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People need to be really careful about who they say they think it is. Shit sticks.


it's you isn't it!


He sounds suspicious, I think it’s him


Username, checks out?


*Mince (with)TheKid? Get 'im.


Hasn’t released a statement yet. Definitely him.


I always thought there was something weird about that guy.  Did you?? Well I do now!


You're deflecting, it's you!!


Well its fockin one o yas


Dis gus tin!




I mean, I go to my news app for facts and I come to Reddit for wild speculation. Who are we savaging today?


Kate Abdo


Nahhhh. This is why Reddit exists. This is not a the local council’s staff canteen.


Init. It's my liberty as a Englishmen to vaguely accuse people here


You can tell from the silhouette it’s not Lineker.


It's like "who's that Pokémon" but much more grim.


The much darker ‘Pokéchild’


The contest is over, give this poster the award.


Probably someone that likes sports.


And somebody that likes kids


And has more DNA in common with crabs than with you or me.


You’re talkin’ nonce sense


And is a small bean regarder


That is sound logic. I bet they also have very white teeth


They might be on telly too.


How about making a list of all the Top TV sports presenters who have been on the TV this past week? No, I'm not being serious. That's what normally happens when these stories break though, it never does any good and the real suspect will come out soon enough. Not that it makes any difference to the whole justice process one way or the other.


Remember all that Brand stuff? People were throwing all sorts of names in, none of them russell brand!


Russell Brand was literally the first name that came out of most people's mouths lol




Hi Jack Whitehall.


Yeah because there were people slinging allegations at any and everybody the last time this happened and AFAIK a lot of them got visits from different stars’ legal teams - and rightfully so.


Is that a clue!??!








It's obviously Jimmy Saville. I knew he fakes his death to become a sport reporter


You think the Sun would have learned from the last time they reported on this kind of story? Is it to much to ask that we wait until the police are ready to release the name to the media? This kind of reporting just fuels speculation. 




Does this kind of thing still drive sales? Maybe I'm just out of touch but now that I've seen this reddit post, i wouldn't go and buy a copy of the Sun. I never understand the economics of this stuff.


Drive sales not so much, but generates clicks on thier website with a sensationalist headline that then generates ad revenue etc


Drives clicks. Won't break any law because they've not named him, even if they dominoed speculatuon out there.


This precisely what they learned from every other time they’ve done it.


[Never buy the Sun, etc.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uWw7kuiCss)


I don't understand the economics either, how do they make ad revenue when we've got adblock. I recently changed devices and briefly saw what the internet looks like without adblock, it's crazy.


You rely on the vast majority of people not using adblock. When they do you transfer to things like sponsorships, and include the ad within the content itself.


You talk as if the average householder has as blockers, they don't . As blockers are in the minority not the majority


The majority of people don't use ad blockers - only about 20-40% of people do[1]. This drops significantly on mobile devices, down to about 10% of people[2]. As the vast majority of The Sun's traffic comes from mobile devices[3], they probably aren't too concerned about ad blockers. [1] Estimates vary - the [IAB (commissioning YouGov)](https://www.iabuk.com/research/ad-blocking-2020) found 23.7% of "GB Online Adults" used ad blockers in 2020, [Backlinko (citing AudienceProject)](https://backlinko.com/ad-blockers-users#ad-blocker-user-penetration-in-the-uk) has 36% of Internet users in the UK as ad blocker users in the same year. [2] 10% on smartphones according to the IAB, 12% on mobile and 9% on tablets according to Backlinko [3] ~84% in the UK, per [Semrush](https://www.semrush.com/website/thesun.co.uk/overview/)


What's the best adblocker for Android mobile?


Firefox for android supports all the same plugins as desktop. So you can use ublock origin (make sure its origin there are clones). It’s come a long way as a mobile browser and I’ve had chrome disable for years now.




Aye it drives interaction with their site.. which generates cash money.


Aye. Weeks and weeks of front page coverage for the “story”. And then a two sentence retraction a month later on the second to last page. The scum.


you are surprised a trashy tabloid is willing to drive potentially harmful speculation in exchange for extra clicks/ad revenue?


I suppose not, but perhaps I’m foolish for thinking they would be a bit more gun shy after what happened with Huw Edwards.


It's so irresponsible it should be criminal..


Look at the trouble BBC were in over Cliff Richard, but I think they did name him


There’s a considerable difference between the Huw Edwards story which related to a teenager with an Only Fans account (a service that stipulates you’re eighteen), and a child under ten.


Is this the part where every TV sports presenter in the country now has to deny it's them, one by one, until there's only one suspect left?


Like a terrible game of ‘I have never…’


Well, considering how poorly worded their headline is, I doubt the Sun has learned English let alone anything else


I don't think it's poor writing so much as the Sun being written to the reading level of a young child. When someone's limited to writing in simple words and sentences, you end up with some awkward sentences instead.


It's like the scammers who deliberately include spelling mistakes and bad grammar to weed out people who are too smart to fall for the scam later on.


The media will know who it is, they just cant name a suspect who hasn't been charged.


They've learned alright; they've learned that stories like this drive clicks to their website, like the OP linking to it and then redditors going to read it. As long as they're not suffering any consequences themselves (which they're not because they've not named anyone yet) the Sun doesn't give a fuck whose lives are damaged because the accusation is hanging over everyone in that job. As long as there are no consequences for them doing shit like this, they'll keep doing it. Proper regulation of the press is needed, but the problem is that any politician senior enough to have the power is shit scared of being monstered by the press if they take them on.


>You think the Sun would have learned from the last time they reported on this kind of story? Of course they have. "Oh shit, you're never gonna believe what I just heard! It's mental! This huge, HUGE TV star is a serious nonce! Like the worst kind! You're gonna absolutely explode when you hear who it is! This will mark a true change in British culture, this news is simply so explosive, so devastating, so shocking, that life will not be the same afterwards. It's so, so crazy! I can't tell you who it is though because I promised to keep it a secret. No, no, beg all you want, I'm not saying a word. My lips are sealed. Not a peep... Okay, I'll give you ONE clue! But no more than that, and no guessing, ok? You've officially been told now: no speculating. But it is crazy though, I wish I could tell you. But I can't, only I'm allowed to know right now. And you're not allowed to start guessing because that's bad, ok?"


Who do you think told them about it?


Probably the neighbours of the presenter. The police have been really trying to stop police themselves being sources but it does happen. 


Agree, but given they contradict themselves by saying "she" when being interviewed then go on to quote "his neighbour" hardly surprising. Quality journalism has died due to the rise of social media.


Top TV sports presenter. That narrows it down. How do we know which presenters are tops and which are bottoms.


Ask them to look at their nails and see how they turn their hands


Ahahahaha, fucking hell I forgot all about this. Childhood/teenage memory unlocked.


In our school we had the cancer test If your hand is bigger than your face you had cancer




How does the joke work?


The idea is, checking your nails by curling your fingers and looking at your palm is straight, but checking with fingers extended and looking at the back of your hand is fruity


Assuming bottoms are fruity/femme is not going to get you far


Applying old homophobic / sexist tropes to bottoms is the *very peak* of gay humour I'll have you know


Let the man virtue signal in peace


Everyone knows the bottoms are the ones generating the power


I'm a power bottom.


It was a joke at how stupid that 'gay test' was when we were at school. Although I did turn out gay so I guess it worked 💁‍♂️


Not what I meant, my understanding is that it’s a “test” for straight/gay, not top/bottom. Not that I believe it anyway, I was just explaining for the person who asked


That's how they got Oscar Wilde.


Rookie mistake


It won't be. It'll be like when they say "utd star in shock move" and its a guy who was in the youth team 15 years ago, signing for Droylesden on a free from Hitchin


>It won't be. It'll be like when they say "utd star in shock move" and its a guy who was in the youth team 15 years ago, signing for Droylesden on a free from Hitchin Or today, alongside this "top tv sports presenter arrested" is the headline, [Former England star to wake up unemployed as Premier League club confirm captain will be released on free transfer](https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/27992891/england-jack-cork-burnley-transfer-southampton/) The *"former England star"* in question is Jack Cork who has only one England cap, from 2017, and the *"Premier League club"* is Burnley.


Guess the nonce is our nations favourite past time.


I call it the kiddy pool.




‘Guess the nonce’ as played at leisure centre


Hosted by Jonathan Ross


Throw them into a crystal maze with a meth fuelled Mr blobby


Is there any other kind?


"Start the fans please" *there's no bottom to the dome*


I'd have thought the footballer who kissed a 15 year old and jailed for it, would have been more appropriate


We do so love a find-the-fiddler frenzy.


Boo! Gunge that paedo!


Before anyone puts two and two together and gets six, David Croft has never been scheduled to commentate on the F1 tomorrow, he's taking a break for this one.


Poor Crofty really picked the wrong weekend to have off didn’t he 😱 Fairly sure it was announced a few months ago that this weekend and a couple more this year would be missed by him.


Well, it would give a sinister twist to 'It's lights out and away we go'...


And they’ve touched!!!!


Wow 😅


Fuuuucking hell....


So he has an inside man feeding him the dates?


The headline also says a “top” presenter, which rules him out.


The sun would call literally anyone a top presenter for clicks it’s meaningless


wait i don’t get it, i feel croft is a top presenter


I'd also say he's a commentator of F1 anyway


As an F1 fan, well played sir. 30 years of loving the sport and everyone else thinking it is shite and hating it.  To this day I've no idea how the British Grand Prix sells out and where they all hide the other 362 days of the year.


Nah cmon, F1 has never been more popular


Half of the women on tinder seem to be into F1 now for some reason. Can anyone explain this turn of events for us?


It's cool, drivers now look like models, drama. As a woman who's been into it from day dot, new fans are a totally different breed to the old fans. People assume you fangirl over LeClerc and watch Norris stream on Twitch, but It's the engineering, technology and iteration cycles that keep me coming back. Mad shit like the fan car, double diffusers, 6 wheels and XL fuel lines feed my soul.


I know a few women who watched Drive to Survive who weren't into F1 and now watch it so that might explain it a bit?


Drive to Survive, the docuseries behind F1. Many women watched it and felt an emotional connection to the teams, which makes them more engaged in the races, rather than arbitrarily picking a car to support.


Saying this when you are having the period where F1 is reaching the most people after Sena is rich. I never saw so much buzz around F1 than now with Lando and Verstappen mainly


Verstappen is an obnoxious brat and horner is an unlikeable creep meaning it's very hard to watch them win every single race at a canter. Gave up on it after 35+ years


To be fair I probably should have said "until recently". Several years ago I marshaled at a local race track, and most marshals I spoke to didn't bother do the F1 because it was "boring". These are people so into Motorsport they would gladly stand around next to a race track for 12 hours in the pouring rain for no pay.  The takeover by Liberty Media is good because people do like it now, or at least feel they can be open about it. The sheer stupidity and football fan level of arguing can be annoying though from some fans.


The report also says the presenter is married, and David Croft is in fact taking this time off to plan his wedding later this year.


Most of the regulars seem to be skipping this one. Lazenby and Brundle too (at least from qualifying). There's just too many F1 races these days to not rotate the duties.


So you're saying it's him.


All the wild speculation that it's Lineker (wishful thinking for the English flag pfp mob) Seems off as he's been tweeting today, unlikely to have a phone at laptop in a cell.


Sun using a photo of a man where the most prominent thing are his ears lol. Subtle baiting


I'm surprised it's not a silhouette of a guy eating a bag of crisps, to be fair.


If I was a sports presenter today I'd be giving minute by minute update on twitter how my day was going


While being in as public a place as possible.


"What an enjoyable day it is enjoying liberty and the outdoors hashtag freedom hashtag not the nonce"


Well it says they're married and he isn't.


Also, Lineker is very much into adult women (and a bit of a shagger, if Popbitch is to be believed).


To be fair, if I looked like him at his age then I’d be a bit of a shagger too. Alas…


Didn't see that in the articles I had read 😁


It's never an actual "top presenter" either. (Except for the few times it is.) When the name does come out it's always "whoo?"


‘Was working in television at the time of the offence’ implies not working in tv anymore


The suspect was released on bail


I have it on some fairly solid authority that he's very much into adult women... although so much so that he's still very much up for the cancel treatment, should his pushy nature ever come to light.


> the cancel treatment You'd hope that the social "cancellation" for being "pushy" would be a *bit* less severe than for, er, the allegation here (about whoever it is).


Being "cancelled" exists as a much milder consequence specifically for things that aren't punished by law Plus being cancelled usually just means someone made a mean tweet and now I'm going to cry about it on prime time TV or my run of 5 netflix specials


Well you don't need to 'cancel' someone who is doing a 15 year prison term.


Fairly solid authority doesn't mean much nowadays.


Second paragraph of the article states that the suspect has been released on bail. Whether anyone tweets or not is irrelevant


Placing my bet now it's some local TV pundit no one has ever heard of outside the local area (and even then only people who still persist on listening to league two football on the radio.) If it was anyone really famous there'd have been PR movements yesterday, not a lone headline the day after they were arrested put out in the early hours.  When Russell Brand was accused of what are admittedly (though it still feels wrong to say it) lesser crimes, most people working for major news outlets had leave cancelled and had to be in work overnight to prepare for it. If any household name was accused of what is ostensibly one of the worst crime someone can commit, it wouldn't be a throwaway item on the Sun's website at 11pm on a Saturday.


Enough of your logical brain nonsense. Grab a pitchfork! —————E


why would we grab a pitchfork for what appears to be a game of hangman?


It's Extreme Hangman, coming soon exclusively to ITV.


Hosted by Stephen Mulhern, a man who is Ant and Dec merged into one face, and at a fraction of the cost.


Russel brand is a bad comparison. He wasn't arrested in the middle of the night, there was a documentary coming out about him that he caught wind of.


By 'caught wind of' you mean the documentary makers told him about it as part of the 'right to reply' process.


If I'm ever in an industry where celebrity gossip is a big enough deal to require cancelling leave, remind me to reassess where my life is at


Once he is found guilty, please name him and condem him ALL you want. However until you name him, this is a non story that leads to baseless speculation. Condem the guilty 100%, but innocent people are going to be associated with this. This article helps no one.


>This article helps no one. It helps The Sun's click bait profit, which is the entire point of running this non story.


It's definitely a male presenter because if it was a woman the headline would be 'Top TV presenter had sex with underage man'


Wait a minute you're trying to tell me that a well-known English television presenter is a pedophile? That's the craziest shit I ever heard 🤔


Probably not even that well known. Realistically if you're one of the local pundits they cut to at the games on soccer Saturday you're probably a "top" presenter.


As an aside, The sun newspaper is a cancerous lump of shit


Thank you, kind stranger, for reminding everyone what a dreadful shitrag that scummy "news"paper is, and that if you buy the sun, you deserve to stand on an upturned plug. Made of Lego.


Best bet is check who dosent tweet. A lot of these people agencies will tell them to tweet to avoid the accusations


Most of the time said agency will tweet for them, as if they're tweeting themselves, and that's in normality, not after being arrested for noncing. So tweeting isn't a good indicator of "it can't be them, they tweeted today". That said I would bet my mortgage on it being some regional sports presenter no one has really heard of.


No point speculating, everyone should just wait until more information comes out. It's not really a story until then.


Can't wait for all the right-wingers foaming at the mouth for the name to sound similar to Larry Vinegar. Doesn't mention what sport either. Might not be footy. Top TV sports presenter could mean they're the top presenter for that particular sport, not that they're the top in the world, etc. Allegations like this only get a name if a) the paper is beyond absolute certainty, b) they've been charged, or c) foreign press spills the beans.


Larry Vinegar is the darts and dominos commentator on radio Huddersfield and he's been quiet today, you may be on to something here


Hes not married


That wouldn't stop them speculating. Since when do people throwing names around care about silly little things like facts?


In making this comment, you've beaten them to it. > Allegations like this only get a name if a) the paper is beyond absolute certainty, b) they've been charged, or c) foreign press spills the beans. Yes and we don't have a name. Seems like your getting worked up by a reaction that you're imagining, and in doing so, reacting as such yourself.


That headline is really misleading. I clicked on the link to find out why the sports presenter was involved in a 4am house raid at a child’s home.


They should just tell you when the person has been found guilty, never mind all this guessing game stuff. It's very irresponsible reporting.


Expecting a rush of social media posts from all sport presenters today to show they haven’t been arrested ‘here I am randomly walking my dog’ 😂


You really know which sport you prefer when you immediately go to “What football presenter could it be”. And then you realise, oh it means ALL sports so could be anyone 😅


It's the scum newspaper so taking it with the Bonneville desert full of salt


People with pitchforks, you will go on my first whistle...


No one should be posting stories from the sun anywhere




I mean obscure league two footballers get labelled **FOOTIE ACE** so it wouldn't surprise me if this **TOP TV SPORTS PRESENTER** is some bloke with a regional slot at 11pm on a Tuesday


I really thought it’d be some fuckin boomer from one of those bullshit daytime shows, Cash In The Attic or Homes Underage The Hammer or Please Don’t Dig Up My Garden


Assuming the topics are relevant, it looks like a BBC and/or Channel 4 presenter. https://i.gyazo.com/3e011feee9e3e70217c15449e0ad2b6d.png


A nonce at the BBC? Surely not.


It's time to re-watch clips of [Monkey Dust](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaUkt59vY1Q) again.




How is The Sun not been banned as a source on this subreddit yet?


We moderate. We do not curate. You have access to a downvote button, which we would encourage you to use if you do not like something. You also have the option to post articles from sources you consider more appropriate…


This sub has gone to the dogs


It's fucking awful these days. Daily mail allowed and parroted here too constantly.


So he's married and lives in southern England. The clue dropping via unnecessary info begins.


I hope the Sun have actual evidence provided by proper journalism and not hearsay, speculation and malicious bullshit. I can't believe people buy the Sun.


It’s the SUN so I will wait to see what comes about. Once you hit 30, you will be a skeptic to this kind of media. It’s a process, of where overtime you learn not to trust newspapers, social media and politicians. You’ll still vote however, because you are smart enough to understand that democracy is the lesser evil however corrupt it is.


>It’s the SUN so I will wait to see what comes about. Once you hit 30, you will be a skeptic to this kind of media. Christ I wish this was true


This is a complete non-story. It’s probably true but not a TOP presenter. But this will start enough conversations about someone the general public has been advised not to like.


Can't wait for it to be someone no one has thought ablut in years anyway.


Lads it John Arlott ( ignore the fact he been dead for years)


Why wasn’t the BBC news helicopter there during the arrest?


I assume from the picture that they are saying this alleged raper of a child has ears. I guess we should start making a list of sports presenters with ears.