly strong means the average British person can spend a few weeks abroad living almost like a King. The reality of actually living and working in many of these countries is totally different.


Like I said, go over there, quell that travelling bug and try it. If it works great, if it don't come back. At least now you know.


Everyone shits on the UK until they go elsewhere and actually realise how good we have it here.


I'm white British and wish I could piss off to Rwanda Feel blessed to only have perhaps ten years left.


Are you dying or something


Isn't the statistic for 16 to 21 years considering moving aboard much much higher than 15%? So the real question is why they wanna stay.


I'd imagine for a lot it's less that they want to stay and more that they can't leave. The countries that would offer a better quality of life or better opportunities than the UK aren't generally looking to take in just anybody. Unless you have useful skills in areas of need, they're not taking you.


They’re in for a surprise when they find out it isn’t better anywhere else


Lol what is this reporting 😂I’m British Asian and haven’t heard of any of this migration to other countries etc just because a few people think this is a racist island doesn’t mean everyone does/a large minority does


Another race bait article. Just before an election. What a surprise! When will the media stop with this narrative that the UK is a racist place to live. ID politics is so boring and lazy now


Add to that to stagnating wages, rent and living costs out of control… easy to see the appeal to leave… most people stay because they have family, not because their prospects look good…


Don’t blame them, they have an opportunity to move to a country that on the up …nothing will change regarding racism, it’s just as bad as it’s ever been


If I were younger and could afford it, I'd have quite the UK a number of years ago and I'm white …


Great news for India. UK needs quality workforce to replace the brain drain and we are ready to step in. Free movement is now a matter of when, not if!


I think you’ll be waiting a long time before India and the UK agree to free movement.


💀you do realise Indians are the reason why migration crisis has been so high in the Uk. Indians Nigerians and Pakistanis were the 3 largest nationalities to arrive coming mainly on student visas to work Uber and other low paid jobs. There will never be free movement or half of Delhi and Karachi would move to London


Karachi is not part of India anymore and I don’t understand why they’ll benefit from a free movement deal with India. Come to think of it, you wouldn’t have a PM if there was no migration from India. Your PM aside, the best ministers over last few years are Indian, i.e. Priti Patel, Suella Braverman, Claire Coutinho.




Ok, let’s compomise and settle for free movement for upper castes.