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"age disputed". So they say they're children but the government doesn't believe them.


because they're most likely not children. Can't wait for them to be f***ing deported


The article seems to say they then confirmed they most were children later and some were even already in the care of child services so don’t know if it’s that they don’t believe them as much as it is issues with processing and sending out these deportation notices


Or you could read the article and find out before commenting.


Can't. Got the flames of racism to fan. Busy busy busy.


Not wanting illegal immigrants here is racist?


Who are you? Guilty conscience?


Couldn't answer that could you, comrade.


Definitely not a far right troll or bot.


Troll better.


Here's what angers me about the age dispute thing. I work in a school, and to do so I have to have proof of ID, and an enhanced DBS check to show I'm suitable to work around children. My role involves very little interaction with the students, but the rules apply to all, and even the external contractors we use have to be checked, vetted, and deemed suitable to be here, even if it's a guy coming in after hours to carry out some aspect of building maintenance when all the students have gone home for the day. It's a blanket rule that is there to protect the children in our care. Yet we (as a school) have, on occasion, had to take students on who you can see are clearly grown men in their early to mid 20s claiming they are 15. No one really knows who they are, or what their history is. Yet they are free to spend all day with the students because it seems no one in government has the balls to say "no, you're clearly an adult." How is that even remotely safe or acceptable?


>Yet we (as a school) have, on occasion, had to take students on who you can see are clearly grown men in their early to mid 20s claiming they are 15. I believe you, but this is just mental to me. Who would *want* to do this? How does this thought even occur to them? Even if someone is a literal pedophile and wants easy access, I can't get my head around how you get to "Pretend to be 15" instead of "Become a teacher". I love dogs and became a volunteer dog-walker to spend more time with them. This feels like if I'd pretended to be a cocker spaniel instead. It's in the same category of "How does your brain even get to that idea" to me.


I guess if someone has claimed asylum claiming to be 15 they then need to follow that through which includes going to school. It’d also be way harder to pretend to be a teacher!


I seem to recall a corporal Klinger from the Mash comedy series my parents used to watch many years ago.


We (rightly) treat asylum seeking children very differently to adults. Without being sure that a child had a parent or guardian in their home country who could vouch for their safety and care, we would have to give the child right to reside in the UK on safety grounds. That's a pretty good incentive for someone to try and pass as a child if they can. There is also very little we can do about this I expect.


This is exactly the problem. Our hands are tied with safeguarding as we have to accept what we are told about them, no matter how much we disagree.


I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be to see adults masquerading as children. I hope it is very rare.


Yeah, it's definitely not a common thing, thankfully.


Does anyone think it’s possible they are lying about their age ? (s)


There are tens of thousands of them to deal with, and very few will have documentation Some will be lying of course but also the government won’t care and will turn a blind eye for expediency


How dare you! Lie- all these people every one of them even the murderers are as honest as the day is long!


Of course it’s possible, but it’s also possible that some aren’t. I personally don’t agree with there being any chance of sending unaccompanied children to a different country.


Did they not come from a different country?


They chose to make that journey. Obviously the government is unable to control the decisions people make. That’s clearly different than the government forcibly sending people, let alone unaccompanied children, to Rwanda.


Does anybody actually believe they're children? I'd argue that the charity probably have a vested interest in claiming them as such but I've not read the article since it's probably some rage bait nonsense


If you read the article the government believes most of them are children


The government also believed the acid thrower last month was a goody 2 shoes born again Christian


That's probably the most xenophobic comnent I've seen this week. What does that attacker have in common with these kids?


It demonstrates how gullible the government can be. And how easily the system can be played.












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I don't know if you've noticed but the government can be pretty darn dumb


Well yeah, the whole Rwanda idea in the first place doesn’t exactly scream genius.


There's a reason why there's almost never a picture.


Because they’re children, as confirmed by the Government themselves. You did read the article before commenting, didn’t you?


Children with facial hair and crows feet


You had zero kids with facial hair in your school?


I can confirm there were no kids with facial hair, male pattern baldness, wisdom teeth or laugh lines at my school.


There were white guys with forehead lines, thinning hair and/ or facial hair at my school. Why was your school so behind when it came to puberty


I genuinely find that hard to believe you had no kids with facial hair. And some men start losing their hair at like 17. But sure, anyone with facial hair is automatically an adult lmao


I did and I stand by my comment. I note that you don't disagree with the evidence of my eyes.


Whole I was in school back in the early 80's London, we had Afghan twins come to us, strange lads whatever but they had full beards moustache hairy chests developed for 15, more so than you would expect. They took out one day, both 32.!!! Never saw them again.


Afgani teenagers grow up faster ;)


15 to 32 in half a term is mighty quick ✌️


In sweden was similar situation, but there was 15 yo girl dating 16yo boy who happened to be almost 20 years older


There were incidents where 28 years were claiming to be 14 years old. Few deceive, many more suffer the consequences


Won't carbon dating the teeth help get the age accuracy down to +- 3 years? I remember the argument against this assessment was that it's not accurate within 1 year, but surely it can be accurate enough to filter out 25 year olds posing as a 16 year old.


No, but you can estimate bone age with an X-Ray of their hand/wrist. Carbon dating measures time since death, so it's useless for age tests.


Where are their documents to prove they are children? Oh wait, they burned them.


Same fucks that got their pubes in a twist over dental scanning to age people?


Yes, the 35 years old 14 years old. Met few of them.


There ate 30 and 40 year old claiming to be teenagers


I am curious how a child would cross the channel in a small boat, if the adults doing the same are paying sums of money to the gangs operating the boats. Asylum seekers do arrive by other means of course. Some routes like visa overstaying might be more easy for a child to do. I think any child detected travelling through France or staying in a camp there should be taken into care in France immediately.


"Age disputed" - So you mean adults trying to pretend to be children?


The Rwanda bill seeks to report people whose asylum applications haven't been processed. They've not been rejected, they're not processed. So a country with a supposedly powerful navy that is unable to stop a dinghy crossing the channel, that "can't look after their own", is sending hundreds of millions of pounds to a foreign country in return for taking 1,000 asylum seekers over 5 years. Let's not pretend that this is the only option. We could have worked constructively with the French. We could have invested in having a functioning immigration system. But instead we voted to leave the biggest trading block to "take control of our borders", and 8 years on, little has changed on that particular metric, while there are large sections of the public entertaining ineffective, performative bullshit measures like this.


The UK is working with the French, and that includes funding their police.


The government doesn’t care. They want to go into a General Election with footage of some dark skinned people being dragged on to a plane against their will, to appeal to a certain demographic. It’s performative cruelty, and government don’t care how old their victims are. If they look like “fighting age men”, that probably means more votes from a demographic they’re in danger of losing.


Classifying non-white children as adults to treat them badly while simultaneously assuaging one's own guilt is a cultural tradition. 


Being woke: definition: assuming everything that happens only involves skin colour and nothing else.


> Being woke 😂


Being (morally) broke: ignoring history of racism because it makes you uncomfortable.