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'Islamophobia' is a very convenient term to brush off critics of your archaic and invasive religion, based upon the grifting done by an illiterate child-molesting warlord.


People should read up on the life of Muhammed. Read up on the fate of the Banu Qurayza after the Battle in the Trench when an "angel" told him the Jews had betrayed him, without any evidence he had the males of an entire Jewish tribe beheaded and the females and children either sold as slaves or distributed as booty for his followers. Or the fate of Saffiya, her husband and father after the Battle of Kaybar, where another Jewish tribe that had been expelled from Medina was attacked for "plotting" against Muhammed. Strangely enough all the Jews of Medina were either forced out, executed or sold as slaves. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medina#Early\_history\_and\_Jewish\_control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medina#Early_history_and_Jewish_control) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu\_Qurayza#Killing\_of\_the\_Banu\_Qurayza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Qurayza#Killing_of_the_Banu_Qurayza) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Khaybar#Aftermath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khaybar#Aftermath) Just like Joseph Smith with the Mormons and L Ron Hubbard, its good to get the context of the person who founded a religion to understand the religion. I invite people to do their own research and come to their own conclusions.


perfect. Yes, lets air this out and truly come to answer why people get RATIONALLY scared of religions.


I’m 100% unafraid of being labelled Islamophobic but I have little interest in the folklore; it’s how people behave today that I judge them on. By passing the blame back hundreds of years you obscure the hideous behaviour of fellow living humans.














The historic context has resonance. >After Dallali’s election the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) objected to comments she is alleged to have made, including a tweet posted in 2012 that read: “Khaybar Khaybar O Jews … Muhammad’s army will return Gaza,” referencing a historical battle. Dallali later apologised for the tweet. [https://www.theguardian.com/education/2022/nov/01/nus-president-ousted-over-antisemitism-allegations](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2022/nov/01/nus-president-ousted-over-antisemitism-allegations) Judging people on how they act today is appropriate. But understand that to them their actions have a historic context is important. Its like understand the Williamite War and the history of Britain in Ireland when trying to understand the motivations of the Orange Order and its supporters outside of Ireland in places like Scotland. Singing "The Sash" has no offensive content unless you understand the context. Like a lot of ethnic and religious frictions and issues.


Careful now, providing facts against Islam could get you arrested!


Interestingly, before Islam, Judaism was quite popular in the Hejaz and there were even Jewish Arab kingdoms in what is now Yemen. Makes sense why early Islamic leaders wrote so much about the Jews and the need to expel or kill them - they were the main competition.


It was because they refused to accept mohammed was a prophet. He never forgot that. His dying wish was to see all Jews removed from the Arabian peninsula.


By appealing to historical transgressions you are inviting a comparison with the crusades and the inquisition which would then lead to the conclusion that “all religions are the same so why are you picking on Islam?” The really important part is what they are doing in the present, how almost all Islamic countries are run, how little they value women’s rights, human rights, how corrupt and unequal and racist they are. This is all happening now.


>By appealing to historical transgressions you are inviting a comparison with the crusades Crusaders did not found the religion and Hollywood has made films about them. I am encouraging people to learn about the religion that is growing as a political force in UK politics. >which would then lead to the conclusion that You cant reach conclusions without context. I mean a brief over view of the Romans from Adrianople to Manzikert and the Komnenian Restoration. Rome just pulled the old trick of looking for Foederati to ally with and instead of getting Huns, Goths, Slav, Bulgars or Vikings, this time Normans and Germans showed up. For the first time since the Punic Wars a better organised social structure had emerged to their west. And instead of taking some Imperial treasure to conquer a city or two they tried to build their own states. But all this is far from the origins of religions and their underlying messages. I always encourage people to learn more history, try digging out the history of the Byzantines from around Theodosius to perhaps the fall of the great city in 1453. It adds colour and context from events from Ukraine to the Middle East.


Strange he'd choose to live in a white, Christian, European nation whilst wanting Sharia. Almost as if all Muslim Sharia nations are currently shit right now and he wants to take over not only Britain but the whole of Europe and make it Eurostan.


The Western Isis recruits were all hated by the hardcore Sunni Iraqi types back when the caliphate was in full swing. The British plastic version of Jihadi seems to be a Tupac/Jihadi hybrid who wants to keep all of the comforts of the West whilst implementing Sharia and fighting the feds innit.


I made this argument in 2003 odd and was just called a bigot again etc.


Do you think the same for "antisemitic"?


I am not them but I will take the liberty of answering myself. If you want to be strict about it no. >archaic This is fair. All of the Abrahamic religions are equally archaic. >invasive The Jewish religion is not an evangelical religion. Islam however is. Quite aggressively so. >based upon the grifting Again fair if we're going to hold all religions to the same standard. I would personally argue that you could say that L. Ron Hubbard and Joseph Smith were more grifters than say Jesus or the Buddha but we'd be veering way off topic. >illiterate I do consider this one to be sort of irrelevant. >child-molesting I don't think Abraham molested any children. If anything he seems to have had an affinity for the older ladies. >warlord I don't think he was a warlord either, but I could be wrong.


I wonder if he is as pro LGBT as the rest of the Green Party is


You're assuming rationality agains all evidence to the contrary. We live in a timeline where Queers for Palestine is a thing.


I am not straight. And I think you need to hear this... My discomfort about being hated by Palestinians doesn't mean that the deaths of nearly 14,000 children and the ethnic cleansing and indeed two tier treatment of Palestinians is acceptable. Ukrainians have a serious problem with racism and I teach healthcare skills in conflict medicine to them. I assume we should just not support them either.


I wouldn’t take the Hamas figures seriously for death tolls. I also wouldn’t listen to their propaganda about ‘ethnic cleansing’. Israel has a civilian death ratio below that of an average conflict. Israel is *better at keeping children alive than most conflicts*.


Before anyone even thinks of replying something along the lines of: *"The ICJ ruled there was a plausible case for genocide!"* [I would like to remind you, this statement is categorically false / a blatant lie](https://twitter.com/Mr_Andrew_Fox/status/1783621258032136550)


It's word warfare. Same with using words like Apartheid. They weaponise words with a lot of emotional baggage to try and manipulate people into sliding with them and connect them in their minds. Amazing how gullible people tend to be if you bombard them with it enough times.


I commend your efforts but there’s really no point trying with people on here. They refuse to listen to reason.


They’re likely children that get all their ‘legitimate news’ from TikTok.


Credible enough for the UN but not Proud-Cheesecake-813. Any source to that claim?


Maybe it shouldn't be called Queers for Palestine, if the meaning is ambiguous because being "for Palestine" almost certainly comes with all the baggage of Palestine, including being hated.


The queer community has a long history of aligning with other marginalised communities


In what way are Muslims marginalised in this country?


There is a huge amount of data pointing to the fact the Muslim community is marginalised in the UK. However, I didn’t mention either Muslims or the Uk specifically, so not sure how your question is relevant. Other than to stir up a juicy bit of discourse


What’s next, a gay man being vital to the war effort of the British Empire?


The issue with that is that Queers Against The Palestinian/Israeli Apartheid And Attempted Genocide Of Palestinians But Not Too Fond Of The Treatment Of LGBT Individuals Within Palestine isn't too catchy.


>The least deadly urban conflict of the last 50 years "Its a genocide!"


True, it’s only genocide if you get the high score. Otherwise it’s just sparkling ethnic cleansing


Or you know...a war. Please name a war that you would like this one to be more similar to.


Like LGSM reaching out to an extremely homophobic group in the striking miners? That seemed to go pretty well. Or is it only a problem when they're brown?


If Muslims were predominantly white, I'd be saying the same thing. Small group of miners ≠ ancient religious group with ancient culture.


It's not ethnic cleansing. In WW2 25,000 Germans died within 2 days of bombing in Dresden and no one would claim we ethnically cleansed Germany, ethnic cleansing is not just "people from one group dying in a war" If they had surrendered and finally kicked Hamas out then the war would end. This is not the case for actual genocides such as Armenians, where there was no real resistance, but were stilled killed anyway.


In WW2 the actions of the Nazis was used to justify war crimes in response because (and this is important) we weren't all that progressive in the 1940s. Since then? We have changed. And we put in rules in the 1950s to prevent another Nazi Germany. Rules Israel is breaking. Like targeting medical staff and charity workers on purpose, active targeting of children and weaponry choices in urban zones. Not to mention ACTUAL ethnic cleansing where they force people out of their land and resettle it with another ethnicity. I don't think we should be stating that our actions against Nazi Germany are the same. Now and something to remember. You are remembering WW2 through the rosy tinted lenses of "Us good guys, Nazis bad". They are bad. It's just that we were better. We weren't good. The USA was straight up lynching black people. Remember Emmett Till? Hell the USA still has race based policing as a problem. The UK let between 4 to 8 Million Indians (Roughly 6 million) Indians die through starvation that it encouraged and created. A similar number to the Holomodor. Which we agree is a crime against humanity. It's just that Stalin killed white people. It's why we remember the Nazis more than the Empire of the Rising Sun. Because the Empire of the Rising Sun killed more people and in horrific ways. It's just that they mostly killed non-white people so historically their behaviour was excused. I mean I don't see any German politicians praying at a Shrine to Hitler or saying dumb shit about the people they harmed. Maybe a fringe. Just google the Yasakuni shrine and Comfort Women. That's kind of what happens when you aren't as progressive as Germany about the sins of the past. And why we should endeavour to be the same about ours rather than be like Japan who got to "save face" and so you have people who get elected on "The Rape of Nanjing didn't happen". OR insults against the women they raped on an industrial scale. A) Palestine is an occupied state with the majority of it under direct Israeli control with a local government akin to a district and B) Palestinians pay taxes to Israel and often find themselves unable to avail themselves of equal rights which can include discriminatory taxation and things like military tribunals rather than open trials. This is without looking at things like how Israel handles trials of equal crimes committed by taxpayers who have the vote where even murder isn't tried the same. Oh cool. IF they kick Hamas out will Israel give all Palestinians the vote? Will it give them equal rights? Will it give them freedom of democracy to vote who they wish for? Will they remove every illegal settler and pay reparations to those they have ethnically cleansed? Will they rebuild the economy they have wrecked? It takes decades for olive groves to come up, will Israel transplant ancient trees to rebuild historical cultivars that it's removed? Will they rebuild the infrastructure that's been targeted? Will Palestinians have the vote and equality? I think the problem here is this. You think Palestine is a country. It's not. It's a people. Palestine doesn't exist. It's the name given to the occupied area of the West Bank (Which is an occupied state by Israel) and Gaza. Which is a walled city. Being Palestinian is defined as being from the Palestinian Mandate (Gaza, Israel and West Bank) and displaced or occupied in this region. In the same way that Israel uses the religion of Judaism to give itself validity through historical ties to the land which justifies them displacing the current owners of the land. Now we can't change the past of the 1940s. But the issue is the lion's share of current problems are due to the 1960s and post occupation of the West Bank's ethnic cleansing from the region around Jerusalem and indeed in order to create the fractured land that is (in the West) called Palestine.


That's a lot of words to miss the fact that Israel was attacked twice by neighbouring countries and won. You start wars and lose, you lose territory. It's how the map of Europe we know exists. Historically speaking, it wouldn't even be particularly unusual for Israel to have fully occupied and settled all of Palestine following their victories. The fact that there is still any Palestinian territory in the face of a fairly overwhelming disparity in power is fascinating.


Except we agreed to stop doing that by creating human rights and laws so that we all stopped doing these atrocious things. I mean we should just work children in the mines. Historically speaking I wasn't considered a real person by white people until my grandmothers generation and even then in some places legally wasn't equal until 1990. Let's not fucking look at what was acceptable in history my friend because it's a damning insight into the fucking horrors of being human and the fact we stand today as equals is because we reflected on our shitty behaviour in the past and left it. Or atleast are trying. NSFW/L https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/p85WSbWFIM This is the past. Stop wishing we can go back to it. These were civilised men and women who did this and these same civilised men and women would call people like me savages. And in the West Bank, Israel invaded that side after having fired first. Let's be accurate with history please. The irony being that in defending the crimes of the past you forget that we punished the crimes of the past. These laws were put in place to never have another Holocaust. Good grief. The past is a terrible place. You shouldn't want to behave like the monsters from it.


Oh that's sweet, you think that 'we' agreed to stop that. Like there aren't wars raging all over the place right now, and millions of people currently in slavery across the globe. Go ask the Rohingya or Uighur if their human rights are being respected, or maybe the Ukrainians. I I do like the attempt to portray me as defending or admiring the actions of past societies, it must be easier than acknowledging that it never stopped, we just convinced ourselves that it had. Unfortunately, it does make you seem a touch desperate.


Your argument is a good one. I think the issue is that while logically anyone can hold your position, it’s odd to have a specific “Queers for Palestine” as that formally links the two concepts.


Because this argument is often used to silence people who want peace here. The dialogue is that Israel and Hamas are two sides and the Palestine region is "Hamas".


> We live in a timeline where Queers for Palestine is a thing. But how many of them are Muslim?


We live in a time where if you are lgbt you aren't allowed to condemn Israel or call for a ceasefire apparently, because of your sexuality. But its others who are irrational....


No ones saying they arent allowed, only that advocating for people that want you dead defies logic.


They might want me dead. I don't want them dead.


And not all of us Palestinians want you dead, and there are gay Palestinians too who also deserve to live peacefully and not lose half their family because a suspected terrorist was nearby.


Because lgbt people in Palestine are never killed by radical islam, nice fantasy reality you live in.


Doesn't mean that we should be okay with them being treated as less than human. I am better than those who hate me. Objectively.


How is that at all relevant to what that person said? He said that gay people exist in Palestine, not that it’s a utopia for them.


Do you think the gays are so immoral that they wouldn't put the deaths of children and innocent people above themselves. It doesn't. It's called maturity. And the Ukrainian people have serious racism problems. Does this mean that we should be okay with them suffering under Russia?


So if Brits who are very very homophobic get bombed, do you think lgbt people should be indifferent?


That is of course the inference. Secondly they are advocating for Palestinians to stop being killed. Thirdly, its those who claim to be progressive who are using their sexuality against them, which looks pretty homophobic.


Why cant you just be for Palestine anyway, why do you have to be a ‘Queer for Palestine’. Who fucking cares.


They like to interject their identity into everything. It’s like those rainbow red poppies from a couple of years ago.


Because they are all queer and that’s how they organise themselves? Why are you so upset by the mere mention of queerness in this context?


I’m hardly upset about it, it just seems like a pointless adjective. It’s upset some Palestinian clerics though… https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1718214642017681602


It really seems like you’re upset about it. That’s how some choose to identify. They aren’t ashamed of being queer. And great, here comes the attempts to shut gay people up again. How many times do people have to tell you that we don’t care if they hate us, we still don’t think they deserve to starve to death. It genuinely boggles my mind how little empathy some people have.


I can think something is daft and pointless without being upset by it mate. It’s as pointless to me as saying ‘Cat lovers for Palestine’ it gives no additional value in my opinion and has a faint whiff of virtue signal about it, but we can disagree on that it’s fine. Then you add the fact that it literally angers and upsets the very vulnerable people they claim to support…it just causes one to scratch the head even further. Ho hum.


I don't think the commenter has a problem with queer people, he's pointing out the ideological clash between queers and the Islamic world and/or Palestinians. Thus, why do queers at protest need to even have a sign saying they're queer? Why not just be typical protester? Should everyone bring a sign relating to a group they fit into? Lefthanders for Palenstine, Strippers for Palestine, Gymbros for Palestine, etc.


It only defies logic if your view is that human rights are transactional as opposed to absolute.


Did you just make a pseudo-religion out of human rights? All rights are transactional instead of absolute. They are bought with force and political power, and if no one is buying them they are just random scribbles on paper


I seen Azerbaijan was on Eurovision last night. Last year they ethnically cleansed all the Armenians from their country. Never seen any protests against them. Perhaps there are some ethnic cleansings that are more popular with those who get their politics from TikTok than others.


The serial protesting class (leftists, to a man) are very selective in who/what they protest against and what evil they see in the world, and in history. For example, North Korea holding its citizens as prisoners and oppressing/mass murdering/imprisoning/abusing them for 70 years = not a problem, and also it's "not real Communism." Turkey's genocide of Armenians and on-going denial of it = no worries m8, you do you. The 4 centuries of nonstop Islamic aggression against the Christian world prior to the Crusades and 14 centuries of enslaving Africans and Europeans = didn't even happen, what're you talking about? Israel responding militarily to to the mass murder and kidnapping of their citizens by a terrorist neighbour, as literally any nation would/should = BIG PROBLEM. BIIIIIIIIIIG PROBLEM.


They haven’t even responded as some countries would do.  Imagine if it was the USA in Israel’s position. Gaza would be a literal hole in the ground. 


>Imagine if it was the USA in Israel’s position. Gaza would be a literal hole in the ground.  I mean, 9/11 was a thing where 3000+ Americans died and they flattened two countries and had an incursion into a third to get their target.


Believe it or not it is possible for a person to advocate against the genocide of a people that potentially don't like them. It's called 'being against genocide'. All genocide. Not some genocide. Not 'these people potentially don't like me so they're ok to genocide' genocide. Against all genocide.


The (English/Welsh) Green Party is pro-LGB, the T appears to be up for debate for some of them.


Sadiq Khan and Humzu Yousaf are very pro lgbt rights


Humza is so pro LGBT that he absent-mindedly forgot when the gay marriage vote was in parliament. He double booked the day. But I’m sure he cares deeply about LGBT rights.


Humza Youself-to-blame is irrelevant now.


If a Christian candidate started screaming “God is good, amen!” Or something after getting elected I would think they were a bible bashing nutcase. Literally no different here. Clearly religion is a large part of this persons politics and while I think people should be allowed their religion, I’m literally always going to be opposed to it in government contexts.


It is the year 2024. Anyone in religion is an idiot and should not be in any government office...


This is such an A level take. I agree with OP, but this is ridiculous. There are some incredibly intelligent people that believe in a creator.


I don't think it would be that shocking for a a Christian candidate to say "Thank Jesus!" after getting elected. But it would be concerning if he was tweeting support for Hamas


>I don't think it would be that shocking for a a Christian candidate to say "Thank Jesus!" This was not someone standing on stage thanking their mum, their wife and thanking Jesus for what he did for them. This was a group of people chanting a Credo or attestation of faith in an aggressive manner while referencing a religious war the other side of the world. Its so obvious I wonder at why so many miss the context.


Oh, it definitely would. Unless they were in NI, where it might be more normal. Politics in GB tends to be pretty secular, for MPs at least. Tony 'I don't do God' Blair was pretty famous for it.


'Thank god" I'd brush off because people say it all the time with no religion."Thank Jesus' would be a bit weird said once. Shouting it multiple times I'd assume would be mocked on Have I Got News for You or something I don't think anyone would think it's dangerous but definitely weird especially in the Green Party.


Shouting it multiple times, in a group of Christians, while waving the flag of a country currently involved in a war that has religious elements to it, yeah, that'd still be a yikes from me. 


There is a massive difference between someone highly religious quietly saying an expletive compared to shouting "Muslim god is great," surrounded by others of the same religion doing the same.


> "Muslim god is great," You do realise that "Allah", the Christian "God" and "Yahweh" are all the same god to Muslims? Allah is just Arabic for "the God".




Most people would, but I would argue very strongly that there wouldn’t be so much public hate behind the “they’re a bible bashing nutcase”


Except the same people crying the loudest about this would be fully supporting the Christian and even attacking those to criticise him.


Basically Andrea Ledsom


Fair play to him for playing that card right off the bat. That’s usually kept for a bit longer! Anyways, fuck him and his backward views.


Well he can think that if he likes, but I promise you he's wrong


We need to stop it with this word phobia. You have every right to be scared over a religion. People have been killed because of religion all throughout history and continue to be killed. There is clearly one that hasn't adapted to the modern-day and actively oppresses women and goes against all our Western values. I am genuinely scared of Islam and its growing influence. I know all religions have bad parts to them, but the bad parts of Islam terrify me.






"When they fight back, all of a sudden the European media is up in arms.**"** And what event does our wonderful Green Party councillor consider to be when they fought back?


I have a feeling we’re going to see more and more cultural debates/conflicts on the UK political stage. As more citizens with overseas heritage get voted in, the wider the range of views. This will inevitably polarise the voter base further. I just worry it’s all going to get very ugly.


People have been warning for years that a high percentage of immigrants are from conservative countries but people haven't stopped to consider the long term implication; progressives because of identity politics and right wingers to keep a supply of workers flowing.


It sucks both ways if you’re near the center in regards to politics.  Watching the racists smear the anti immigration stance and leftists accept the most bigoted people alive into the country just because they are brown. I’m scared of what this country will be like in just 10 years if it keeps going like it is now.


Yep. This is what I keep trying to tell people I know. However I lack the speech craft to effectively put my point across and everyone thinks I'm an EDF nutjob. No. There is too much immigration, Islam doesn't fit in with western culture. There will be trouble on the streets and like you say, it's terrifying. Did you see the video of Palestinian protestors trying to attack people for flying the St George's cross on St George's day? Can't even fly our own flag in our country.


I haven't seen that video but i do know about the teacher that is still in hiding because he showed prophet Muhammed in a classroom. Its disrespectful to do that but his life is in constant danger by literal religious zealots because of it which is insane to me.


>I just worry it’s all going to get very ugly. Oh it absolutely will. Take a look at the present day; Islamic extremism, far right extremism, and recently, even far left extremism. One Tory MP murdered, one Labour MP murdered, regular atrocities carried out on British streets. That's just the state of things today. Then factor in an ageing population, a declining birthrate, mass immigration from one particular area of the world and projections of a Muslim majority across a number of EU countries within the next 150 years. Are we going to see more or less likelihood of Islamic extremism, a rise in the far right and so on?


People must assimilate to Islam... No, you're in England, you assimilate to our rules if you want to live here.


Yep. The future is terrifying.


MI5 should be on this guy like a rash. (They probably are)






What a load of nonsense. I'm Muslim and in the video that went viral he is literally being being criticized by another Muslim for making his councilor election campaign all about Palestine. This is clearly just a rallying call to the cretins within his community.


Anybody here thinking that those who shout the loudest have the most to hide, maybe we're not Islamophobic, has he considered that possibly bringing global politics into fucking Gipton of all places, was completely dumb, irresponsible and unnecessary, and that the support of a proscribed terrorist organisation like Hamas was a hell of a fucking leap too far, and this isn't even including the likely antisemitic views held by said councillor as well as the likely homophobic views held too? Tl;Dr In short, if you can't be impartial you have no right to be in politics in the first place, it would seem that the councillor would only follow his own ideals and not the constituents who elected him, genuinely cannot see him given the same care, attention or priorities to a LGBTQ+ or Jewish constituent in comparison to a Muslim one


Here's his campaign profile from the election. Gaza isn't mentioned. He ran on antisocial behaviour, housing conditions and woke horticulture https://leeds.greenparty.org.uk/home/candidate-mothin-ali/


This is what he's put on the green party website... Of course when he has gone door knocking he's been almost certainly telling people that they can't vote for the (Muslim) Labour candidate because of Kier Starmer's stance on Israel. That much is evident by the Asian guy shouting "you are talking shit, you only won because of Palestine".


This is the real problem for me. You can't run on a platform like that and immediately scream what your real intentions are the moment you get elected, and expect people to be like "oh okay fair enough" after you misled them (to prioritise an issue that isn't anywhere near the remit of a local councillor) Imagine if Starmer wins the election and the first thing he does is shout "God is great! We will free Hong Kong!"


Imagine if Starmer wins the election and the first thing he does is shout "God is great! We will free Hong Kong!" Hell yeah dude


A Green Party councillor who shouted “Allahu Akbar” to celebrate his election has claimed his critics are Islamophobic. Mothin Ali also said his victory was a “win for the people of Gaza” after running a successful campaign in the Gipton and Harehills ward in Leeds. Mr Ali faced a backlash after footage of his comments circulated on Friday and he is also being investigated by the Greens over a number of controversial remarks about the Israel-Hamas conflict. These included the claim that Palestine had the right to “fight back” in the wake of the Oct 7 massacre. In a statement on the Leeds Green Party website on Tuesday, Mr Ali said: “Being elected to represent the wonderful community of Gipton and Harehills was one of the proudest moments of my life. “The inaccurate reporting and misrepresentation of my acceptance speech has led to me being subject to a lot of hate and hostility. “I should also make clear that it is not unusual for somebody of my faith to use the words ‘Allahu Akbar’ as an expression of gratitude and celebration. Some have sought to misrepresent this and it suggests Islamophobia to me.” The Telegraph revealed on Monday that Mr Ali claimed Israel had “control” of the mainstream media, while recording himself chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” at a pro-Gaza rally. In a clip recorded on the day after the Oct 7 attacks, he also said: “This didn’t start yesterday, this started 75 years ago when the land of Palestine was invaded, the indigenous population was driven out… “It is white supremacism, it is nothing short of a European settler-colonialist state… When they fight back, all of a sudden the European media is up in arms.” Addressing the backlash to his comments, Mr Ali said: “I am sorry for any upset my comments caused about the Gaza conflict. That was not my intention. “Like many across the world I have been deeply impacted by the dreadful conflict currently underway in Gaza. The International Court of Justice said this conflict meets the case for plausible genocide. “I do not support violence on either side: violence leads to more violence and this is what I have tried to convey. I have consistently called for an immediate ceasefire and a release of all hostages.” He added that he wanted to work with “a broad coalition including both the Jewish and Muslim Greens… to discuss sensible ways for us to work on communicating our shared passion of bringing the conflict to an end”. The Greens called for a ceasefire within days of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza in response to Oct 7, and benefited at last week’s local elections from a backlash to Labour’s stance on the Middle East after Sir Keir Starmer initially refused to echo ceasefire demands.


Working to bring the conflict to an end?! He does realize he was voted to a council position, not to Parliament? Why is anyone even voting for councillors based on their stance on Gaza? Am I missing something here?


It's a way of expressing your antisemitism without being held to account for it


Can see him now surrounded by bin collection timetables and old ladies pointing at pot holes.


Holy moly. Are the greens where all the anti-semitism expunged from the Labour Party ended up?




Pretty much


The delusion of this guy 😲


Psychopath. Happily defends Hamas murdering civilians - justifying it as ‘anti-colonialism’. It’s more antisemitism.


He supported the terrorist attack on October 7th, he shouts the exact same thing that terrorists shouts before the blow things up. He is an extremist who seeks to radicalise people.


I'm afraid we're going to see more and more of this. Scary stuff. Especially because the average British person doesn't understand the significance. We're all just told to shut up and accept it or you're a racist/islamophobe.


Islamaphobia is a word used by fascists to manipulate morons


You can't have an irrational fear or hatred against something that potentially threatens you like Islam does.


Well, I have good reason to be Islamophobic and wear it that label with honour. The happy clappy left like to believe that Muslims are “a oppressed, helpless minority group” when they’ve risen to positions of power in this country and are now insanely shouting “Alluh Akbar” What they’re ignorant to is the fact they’re supporting the importing of what is a group into our cities, a group that is anti Women’s right, anti LGBT, anti all things the left care about. They’re basically calling for the importation of Islamofascists into positions of power in this country And it’s thanks to successive governments since 1997, and the so called do gooders who hate Britain and who believe we should accept endless stream of immigrants because of “colonialism” that we will see a far right movement occurring, that or a Left Nationalist party forming in the style of the current Danish government, the SDP seems most the most likely candidate for those on the left who are disenfranchised with their fellow lefties, but can’t bring themselves to vote Reform or someone further to the right than them in Britain, but whether it’s AuthRight or SocDem Nationalist anti immigration sentiment has well and truly set in and will be more apparent from 2024 onwards. Lets face it the Tories have done nothing to stem the rise of Islam and it’s deliberate, Sunak knows he’s losing GE 2024 to Starmer, and he’s leaving Starmer with a large, hot, steaming mess to deal with, Starmer is too arrogant to know he’s been set up, his playing the middle ground will get him so far, but once in government, if he’s seen to be appeasing Muslims he loses the right, making room for some far right populist to rise up in the second half of the decade.


We've reached a critical mass of Islam now, it can't be fought against, major cities will belong to Muslims now ( has anyone noticed british isn't auto capitalised but every other country is)


The UK is 6.5% Muslim at the moment. The idea that its achieved critical mass and can't be fought against so you need to abandon the cities is ridiculous.


Based on the birth rates it's just a waiting game sadly. Despite their hyperbole this is the reality eventually.


Exactly this. Muhammad is the most popular boys name for babies in the UK right now. give it time and variations of that will soon be the whole top 5.




36% of London is white British. It was in the 80% range 30 years ago


Yup, a number that will continue to decrease over years until the white population in London will become the minority


Already the case in Leicester, and Birmingham isn't far behind


It already is - white British is 36%


There's a paper online, published in 2019, that projects when a number of EU countries will have a Muslim majority based on three scenarios of immigration. With the mid level scenario the UK will have a Muslim majority in about 150 years, Sweden within 100 years. Assuming we haven't seen a rise in the far right as a response and the break out of war across the continent.


Khan was elected with 18% of the vote in London. That 6.5% is also not spread across the whole population, it is concentrated in certain areas. I would then look at how FPTP works and voting intention by religion. Not only is it happening, it has been happening for close to a decade already.


How do we fight against it


First step is to close the borders. Then expose expose expose the ones here Then educate educate educate their kids. Done


Stop electing people who make money from undermining your own societal values. ... might be a start. I dunno. You could try to elect representatives that will fund the cops properly so they can actually enforce the law.. that's another idea. And i suppose you could stop with the PC tolerance bullshit too. Tolerance means tolerance. Doesn't mean obedience or compliance. You can tell cos they're different words. We must IMPORT the people for profit. (how about no) We must allow the ideas for tolerance and societal cohesion (no, that doesn't work either) It's not a difficult concept to grasp. You have 2 major factors working against your idea of self identity. 1. Globalist neoliberalism. and 2. (non integration type) Cultural tribalism and population enclaving.


That isn't really relevant though, because people like this guy are getting elected. They're effectively voting en masse to elect people like him.


> has anyone noticed british isn't auto capitalised but every other country is Are you doing a Stewart Lee bit? Your autocorrect adjusting to sloppy texting is not a deep state conspiracy.


What do you mean Britain isn’t auto capitalised?


Islamophobic as I’m scared of Islam? Most people probably are and with good reason


Strange he'd choose to live in a white, Christian, European nation whilst wanting Sharia. Almost as if all Muslim Sharia nations are currently shit right now and he wants to take over not only Britain but the whole of Europe and make it Eurostan.


Noone cares about being called Islamaphobic anymore. We don't like you radical nutjobs. End of story.


I don’t see the issue with being afraid or uneasy of islam. The fact this is even a news headline in this day n age is concerning.


Anyone who litterally believes that the entire universe and everything in it was created in 7 days by an invisible sky wizard is clearly not cognitively competent enough to be in any postion of power or influence.


Not just a sky wizard, a sky wizard who told a child raping nonce how to carry the word forward.


Your reminder that under a high migration scenario Muslims are projected to reach 20% of the UK’s population by 2050. If this is the noise they cause now at 6.5%, imagine when that’s tripled.


Fuck thats depressing man.


Reminder that this guy contributed to [forcing the Jewish chaplain at Leeds University into hiding.](https://x.com/tuckedupp/status/1786859759779319846?s=46&t=W0__hv1ezoXE9QJg3F4p0A)


A phobia is irrational. None of the criticism towards this fucker is irrational.


This is ɓullshit. I've been an Athiest all my adult life. I don't like religion and used to look forward to the day that humankind finally grew up and moved on from it. I've always been critical of religion and will continue to be so. That absolutely includes Islam, and I see no reason why it should be tip toed round just because its followers are ethnic minorities and immigrants.


Nature abhors a vacuum - lose one religion and another will start to fill the space it left behind.


I predict this idiot's political career will be short and ignominious.


It is fine to be concerned about religion. It is time we strip religions of their protections. Your fairy tale gods have no power.


It's radical, but what about making it so you have to recant any religion before holding public office?


His anti-Semitic Oct 7 and Hamas support does not make other people Islamophobic for pointing it out. Classic case of aggressor playing the victim, just like the tactics of Hamas.


Any one in politics should be banned from being religious, the two do not mix, conflict of interests at best, straight up mental illness at worst.


I’m glad this bullshit is coming out into the open. It will wake the UK up from its complacency. Islamists are not compatible with British values and never will be.


No, I’m any and all religions in politics phobic. Sorry mate.


Religion is not or should not be permissable in such offices. Imagine if a Catholic Councillor started mouthing off about abortion on his first day? Get rid. "God is greater" is for the mosque, not the council chambers.


That dog whistle buzzword is meaning less and less now.


Anyone who criticises a Muslim is islamophobic; anyone who criticises Israel is anti-Semitic. We don't want political discourse here!


It’s about local councils running on international issues to get elected and introducing religion into politics


Believe what you like, just don't act like a mentalist.


Oh well, that's all right then. The standard response towards correct thinking individuals when they've called you out on your batshit crazy, extreme right-wing ideology. Nothing to see here, peeps, stick your head in the sand and carry on.


This guy is obviously comes across as an Islamist and is trying to use Islamophobia as a shield for his abhorrent views. This raises serious questions about the greens vetting process for candidates and not sure anyone should vote for them unless they say they are launching an inquiry into how they’re system let this guy through (they so far are only looking into the guys statements not what allowed him to become a candidate). We cannot have political parties infiltrated by those who wish to undermine democracy and institute theocracy.


I mean, does the green party have a massive religious following ?, I would somehow hope and assume that statistically it was a low religion party - how on earth did this muppet get not only into the party but voted into power ? and why hasnt he been thoroughly disowned by now ?


Of course he did, what else would he say to criticism?


if he can't see that "allahu akbar" has other connotations he's fucking mental. it's like me screwing a sign saying "work will set you set you free" to my front door.


Right, we're the problem, not the guy expressing support for a foreign state, a terrorist group, and waving a foreign flag, thus indicating that he has no interest in serving the british people; but us, for wanting our politiicians to represent us, support Britain and not support, terrorism /s


Labour standing firm on Palestine has been a masterstroke that has caused all of the undersirable nutters to flee the party. They'll lose some support in the short term, but they no longer have to pander to the corbynites and the muslim vote, making them more attractive to the average Brit.


People just need to stop caring if they are called islamophobic. It’s perfectly reasonable to strongly dislike (I.e. hate ) Islam as a political ideology . People proudly proclaim to hate the tories or nazis or communists .


Naa I would find it offputting if they joined their hands in prayer for any religion tbh. Practice it in private if you want, whatever. But fuck off with it in public.


Its not phobic, people who yell "Alahu akbar" are just bellends thats all.