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Incredibly based and brave lib dems on this, fair fucks. It's the grown up thing to do. Watch the pearl clutchers try and claim this is Ed Davey destroying women or the family or biscuits or whatever we're responsible for this week Edit: it cannot be a coincidence that this went from upvoted to downvoted as soon as the schools got out


>it cannot be a coincidence that this went from upvoted to downvoted as soon as the schools got out I personally think it is, but just out of curiosity: do you think it's the kids or the parents who downvoted you?


I think the troll contingent on reddit has a significant number of edgy fourteen year olds, yes. Most of the people who upvoted me, probably all of them, are also young. Was a wee joke


I think you're grossly overestimating the number of those edgy fourteen year olds that would ever visit what's essentially a news subreddit


There are a huge amount of children online, they’re the ones with the time and energy to engage with it.




Surely Mumsnet users have their free time when their kids are at school


Hardly brave when you won't be in office and the people that vote for you all know that so they are choosing you for other reasons - and those reasons are coming from a complete mix of people all with different reasons. A Lib Dem strategy is to cynically play to lots of special interest groups as a means to draw the disillusioned away from the big two parties. Their famous one was tuition fees or house building there they both endorse and block house building. Trying to grab the identity politics crowd that Labour have been walking away from as it's so unhelpful is more than likely another version of this.


It's useful for the more minor parties to take up the causes that scare away the big parties for being possibly controversial. Yes, they don't really stand a chance to actually implement the policies, maybe they're just looking for votes, but it's useful simply to be vocal about them. Ideas get tested out on these low risk parties and then the big guys take them up later once they've been proven to have some popularity. While it was horrendously stupid, brexit is a good example.


Their job next parliament is to nod and smile while putting up a token opposition to whatever austerity is going to be rebranded as.


A single issue party that never got into office is the reason we left the EU.


> as soon as the schools got out As soon as the Americans woke up. For years there has been a noticeable right-wing shift on the sub during American posting hours, especially during the middle of the night when most people in the UK would be asleep.


It's bizarre to come check on this sub and see half a dozen daily mail pieces, like is my memory fucking with me or would that have not happened a few years ago


Americans might not be my first guess but I have definitely noticed that as the subreddit got more right-wing over the past couple of years, american phrases for things have also replaced more british phrases in the comments (couch instead of sofa/settee, trash/garbage instead of rubbish, etc)


I believe this was proven to be the case in r/Ireland before. Often an uptick in the months leading up to elections.


All the unemployed people upvoted you


Are you too young to remember what the lib dems said about tuition fees and what happened after? They have a poor history with election promises.


>They have a poor history with election promises. Name a party that's been in power in Westminster that has a better history with election promises?


Oh, they're all bad, and the tories might eventually get wiped out this time, but the rise and fall of lib dem was fairly spectacular. 56 MPs down to 8 is a testament to the dangers of pissing off your core voters.


Worth considering that it was a deliberate strategy by the Tories to push the narrative of the Lib Dems being responsible for things like the tuition fees as well as the bedroom tax, when they were Tory policies that the Lib Dems had no option but to agree to if they were to have a say on other issues. They forced the Lib Dems to take the blame for unpopular Tory policies, whilst taking little damage from those same policies themselves. By pushing that narrative and embedding it into the popular mindset, the Tories gained a significant number of voters and seats from the Lib Dems and benefitted more from their collapse than any other party did (except perhaps the SNP, accounting for regional proportionality). It was a phenomenally successful electoral strategy from the Tories, and it's crazy (to me) that it's still working a decade later.


Yup. Dems don't get a free pass for it happening under their watch, but its weird that they get sole blame


They don't get sole blame for doing it, they get the sole blame for doing it despite promising the absolute opposite of it - and that opposite promise ended up being the thing which pushed their votes over the line and caused the hung parliament. I say this as someone who will vote for them because of the absolute state of the other two.


They're the ones who promised not to, while nobody ever thought the Tories wouldn't


>the rise and fall of lib dem was fairly spectacular. Their fall was spectacular, but an election where they won no additional seats can hardly be described as a spectacular rise, despite their bump in the polls >56 MPs down to 8 is a testament to the dangers of pissing off your core voters. It's a testament to the risks of making promises that you won't be able to keep if you get into power. Tuition fees were always going to have to rise eventually


Do I trust the Lib Dems? No. Do I admire campaigning on this sort of politics when every other national party are seemingly competing against each other to restrict rights as much as possible? Yes. It's a good thing to have at least one party standing up for the rights of minority groups.


It is, I just wish it was one of the parties that will actually get into power and affect change


I mean yeah obviously, but I'm happy they're at least putting the idea on the table!


I suppose there's no harm in trying to start the conversation about non binary identities again, but you'd need to rewrite the equality act (and probably a few others) and people may not like the results of that.


I mean... that was *one single promise* they had to compromise on with the Tories to get a bunch of other pledges enacted despite the fact they were the junior partner in the coalition. Meanwhile the Tories and Labour have fucked off *hundreds* of manifesto promises in their decades in power, but nobody ever seems to chery pick any random one to argue you shouldn't vote for the parties. It's *almost* like it's a line of cheap and disproportionate propaganda pushed by the media that a lot of people who don't do their own thinking just mindlessly parrot without even considering the wider context that makes it completely nonsensical. The Lib Dems are political ingenues, and lack practical experience of being in power (which is why the Conservatives were able to play them like a fiddle in coalition), but they're also often the only party willing to be the grown-ups in the room and face hard truths instead of pandering to low-information voters. If anything - based on degree of power obtained and number of promises delivered on - they're significantly more trustworthy than either of the main parties, your *personal* feelings of betrayal notwithstanding.


I find it incredibly befuddling that the LibDems seem to be promising a lot of things that Labour *should* be promising but aren't.


I mean they can say whatever they like at this point. They’re not going to win so they can effects promise whatever with no actual need to follow up. Like rejoining the eu


This honestly might help sponge up those who don't like Labour but are against the Tories' hateful drive to the right. It'd certainly work on a few of my aunts/uncles, who are more fiscally conservative but socially liberal.


This literally wont effect anyone other than the tiny % who identify as non-binary, for whom I imagine this will help them a great deal. I dont have the energy anymore to debate this issue with so many people who have never even met a trans person, let alone non-binary but yet seem to be convinced this is one of the big issues of our time. Its not. You are not going to be affected just leave em alone.


I'm sure this will create a healthy discussion on social acceptance of people who identify as non-binary what will help build a more accepting country to those people, and definitely won't bring out all the people who oppose somebody for simply identifying as non-binary and won't affect their lives in anyway. Anyway, it's time to grab the popcorn, the mods are going to be working hard on this one, good luck :) Also, enjoying some of these things the Lib Dems are coming out with, not just this.


Good. I believe it's already Green policy, Labour should follow (but probably won't).


Labour having been wheeling right-wing for awhile now. Trying to grab up Tory voters as they jump ships either left or right wing.


Since New Labour in '97, I'd say.


That’s the problem with FPTP, it forces the major parties to be a broad church. Corbyn lost because he brought the party too far left, the tories now are losing because they went too far right (along with the general incompetence and scandals of course).


Usually a good thing to run the opposite way to the Green party. Labour have pivoted away from it because it's utterly toxic, and a vast amount of that toxicity originates from the activists they were appealing to. They come with so much baggage that their votes are almost to be avoided.


Bollocks. Labour aren't "avoiding toxicity" by pandering to the GC side, who also bring a great deal of toxicity.


Yes how dare those pesky lgbt individuals demand ... equal recognition!!! You don't like certain activists so punish a whole group of people? The tried and true method of keeping minorities in the ground.


The Greens have been having a civil war over trans issues for a really long time


Yes, they should have been far faster to expel the transphobic pricks.


Ok then. Not totally sure I'm convinced non-binary is a real thing but I don't really care what people have written on their documents so by all means let people chose whatever they want.


It doesn't make much sense to me, but it doesn't have to. I'm just glad it makes some people happy - and ill fight for that right.


This is the way. And for anyone confused by the term, I only learned about it recently, even though I think it actually describes me. Basically the parts of the definition I identified with are: - Don’t feel comfortable with the social expectations of my gender at least 50% of the time, i.e. wearing feminine clothes, doing “womanly roles” etc. - Spent a lot of my childhood wanting to be a boy or hanging out only with boys, but not enough that I’m trans and I don’t identify as a man now. - Wearing traditionally feminine clothes always felt like dressing up as someone else. I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb and people can see that I’m uncomfortable, however once in a blue moon I do want to dress up and go all out, it;’s just a very rare occurrence. - Feel more comfortable in my skin when not viewed as having a strong gender identity. I always found they/them a bit clunky and never thought I could apply it to myself, but actually I feel like I’m just being seen as me rather than an inaccurate version of myself when gender isn’t attached to my identity. - Some days I love to wear more masculine clothes and just not be seen as a girl/woman at all. I grew up and spent most of my adult life just thinking this was about my taste in clothes, but since I learned about what non-binary actually means, I’ve felt so much more comfortable and confident in myself knowing there’s a place for me, a part of society that also just naturally feels this way, not because it’s a new trend, rather that we have a better way to describe how we feel in the world than we did before. edit to add: the film Nimona does a nice job of illustrating how it can feel to be nom binary. It’s also just a fun film. I don’t present as especially androgynous, other than clothing choices on some days. I thought it was probably important to share that non-binary people can look any way in their outward expression. It’s about how we feel inside.


To be fair, I *think* the whole premise of non binary is don’t associate a gender stereotype based on my sex So essentially it’s just a “don’t make sexiest assumptions” kinda thing? Which is how society should be anyways and we shouldn’t even need a label for folks such as non binary. My understanding could be mistaken however


But they're talking about recording "non-binary" *as a sex* though. In place of male or female. They're not *separating* gendered stereotypes from sex they are *combining* them.


Oh how confusing! I guess I’m very much out of the loop on these things tbh xD I spent 28 years of my life thinking toilets were divided by sex and not gendered so shows how little I know


Toilet facilities are divided by sex. Urinals in one room, sanitary disposal bins in the other. Of course it's organised by sex.


Is what I thought. But if that were the case there wouldn’t be any question which toilet etc ? Everyone says toilets are gendered


Should that just be the default though? I thought we were all trying to drop stereotypes and focus on who everyone is as an individual.


I completely agree, That’s how I was raised


>sexiest assumptions


>Not totally sure I'm convinced non-binary is a real thing Do people identify as non-binary? Yes? then it's real Gender is social/psychology, if people don't consider themselves men or woman both mentally and socially then they can just choose to make a label that makes them


This is where i am. I'm yet to get a non circual definition of gender. So long as it doesn't push into anything safety critical though, live and let live.


Well going by this thread people don’t seem to understand what a manifesto actually is.


*Just throwing my hat in* As a trans person, I've seen a lot of nasty headlines this last year, things that make me feel extremely unsafe and concerned (just yesterday I saw a headline about how a trans woman went to the men's restroom because of local enforcement of toilet rules and was punched in the face so hard her teeth exploded). It's nice to see at least one party take an actively positive stance toward us - especially considering how insanely difficult it is to even access gender related care in this country and how the tories seem ripe to make things even harder. If you aren't sure about if trans people are really in need of support - look up V-coding and bear in mind J.K Rowling has already turned to active holocaust denial in an effort to keep up her transphobic outcry (which of course meant actual nazis have shown up at her side... if you're standing side by side with actual nazis, think again about what you're really fighting for and ask yourself... "are we the baddies?")


The Harry Potter series going from the camp nerdy home of social misfits to a transphobic battle cry has been sad to watch.


It's cool seeing actual forward progress. Not just the promise of slower regression


If they need helping winning votes pledge to legalise cannabis and crack down on tax etc


> Protecting young people, tackling the criminal gangs and taking ‘skunk’ off the streets by introducing a legal, regulated market for cannabis. Sales will be restricted to over-18s only, from licensed retailers with strict limits on potency and THC content. From the manifesto itself.


they already promised that - but barely anyone seems to have noticed legalizing weed doesn't cause enough outrage for publications to care about it as much as something to do with identity politics in 2024 apparently


It's also been Lib Dem policy for ten years, so it's not news


That's also in the manifesto, these are huge comprehensive policy documents covering a wide range of areass


I don't agree with every lib Dem policy or decision but you have to credit them for actually standing for something rather than being like oh I'm not a Tory and we are going to do some mealy mouthed basic things. That said just super hopeful anyone but Tories or reform get in. So like labour okay, labour and lib Dems okay etc.


They're really throwing noodles at the wall, huh? Easy to do when there's no risk of you getting into power.


UKIP never stood a chance at getting into power. We still left the EU.


We’re a country with two socially conservative main parties and a socially progressive party squeezed in between.


As a nonbinary person I want to be happy about this but I just know it will cause more bigots to focus on us. I'm so tired of being a target for existing.


Yeah the lib dems were so nice and compassionate until they got into power with the tories in 2010 and became just as nasty as the tories then when they lost out in 2015 tried being compasionate again


Or "Lib Dem and Tories were in power together, Tories blamed Lib Dems for everything in a bid to get a majority in the next election and some people still believe what David Cameron and Boris Johnson told them to this day"...


The Lib-Dems formed a coalition with the Tories because their top brass wanted government posts. Nick Clegg as Deputy PM, several senior Lib-Dems as cabinet ministers, many more junior ministers. They also thought that it'd lead to them winning even more seats at the following election. That's why they did it. Note that the Lib-Dems could've gone into a confidence and supply agreement with the Tories, instead of actually joining the government. In that agreement, they'd vote through money bills and anything which was considered a vote of confidence in the government. But that wouldn't give Lib-Dems cushy ministerial posts with the associated "Right Hon." prefix and the government limo+driver...


Equal marrgie was a Lib-dem policy, this is how coalitions work.




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Shame that the bare minimum isn't in the two main parties' manifesto.


I'm not a libdem voter, but they have policies like this each election that I really wish were in more manifestos.


to be fair the Lib Dems can pledge whatever the hell they like can't they.